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#Include <Array.au3>
#include <Constants.au3>

$s = FileRead("2.txt")

Local $w = StringRegExp($s, '(?is)(\b\w+\b)(?!.*\b\1\b)', 3)
_ArrayColInsert($w, 1)
For $i = 0 to UBound($w)-1
   StringRegExpReplace($s, '(?i)\b' & $w[$i][0] & '\b', $w[$i][0])
   $w[$i][1] = @extended

_ArraySort($w, 1, 0, 0, 1)

i have this script that returns 3 columns  


i need to copy the  Col 0 and Col 1 as text to paste on notepad or excel

you will have to create a "copy" button if possible

array.au3 2.txt

19 minutes ago, vinnyMS said:

you will have to create a "copy" button if possible

Not me, YOU, will have to create a copy button. This addition to your code will write the required output which you can then open in notepad or import into excel. Or, you can insert it into your clipboard buffer using ClipPut().

$sOut = ""
For $i = 0 To UBound($w) - 1
  $sOut = $sOut & $w[$i][0] & @TAB & $w[$i][1] & @CRLF
FileWrite("2out.txt", $sOut)


Phil Seakins

Posted (edited)

Just use _DebugArrayDisplay instead of _ArrayDisplay, you'll find 2 copy buttons that will copy the results in the Clipboard


* Results are whole columns if no row is selected.
* If you select some lines, then only the selected lines are copied
* If your display retrieved for example 10 columns and you want to copy only columns 0-1, then use the array range param. (3rd param) to display only 2 columns

_DebugArrayDisplay($w, "Title", "|0:1")

* If you don't want the "Row column" to appear, just add the correct 4th param.

_DebugArrayDisplay($w, "Title", "|0:1", $ARRAYDISPLAY_NOROW)

This will do it :

#Include <Array.au3>
#Include <Debug.au3>
#include <Constants.au3>

$s = FileRead("2.txt")

Local $w = StringRegExp($s, '(?is)(\b\w+\b)(?!.*\b\1\b)', 3)
_ArrayColInsert($w, 1)
For $i = 0 to UBound($w)-1
   StringRegExpReplace($s, '(?i)\b' & $w[$i][0] & '\b', $w[$i][0])
   $w[$i][1] = @extended

_ArraySort($w, 1, 0, 0, 1)

; _DebugArrayDisplay($w, "Title", "|0:1")
; _DebugArrayDisplay($w, "Title", "|0:1", $ARRAYDISPLAY_NOROW)

Edit: While I was writing this, DanP2 just said it too :)

Edited by pixelsearch

"I think you are searching a bug where there is no bug..."

46 minutes ago, vinnyMS said:

It lists "5679" only

You really should make more of an effort to provide a detailed description of your issue. As it is, I have no idea what "it" is.

FWIW, I'm not experiencing any issues when running this short example --

#include <Debug.au3>

; Create 1D array to display
Local $aArray_1D[5] = [-5679.01, -5679.011, -5679.012, -5679.013, -5679.014]

_DebugArrayDisplay($aArray_1D, "1D display")


14 minutes ago, Danp2 said:

FWIW, I'm not experiencing any issues when running this short example --

Actually, he’s got a space in there "- 5679.01"


Code hard, but don’t hard code...

56 minutes ago, Danp2 said:

You really should make more of an effort to provide a detailed description of your issue. As it is, I have no idea what "it" is.

FWIW, I'm not experiencing any issues when running this short example --

#include <Debug.au3>

; Create 1D array to display
Local $aArray_1D[5] = [-5679.01, -5679.011, -5679.012, -5679.013, -5679.014]

_DebugArrayDisplay($aArray_1D, "1D display")


i have attached the text file



53 minutes ago, vinnyMS said:

need exact numbers with operator and decimal on the Array display

There is a problem with your regexp but I can't help you with that. Outside my area of expertise.

#include <File.au3>
_FileReadToArray("2.txt", $s, 0, @TAB)

This will give you an array that is undistorted

Phil Seakins


This does something like you want, but unsure what you want to do with the duplicates. You can delete them in a loop if required.

$as1 = ''
_FileReadToArray("2.txt", $as1, 0, @TAB)
Local $s[UBound($as1, 2)] ; for 1D array
;Local $s[UBound($as1, 2)][2] ; for 2D
For $i = 0 To UBound($as1, 2) - 1
  ;$s[$i][0] = $as1[0][$i] ; 2D
  ;$s[$i][1] = $i ; 2D
  $s[$i] = $as1[0][$i] ; 1D
$as1 = ""
_ArraySort($s) ; dups NOT deleted or counted


Phil Seakins


Hello, I would have done it like this :

#Include <Array.au3>
#Include <Debug.au3>
#include <Constants.au3>

$s = FileRead("2.txt")

;~ Local $w = StringRegExp($s, '(?is)(\b\w+\b)(?!.*\b\1\b)', 3)
Local $w = StringRegExp($s, '(?s)(\-?\.?\d+\b)(?!.*\1\b)', 3)
_DebugArrayDisplay($w, "1")

_ArrayColInsert($w, 1)
_DebugArrayDisplay($w, "2")

For $i = 0 to UBound($w)-1
    ;~ StringRegExpReplace($s, '(?i)\b' & $w[$i][0] & '\b', $w[$i][0])
    StringRegExpReplace($s, '(?s)' & StringReplace($w[$i][0], ".", "\.") , "")
    $w[$i][1] = @extended
_DebugArrayDisplay($w, "3")

_ArraySort($w, 1, 0, 0, 1)
_DebugArrayDisplay($w, "4")


"I think you are searching a bug where there is no bug..."

3 hours ago, vinnyMS said:

Hopefully the regexp can be fixed

Where did the regex even come from?

Just do this:

#include <Array.au3>
#include <Debug.au3>

Local $aNums = StringSplit(FileRead("2.txt"), @TAB, 2)

_ArrayAdd($aNums, "")
Local $aNumsO[Ubound($aNums)][2]

Local $iMatches=1, $m=0

For $n = 1 To Ubound($aNums)-1
   If $aNums[$n] = $aNums[$n-1] Then


Redim $aNumsO[$m][2]

_ArraySort($aNumsO, 1, 0, 0, 1)


Code hard, but don’t hard code...

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