Orlina Posted May 20, 2021 Posted May 20, 2021 (edited) Dear Guru, please help. I have made a form for send a ticket to an email. for testing I made that after filling the forms it gives the dialog message. But I me the problem that, the script send ro wrong information or dont send at all. The description of the form is: - first you have to enter the name, - then you have to fill the operator code - After have to select the manager - After select the department - After select the plant and here, I met the problem. I have to select the problem from drop down menu, If I dont select, it gives the error. if I select the last point of menu named "Other Problem" it should ask me to fill the Description. But the problem is that it asks me to fill the description even if I choose the existing problem. So the task is all the form required. If some of the from is empty, the form shoud give eror if in Problem menu there is point "other problem" it shoud ask me to fill the description of the problem, if in Problem menu there is any other point , it shoud send the form Please, help me. here is my code, with my problem expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <ColorConstants.au3> #include <ComboConstants.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <Inet.au3> #include <FontConstants.au3> #Include <EditConstants.au3> #Include<file.au3> #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form= Local Const $sFont = "Comic Sans Ms" ;~ Create a popup window ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Form = GUICreate(" Ticket System ", 320, 600, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_SYSMENU,$WS_POPUP,$DS_MODALFRAME), BitOR($WS_EX_TOPMOST,$WS_EX_TRANSPARENT)) ;~ $Form = GUICreate(" Ticket System ", 320, 600) GUISetBkColor(0xFFFFFF) ;~ Create a picture of LOGO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;~ create header of form ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global $header = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Ticket Form", 90, 110, 165, 80) GUICtrlSetColor($header, 0x013b84) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 20, $FW_EXTRABOLD) ;~ Create input of username ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUICtrlCreateLabel("User Name", 10, 185, 100, 20) Global $idFile = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 100, 185, 200,20) ;~ Create input of user code ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUICtrlCreateLabel("Operator Number", 10, 215, 100, 20) Global $operatorNumber = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 100, 215,200,20) ;~ Create input of Manager drop down menu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUICtrlCreateLabel("Select Manager", 10, 245, 100, 20) Global $dropManager = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 100, 245, 200, 20) GUICtrlSetData($dropManager, "Manager1|Manager2|Manager3|Manager4|Manager5|Manager6|Manager7|Manager8|", "") ;~ Create input of Department drop down menu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUICtrlCreateLabel("Select Department", 10, 275, 100, 20) Global $dropDepartment = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 100, 275, 200, 20) GUICtrlSetData($dropDepartment, "Production|Planing|Engineering|Materiales|Logistics|IT|Accounting|APM/APT|Quality|Security|Preparation|Maintenance|Purchasing|Health &Safety|HR|Training|QA Supplier|FAE PS ", "") ;~ Create input of Plants drop down menu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUICtrlCreateLabel("Select Plant", 10, 305, 100, 20) Global $dropPlants = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 100, 305, 200, 20) GUICtrlSetData($dropPlants, "Plant1 |Plant2", "") ;~ Create input of Problems drop down ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUICtrlCreateLabel("Select Problem", 10,335,100,20) Global $dropProblems = GUICtrlCreateCombo("Choose the problem...", 100, 335, 200, 20) GUICtrlSetData($dropProblems, "No Network|Need Skype account|Need access|Printing limit finished|Freezed form|Outlook Doen't work|Change Keyboard|Change Mouse|Change Monitor|Install Software|Don't work Printer|Doesn't Work Macros|Other problem", "") ;~ Create input of describing the problem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUICtrlCreateLabel("Other Problem", 10, 440, 100, 20) Global $otherProblem = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 100, 365, 200,150, $ES_MULTILINE) Local $idBtn = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 60, 530, 200, 40) GUICtrlSetBkColor($idBtn, 0x00b9ef) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 20, $FW_EXTRABOLD) $LabelError = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 35,165, 250, 20) GUICtrlSetColor($LabelError, $COLOR_RED) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### ;~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;~ ======================================================== Logic ==================================================================== ;~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $idBtn $plant = GUICtrlRead($dropPlants) $manager = GUICtrlRead($dropManager) $department = GUICtrlRead($dropDepartment) $problem = GUICtrlRead($dropProblems) $name = GUICtrlRead($idFile) $id = GUICtrlRead($operatorNumber) $description = GUICtrlRead($otherProblem) If $name == "" Then GUICtrlSetData($LabelError, "You have to enter your name") Else if $id == "" Then GUICtrlSetData($LabelError, "You have to enter your operator code") Else if $manager == "" Then GUICtrlSetData($LabelError, "You have to choose your Manager") Else if $department == "" Then GUICtrlSetData($LabelError, "You have to choose your Department") Else if $problem == "Choose the problem..." Then ; Если строка ровняется "Choose the problem..." то GUICtrlSetData($LabelError, "You have to choose your Problem") ; Выдем ошибку что надо выбрать проблему Else ; Иначе if $problem == "Other problem" Or $description == "" Then ; Если строка ровняется "Other problem" И описание равняется пустой строке то GUICtrlSetData($LabelError, "You have to discribe your Problem") ; Выдем ошибку что надо описать проблему Else ; иначе ; выдает окнос с формой тикета! $problem = $description GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) MsgBox($MB_OK, "OK", "Hello," & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ " [Full Name]: " & $name & @CRLF & _ " [FAE-SAU employee's number]: " & $id & @CRLF & _ " [Department]: " & $department & @CRLF & _ " [Plant location]:Moldova " & $plant & @CRLF & _ " [Your Manager's name]: "& $manager & @CRLF & _ " [Explain your problem]: Please, we have a problem: " & $problem & "." & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ "Thanks." & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ "Best Regards," & @CRLF & _ $name) Exit EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndSwitch WEnd Thank you in advance. Best regards! P.S. sorry, may be my english is not so good. Edited May 20, 2021 by Melba23 Added code tags
Moderators Melba23 Posted May 20, 2021 Moderators Posted May 20, 2021 Orlina, Welcome to the AutoIt forums. When you post code in future please use Code tags - see here how to do it. Then you get a scrolling box and syntax colouring as you can see above now I have added the tags. Thanks in advance for your cooperation. M23 Orlina 1 Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind Open spoiler to see my UDFs: Spoiler ArrayMultiColSort ---- Sort arrays on multiple columnsChooseFileFolder ---- Single and multiple selections from specified path treeview listingDate_Time_Convert -- Easily convert date/time formats, including the language usedExtMsgBox --------- A highly customisable replacement for MsgBoxGUIExtender -------- Extend and retract multiple sections within a GUIGUIFrame ---------- Subdivide GUIs into many adjustable framesGUIListViewEx ------- Insert, delete, move, drag, sort, edit and colour ListView itemsGUITreeViewEx ------ Check/clear parent and child checkboxes in a TreeViewMarquee ----------- Scrolling tickertape GUIsNoFocusLines ------- Remove the dotted focus lines from buttons, sliders, radios and checkboxesNotify ------------- Small notifications on the edge of the displayScrollbars ----------Automatically sized scrollbars with a single commandStringSize ---------- Automatically size controls to fit textToast -------------- Small GUIs which pop out of the notification area
Nine Posted May 20, 2021 Posted May 20, 2021 (edited) Here how to streamline your if statements : expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <ColorConstants.au3> #include <ComboConstants.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <Inet.au3> #include <FontConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <file.au3> Local Const $sFont = "Comic Sans Ms" ;~ Create a popup window ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Form = GUICreate(" Ticket System ", 320, 600, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_SYSMENU, $WS_POPUP, $DS_MODALFRAME), $WS_EX_TOPMOST) ;~ $Form = GUICreate(" Ticket System ", 320, 600) GUISetBkColor(0xFFFFFF) ;~ Create a picture of LOGO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;~ create header of form ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global $header = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Ticket Form", 90, 110, 165, 80) GUICtrlSetColor($header, 0x013b84) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 20, $FW_EXTRABOLD) ;~ Create input of username ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUICtrlCreateLabel("User Name", 10, 185, 100, 20) Global $idFile = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 100, 185, 200, 20) ;~ Create input of user code ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUICtrlCreateLabel("Operator Number", 10, 215, 100, 20) Global $operatorNumber = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 100, 215, 200, 20) ;~ Create input of Manager drop down menu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUICtrlCreateLabel("Select Manager", 10, 245, 100, 20) Global $dropManager = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 100, 245, 200, 20) GUICtrlSetData($dropManager, "Manager1|Manager2|Manager3|Manager4|Manager5|Manager6|Manager7|Manager8|", "") ;~ Create input of Department drop down menu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUICtrlCreateLabel("Select Department", 10, 275, 100, 20) Global $dropDepartment = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 100, 275, 200, 20) GUICtrlSetData($dropDepartment, "Production|Planing|Engineering|Materiales|Logistics|IT|Accounting|APM/APT|Quality|Security|Preparation|Maintenance|Purchasing|Health &Safety|HR|Training|QA Supplier|FAE PS ", "") ;~ Create input of Plants drop down menu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUICtrlCreateLabel("Select Plant", 10, 305, 100, 20) Global $dropPlants = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 100, 305, 200, 20) GUICtrlSetData($dropPlants, "Plant1 |Plant2", "") ;~ Create input of Problems drop down ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUICtrlCreateLabel("Select Problem", 10, 335, 100, 20) Global $dropProblems = GUICtrlCreateCombo("Choose the problem...", 100, 335, 200, 20) GUICtrlSetData($dropProblems, "No Network|Need Skype account|Need access|Printing limit finished|Freezed form|Outlook Doen't work|Change Keyboard|Change Mouse|Change Monitor|Install Software|Don't work Printer|Doesn't Work Macros|Other problem", "") ;~ Create input of describing the problem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUICtrlCreateLabel("Other Problem", 10, 440, 100, 20) Global $otherProblem = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 100, 365, 200, 150, $ES_MULTILINE) Local $idBtn = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 60, 530, 200, 40) GUICtrlSetBkColor($idBtn, 0x00b9ef) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 20, $FW_EXTRABOLD) $LabelError = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 35, 165, 250, 20) GUICtrlSetColor($LabelError, $COLOR_RED) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $idBtn $plant = GUICtrlRead($dropPlants) $manager = GUICtrlRead($dropManager) $department = GUICtrlRead($dropDepartment) $problem = GUICtrlRead($dropProblems) $name = GUICtrlRead($idFile) $id = GUICtrlRead($operatorNumber) $description = GUICtrlRead($otherProblem) If $name = "" Then GUICtrlSetData($LabelError, "You have to enter your name") ElseIf $id = "" Then GUICtrlSetData($LabelError, "You have to enter your operator code") ElseIf $manager = "" Then GUICtrlSetData($LabelError, "You have to choose your Manager") ElseIf $department = "" Then GUICtrlSetData($LabelError, "You have to choose your Department") ElseIf $problem = "Choose the problem..." Then GUICtrlSetData($LabelError, "You have to choose your Problem") ElseIf $problem = "Other problem" And $description = "" Then GUICtrlSetData($LabelError, "You have to discribe your Problem") Else $problem = $description GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) MsgBox($MB_OK, "OK", "Hello," & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ " [Full Name]: " & $name & @CRLF & _ " [FAE-SAU employee's number]: " & $id & @CRLF & _ " [Department]: " & $department & @CRLF & _ " [Plant location]:Moldova " & $plant & @CRLF & _ " [Your Manager's name]: " & $manager & @CRLF & _ " [Explain your problem]: Please, we have a problem: " & $problem & "." & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ "Thanks." & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ "Best Regards," & @CRLF & _ $name) Exit EndIf EndSwitch WEnd Edited May 20, 2021 by Nine Orlina 1 “They did not know it was impossible, so they did it” ― Mark Twain Spoiler Block all input without UAC Save/Retrieve Images to/from Text Monitor Management (VCP commands) Tool to search in text (au3) files Date Range Picker Virtual Desktop Manager Sudoku Game 2020 Overlapped Named Pipe IPC HotString 2.0 - Hot keys with string x64 Bitwise Operations Multi-keyboards HotKeySet Recursive Array Display Fast and simple WCD IPC Multiple Folders Selector Printer Manager GIF Animation (cached) Screen Scraping Multi-Threading Made Easy
Orlina Posted May 20, 2021 Author Posted May 20, 2021 Dear Nine, Thanks for your reply. But, I did so. and any way I met the problem that in form there is no problem from the list. I attached the image (reply.jpg) It seams that the code make $problem = $description but as $description is empty, the problem remains empty. May be this is the reason why there is no problem from the drop menu list. Thank you in davance. Regards!
