GokAy Posted November 14, 2020 Posted November 14, 2020 (edited) Hello everyone, I recently posted https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/204281-create-self-extracting-7zip-exe-with-batch-file-and-configuration-file/ in the Developer section. Didn't receive much of a feedback though . This post will be about the installer script of, let's say, a suite of scripts that I wrote to support my project that is being written in VBA for Excel. Even though I am posting to the Example forum, I am just an AutoIt noobie (joined on 8th of October, and started using AutoIt not sooner than a few days before that). I may have inefficient code, and mistakes and whatnot. All my scripts are working alright, however they lack one thing, proper error handling. Also, since I didn't have any intention to share it when I started writing them, it may take a little bit of work to adjust to your needs. However, it should be an easy thing for most. The whole suite at the moment consists of 7 scripts total, which 4 or 5 may be useful to someone that distributes AutoIt scripts. All scripts are 32-bit. The project is named "LazyD Charter". In short, what they do: 1. CH_Installer: Copies a folder structure, rename a3x extensions within and adds registry keys to enable double-click running of a3x files. I believe this may be a good starting point who wish to distribute scripts and avoid false-positives. Just uploaded latest installer.exe to VT (VT Detection), 3/69 and all of the major players gave a passing mark. 2. CH_Configuration: Change install folder, change/delete registry keys 3. CH_Uninstaller: Uninstall/undo all changes made 4. CH_Updater: Use a Drive restricted Google API key to access a publicly shared Goggle Drive folder, and update any content you got, including AutoIt#.exe, a3x scripts. 5. CH_DownloadExtras: Download any content that I deem not needed to be included in the installer itself. Uses API key as well, just some other shared folder. 6. CH_SetFolderManager: Shouldn't mean much to anyone really, merely creates some folders with a special naming convention, and adds some numbers to end of file names accordingly. 7. CH_VideoPlayer: Might have some potential as a basis for a media player, I just use this to play a video file with the commands sent from xlsm file via Windows message SetText. So, after this introduction, let me present CH_Installer: Pretty simple GUI. For my project, user has an option to not install AutoIt or any of the scripts. For most this would beat the purpose of using it. (Here "install AutoIt" word may be misleading as nothing is installed. Just copied somewhere known and registry association added for the changed extension type, so you can double click start any script and they also get their own icon). I choose to change the extensions intentionally as to not interfere if the user later decides to install AutoIt, and to be able to use custom icon for the file type. What the installer does: 1. Copy the folder structure necessary for the project to the user selected folder 2. Create a folder in AppData/Roaming and create an ini file holding the options selected 3. Copy AutoIt.exe and scripts (extension changed) to pre-determined subfolder inside Project folder (InstallPath\Apps) if checked 3. Add registry keys for the extension if checked The code: Please don't look at it like an example alone, and point me to any mistakes and possible sources for trouble. expandcollapse popup#NoTrayIcon #RequireAdmin #Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Outfile_type=a3x #AutoIt3Wrapper_Outfile=CH_Install\Scripts\CH_Installer.a3x #AutoIt3Wrapper_Compression=0 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=Script file for installing LazyD Charter #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_ProductName=LazyD Charter #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_ProductVersion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_CompanyName=LazyD is not a company #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=None #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalTradeMarks=None #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-q -d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w 7 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Au3Stripper=y #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include <File.au3> #include <FileConstants.