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Posted (edited)

Here is the virtual listview with sort indexes. You can choose from 10,000 - 100,000 rows in the combobox.

There are two examples. In ArrayDisplay.au3, the sorting is performed on the fly when you click the column header. But the index is saved. The next time you click the same column header, the index doesn't need to be calculated again.

In ArrayDisplay2.au3, sorting of all columns is performed in advance when you select a row number in the combobox.

This is ArrayDisplay2.au3 on Windows 10:


Time measurements in ArrayDisplay2.au3 on Windows 7 and Windows 10. Windows 7:

$iRows = 10000
Generating array = 358.781013572459
Sorting array by column 0
Sorting array = 725.168987383328
Sorting array by column 1
Sorting array = 691.547153983459
Sorting array by column 2
Sorting array = 674.460721151355
Sorting array by column 3
Sorting array = 712.971753847876
Sorting array by column 4
Sorting array = 669.573738173515

$iRows = 20000
Generating array = 740.15795150085
Sorting array by column 0
Sorting array = 1573.40517161372
Sorting array by column 1
Sorting array = 1483.93515161976
Sorting array by column 2
Sorting array = 1450.29254023103
Sorting array by column 3
Sorting array = 1596.44574493107
Sorting array by column 4
Sorting array = 1457.82719306824
Displaying array

$iRows = 30000
Generating array = 1112.6809728199
Sorting array by column 0
Sorting array = 2482.22581573692
Sorting array by column 1
Sorting array = 2342.03367751841
Sorting array by column 2
Sorting array = 2292.68983255434
Sorting array by column 3
Sorting array = 2564.00964209499
Sorting array by column 4
Sorting array = 2300.08984402379
Displaying array

$iRows = 40000
Generating array = 1467.92280229134
Sorting array by column 0
Sorting array = 3421.94277520238
Sorting array by column 1
Sorting array = 3227.61289443203
Sorting array by column 2
Sorting array = 3173.90594884902
Sorting array by column 3
Sorting array = 3585.83262526565
Sorting array by column 4
Sorting array = 3179.76118610734
Displaying array

$iRows = 50000
Generating array = 1850.58769848866
Sorting array by column 0
Sorting array = 4419.27792887224
Sorting array by column 1
Sorting array = 4162.76700754573
Sorting array by column 2
Sorting array = 4038.98393972278
Sorting array by column 3
Sorting array = 4644.78587451369
Sorting array by column 4
Sorting array = 4123.59412664434
Displaying array

$iRows = 60000
Generating array = 2133.9393487735
Sorting array by column 0
Sorting array = 5399.97794762783
Sorting array by column 1
Sorting array = 5083.85636148603
Sorting array by column 2
Sorting array = 4944.67929728288
Sorting array by column 3
Sorting array = 5747.94969732011
Sorting array by column 4
Sorting array = 5037.79626988003
Displaying array

$iRows = 70000
Generating array = 2445.89702594949
Sorting array by column 0
Sorting array = 6429.4995912277
Sorting array by column 1
Sorting array = 6034.70311993969
Sorting array by column 2
Sorting array = 5900.32909563942
Sorting array by column 3
Sorting array = 6903.26765734271
Sorting array by column 4
Sorting array = 6027.34937412542
Displaying array

$iRows = 80000
Generating array = 2805.65848355588
Sorting array by column 0
Sorting array = 7468.49128806631
Sorting array by column 1
Sorting array = 7060.91469139561
Sorting array by column 2
Sorting array = 6864.93254495179
Sorting array by column 3
Sorting array = 8110.69459708571
Sorting array by column 4
Sorting array = 6996.29736238669
Displaying array

$iRows = 90000
Generating array = 3159.49876841934
Sorting array by column 0
Sorting array = 8534.18796433611
Sorting array by column 1
Sorting array = 8005.49702473052
Sorting array by column 2
Sorting array = 7811.69684415594
Sorting array by column 3
Sorting array = 9256.5217258807
Sorting array by column 4
Sorting array = 8016.83709696589
Displaying array