Nine Posted May 20, 2021 Posted May 20, 2021 (edited) I see. Try this if statement : If $name = "" Then GUICtrlSetData($LabelError, "You have to enter your name") ElseIf $id = "" Then GUICtrlSetData($LabelError, "You have to enter your operator code") ElseIf $manager = "" Then GUICtrlSetData($LabelError, "You have to choose your Manager") ElseIf $department = "" Then GUICtrlSetData($LabelError, "You have to choose your Department") ElseIf $problem = "Choose the problem..." Then GUICtrlSetData($LabelError, "You have to choose your Problem") ElseIf $problem = "Other problem" And $description = "" Then GUICtrlSetData($LabelError, "You have to describe your Problem") Else If $problem = "Other problem" Then $problem = $description GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) MsgBox($MB_OK, "OK", "Hello," & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ " [Full Name]: " & $name & @CRLF & _ " [FAE-SAU employee's number]: " & $id & @CRLF & _ " [Department]: " & $department & @CRLF & _ " [Plant location]:Moldova " & $plant & @CRLF & _ " [Your Manager's name]: " & $manager & @CRLF & _ " [Explain your problem]: Please, we have a problem: " & $problem & "." & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ "Thanks." & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ "Best Regards," & @CRLF & _ $name) Exit EndIf Edited May 20, 2021 by Nine Orlina 1 “They did not know it was impossible, so they did it” ― Mark Twain Spoiler Block all input without UAC Save/Retrieve Images to/from Text Monitor Management (VCP commands) Tool to search in text (au3) files Date Range Picker Virtual Desktop Manager Sudoku Game 2020 Overlapped Named Pipe IPC HotString 2.0 - Hot keys with string x64 Bitwise Operations Multi-keyboards HotKeySet Recursive Array Display Fast and simple WCD IPC Multiple Folders Selector Printer Manager GIF Animation (cached) Screen Scraping Multi-Threading Made Easy
Orlina Posted May 20, 2021 Author Posted May 20, 2021 Dear Nine, Thank you Very mach. It works as needed. have a nice day. Regards!