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <AutoItConstants.au3> #include <Constants.au3> #include <LazyD Charter Color Theme.au3> AutoItSetOption("MustDeclareVars", 1) AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", 1) Global $g_sDEFAULT_EXT = "a3xs" Global $g_sAutoItVer ="AutoIt3.exe" Global $g_h_MainApp Global $g_id_inputInstallDirectory Global $g_id_checkRegistry Global $g_id_checkAutoIt Global $g_id_inputExtension Global $g_id_checkAppData Global $g_id_lblInputExtension ; Get Script Files Names without the extension Global $g_aScriptFiles = Get_ScriptFileNames_WithoutExtension() Create_App_Window() Func Create_App_Window() ; Ini File Path Local $sIniFilePath = @AppDataDir & "\LazyD Charter\LazyD Charter.ini" ; Read ini file for InstallDirectory folder path Local $sInstallPathforIcon = IniRead($sIniFilePath, "Install", "Install_Path","") Local $sIconPath = ($sInstallPathforIcon="") ? (@ScriptDir & "\..\Charter\Apps") : ($sInstallPathforIcon & "\Apps") ; Create App Window $g_h_MainApp = GUICreate("LazyD Charter Installer", 611, 549, -1, -1) GUISetIcon($sIconPath & "\ChResource\LazyD_Ch.ico") GUISetBkColor($COL_APP_WINDOW) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "Quit_App") ; Create Dummy Button to intercept Return key press GUICtrlCreateButton("",0,0,0,0,-1,-1) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_APP_WINDOW) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "") ; Default Variable Values Local $sInstallPath ;= "C:\LazyD Charter" ;Default install location Local $iAppDataChecked = $GUI_CHECKED Local $iAutoItChecked = $GUI_CHECKED Local $iRegistryChecked = $GUI_CHECKED Local $iInputExtensionState = $GUI_ENABLE ; Read Ini File in case an installation already exists $sInstallPath = IniRead(@AppDataDir & "\LazyD Charter\LazyD Charter.ini","Install","Install_Path","C:\LazyD Charter") Local $sAppDataChecked = IniRead(@AppDataDir & "\LazyD Charter\LazyD Charter.ini","Install","AppData_Checked","True") ; Unused ATM Local $sAutoItChecked = IniRead(@AppDataDir & "\LazyD Charter\LazyD Charter.ini","Install","AutoIt_Checked","True") Local $sRegistryChecked = IniRead(@AppDataDir & "\LazyD Charter\LazyD Charter.ini","Install","Registry_Checked","True") $g_sDEFAULT_EXT = IniRead(@AppDataDir & "\LazyD Charter\LazyD Charter.ini","Install","Extension",$g_sDEFAULT_EXT) ; Change CheckBox Checked State if according to ini file data if $sAppDataChecked = "False" then $iAppDataChecked = $GUI_UNCHECKED ; Registry CheckBox first so AutoIt CheckBox values overwrite if $sRegistryChecked = "False" then $iRegistryChecked = $GUI_UNCHECKED $iInputExtensionState = $GUI_DISABLE EndIf if $sAutoItChecked = "False" then $iAutoItChecked = $GUI_UNCHECKED $iRegistryChecked = $GUI_UNCHECKED + $GUI_DISABLE $iInputExtensionState = $GUI_DISABLE EndIf ; Create Install Directory Input Box $g_id_inputInstallDirectory = GUICtrlCreateInput($sInstallPath, 16, 48, 465, 32) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP) ; Create Install Directory Label GUICtrlCreateLabel("Install Directory", 16, 16, 146, 28) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 800, 0, "") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) ; Create Install Directory SELECT Button GUICtrlCreateButton("SELECT", 496, 48, 100, 33) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 800, 0, "") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_BTN_DEFAULT) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Click to select another install folder location.") GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"Select_Install_Directory") ; Create QUIT Button GUICtrlCreateButton("QUIT", 493, 112, 100, 33) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 800, 0, "") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_BTN_QUIT) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Click to quit the installation process. All temporary files will be automatically deleted.") GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"Quit_App") ; Create INSTALL Button GUICtrlCreateButton("INSTALL", 16, 112, 100, 33) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 800, 0, "") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_BTN_DEFAULT) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Install ""LazyD Charter"" to the installation folder with the options selected below.") GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"Install_App") ; ---------------------------- ; Create Install Options Group GUICtrlCreateGroup("Options", 24, 176, 569, 313) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 800, 0, "") GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP_HEADER) ; Create Install Options Message Label GUICtrlCreateLabel("Optional installation features which will make your life easier, none are essential for using LazyD Charter.", 40, 216, 504, 60) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "") GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP) ; Create AppData Option CheckBox (and Label seperately as text color wouldn't change) $g_id_checkAppData = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("", 42, 288, 41, 41) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $iAppDataChecked) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "This option is disabled at the moment.") GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Create ""AppData\Roaming\LazyD Charter"" folder", 60, 295, 420, 41) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "This option is disabled at the moment.") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $COL_GROUP_HEADER) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP) ; Create AutoIt installation option CheckBox $g_id_checkAutoIt = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Use AutoIt Scripts", 42, 344, 465, 41) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $iAutoItChecked) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Keep it checked to copy """ & $g_sAutoItVer & """ and ""LazyD Charter Scripts"" to install directory.") GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "AutoIT_Check") ; Create Registry Keys installation option Checkbox (tied to AutoIT option) $g_id_checkRegistry = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Add Registry Keys (Requires UAC Admin Priviledge)", 72, 384, 489, 41) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $iRegistryChecked) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "") GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Adds Registry Keys to allow double-click running of scripts.") GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "Registry_Check") ; Create Extension option InputBox (tied to Registry Keys install option) $g_id_inputExtension = GUICtrlCreateInput($g_sDEFAULT_EXT, 96, 432, 89, 32, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_INPUT,$ES_CENTER)) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $iInputExtensionState) $g_id_lblInputExtension = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Extension for AutoIt scripts", 200, 432, 224, 28) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "AutoIt scripts will be registered with this extension") GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $iInputExtensionState) ; -------------------------------- ; Create Graphics GUIControls (for eye candy) - order is important GUICtrlCreateGraphic(24, 176, 569, 25) ;Group Header Color GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP_HEADER) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(24, 202, 569, 286) ;Group Background Color GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(32, 280, 553, 2) ; 2 pxs high horizontal line GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP_HEADER) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(32, 336, 553, 2) ; 2 pxs high horizontal line GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP_HEADER) ; --------------------------------- ; Create Installation Info Button GUICtrlCreateButton("INSTALLATION INFO", 24, 504, 188, 33) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, "") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Open ""LazyD Charter - Installation Information"" file") GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_BTN_DEFAULT) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"Info_Window") ; Display the App Window GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ; Message Loop While 1 sleep(100) WEnd EndFunc Func Get_ScriptFileNames_WithoutExtension() Local $aScriptFile = _FileListToArray(@ScriptDir,Default,$FLTA_FILES,Default) Local $aTemp[ubound($aScriptFile)-1] for $i = 1 to ubound($aScriptFile)-1 Local $sScriptFileName = $aScriptFile[$i] Local $sScriptFileName_WithoutExtension = StringTrimRight($sScriptFileName,4) ; 4 = 3 for "a3x" + 1 for "." $aTemp[$i-1] = $sScriptFileName_WithoutExtension Next return $aTemp endfunc func AutoIT_Check() ; Check if AutoIt installation option checkbox is checked if _IsChecked($g_id_checkAutoIt) Then GUICtrlSetState($g_id_checkRegistry, $GUI_UNCHECKED + $GUI_ENABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($g_id_checkRegistry, $GUI_UNCHECKED + $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($g_id_inputExtension, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($g_id_lblInputExtension, $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf EndFunc func Registry_Check() ; Check if Registry changes installation option checkbox is checked if _IsChecked($g_id_checkRegistry) Then GUICtrlSetState($g_id_inputExtension, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($g_id_lblInputExtension, $GUI_ENABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($g_id_inputExtension, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($g_id_lblInputExtension, $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf EndFunc func Info_Window() ; Set Path according to script dir location Local $sInfoPath = (FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\Text Files")) ? (@ScriptDir & "\Text Files") : (@ScriptDir & "\..