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Hi Guys! I have a small problem regarding nested dictionaries in AutoIT and recursion. Let's consider the following nested dictionary:


dictionary = {
    "Key1": "Value1",
    "Key2": {
        "Sub-Key", "Sub-Item",
        "Sub-Key-2": {
            "Sub-Sub-Key": "Sub-Sub-Item"

Translated into AutoIT code it would be:

$dict = ObjCreate("Scripting.Dictionary")
$dict.Add("Key1", "Value1")
$dict.Add("Key2", ObjCreate("Scripting.Dictionary"))
$dict.Item("Key2").Add("Sub-Key", "Sub-Item")
$dict.Item("Key2").Add("Sub-Key-2", ObjCreate("Scripting.Dictionary"))
$dict.Item("Key2").Item("Sub-Key-2").Add("Sub-Sub-Key", "Sub-Sub-Item")

I am trying to print this dictionary to console using recursion. I do not know how to apply it correctly. Here's an example:

func KeyHasSubKeys($dict, $key)
    return (Ubound($dict.Item($key).Items) > 0)
endfunc ;Check Key for Subkeys

func PrintDict($dict)
    for $key in $dict
        if not KeyHasSubKeys($dict, $key) then
            ConsoleWrite($key & ":" $dict.Item($key) & @crlf)
            for $SubKey in $dict.Item($key)
                ; ... this is were I get stuck

Can anyone help me solve this problem? The final output in console shoult be like the nested dictionary I posted above in plaintext. I think this problem can be solved using recursion, becuase it's about finding out if a key has subkeys ans so one. I am new to recursion in programming, so I cannot apply it correctly. 

Thanks in advance!



$dict = ObjCreate("Scripting.Dictionary")
$dict.Add("Key1", "Value1")
$dict.Add("Key2", ObjCreate("Scripting.Dictionary"))
$dict.Item("Key2").Add("Sub-Key", "Sub-Item")
$dict.Item("Key2").Add("Sub-Key-2", ObjCreate("Scripting.Dictionary"))
$dict.Item("Key2").Item("Sub-Key-2").Add("Sub-Sub-Key1", "Sub-Sub-Item1")
$dict.Item("Key2").Item("Sub-Key-2").Add("Sub-Sub-Key2", "Sub-Sub-Item2")
$dict.Add("Key3", "Value3")


func KeyHasSubKeys($dict, $key)
    return IsObj($dict.Item($key))
endfunc ;Check Key for Subkeys

func PrintDict($dict)
    for $key in $dict
        if not KeyHasSubKeys($dict, $key) then
            ConsoleWrite($key & ":" & $dict.Item($key) & @crlf)
             ConsoleWrite($key & ":" & @crlf)



Another way with index :

#include <String.au3>

$dict = ObjCreate("Scripting.Dictionary")
$dict.Add("Key10", "Value1")
$dict.Add("Key11", "Value2")
$dict.Add("Key2", ObjCreate("Scripting.Dictionary"))
$dict.Item("Key2").Add("Sub-Key0", "Sub-Item1")
$dict.Item("Key2").Add("Sub-Key-2", ObjCreate("Scripting.Dictionary"))
$dict.Item("Key2").Item("Sub-Key-2").Add("Sub-Sub-Key", "Sub-Sub-Item")
$dict.Item("Key2").Add("Sub-Key1", "Sub-Item2")
$dict.Add("Key3", "Value3")

ConsoleWrite ("dictionnary = {" & @CRLF)
PrintDict($dict, 1)

Func PrintDict ($oDic, $lvl)
  For $i = 0 to $oDic.count - 1
    If IsObj($oDic.items[$i]) Then
      ConsoleWrite (_StringRepeat(@TAB, $lvl) & $oDic.keys[$i] & ": {" & @CRLF)
      PrintDict($odic.items[$i], $lvl+1)
      ConsoleWrite (_StringRepeat(@TAB, $lvl) & $oDic.keys[$i] & ": " & $oDic.items[$i] & @CRLF)
  ConsoleWrite (_StringRepeat(@TAB, $lvl-1) & "}" & @CRLF)


Posted (edited)

This is crying out for JSON. The easiest way is to use one of the UDFs that supports serialisation.

Example with the UDF from the appendix:

#include <JSON.au3>

$dict = ObjCreate("Scripting.Dictionary")
$dict.Add("Key10", "Value1")
$dict.Add("Key11", "Value2")
$dict.Add("Key2", ObjCreate("Scripting.Dictionary"))
$dict.Item("Key2").Add("Sub-Key0", "Sub-Item1")
$dict.Item("Key2").Add("Sub-Key-2", ObjCreate("Scripting.Dictionary"))
$dict.Item("Key2").Item("Sub-Key-2").Add("Sub-Sub-Key", "Sub-Sub-Item")
$dict.Item("Key2").Add("Sub-Key1", "Sub-Item2")
$dict.Add("Key3", "Value3")

$sSerialized = _JSON_Generate($dict)





Edited by AspirinJunkie
deleted attachment, because there is an extra thread for this udf
Posted (edited)

calling them back the way trancexx suggested in the above thread is the only way dictionary in dictionary ever really played nice for me (the add keyvaluepair function is just a wrapped add).

Edited by iamtheky

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