Atamisk Posted October 5, 2021 Posted October 5, 2021 I know this has been done before but a quick forum search didn't yield much in the way of results. Sorry for what must be an annoying repeat question! Our company uses mitel phone system and has a web interface called "Ignite" that will let us know of the call %'s and most importantly if there is a call waiting in the queue. I have a screen refresh running on that tab in chrome to refreshes every 15seconds (dont know if it's relevant but I included this info just in case) What I want to do is have Autoit watch a specific section of the screen and tell me if a "0" changes to any other number in that specific area. I've got a link to the screenshot I took of the page and it's source. I dont see much in the source that would help me to monitor. Anything that simple will watch the indicated area for a change from ")" to any other number and play a sound would be awesome.
AlessandroAvolio Posted October 5, 2021 Posted October 5, 2021 (edited) You can follow a simple approach, which alerts you to the generic change of a portion of the screen, using the PixelCheckSum function. If the program doesn't allow you to easily distinguish zero with PixelCheckSum, you can follow a more complicated approach: choose whether the program must distinguish zero from other numbers on the basis of graphic information or on the basis of textual information. In the first case you will have to collect graphic information, i.e. position and colors of the zero pixels in order to distinguish it from the other numbers and for this you'll have to use PixelSearch, PixelGetColor and/or ImageSearch UDF. In the second case, you can base your program on the text of the page that you can get from the source code or by "select all", "copy" and "paste" to the clipboard (Send, ClipGet, Stringinstr, StringMid etc). Edited October 5, 2021 by AlessandroAvolio
Moderators Melba23 Posted October 5, 2021 Moderators Posted October 5, 2021 Atamisk, Welcome to the AutoIt forum. Does the AutoIt Window Info tool give any details of the GUI and the controls within it? I rather doubt it will, but you never know. Is the GUI in which the number appears resizeable? If not, then you might be able to use PixelCheckSum on the specific area of the GUI and note when a change occurs - I have done this in the past on various "unhelpful" GUIs. M23 Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind Open spoiler to see my UDFs: Spoiler ArrayMultiColSort ---- Sort arrays on multiple columnsChooseFileFolder ---- Single and multiple selections from specified path treeview listingDate_Time_Convert -- Easily convert date/time formats, including the language usedExtMsgBox --------- A highly customisable replacement for MsgBoxGUIExtender -------- Extend and retract multiple sections within a GUIGUIFrame ---------- Subdivide GUIs into many adjustable framesGUIListViewEx ------- Insert, delete, move, drag, sort, edit and colour ListView itemsGUITreeViewEx ------ Check/clear parent and child checkboxes in a TreeViewMarquee ----------- Scrolling tickertape GUIsNoFocusLines ------- Remove the dotted focus lines from buttons, sliders, radios and checkboxesNotify ------------- Small notifications on the edge of the displayScrollbars ----------Automatically sized scrollbars with a single commandStringSize ---------- Automatically size controls to fit textToast -------------- Small GUIs which pop out of the notification area
Atamisk Posted October 5, 2021 Author Posted October 5, 2021 48 minutes ago, AlessandroAvolio said: You can follow a simple approach, which alerts you to the generic change of a portion of the screen, using the PixelCheckSum function. If the program doesn't allow you to easily distinguish zero with PixelCheckSum, you can follow a more complicated approach: choose whether the program must distinguish zero from other numbers on the basis of graphic information or on the basis of textual information. In the first case you will have to collect graphic information, i.e. position and colors of the zero pixels in order to distinguish it from the other numbers and for this you'll have to use PixelSearch, PixelGetColor and/or ImageSearch UDF. In the second case, you can base your program on the text of the page that you can get from the source code or by "select all", "copy" and "paste" to the clipboard (Send, ClipGet, Stringinstr, StringMid etc). I'll begin working on these as options now. Per chance, is there a generic format I can see on building out something like this? I seem to remember a repository of auto-it scripts that others have done? I hate to be a script kiddy, but I'm not great at coding. 48 minutes ago, Melba23 said: Atamisk, Welcome to the AutoIt forum. Does the AutoIt Window Info tool give any details of the GUI and the controls within it? I rather doubt it will, but you never know. Is the GUI in which the number appears resizeable? If not, then you might be able to use PixelCheckSum on the specific area of the GUI and note when a change occurs - I have done this in the past on various "unhelpful" GUIs. M23 Thank you for the welcome! Here is the window summary I pulled from AutoIt Windows Info tool. The GUI is just a simple chrome window and I can resize it as needed.