$iRows = 100000
Generating array = 3479.57703771814
Sorting array by column 0
Sorting array = 9648.39958233472
Sorting array by column 1
Sorting array = 9036.15148428256
Sorting array by column 2
Sorting array = 8904.49328164509
Sorting array by column 3
Sorting array = 10498.6470758859
Sorting array by column 4
Sorting array = 9075.35483956761
Displaying array

Windows 10:

$iRows = 10000
Generating array = 469.5655
Sorting array by column 0
Sorting array = 1047.509
Sorting array by column 1
Sorting array = 1004.8089
Sorting array by column 2
Sorting array = 942.9591
Sorting array by column 3
Sorting array = 1002.2672
Sorting array by column 4
Sorting array = 951.8781

$iRows = 20000
Generating array = 916.4006
Sorting array by column 0
Sorting array = 2061.4822
Sorting array by column 1
Sorting array = 1992.4709
Sorting array by column 2
Sorting array = 1924.7481
Sorting array by column 3
Sorting array = 2127.4384
Sorting array by column 4
Sorting array = 1936.3358
Displaying array

$iRows = 30000
Generating array = 1372.8649
Sorting array by column 0
Sorting array = 3244.5609
Sorting array by column 1
Sorting array = 3180.6722
Sorting array by column 2
Sorting array = 3092.1707
Sorting array by column 3
Sorting array = 3382.2133
Sorting array by column 4
Sorting array = 3058.7045
Displaying array

$iRows = 40000
Generating array = 1856.9411
Sorting array by column 0
Sorting array = 4525.1955
Sorting array by column 1
Sorting array = 4296.5849
Sorting array by column 2
Sorting array = 4182.7308
Sorting array by column 3
Sorting array = 4746.0117
Sorting array by column 4
Sorting array = 4244.3555
Displaying array

$iRows = 50000
Generating array = 2382.5111
Sorting array by column 0
Sorting array = 5770.5723
Sorting array by column 1
Sorting array = 5710.5163
Sorting array by column 2
Sorting array = 6483.6553
Sorting array by column 3
Sorting array = 7055.8409
Sorting array by column 4
Sorting array = 6588.6965
Displaying array

$iRows = 60000
Generating array = 2751.5795
Sorting array by column 0
Sorting array = 7473.5253
Sorting array by column 1
Sorting array = 6755.4111
Sorting array by column 2
Sorting array = 6581.2973
Sorting array by column 3
Sorting array = 7716.1906
Sorting array by column 4
Sorting array = 6670.898
Displaying array

$iRows = 70000
Generating array = 3159.6544
Sorting array by column 0
Sorting array = 8270.8446
Sorting array by column 1
Sorting array = 7956.5928
Sorting array by column 2
Sorting array = 7698.139
Sorting array by column 3
Sorting array = 8988.3115
Sorting array by column 4
Sorting array = 7851.209
Displaying array

$iRows = 80000
Generating array = 3610.7372
Sorting array by column 0
Sorting array = 9663.0729
Sorting array by column 1
Sorting array = 9416.2116
Sorting array by column 2
Sorting array = 9397.7431
Sorting array by column 3
Sorting array = 10748.4111
Sorting array by column 4
Sorting array = 9382.0706
Displaying array

$iRows = 90000
Generating array = 4181.5457
Sorting array by column 0
Sorting array = 11512.0692
Sorting array by column 1
Sorting array = 10848.8297
Sorting array by column 2
Sorting array = 10596.1946
Sorting array by column 3
Sorting array = 12445.5149
Sorting array by column 4
Sorting array = 10686.9957
Displaying array

$iRows = 100000
Generating array = 4784.8767
Sorting array by column 0
Sorting array = 12814.0628
Sorting array by column 1
Sorting array = 12111.9869
Sorting array by column 2
Sorting array = 11753.6472
Sorting array by column 3
Sorting array = 14061.7319
Sorting array by column 4
Sorting array = 12092.2128
Displaying array

Most of the code is copied from Data display functions. That's a lot of code. And it isn't mainstream code.


