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Read\Write from txt Files(s) issue

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Hi Guys! 

I trying to write script, which helps me with web-scrapping. 

What should it do:

1) Get URL from line 1...n from file source.txt

2) Get elelement URL and write it to file imglinks.txt

3) Loop scrapping (while lines in source.txt proceed) 



I can't add FileReadLine to my script and loop it :( When i tried add it - script return 0. 

#Include <String.au3>
#include <INet.au3>
#include <File.au3>
#include <Array.au3>

$Img_file = @ScriptDir & "\imglinks.txt" 
$s_URL = "https://mywebsite.com/abc123"
$source = _INetGetSource ($s_URL)
$url = _StringBetween($source, '<img class="screenshot-image" src="', '" crossorigin="')
FileWriteLine($Img_file, $url[0]) 
;MsgBox(0, "out", $url[0])

I'd really appreciate, if someone can help me. 

Thank you!

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Just noticed your FileClose is wrong.  As described in the help file, you need to provide the file handle (obtain thru FileOpen) to close properly a file.  In your case, you do not need to use file handle since you are writing the file with its file name.  That means you do not need the FileClose (just remove that line).

FileOpen / FileClose are useful when reading/writing a large amount of data and performance becomes an issue.  Otherwise, using file name is quite acceptable.

Edited by Nine
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12 minutes ago, Nine said:

Look in help file for FileReadToArray function.  Then loop thru the array as shown in the example.

Loop now working, but script return 0 instead URL links :( 

#Include <String.au3>
#include <INet.au3>
#include <File.au3>
#include <Array.au3>

$Img_file = @ScriptDir & "\imglinks.txt" ;файл куда выгружать готовые ссылки
$s_URL = @ScriptDir & "\source.txt"

Func Get()
Local $aArray = FileReadToArray(@ScriptDir & "\source.txt")
Local $iLineCount = @extended
If @error Then
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "There was an error reading the file. @error: " & @error)
For $i = 0 To $iLineCount - 1
$source = _INetGetSource ($s_URL)
$url = _StringBetween($aArray, '<img class="no-click screenshot-image" src="', '" crossorigin="anonymous"')
FileWriteLine($Img_file, $url) ;записать новую строку
;MsgBox(0, "out", $url[0])


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7 minutes ago, Nine said:

Just noticed your FileClose is wrong.  As described in the help file, you need to provide the file handle (obtain thru FileOpen) to close properly a file.  In your case, you do not need to use file handle since you are writing the file with its file name.  That means you do not need the FileClose (just remove that line).

FileOpen / FileClose are useful when reading/writing a large amount of data and performance becomes an issue.  Otherwise, using file name is quite acceptable.

Ok, thanks. Copy that 

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_StringBetween returns an array.  Read carefully in help file how that function is working.  You will need to provide the index of the array cell you want to save (e.g. $url[1]).  In fact all your usages of array are wrong.  You will need to understand how to use array properly....

Edited by Nine
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23 minutes ago, Nine said:

_StringBetween returns an array.  Read carefully in help file how that function is working.  You will need to provide the index of the array cell you want to save (e.g. $url[1]).  In fact all your usages of array are wrong.  You will need to understand how to use array properly....

Thanks mate. 

This part of code works fine

#Include <String.au3>
#include <INet.au3>
#include <File.au3>
#include <Array.au3>

$Img_file = @ScriptDir & "\imglinks.txt" 
$s_URL = "https://abc.com/124abc" ; <---- list of links should load from txt file
$source = _INetGetSource ($s_URL)
$url = _StringBetween($source, '<img class="no-click screenshot-image" src="', '" crossorigin="anonymous"')
FileWriteLine($Img_file, $url[0])


When I Added FileReadToArray - error in MsgBox(0, "out", $url[0])

Code with mistakes :

#Include <String.au3>
#include <INet.au3>
#include <File.au3>
#include <Array.au3>

$Img_file = @ScriptDir & "\imglinks.txt" 

Func get()
Local $aArray = FileReadToArray(@ScriptDir & "\source.txt")
Local $iLineCount = @extended
If @error Then
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "There was an error reading the file. @error: " & @error)
For $i = 0 To $iLineCount - 1
local $source = _INetGetSource ($aArray)
local $url = _StringBetween($source, '<img class="no-click screenshot-image" src="', '" crossorigin="anonymous"')
;FileWriteLine($Img_file, $url[0]) 
MsgBox(0, "out", $url[0])


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