Solution AlessandroAvolio Posted October 5, 2021 Solution Posted October 5, 2021 (edited) Open Scite, type the function name, set the cursor on the word, press F1, you get definition and examples. An example of a program that might work expandcollapse popup#include <AutoItConstants.au3> Main() Func Main() Local Const $aScreenArea[4] = [39, 355, 123, 429] ; Get coords with AutoIt v3 Window Info tool, Mouse tab Local $iCheckSumZero Local $iCheckSumNotZero Local $iCheckSum MsgBox(64, "Collecting graphic info", "Ensure number zero is on screen, inside $aScreenArea portion before continue") $iCheckSumZero = PixelChecksum($aScreenArea[0], $aScreenArea[1], $aScreenArea[2], $aScreenArea[3]) While 1 $iCheckSum = PixelChecksum($aScreenArea[0], $aScreenArea[1], $aScreenArea[2], $aScreenArea[3]) While $iCheckSum == $iCheckSumZero Sleep(400) $iCheckSum = PixelChecksum($aScreenArea[0], $aScreenArea[1], $aScreenArea[2], $aScreenArea[3]) WEnd $iCheckSumNotZero = $iCheckSum SoundPlay(@WindowsDir & "\media\tada.wav", $SOUND_NOWAIT) $iCheckSum = PixelChecksum($aScreenArea[0], $aScreenArea[1], $aScreenArea[2], $aScreenArea[3]) While $iCheckSum == $iCheckSumNotZero Sleep(400) $iCheckSum = PixelChecksum($aScreenArea[0], $aScreenArea[1], $aScreenArea[2], $aScreenArea[3]) WEnd WEnd EndFunc Edited October 5, 2021 by AlessandroAvolio
Atamisk Posted October 5, 2021 Author Posted October 5, 2021 22 minutes ago, AlessandroAvolio said: Open Scite, type the function name, set the cursor on the word, press F1, you get definition and examples. An example of a program that might work expandcollapse popup#include <AutoItConstants.au3> Main() Func Main() Local Const $aScreenArea[4] = [39, 355, 123, 429] ; Get coords with AutoIt v3 Window Info tool, Mouse tab Local $iCheckSumZero Local $iCheckSumNotZero Local $iCheckSum MsgBox(64, "Collecting graphic info", "Ensure number zero is on screen, inside $aScreenArea portion before continue") $iCheckSumZero = PixelChecksum($aScreenArea[0], $aScreenArea[1], $aScreenArea[2], $aScreenArea[3]) While 1 $iCheckSum = PixelChecksum($aScreenArea[0], $aScreenArea[1], $aScreenArea[2], $aScreenArea[3]) While $iCheckSum == $iCheckSumZero Sleep(400) $iCheckSum = PixelChecksum($aScreenArea[0], $aScreenArea[1], $aScreenArea[2], $aScreenArea[3]) WEnd $iCheckSumNotZero = $iCheckSum SoundPlay(@WindowsDir & "\media\tada.wav", $SOUND_NOWAIT) $iCheckSum = PixelChecksum($aScreenArea[0], $aScreenArea[1], $aScreenArea[2], $aScreenArea[3]) While $iCheckSum == $iCheckSumNotZero Sleep(400) $iCheckSum = PixelChecksum($aScreenArea[0], $aScreenArea[1], $aScreenArea[2], $aScreenArea[3]) WEnd WEnd EndFunc OMG thank you so much! I'll use this as a template and work with it this evening. It'll help out the other T1 guys to get a notification that there is something waiting if I can append this to work on their computers as well. Thanks again!!!
