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I have IETable,

Get by this code

$oTable = _IETableGetCollection ($oIE, 1)
$aTableData = _IETableWriteToArray ($oTable)

Local Const $iArrayNumberOfCols = UBound($aTableData, $UBOUND_COLUMNS)
Local Const $iArrayNumberOfRows = UBound($aTableData, $UBOUND_ROWS)
Local $aArraySubstringsRow[$iArrayNumberOfCols]

;~ Local $aExtract = _ArrayExtract ($aTableData, 1, 1, 1, -1)
;~ MsgBox(0, "", $iArrayNumberOfCols)

;~ _ArrayDisplay($aExtract)
Local Const $iArrayRowIndex = 1

Local $sSubstring

For $i = 0 To $iArrayNumberOfCols - 1
    $sSubstring = StringLeft($aTableData[$iArrayRowIndex][$i], 2)
    $aArraySubstringsRow[$i] = $sSubstring

_ArrayDisplay($aArraySubstringsRow, "This is a row")

and i want to use cell (52, 82, 18, 9,...10) one by one for selecting dropdown box in internet explorer.


So, How to show/get/extract cell one by one (in msgbox)? 

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