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Posted (edited)

Hi, the problem I have seems simple, but I can't do it properly. There is a unstable 2D array where each row specifies an interval (like the image).


I want a variable such as i to start from 0, if it's inside these intervals, a random value should be written in the file, and if it's outside the range (like using else), the value 0 should be written. Also, when the array ends, program ends too. I tried this code:

$array[500][2] = [[390, 480], [809, 870], [870, 959], [959, 1139], ...]
$i = 0
$max = 60
For $a In $array
    If ($i >= $a[0]) And ($i <= $a[1]) Then
        FileWriteLine ($file, $i & @TAB & Random (0, $max))
        FileWriteLine ($file, $i & @TAB & 0)

;??? where to add $i += 1

I want txt file to be like:

0   0
1   0
390 34.2341..
391 55.3457..
480 11.7577..
481 0
482 0


Edited by Emanoel

Maybe something like:

Global $g_sFilePath = @ScriptDir & "\FileName.txt"
Global $g_a2DArray[][] = [[2, 5],[390, 480], [809, 870], [870, 959], [959, 1139]]
Global $g_iMax = 60
For $i = 0 To UBound($g_a2DArray) - 1
    If ($i >= $g_a2DArray[$i][0]) And ($i <= $g_a2DArray[$i][1]) Then
        FileWriteLine ($g_sFilePath, $i & @TAB & Random (0, $g_iMax))
        FileWriteLine ($g_sFilePath, $i & @TAB & 0)



I'm not sure I fully understand what you try to achive, but here is my first try:

Global $aIntervals = [[390, 480], [809, 870], [870, 959], [959, 1139]]
Global $iValue = 460
Global $bFound = False
For $i = 0 To UBound($aIntervals) - 1
    If $iValue >= $aIntervals[$i][0] And $iValue <= $aIntervals[$i][1] Then ; $iValue found in the current interval
        ConsoleWrite("Value " & $iValue & " found in interval " & $aIntervals[$i][0] & "-" & $aIntervals[$i][1] & @CRLF)
        $bFound = True
        ExitLoop ; Exit when the first interval has been found
        ; $iValue not found in the current interval
If $bFound = False Then ConsoleWrite($iValue & " not found in any of the intervals!" & @CRLF)


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Posted (edited)

That's not how array work.
In this case, you have to specify the element from the second dimension you want to retrieve, or you are (currently) getting anything from the script above.
This should do what you are looking for:


Func Test()

    Local $strFileName = "SomeFileName.txt", _
          $arrRanges[4][2] = [[390, 480], [809, 870], [870, 959], [959, 1139]], _
          $intMaxValue = 60

    For $i = 0 To UBound($arrRanges) - 1 Step 1
        FileWriteLine($strFileName, ((($i >= $arrRanges[$i][0]) And ($i <= $arrRanges[$i][1])) ? $i & @TAB & Random(0, $intMaxValue) : $i & @TAB & 0))


P.S.: since while I was writing the script, @Subz has replied, I had to make the things a little bit funnier ^_^

Edited by FrancescoDiMuro

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6 minutes ago, Subz said:

Maybe something like:

Global $g_sFilePath = @ScriptDir & "\FileName.txt"
Global $g_a2DArray[][] = [[2, 5],[390, 480], [809, 870], [870, 959], [959, 1139]]
Global $g_iMax = 60
For $i = 0 To UBound($g_a2DArray) - 1
    If ($i >= $g_a2DArray[$i][0]) And ($i <= $g_a2DArray[$i][1]) Then
        FileWriteLine ($g_sFilePath, $i & @TAB & Random (0, $g_iMax))
        FileWriteLine ($g_sFilePath, $i & @TAB & 0)


The problem is $i is not equal to the index of array. Therefore, after a while program gives the error of being out of the array index range. sorry for my english🙌🏼

1 hour ago, Emanoel said:

;??? where to add $i += 1

If I understood correctly, you need a loop like this :

Global $g_a2DArray[][] = [[2, 5],[390, 480], [809, 870], [870, 959], [959, 1139]]

For $i = 0 To $g_a2DArray[UBound($g_a2DArray) - 1][1] ; 0 To 1139
    ; it's gonna be a very long text file with hundred of lines !


"I think you are searching a bug where there is no bug..."

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Nine said:

Show the code you used that produce the error...

I checked @Subz code, the problem is that the program continues until last index of array, but I want $i to continue longer than this value till it reaches the last value of the array. I did the same thing of all these codes in this topic, even wrote "For $i = 0 To $array [UBound ($array) - 1] [1]" but $i goes more than array index and shows the error "Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded." which is normal. I even tried another "For j = 0 To UBound ($array) - 1" in "For $i = 0 To $array [UBound ($array) - 1] [1]" but it did not work because I didn't know where to write If-Else to write.

