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For a specific requirement the outbound email are managed by an on-prem EDGE server. The EDGE re-write the local on-prem email address with another domain [exposed domain - mx record-]. Everything is working fine but we are having an issue when the internal local users are requesting an invite meeting by  Outlook calendar . In that case when the receiver accept the request invite it generate an error "domain not found". In this scenario the EDGE server is not able to rewrite also the calendar MIME request  (V-card) header inside the message so when the receiver accepts the request the reply [mechanism] will fails as will be used the email address of the local user  [domain not exposed ] and not the external one.

I was wondering if Autoit is able to manipulate somehow the invite heade- calendar MIME (V-card))- re-witing the user email.
Posted (edited)

I won't say it's certainly possible, but I think it may be. I found this (social.msdn) question about editing MIME headers. I think the part you'll want is this:

MailItem.PropertyAccessor.SetProperty("http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/string/{00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}/X-Test", "MyValue")

Of course, this is for a MailItem, but if it's possible for an email it should be similarly possible for a calendar request. I'm strongly inclined to believe they are emails as well, just treated differently on the front-end.

You'll probably want to check out water's OutlookEx if you haven't already. It'll help you get started with finding the items in the folders and getting Outlook objects into AutoIt.

Edit: Whenever I'm using Outlook and I need to google something, I use 'VBA' in the search instead of AutoIt. It'll get you more answers and works from AutoIt. Here I used "edit mime header outlook vba" :)

Edited by seadoggie01

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