Nine Posted May 20, 2021 Posted May 20, 2021 Glad you like it. But here a better version where the edit box gets only available when "other problem" is selected : expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <ColorConstants.au3> #include <ComboConstants.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <Inet.au3> #include <FontConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <file.au3> Local Const $sFont = "Comic Sans Ms" ;~ Create a popup window ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Form = GUICreate(" Ticket System ", 320, 600, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_SYSMENU, $WS_POPUP, $DS_MODALFRAME), $WS_EX_TOPMOST) ;~ $Form = GUICreate(" Ticket System ", 320, 600) GUISetBkColor(0xFFFFFF) ;~ Create a picture of LOGO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;~ create header of form ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global $header = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Ticket Form", 90, 110, 165, 80) GUICtrlSetColor($header, 0x013b84) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 20, $FW_EXTRABOLD) ;~ Create input of username ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUICtrlCreateLabel("User Name", 10, 185, 100, 20) Global $idFile = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 100, 185, 200, 20) ;~ Create input of user code ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUICtrlCreateLabel("Operator Number", 10, 215, 100, 20) Global $operatorNumber = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 100, 215, 200, 20) ;~ Create input of Manager drop down menu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUICtrlCreateLabel("Select Manager", 10, 245, 100, 20) Global $dropManager = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 100, 245, 200, 20) GUICtrlSetData($dropManager, "Manager1|Manager2|Manager3|Manager4|Manager5|Manager6|Manager7|Manager8|", "") ;~ Create input of Department drop down menu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUICtrlCreateLabel("Select Department", 10, 275, 100, 20) Global $dropDepartment = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 100, 275, 200, 20) GUICtrlSetData($dropDepartment, "Production|Planing|Engineering|Materiales|Logistics|IT|Accounting|APM/APT|Quality|Security|Preparation|Maintenance|Purchasing|Health &Safety|HR|Training|QA Supplier|FAE PS ", "") ;~ Create input of Plants drop down menu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUICtrlCreateLabel("Select Plant", 10, 305, 100, 20) Global $dropPlants = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 100, 305, 200, 20) GUICtrlSetData($dropPlants, "Plant1 |Plant2", "") ;~ Create input of Problems drop down ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUICtrlCreateLabel("Select Problem", 10, 335, 100, 20) Global $dropProblems = GUICtrlCreateCombo("Choose the problem...", 100, 335, 200, 20) GUICtrlSetData($dropProblems, "No Network|Need Skype account|Need access|Printing limit finished|Freezed form|Outlook Doen't work|Change Keyboard|Change Mouse|Change Monitor|Install Software|Don't work Printer|Doesn't Work Macros|Other problem", "") ;~ Create input of describing the problem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUICtrlCreateLabel("Other Problem", 10, 440, 100, 20) Global $otherProblem = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 100, 365, 200, 150, $ES_MULTILINE) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) Local $idBtn = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 60, 530, 200, 40) GUICtrlSetBkColor($idBtn, 0x00b9ef) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 20, $FW_EXTRABOLD) $LabelError = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 35, 165, 250, 20) GUICtrlSetColor($LabelError, $COLOR_RED) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) Local $plant, $manager, $department, $problem, $name, $id, $description While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $dropProblems $problem = GUICtrlRead($dropProblems) If $problem = "Other problem" Then GUICtrlSetState($otherProblem, $GUI_ENABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($otherProblem, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetData($otherProblem, "") EndIf Case $idBtn $plant = GUICtrlRead($dropPlants) $manager = GUICtrlRead($dropManager) $department = GUICtrlRead($dropDepartment) $problem = GUICtrlRead($dropProblems) $name = GUICtrlRead($idFile) $id = GUICtrlRead($operatorNumber) $description = GUICtrlRead($otherProblem) If $name = "" Then GUICtrlSetData($LabelError, "You have to enter your name") ElseIf $id = "" Then GUICtrlSetData($LabelError, "You have to enter your operator code") ElseIf $manager = "" Then GUICtrlSetData($LabelError, "You have to choose your Manager") ElseIf $department = "" Then GUICtrlSetData($LabelError, "You have to choose your Department") ElseIf $problem = "Choose the problem..." Then GUICtrlSetData($LabelError, "You have to choose your Problem") ElseIf $problem = "Other problem" And $description = "" Then GUICtrlSetData($LabelError, "You have to describe your Problem") Else If $problem = "Other problem" Then $problem = $description GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) MsgBox($MB_OK, "OK", "Hello," & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ " [Full Name]: " & $name & @CRLF & _ " [FAE-SAU employee's number]: " & $id & @CRLF & _ " [Department]: " & $department & @CRLF & _ " [Plant location]:Moldova " & $plant & @CRLF & _ " [Your Manager's name]: " & $manager & @CRLF & _ " [Explain your problem]: Please, we have a problem: " & $problem & "." & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ "Thanks." & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ "Best Regards," & @CRLF & _ $name) Exit EndIf EndSwitch WEnd Orlina 1 “They did not know it was impossible, so they did it” ― Mark Twain Spoiler Block all input without UAC Save/Retrieve Images to/from Text Monitor Management (VCP commands) Tool to search in text (au3) files Date Range Picker Virtual Desktop Manager Sudoku Game 2020 Overlapped Named Pipe IPC HotString 2.0 - Hot keys with string x64 Bitwise Operations Multi-keyboards HotKeySet Recursive Array Display Fast and simple WCD IPC Multiple Folders Selector Printer Manager GIF Animation (cached) Screen Scraping Multi-Threading Made Easy
Orlina Posted May 20, 2021 Author Posted May 20, 2021 Dear Nine, I knew it that there was a simple solution XD but it seams that I have not enough brains.... XDDD but one nore simple question... I would like also to reduce the number of inputs. I mean that I want to choose only department, but manager of department should be choosen by selected department. I know that it should be realised by if else... but I have the small experiense in developming and have no idea where I should do thhis checking. I hope you at least give me advice how to do it )) Thank you in advance.
Nine Posted May 20, 2021 Posted May 20, 2021 Hmmm. Do not take an habit to ask for help without making first an effort. I will give you a hand this time because you are new here and also because I am sometimes nice. BTW If you want to start having multiple relations between entities, you should think using a RDBMS like SQLite, instead (like I did) making it hard coded. Anyway there you go, and please next time, provide your code attempt even if it is not working at all. expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <ColorConstants.au3> #include <ComboConstants.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <Inet.au3> #include <FontConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <file.au3> Local $aManager [] = ["Manager1","Manager2","Manager3","Manager4","Manager5","Manager6","Manager7","Manager8","Manager9","ManagerA","ManagerB","ManagerC","ManagerD","ManagerE","ManagerF","ManagerG","ManagerH","ManagerI"] Local $aDepartment [] = ["Production","Planing","Engineering","Materiales","Logistics","IT","Accounting","APM/APT","Quality","Security","Preparation","Maintenance","Purchasing","Health &Safety","HR","Training","QA Supplier","FAE PS"] If UBound($aDepartment) <> UBound($aManager) Then Exit MsgBox ($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Error", "Number of Managers should be same of Departments") Local Const $sFont = "Comic Sans Ms" ;~ Create a popup window ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Form = GUICreate(" Ticket System ", 320, 600, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_SYSMENU, $WS_POPUP, $DS_MODALFRAME), $WS_EX_TOPMOST) ;~ $Form = GUICreate(" Ticket System ", 320, 600) GUISetBkColor(0xFFFFFF) ;~ Create a picture of LOGO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;~ create header of form ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global $header = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Ticket Form", 90, 110, 165, 80) GUICtrlSetColor($header, 0x013b84) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 20, $FW_EXTRABOLD) ;~ Create input of username ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUICtrlCreateLabel("User Name", 10, 185, 100, 20) Global $idFile = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 100, 185, 200, 20) ;~ Create input of user code ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUICtrlCreateLabel("Operator Number", 10, 215, 100, 20) Global $operatorNumber = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 100, 215, 200, 20) ;~ Create input of Department drop down menu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUICtrlCreateLabel("Select