Edited by LarsJ

Thanks Larsj

I try to add the justification column but it has some drawback to set to left if selected

For $i = 0 To $iCols - 1
        _GUICtrlListView_AddColumn( $idListView, $aCols[$i], $aWidths[$i] )
        _GUICtrlListView_JustifyColumn($idListview, $i, 1) ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

is it possible to keep the justify after the click to sort

Thanks for the help


@Melba23  When you have some time, could you please be kind enough and have a look at this link where a bug has been fixed in ArrayDisplayInternals beta

I guess the problem isn't solved totally because what works fine now with Beta ...

#include <Array.au3>
Local $aArray[1] = [0]
_ArrayDisplay($aArray, "Title", "1:") ; no error with beta

...still generates an error in some other cases. Here is a related example generating an error with a 1D array :

#include <Array.au3>
Local $aArray[2] = [0, 1]
_ArrayDisplay($aArray, "Title", "2:") ; fatal error with beta
"ArrayDisplayInternals.au3" (363) : ==> Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded.:
$vTmp = $aArray[$i]
$vTmp = ^ ERROR

This range checking (lines 137-184 in beta) seems to be a real nightmare to prevent fatal errors, especially its interaction with the bunch of variables related to item & subitems start/end, dimensions, row count & col count etc..


"I think you are searching a bug where there is no bug..."

2 hours ago, jpm said:

is it possible to keep the justify after the click to sort

Hi Jpm
While waiting for LarsJ's answer, here is what's doable as you right justified all LV columns :

Example ArrayDisplay.au3 (extracted from ArrayDisplay.7z)

Original line # 115
DataDisplay_SetHeaderItemFormat( $hHeader, $iColumnPrev, $HDF_STRING )

DataDisplay_SetHeaderItemFormat( $hHeader, $iColumnPrev, $HDF_STRING + $HDF_RIGHT)
Original line # 119
DataDisplay_SetHeaderItemFormat( $hHeader, $iColumn, $HDF_STRING + $iSortDir )

DataDisplay_SetHeaderItemFormat( $hHeader, $iColumn, $HDF_STRING + $iSortDir + $HDF_RIGHT)

As you already added 1 line in his script (_GUICtrlListView_JustifyColumn...) then both lines should now be #116 / #120 ... if you didn't add something else ;)

"I think you are searching a bug where there is no bug..."

  • Moderators


jpm rewrote very nearly all of the _ArrayDisplay code to create the 2 separate functions so I do not consider that I should be the arbiter of your proposed changes as the code is now quite different from that which I originally developed. Please deal with jpm directly.

But I agree with your comments on the range checking code - that was certainly my biggest headache when I rewrote the Array library all those years ago.


Public_Domain.png.2d871819fcb9957cf44f4514551a2935.png Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind

Open spoiler to see my UDFs:


ArrayMultiColSort ---- Sort arrays on multiple columns
ChooseFileFolder ---- Single and multiple selections from specified path treeview listing
Date_Time_Convert -- Easily convert date/time formats, including the language used
ExtMsgBox --------- A highly customisable replacement for MsgBox
GUIExtender -------- Extend and retract multiple sections within a GUI
GUIFrame ---------- Subdivide GUIs into many adjustable frames
GUIListViewEx ------- Insert, delete, move, drag, sort, edit and colour ListView items
GUITreeViewEx ------ Check/clear parent and child checkboxes in a TreeView
Marquee ----------- Scrolling tickertape GUIs
NoFocusLines ------- Remove the dotted focus lines from buttons, sliders, radios and checkboxes
Notify ------------- Small notifications on the edge of the display
Scrollbars ----------Automatically sized scrollbars with a single command
StringSize ---------- Automatically size controls to fit text
Toast -------------- Small GUIs which pop out of the notification area



jpm, The only formatting in the example apart from default formatting is the up/down arrow in the column header to indicate the sorting direction. It may well be the case that all other formatting is reset. But column alignment certainly works in a virtual listview.


Thanks Larsj

the pixelsearch suggestion was cleaning my problem.

I am working on a new _ArrayDisplay with your solution.

I am on the process to handle 1D array and also transpose

Thanks again for posting such awesome solution.


You should definitely not make any kind of transpose in an array of up to 16 mill. elements. It will take several eternities. There are some things that simply should not be implemented for large arrays. Unless it can be done in advance with a standalone piece of code like calculating a sort index. But it should certainly not be performed on the fly as part of the ArrayDisplay code.

