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Posted (edited)

Hi all - I have created a simple script that turn on cctv software (contacam)  when my phone does not ping back (when I'm out of range of home network)

#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
$iPing = 0

For $i = 5 To 1 Step -1 ; this 5 loops cycle is just for testing - please ignnore - when complete it will be an endless loop




Func Example()
    ; Ping the phone.
    $iPing = Ping("")

    If $iPing Then ; If a value greater than 0 was returned then turn off camera.
        _startCCTV() ; If a value of 0 was returned then turn on camera.
EndFunc   ;==>Example

Func _startCCTV()
    ShellExecute("C:\contacam capture\FJ Camera\CAMERA.bat", "on")
    ShellExecute("C:\contacam capture\FJ Camera\CAMERA_REC_SENSITIVITY.bat", "50")


Func _endCCTV()

    ShellExecute("C:\contacam capture\FJ Camera\CAMERA_REC_SENSITIVITY.bat", "0")
    ShellExecute("C:\contacam capture\FJ Camera\CAMERA.bat", "off")



the problem I have is that in this format the script run the bat file that turn on the camera (or off) everytime the ping runs but obviously once the ping returns 0 and the camera starts I only want to run the bat on ping NOT 0 (turn off camera) 

any ideas/advice?

Edited by mmoalem
  • Developers

Just keep track of the current status of the camera.
How do you run the script? is it scheduled each x minutes? In that case you could write that current status to an INI file and retrieve at the start of the script.


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thanks - guess that can work - but was wondering about splitting the loop into two - one looped function check ping for 0 when its true it turns camera on and than runs another looped function that check ping for NOT 0 and if thats true it turns camera off andf than runs the first function. this will avoid having ini files but not sure how best to execute interweaving loops that run each other...


Would have to agree with @Jos here, just do this, it’s not so bad.

#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
$iPing = 0, $bCamera=False

For $i = 5 To 1 Step -1 ; this 5 loops cycle is just for testing - please ignnore - when complete it will be an endless loop




Func Example()
    ; Ping the phone.
    $iPing = Ping("")

    If $iPing Then ; If a value greater than 0 was returned then turn off camera.
        _startCCTV() ; If a value of 0 was returned then turn on camera.
EndFunc   ;==>Example

Func _startCCTV()

If Not $bCamera Then    
    ShellExecute("C:\contacam capture\FJ Camera\CAMERA.bat", "on")
    ShellExecute("C:\contacam capture\FJ Camera\CAMERA_REC_SENSITIVITY.bat", "50")

Func _endCCTV()

If $bCamera Then
    ShellExecute("C:\contacam capture\FJ Camera\CAMERA_REC_SENSITIVITY.bat", "0")
    ShellExecute("C:\contacam capture\FJ Camera\CAMERA.bat", "off")

*Not tested - assumes endless looping - assumes the script is started locally (i.e. with camera off).

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