AlessandroAvolio Posted October 5, 2021 Posted October 5, 2021 3 minutes ago, Atamisk said: OMG thank you so much! I'll use this as a template and work with it this evening. It'll help out the other T1 guys to get a notification that there is something waiting if I can append this to work on their computers as well. Thanks again!!! Make sure it works first! 😄 If it goes well don't forget to mark the solution in this thread!
Atamisk Posted October 5, 2021 Author Posted October 5, 2021 I'm playing with it now. I will be back to let you know how it goes.
AlessandroAvolio Posted October 5, 2021 Posted October 5, 2021 3 minutes ago, Atamisk said: I'm playing with it now. I will be back to let you know how it goes. You will need to check whether or not it was relevant to specify "refreshes every 15seconds (dont know if it's relevant but I included this info just in case)" because the script can only work if the page is static and doesn't move when reloading
Atamisk Posted October 5, 2021 Author Posted October 5, 2021 Yep, noticed that was a problem so I disabled my tab refresher program. The portal should do the Contact waiting update on it's own but it was not 100% so I tossed a tab auto-refresher in there to help things along. For the purpose of this working I can disabled my addon and trust Mitel's software to update like it's supposed to (HA!)
Atamisk Posted October 5, 2021 Author Posted October 5, 2021 So Changed a little bit here but I'm having some issues. I dont know if this is relevant or not but I have 3 monitors (laptop screen and 2 LCD's off the laptop's dock) I made the following adjustments to the script expandcollapse popup#include <AutoItConstants.au3> Main() Func Main() Local Const $aScreenArea[4] = [4160, 320, 4200, 350] ; Get coords with AutoIt v3 Window Info tool, Mouse tab Local $iCheckSumZero Local $iCheckSumNotZero Local $iCheckSum MsgBox(64, "Collecting graphic info", "Ensure number zero is on screen, inside $aScreenArea portion before continue") $iCheckSumZero = PixelChecksum($aScreenArea[0], $aScreenArea[1], $aScreenArea[2], $aScreenArea[3]) While 1 $iCheckSum = PixelChecksum($aScreenArea[0], $aScreenArea[1], $aScreenArea[2], $aScreenArea[3]) While $iCheckSum == $iCheckSumZero Sleep(1000) $iCheckSum = PixelChecksum($aScreenArea[0], $aScreenArea[1], $aScreenArea[2], $aScreenArea[3]) WEnd $iCheckSumNotZero = $iCheckSum SoundPlay(@WindowsDir & "\media\Alarm06.wav", $SOUND_NOWAIT) $iCheckSum = PixelChecksum($aScreenArea[0], $aScreenArea[1], $aScreenArea[2], $aScreenArea[3]) While $iCheckSum == $iCheckSumNotZero Sleep(1000) $iCheckSum = PixelChecksum($aScreenArea[0], $aScreenArea[1], $aScreenArea[2], $aScreenArea[3]) WEnd WEnd EndFunc Simple things like different sound and a bit longer sleep timer. Here is the screenshot of the window info on the watched area It's not working though. I feel like I'm missing something basic here.
AlessandroAvolio Posted October 5, 2021 Posted October 5, 2021 @Atamisk Did you try with the sound I chose? Try replace SoundPlay with Beep(500, 500) or Msgbox(0, "", ""). Does it work?
Atamisk Posted October 5, 2021 Author Posted October 5, 2021 so I changed it to the Beep(500,500) and it didn't work but I opened a program window and threw it over in that area and my computer beeped. I think it's a location thing. Maybe I should increase the size of the detection box and test that. I'm gonna play with a tiny window about the size of my detection box and see if it beeps while I moved it near that area.
Atamisk Posted October 5, 2021 Author Posted October 5, 2021 weird, it's above the detection area by about 1/4 an inch. Wonder if having the three screens is messing with the detection area..... or maybe I'm thinking about the X,Y positions wrong?
