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33 minutes ago, Schmand said:

"//p[@class='buttonbar Anmeldung']"

That class belongs to the button, not the paragraph element. What you want would be something like one of these --

  • "//p/button[@class='buttonbar Anmeldung']"
  • "//button[@class='buttonbar Anmeldung']"
  • "//button[@type='submit']"

Another option would be to use the button's text as a selector. Lots of ways to skin a cat. 😅

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Danp2 said:

@Marlon13 You may want to check the file msedge.log to see if there's any explanation for why it starts returning empty strings at row 20.

On you new issue... You're really going to make me ask you again for the details necessary to help you? 😦



Edited by Marlon13
18 minutes ago, Danp2 said:

That class belongs to the button, not the paragraph element. What you want would be something like one of these --

  • "//p/button[@class='buttonbar Anmeldung']"
  • "//button[@class='buttonbar Anmeldung']"
  • "//button[@type='submit']"

Another option would be to use the button's text as a selector. Lots of ways to skin a cat. 😅

Thank you for assistance. Now Iam struggling with some wiered method for "buttons". I can enter the user name without any problems. The ID remains permanently the same as "UserName". Unfortunately, however, the "ID", which was marked in red, changes after each refresh of the page.


  I have tried the whole thing using these codes:

Local $sElement = _WD_FindElement($sSession, $_WD_LOCATOR_ByXPath, "//button[@class='Button ButtonIcon SuggestiveBackground NormalState']")

Unfortunately, this was not successful.

_WD_ElementAction: {"value":{"error":"no such element","message":"no such element: Element_id length is invalid\n  (Ses...
_WD_ElementAction ==> No match: {"value":{"error":"no such element","message":"no such element: Element_id length is invalid\n  (Session info: chrome=90.0.4430.93)","stacktrace":"Backtrace:\n\tOrdinal0 [0x0045C013+2474003]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x003F29C1+2042305]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x00302F68+1060712]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x0032D141+1233217]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x0032EDFE+1240574]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x003247B3+1198003]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x00346813+1337363]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x003246A6+1197734]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x003468FA+1337594]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x003555CB+1398219]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x003466DB+1337051]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x00323427+1192999]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x003242EE+1196782]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x00324279+1196665]\n\tGetHandleVerifier [0x005E96FC+1590332]\n\tGetHandleVerifier [0x00698614+2306900]\n\tGetHandleVerifier [0x004E9E93+543699]\n\tGetHandleVerifier [0x004E92CE+540686]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x003F86BA+2066106]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x003FD1C8+2085320]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x003FD308+2085640]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x004067F3+2123763]\n\tBaseThreadInitThunk [0x77BCFA29+25]\n\tRtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath [0x77D17A7E+286]\n\tRtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath [0x77D17A4E+238]\n"}}
>Exit code: 0    Time: 5.526

Is there an alternative for this?

The xPath would be


Unfortunately, however, this does not remain the same as described. I have also not found a "button" in the source code. It is a riddle to me how the whole thing is called up.


Thank you!


@Marlon13 This is something that you will need to debug yourself unless someone else wants to jump in and help. FWIW, I took a quick glance and didn't see any issues. I would ask if you are sure this came from the same run that produced the earlier screenshot? Reason being that there are values showing in the log that are in the 112.00 and beyond range that weren't in the array display.

12 minutes ago, Danp2 said:

@Marlon13 This is something that you will need to debug yourself unless someone else wants to jump in and help. FWIW, I took a quick glance and didn't see any issues. I would ask if you are sure this came from the same run that produced the earlier screenshot? Reason being that there are values showing in the log that are in the 112.00 and beyond range that weren't in the array display.

I run and add a attach sorry



Posted (edited)

Hi Dan,

how can we open a window with a specific size?  So far we have used _WD_NewTab($sSession, True, -1, $sURL, ', width=1450, height=900'). Is there any way to do it with _WD_Window()?