For $i = 0 To $array[UBound ($array)-1][1]
    For $j = 0 To UBound ($array)-1
        If ($i >= $array [$j][0]) And ($i <= $array[$j][1]) Then
            FileWriteLine ($file, $i & @TAB & Random (0, $max))
            FileWriteLine ($file, $i & @TAB & 0)


Edited by Emanoel
1 minute ago, Emanoel said:

the problem is that the program continues until last index of array, but I want $i to continue longer than this value till it reaches the last value of the array

There are two ways to handle this:

  1. Remove the blank lines from your source, so you don't have those in the array;
  2. Put an If which verifies that you are dealing with two numbers instead of blank values.

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Global $g_sFilePath = @ScriptDir & "\FileName.txt"
Global $g_a2DArray[][] = [[2, 5],[390, 480], [809, 870], [870, 959], [959, 1139]]
Global $g_iMax = 60, $iElement = 0

; ConsoleWrite($g_a2DArray[UBound($g_a2DArray) - 1][1] & @lf)

For $i = 0 To $g_a2DArray[UBound($g_a2DArray) - 1][1] ; 0 To 1139
        Case $i < $g_a2DArray[$iElement][0]
            FileWriteLine ($g_sFilePath, $i & @TAB & 0)

        Case $i <= $g_a2DArray[$iElement][1]
            FileWriteLine ($g_sFilePath, $i & @TAB & Random (0, $g_iMax))

        Case Else
            $iElement += 1
            $i -= 1

MsgBox(0, "", "Done")


"I think you are searching a bug where there is no bug..."

Posted (edited)

@Emanoel  you're welcome, I'm trying now to understand why it works.

edit: please have a look at FileWriteLine to use a file handle instead of a file name, it will write much quicker, especially your array got 500 rows, which means thousands of lines to write (is it related to your srt file ?)

Edited by pixelsearch

"I think you are searching a bug where there is no bug..."


@pixelsearch $i is the value of keyframes and the number in front of it indicates the value of a motion in the aftereffects. I wrote this script to make keyframes in some intervals automatically.

1 hour ago, pixelsearch said:

@Emanoel  you're welcome, I'm trying now to understand why it works.

edit: please have a look at FileWriteLine to use a file handle instead of a file name, it will write much quicker, especially your array got 500 rows, which means thousands of lines to write (is it related to your srt file ?)

I changed some lines in my code. Now I create the array as much as the intervals exist. And yes, it is related to srt file, I export time from srt and make keyframes. And by file handle, Do you mean I write

FileWriteLine (@ScriptDir & "\FileName.txt", ...)

 instead of ($file, ...) ?

1 hour ago, Emanoel said:

And by file handle, Do you mean I write

No, he means something like add, 

Local $Handle = FileOpen($File, $FO_APPEND)

at the top, to execute once before the loop.

Then, instead of $File, use $Handle, like so:

FileWriteLine($Handle, $Data)

whenever you write data.

Then you should call 


at the end.

Code hard, but don’t hard code...

1 hour ago, JockoDundee said:

No, he means something like add, 

Local $Handle = FileOpen($File, $FO_APPEND)

at the top, to execute once before the loop.

Then, instead of $File, use $Handle, like so:

FileWriteLine($Handle, $Data)

whenever you write data.

Then you should call 


at the end.

Ofcourse I used FileOpen and FileClose before and after the loop, but I didn't write "$FO_APPEND". I don't know is it helpful to have faster file writing or not. Perhaps there is a way like using GPU to speed up file writing.

10 hours ago, Emanoel said:

Ofcourse I used FileOpen and FileClose before and after the loop

Ok, but FileClose uses file handles, yet you seem not to be familiar with them:

13 hours ago, Emanoel said:

And by file handle, Do you mean I write...

13 hours ago, Emanoel said:

FileWriteLine (@ScriptDir & "\FileName.txt", ...)


10 hours ago, Emanoel said:

Perhaps there is a way like using GPU to speed up file writing.

I would have to doubt it, GPU’s have strength in numbers having hundreds of cores, but the cores themselves are weak compared to a CPU core.  They’re good for parallel processing.

But writing to a file on a single device is not easily amendable to parallelism; the contention and race conditions would be tricky.

Plus, your data is already at the CPU or DMA, so you would have to get it to the GPU just to start it.


Code hard, but don’t hard code...

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