2 minutes ago, LarsJ said:

But it should certainly not be performed on the fly as part of the ArrayDisplay code.

...unless a cancel button is provided in a SplashGui if more than say, 1 sec. passes by. That way you can eat your cake and have it too.
...or disable the sorting if more than 1,000 entries. This is just to see the array. Should not be an overkill. ( my 2 cents )

Is there a way to sort the array in ASM ?. The problem is not loading the array. That is fast in virtual listview. The time consumption is the sorting as script code.

Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ).
FAQ - Please Read Before Posting.


My starting point for using a virtual listview in ArrayDisplay at all is that once ArrayDisplay is opened, all the code must be lightning fast. Ie. that e.g. all sort indexes must be calculated in advance as in ArrayDisplay2.au3. And that all other time-consuming code can be calculated in advance. Otherwise you can just as well keep the good old slow ArrayDisplay, which with a little good will can handle 10,000 rows. But 10,000 rows and 10 columns is not much compared to an AutoIt array which can hold 16 million elements.



I think that I will reject  the transpose when number of rows if more than  100 or LESS as to visualize the info it is needed  to use still a lot of horizontal shift

perhaps 100 is a litle small but what can be a better value?

Posted (edited)

@jpm Yesterday afternoon, Nine was kind enough to spend some time doing a neutral test, which confirms what follows :

After he created an Array of 30000 rows and 10 columns, he started a timer to calculate exactly how many seconds it took to populate a listview in ArrayDisplay, then how many seconds it took to sort a column. He did it twice, with 2 different versions of ArrayDisplayInternals .  Here are the results, on Nine's computer :

* With the actual version of ArrayDisplayInternals.au3 (AutoIt :
Populating LV : 38s
Sort a column : 28s

* When he used my last reworked version of ArrayDisplayInternals.au3 (I name it Beta :
Populating LV : 10.5s
Sort a column : 9.5s

Which means a gain of 350% (3.5 times faster) for populating, then 300% (3 times faster) for sorting.
So Nine's test confirm the speed gain that I already noticed (the results are similar on my computer) and I guess it's same on your computer (Jpm). This is probably the reason why you were interested in the reworked script.

I'm joining below this last reworked version in case anyone is interested. I won't rework it anymore as I have nothing to add in it and it's time for me to move over. In case a bug is detected, then we'll try to fix it here.

Many thanks Nine & jpm for the time you spent on this :thumbsup:

ArrayDisplayInternals (beta

Edited by pixelsearch

"I think you are searching a bug where there is no bug..."


Hi jpm :)
I'm really glad to see you have the energy to rework the function and introduce Virtual views in it. It sure will be helpful for users who need to manage many thousands/millions of elements.

Concerning the array range, it's not that easy to avoid fatal errors (which happen for example as soon as the user indicates a start row > array last row) but imho this array range checking can wait, so you can totally stay focused on integration of Virtual views in ArrayDisplay.

If you're curious and look at the attachment in my previous post, I took away from main script all the array range checking code and placed it in a separate function, so it looks neater now and this is what's left in main code :

; Declare variables & flag to determine if range set
Local $iItem_Start, $iItem_End, $iSubItem_Start, $iSubItem_End, $bRange_Flag = False

; Check for range settings
$sMsg = __ArrayDisplay_CheckRange($sArrayRange, $iDimension, $iRowCount, $iColCount, _
    $iItem_Start, $iItem_End, $iSubItem_Start, $iSubItem_End, $bRange_Flag) ; last 5 ByRef
If $sMsg Then
    MsgBox($MB_TOPMOST, "Array Range >>>  " & $sArrayRange & "  <<< out of limits", $sMsg)
    Return SetError(10, 0, 0)

($sMsg had already been used and declared Local by M23/you before these lines)

I hope that several users will test your final work, especially when you'll tell us you're finished and test time has come.
Fingers crossed and good luck.

"I think you are searching a bug where there is no bug..."