AlessandroAvolio Posted October 5, 2021 Posted October 5, 2021 1 minute ago, Atamisk said: strano, è sopra l'area di rilevamento di circa 1/4 di pollice. Mi chiedo se avere i tre schermi stia rovinando l'area di rilevamento..... o forse sto pensando alle posizioni X,Y sbagliate? Find out with this #include <ScreenCapture.au3> Main() Func Main() Local Const $aScreenArea[4] = [296, 0, 323, 31] ; Get coords with AutoIt v3 Window Info tool, Mouse tab Local Const $sZeroFileName = "zero.bmp" Local Const $sZeroFilePath = @ScriptDir & "\" & $sZeroFileName _ScreenCapture_Capture($sZeroFilePath, $aScreenArea[0], $aScreenArea[1], $aScreenArea[2], $aScreenArea[3], False) SplashImageOn("Zero in selected screen area", $sZeroFilePath, 400, 300, Default, @DesktopHeight * 0.10) Sleep(1000) MsgBox(64 + $MB_TOPMOST, "Confirm zero is in selected screen area", "Ensure zero is shown in the window above.") SplashOff() EndFunc
Atamisk Posted October 5, 2021 Author Posted October 5, 2021 23 minutes ago, AlessandroAvolio said: Find out with this #include <ScreenCapture.au3> Main() Func Main() Local Const $aScreenArea[4] = [296, 0, 323, 31] ; Get coords with AutoIt v3 Window Info tool, Mouse tab Local Const $sZeroFileName = "zero.bmp" Local Const $sZeroFilePath = @ScriptDir & "\" & $sZeroFileName _ScreenCapture_Capture($sZeroFilePath, $aScreenArea[0], $aScreenArea[1], $aScreenArea[2], $aScreenArea[3], False) SplashImageOn("Zero in selected screen area", $sZeroFilePath, 400, 300, Default, @DesktopHeight * 0.10) Sleep(1000) MsgBox(64 + $MB_TOPMOST, "Confirm zero is in selected screen area", "Ensure zero is shown in the window above.") SplashOff() EndFunc Very odd. Using your program I was able to narrow down the cord's and the window info was way off Blue lightning bolt is my Cursor position, red lines are detection area that makes noise when crossed Right side has the cursor cord's while the bottom window shows what the program sees as the cursor cords. Wonder why the discrepancy.
AlessandroAvolio Posted October 5, 2021 Posted October 5, 2021 14 minutes ago, Atamisk said: Very odd. Using your program I was able to narrow down the cord's and the window info was way off Blue lightning bolt is my Cursor position, red lines are detection area that makes noise when crossed Right side has the cursor cord's while the bottom window shows what the program sees as the cursor cords. Wonder why the discrepancy. Does it change something if you run it to work on main central display?
Atamisk Posted October 5, 2021 Author Posted October 5, 2021 At the moment, it is running on the laptop screen which would be considered the main display but with the two externals still plugged in. I'll unplug the other screens here and test again. I'm betting it has to do with the multi-monitors messing with how things are detected. Gotta go take care of some stuff so I'll have to work more on this tomorrow. Thanks for the help, I'll let you know how it goes!
AlessandroAvolio Posted October 5, 2021 Posted October 5, 2021 2 minutes ago, Atamisk said: At the moment, it is running on the laptop screen which would be considered the main display but with the two externals still plugged in. I'll unplug the other screens here and test again. I'm betting it has to do with the multi-monitors messing with how things are detected. Gotta go take care of some stuff so I'll have to work more on this tomorrow. Thanks for the help, I'll let you know how it goes! ok
junkew Posted October 6, 2021 Posted October 6, 2021 (edited) I think you can reach your goal with multiple solutions and imagesearch/pixelchecksum I would not start with (although it should be possible) Alternatives IUIAutomation search on the forum plenty of links With simplespy you should get a basic code example to start with how to inspect an element. WebDriver javascript (injected thru addressbar) javascript:if (document.getElementsByName("q")[0].value="abc") {alert(searchEl[0].value)} pixelchecksum Edited October 6, 2021 by junkew FAQ 31 How to click some elements, FAQ 40 Test automation with AutoIt, Multithreading CLR .NET Powershell CMDLets
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