Department", 10, 245, 100, 20) Global $dropDepartment = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 100, 245, 200, 20) GUICtrlSetData($dropDepartment,_ArrayToString($aDepartment)) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Manager", 10, 275, 100, 20) Global $idManager = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 100, 275, 200, 20, $SS_SUNKEN) ;~ Create input of Plants drop down menu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUICtrlCreateLabel("Select Plant", 10, 305, 100, 20) Global $dropPlants = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 100, 305, 200, 20) GUICtrlSetData($dropPlants, "Plant1 |Plant2", "") ;~ Create input of Problems drop down ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUICtrlCreateLabel("Select Problem", 10, 335, 100, 20) Global $dropProblems = GUICtrlCreateCombo("Choose the problem...", 100, 335, 200, 20) GUICtrlSetData($dropProblems, "No Network|Need Skype account|Need access|Printing limit finished|Freezed form|Outlook Doen't work|Change Keyboard|Change Mouse|Change Monitor|Install Software|Don't work Printer|Doesn't Work Macros|Other problem", "") ;~ Create input of describing the problem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUICtrlCreateLabel("Other Problem", 10, 440, 100, 20) Global $otherProblem = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 100, 365, 200, 150, $ES_MULTILINE) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) Local $idBtn = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 60, 530, 200, 40) GUICtrlSetBkColor($idBtn, 0x00b9ef) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 20, $FW_EXTRABOLD) $LabelError = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 35, 165, 250, 20) GUICtrlSetColor($LabelError, $COLOR_RED) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) Local $plant, $manager, $department, $problem, $name, $id, $description While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $dropDepartment $id = _ArraySearch($aDepartment, GUICtrlRead($dropDepartment)) GUICtrlSetData($idManager, $aManager[$id]) Case $dropProblems $problem = GUICtrlRead($dropProblems) If $problem = "Other problem" Then GUICtrlSetState($otherProblem, $GUI_ENABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($otherProblem, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetData($otherProblem, "") EndIf Case $idBtn $plant = GUICtrlRead($dropPlants) $manager = GUICtrlRead($idManager) $department = GUICtrlRead($dropDepartment) $problem = GUICtrlRead($dropProblems) $name = GUICtrlRead($idFile) $id = GUICtrlRead($operatorNumber) $description = GUICtrlRead($otherProblem) If $name = "" Then GUICtrlSetData($LabelError, "You have to enter your name") ElseIf $id = "" Then GUICtrlSetData($LabelError, "You have to enter your operator code") ElseIf $department = "" Then GUICtrlSetData($LabelError, "You have to choose your Department") ElseIf $problem = "Choose the problem..." Then GUICtrlSetData($LabelError, "You have to choose your Problem") ElseIf $problem = "Other problem" And $description = "" Then GUICtrlSetData($LabelError, "You have to describe your Problem") Else If $problem = "Other problem" Then $problem = $description GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) MsgBox($MB_OK, "OK", "Hello," & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ " [Full Name]: " & $name & @CRLF & _ " [FAE-SAU employee's number]: " & $id & @CRLF & _ " [Department]: " & $department & @CRLF & _ " [Plant location]:Moldova " & $plant & @CRLF & _ " [Your Manager's name]: " & $manager & @CRLF & _ " [Explain your problem]: Please, we have a problem: " & $problem & "." & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ "Thanks." & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ "Best Regards," & @CRLF & _ $name) Exit EndIf EndSwitch WEnd Orlina 1 “They did not know it was impossible, so they did it” ― Mark Twain Spoiler Block all input without UAC Save/Retrieve Images to/from Text Monitor Management (VCP commands) Tool to search in text (au3) files Date Range Picker Virtual Desktop Manager Sudoku Game 2020 Overlapped Named Pipe IPC HotString 2.0 - Hot keys with string x64 Bitwise Operations Multi-keyboards HotKeySet Recursive Array Display Fast and simple WCD IPC Multiple Folders Selector Printer Manager GIF Animation (cached) Screen Scraping Multi-Threading Made Easy
Orlina Posted May 20, 2021 Author Posted May 20, 2021 Thank you Dear Nine. I will keep in ming your comment. honestly I prefer JavaScript and know this language more better than AutoIT. But as I was requested to do this form I had to meet with AutoIt. please forgive me for my irregularities and disrespect. Thank you very veru much once again. Have a nice day.
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