I havese your Check array range but I decide to not issue a message incase of incoherent value Just avoid being out of range and defining in this case the upper value

I remember in the present implementaion  that it was intentional to accept greater value to be able not to generate a more comlex script using UBound(($array, ...) -1 

just report about what you find in the speed, Thanks

Posted (edited)

Hi jpm :)
Speed is ok for sure, displaying & sorting times are improved.

I just checked a bit your Example() function (not the transposed or 1D function until now) and added a couple of lines in ArrayDisplayInternals2.au3 to bring a smoother 1st display (there's no need for the user to see the columns resizing themselves, then the GUI resizing itself), this seems to work fine :

Case -7 ; $WM_SETFOCUS ; shouldn't it be $NM_SETFOCUS ?
    If $_g_ArrayDisplay_bFirstFocus Then
        GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $_g_ArrayDisplay_hGUI) ; added


        $_g_ArrayDisplay_bFirstFocus = False
        GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $_g_ArrayDisplay_hGUI) ; added

I'm not really convinced by the fact that all indexes should be prepared in advance if each one takes 1s or less.
Imagine there are 10 columns and each index takes 1s to be prepared. This means we're forcing the user to wait 10s more before its virtual view is displayed. Maybe the other option LarsJ explained above could be fine too :

On 4/5/2021 at 5:32 PM, LarsJ said:

In ArrayDisplay.au3, the sorting is performed on the fly when you click the column header. But the index is saved. The next time you click the same column header, the index doesn't need to be calculated again.

This means the user will have to wait 1s only to sort a column (then the index will be saved & reused for a possible descending sort). And nothing is telling us the user needs to sort each and every column.

If I understood correctly, we won't be able to sort anything as soon as a range parameter exists :

If $sArrayRange Then ContinueLoop ; no sorting when Array range selected

Let's hope it will be fine with users, as many scripts got a row 0 contain some information (total of items for example) and the range "1:" is often used in _ArrayDisplay scripts.

Anyway, great job jpm, all this new code in ArrayDisplayInternals2.au3 (based on Virtual LV) is impressive. I hope other Dev's and beta testers will help you by testing and share their opinions, ideas etc...

Edited by pixelsearch

"I think you are searching a bug where there is no bug..."


An array with 2.5 mill. rows and 6 columns must probably also be manageable. It is, after all, a valid array. And then it's important that it's the user who decides which columns to sort if any at all, and that any sorting index can be calculated in advance and loaded from a file or similar. And don't forget that all slow code is simply forbidden.

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, LarsJ said:

it's important that it's the user who decides which columns to sort if any at all

Thank you for this confirmation, that's exactly the personal opinion I expressed. As the array is already prepared before calling _ArrayDisplay, then switching to Virtual Listviews and still having to wait some seconds to display it would be contradictory imho

@LarsJ could you please explain why I tried desperately to make a change in Jpm's code and it didn't work ?
Please have a look at his last upload above, dated Thursday at 08:30 PM => ArrayDisplayInternals2.7z => ArrayDisplayInternals2.au3 :

Line 716 (Case -7 ; $NM_SETFOCUS) to 781 (Return)

This Case is only triggered once because of the test "If $_g_ArrayDisplay_bFirstFocus Then..." and the variable becomes False at the end of the function. I tried to move all this block into a separate function outside Func __ArrayDisplay_NotifyHandler() and call it only once, directly from main script, just before or just after having "registered WM_NOTIFY message handler through subclassing"

(Note : there's only 1 variable to take care of : $bColDisplay which is declared like this inside the handler function : Local Static $bColDisplay = True)

When I do this, then the GUI never have its correct final size and LV doesn't always have its columns correct size either (see pics below). So it appears that this block needs to stay inside the handler function, but why ?

If it's called only once and Returns when finished (i.e without calling DefSubclassProc) then why doesn't it give the same results if we move this block into a separate function ?