Edited by HJL
22 minutes ago, Danp2 said:

@HJL Looking at the W3C specs, the following should work (untested) --

$sTabHandle = _WD_Window($sSession, 'new', '{"type":"window"}')

Not sure what size the window will be by default, but you will likely need to call _WD_Window to resize it to your desired size.

I don't find a working $sOption, tried different combinations:

$sRes = _WD_Window($sSession, 'Rect', "{height:850, width:1000}") => Error = 5

$sRes = _WD_Window($sSession, 'Rect', "{, height:850, width:1000}") => Error = 5

$sRes = _WD_Window($sSession, 'Rect', "{ height=850, width=1000}") => Error = 5

Posted (edited)

@HJL It needs to be valid JSON... something like this:

'{"height": 850, "width": 1000}'

Nice WebDriver spec: https://github.com/jlipps/simple-wd-spec#set-window-rect

Check your JSON: https://jsonformatter.org/json-pretty-print

Edited by seadoggie01

All my code provided is Public Domain... but it may not work. ;) Use it, change it, break it, whatever you want.


My Humble Contributions:
Personal Function Documentation - A personal HelpFile for your functions
Acro.au3 UDF - Automating Acrobat Pro
ToDo Finder - Find #ToDo: lines in your scripts
UI-SimpleWrappers UDF - Use UI Automation more Simply-er
KeePass UDF - Automate KeePass, a password manager
InputBoxes - Simple Input boxes for various variable types


One of my first tries actually was:  $sResult = _WD_Window($sSession, 'Rect')   
=>                                                         $sResult =  ""         (not something like {"x":3,"y":3,"width":1295,"height":1077})
What was wrong?

$sResult = _WD_Window($sSession, 'Rect', '{"height":850, "width":1000}')  works fine.

WebDriver spec: https://github.com/jlipps/simple-wd-spec#set-window-rect : very good explanations!

Thanks to both of you and have a nice evening!


Good morning everyone, 

    _WD_WaitElement($sSession, $_WD_LOCATOR_ByXPath, "//div[@id='popups-loading']//div[contains(text(),'Loading...')]")
    $sElement = _WD_FindElement($sSession, $_WD_LOCATOR_ByXPath, "//div[@id='popups-loading']//div[contains(text(),'Loading...')]")
    If @error = $_WD_ERROR_NoMatch Then
        ;MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Loading... message not found", "")
        ;MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Click the Remove button", "//form[@id='s-library-template-unpublish-form']//input[@id='edit-submit']")
        _WD_WaitElement($sSession, $_WD_LOCATOR_ByXPath, "//div[(@class='title') and text() = 'Remove Public Version']", Default, 30*60*1000)
        ;_WD_WaitElement($sSession, $_WD_LOCATOR_ByXPath, "//form[@id='s-library-template-unpublish-form']//input[@id='edit-submit']")
        $sElement = _WD_FindElement($sSession, $_WD_LOCATOR_ByXPath, "//form[@id='s-library-template-unpublish-form']//input[@id='edit-submit']")
        _WD_ElementAction($sSession, $sElement, 'click')
        _WD_LoadWait($sSession, 2000)

Working in Schoology; optimizing a file uploader script. A window that says "Loading..." will appear on certain actions. I am trying to get the script to detect when this window appears and essentially wait until the window goes away until continuing the next action. The script above seems to work but also seems very delayed. I feel like I am not doing something correctly with the _WD_WaitElement and I am wondering how the "$lVisible" works. 

; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name ..........: _WD_WaitElement
; Description ...: Wait for a element to be found  in the current tab before returning
; Syntax ........: _WD_WaitElement($sSession, $sStrategy, $sSelector[, $iDelay = Default[, $iTimeout = Default[, $lVisible = Default[,
;                                   $lEnabled = Default[, $lReturnElement = Default]]]]])
; Parameters ....: $sSession            - Session ID from _WD_CreateSession
;                  $sStrategy           - Locator strategy. See defined constant $_WD_LOCATOR_* for allowed values
;                  $sSelector           - Value to find
;                  $iDelay              - [optional] Milliseconds to wait before checking status
;                  $iTimeout            - [optional] Period of time to wait before exiting function
;                  $lVisible            - [optional] Check visibility of element?
;                  $lEnabled            - [optional] Check enabled status of element?
;                  $lReturnElement      - [optional] Return found element?
; Return values .: Success      - 1 or element ID
;                  Failure      - 0 and sets the @error flag to non-zero
;                  @error       - $_WD_ERROR_Success
;                               - $_WD_ERROR_Timeout
; Author ........: Dan Pollak
; Modified ......:
; Remarks .......:
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: No
; ===============================================================================================================================

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter and please have a great day, 



@ThomasBennett You might be able to speed things up a bit by changing your call to _WD_WaitElement so that it returns the found element so that you don't need to call _WD_FindElement afterwards. It appears that you aren't using the latest UDF version, so you may want to update to benefit from the latest fixes.

FYI, @mLipok has proposed a change here that may benefit you once it gets approved / merged.


Hello Dan,
apparently there is a difference in the $sOption of _WD_Window() and _WD_NewTab() ?

_WD_NewTab($sSession, True, -1, $sURL, ', width=1450, height=900') works without the curly braces and without the inner quotes and has a comma in front (it doesn't work with them).
_WD_Window($sSession, 'Rect', '{"width":1450, "height":900}'), on the other hand works only with the curly braces and the inner quotes.

This irritated me, I've only ever used _WD_NewTab() to assign a size to windows before. 



@HJL Sorry that you got irritated by this difference. 🤷‍♂️

It's basically due to differences in implementation. _WD_Window is passing the parameter directly to the webdriver, which expects the JSON string. _WD_NewTab is using Javascript to open the new window with the designated options, and it won't work with JSON AFAIK.

Theoretically, _WD_NewTab could be rewritten to avoid Javascript and use multiple webdriver calls to perform the required actions. However, this isn't something that's planned at this time.

19 minutes ago, Danp2 said:

Theoretically, _WD_NewTab could be rewritten to avoid Javascript and use multiple webdriver calls to perform the required actions. However, this isn't something that's planned at this time.

It would help and avoid irritation if there where any short examples for the options in the  Functions Docs (for newbies which don't know much about webdriver calls). 
Nevertheless: you are doing a very good job and I thank you again for making this Webdriver UDF.


Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Danp2 said:

@ThomasBennett You might be able to speed things up a bit by changing your call to _WD_WaitElement so that it returns the found element so that you don't need to call _WD_FindElement afterwards. It appears that you aren't using the latest UDF version, so you may want to update to benefit from the latest fixes.

FYI, @mLipok has proposed a change here that may benefit you once it gets approved / merged.

@Danp2, Thank you for your help and I think the proposed change by @mLipok will be awesome. 

Code that resolved my issue:

While $x = 1
        _WD_WaitElement($sSession, $_WD_LOCATOR_ByXPath, "//div[@id='popups-loading']//div[contains(text(),'Loading...')]")
        $sElement = _WD_FindElement($sSession, $_WD_LOCATOR_ByXPath, "//div[@id='popups-loading']//div[contains(text(),'Loading...')]")
        If @error = $_WD_ERROR_Success Then
            ;MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Waiting for the Loading... screen to go away.", "Autoclosing this MsgBox", 1)
            ;MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Exiting While Loop", "Autoclosing this MsgBox", 5)
            $x = $x + 1
    $x = 1

    _WD_LoadWait($sSession, 2000)

I have a new question; I am trying to read the text "30 of 31" from a Schoology Resources webpage. Once the text is read I will use StringSplit to put what's needed into individual variables and manipulate further from there. I am hung up on how to read the text into a variable. 



I understand that the code below should allow for the text to be read into a variable


I am struggling on how to call this Xpath to read into a variable would I use "_WD_ExecuteScript" for this?

Thank you again for your time and consideration,


Edited by ThomasBennett
I don't know how to use the @ :P
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