Edit 1:  this is how it looks when moved into a separate function and the function is called in main code just before Registering the WM_NOTIFY message thru subclassing :


Edit 2 : a bit different (LV columns size ok, GUI size still bad) if the function is called from main script just after the Subclassing line :


Edit 3 : please also note how Jpm had to add this line 442 in his original code, to hide the GUI temporarily :

; Display and resize dialog
GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $_g_ArrayDisplay_hGUI) ; <=== LINE 442
WinMove($_g_ArrayDisplay_hGUI, "", (@DesktopWidth - $iOrgWidth) / 2, (@DesktopHeight - $iHeight) / 2, $iOrgWidth, $iHeight)
GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $_g_ArrayDisplay_hGUI)

He's hiding the GUI when it wasn't even Showed. But without this line, the final display would have been incorrect. So it seems that this Hide/Show GUI has many consequences when using Virtual Listviews, much more consequences than when used with regular ListViews.

Edited by pixelsearch

"I think you are searching a bug where there is no bug..."



it is I have a very hard time to have behavior similar to current  release

colum sizing was the main problem. so it is first created and modify on the first focus as you notice 

Your analyse of what it is going is exactly what I face to have an almost  successfull display.

I was not able to do a better sizing when  columns arer seletec with the array range

Perhaps LarsJ will find a better implementation ...


For the display timing I try to display a ToolTip is the time can take a while. Not sur it was taking much more as in the previous implementation.

If you run with scite you get consoleWrite of the different timings

Thanks for the feedback

Posted (edited)

Hi Jpm :)
What you did with virtual listview is really great, a 1st display using $NM_SETFOCUS, who would have found that solution to solve the display issue ?

Now I found something very different that's creating an issue (easy to solve)
Imagine this in ArrayDisplay2-new.au3

Local $iRows = 1, ...

Local $aArray = FAS_Random2DArrayAu3($iRows, "sifdtr", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")

ConsoleWrite($aArray[0][0] & @lf)
$aArray[0][0] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy" & "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy" & "123456789012345" ; 25 + 25 + 15 = 65 (string length)
$aArray[0][0] &= $aArray[0][0] ; 130
$aArray[0][0] &= $aArray[0][0] ; 260
; $aArray[0][0] = $aArray[0][0] & "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY" ; 285
ConsoleWrite(StringLen($aArray[0][0]) & "   " & $aArray[0][0] & @lf)

Actually, there is a limitation in ArrayDisplayInternals2.au3 that will display only the first 50 characters of this 260 character string :


    Local Static $iGetDispInfoW = 0
    $iGetDispInfoW += 1
    ConsoleWrite("$iGetDispInfoW = " & $iGetDispInfoW & "   " & _
                 "$_g_ArrayDisplay_bFirstFocus = " & $_g_ArrayDisplay_bFirstFocus & @CRLF)

    Local Static $tText = DllStructCreate("wchar[50]"), $pText = DllStructGetPtr($tText)

This is what we can read on msdn :

If the structure receives item attributes, pszText is a pointer to a buffer that receives the item text. Note that although the list-view control allows any length string to be stored as item text, only the first 259 TCHARs are displayed.

A test I just did shows this :
* Regular listview : displays 254 characters maximum in AutoIt
* Virtual listview : can display more than 254 characters with the appropriate buffer size.

So changing wchar[50] to wchar[254] could at least display the first 254 characters in our virtual listview too.

Edit: I got a possible answer to my question above :

17 hours ago, pixelsearch said:

So it appears that this block (Case -7 ; $NM_SETFOCUS  =>  line 781 Return) needs to stay inside the handler function, but why ?

This could be because $NM_SETFOCUS is triggered immediately when the following line is encountered (I had to add plenty of ConsoleWrite, trying to understand what's happening and when) :

GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $_g_ArrayDisplay_hGUI)

So even if the code in $NM_SETFOCUS is triggered only once, trying to place this code in a separate function (outside the handler) followed by GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, ...) this will only bring more problems... not counting the "interaction" between $NM_SETFOCUS and $LVN_GETDISPINFOW, which is called about 2900 times (based on 38 visible rows) until the $NM_SETFOCUS block is finished.

Then $_g_ArrayDisplay_bFirstFocus becomes False and $LVN_GETDISPINFOW is still called another 300 times (from 2900 to 3200), this time with $_g_ArrayDisplay_bFirstFocus = False. All this without moving the mouse at all... or you'll end with much more than 3200 calls

Edited by pixelsearch
typo: changed a word "true" to "false" in penultimate sentence

"I think you are searching a bug where there is no bug..."

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