\Charter\Apps\Text Files") ; Open Installation Info.rtf in default viewer ShellExecute($sInfoPath & "\Installation Info.rtf") EndFunc func Quit_App() ; Close App Window, Exit App GUIDelete(@GUI_WinHandle) Exit EndFunc func Select_Install_Directory() ; Changes needed to be done on various controls when user changes the install directory Local $sDefaultPath = GUICtrlRead($g_id_inputInstallDirectory) Local $sDefaultDrive = StringLeft($sDefaultPath,3) Local $sInstallPath = FileSelectFolder("Select the main folder to install LazyD Charter to...",$sDefaultDrive,Default,"",@GUI_WinHandle) if $sInstallPath = "" then GUICtrlSetData($g_id_inputInstallDirectory,$sDefaultPath) Return Else if StringRight($sInstallPath, 13) = "LazyD Charter" Then ; User selected the Default Folder Name ; Do Nothing Else if StringLen($sInstallPath) = 3 Then ; User selected the root of a drive, append Default Folder name $sInstallPath &= "LazyD Charter" Else ; User selected a different folder ; Do Nothing EndIf EndIf EndIf GUICtrlSetData($g_id_inputInstallDirectory,$sInstallPath) EndFunc func Install_App() Local $sRegHive = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\" Local $sInstallPath = GUICtrlRead($g_id_inputInstallDirectory) Local $iOverWriteMethod = $FC_OVERWRITE ; Install LazyD Charter with the installation options selected ; Check $sExt related stuff Local $sExt $sExt = GUICtrlRead($g_id_inputExtension) if _isEnabled($g_id_inputExtension) Then ; Check if $sExt is empty if $sExt = "" Then msgbox($MB_OK,"Warning","Extension Type is Blank! I will set it to the Default = """ & $g_sDEFAULT_EXT & """ and Return back to the Options Window" & @CRLF & "Please set it accordingly or keep it as it is.") GUICtrlSetData($g_id_inputExtension, $g_sDEFAULT_EXT) Return Else ; Check if key already exists RegRead($sRegHive & "." & $sExt,"") if @error <= 0 then ; Key already exists, check if it is a LazyD Charter key if RegRead($sRegHive & "." & $sExt,"Check") = """LazyD Charter""" Then ; This key was created by LazyD Charter before ; Do Nothing Else ; This key looks like belonging to some other app if $sExt = $g_sDEFAULT_EXT then ; Default Extension is registered to some other app, append "s" to $g_sDEFAULT_EXT and Return to Options Window msgbox($MB_OK,"Warning","The Default Extension Type """ & $g_sDEFAULT_EXT & """ is registered with another application!" & @CRLF & "I will set it to """ & $g_sDEFAULT_EXT & "s" & """ and Return back to the Options Window" & @CRLF & "Please click INSTALL button again.") $g_sDEFAULT_EXT &= "s" GUICtrlSetData($g_id_inputExtension, $g_sDEFAULT_EXT) Else ; User supplied Extension is registered to some other app, change back to Default and Return to Options Window msgbox($MB_OK,"Warning","The selected Extension Type is registered with another application!" & @CRLF & "I will set it to the Default = """ & $g_sDEFAULT_EXT & """ and Return back to the Options Window" & @CRLF & "Please change it to something else.") GUICtrlSetData($g_id_inputExtension, $g_sDEFAULT_EXT) EndIf Return EndIf EndIf EndIf Else ; Set a Default Value, Won't be used anyway since Registry option is unchecked $sExt = "a3x" EndIf ; Before anything check if previous ini file exists or contains "Install_Path" key Local $sPreviousInstallPath = IniRead(@AppDataDir & "\Roaming\LazyD Charter\LazyD Charter.ini","Install","Install_Path","") ; Check whether current install path is same as previous install path if not ($sPreviousInstallPath = "" or $sPreviousInstallPath <> $sInstallPath) Then ; Check whether Install Folder size is zero if not (DirGetSize($sPreviousInstallPath) = 0) Then ; If it is, ask to user what to do? Local $iAnswer = msgbox($MB_YESNOCANCEL,"Previous Installation Found","Found some folders at a previous installation location:" & @CRLF & """" & $sPreviousInstallPath & """" & @CRLF & "Should I delete the old installation folder?" & @CRLF & "Click CANCEL Button to Abort!") if $iAnswer = $IDNO Then ; Set Overwrite method to No-Overwrite and Continue $iOverWriteMethod = $FC_NOOVERWRITE Elseif $iAnswer =$IDYES Then ; Delete previous installation folder and continue DirRemove($sPreviousInstallPath,$DIR_REMOVE) elseif $iAnswer = $IDCANCEL Then ; User cancelled the install operation Return EndIf EndIf EndIf ; Check if Install Dir Exists, create if not Local $iCharterInstallDirCreated if not(FileExists($sInstallPath)) Then $iCharterInstallDirCreated = DirCreate($sInstallPath) EndIf ; Return to Main App if above steps are unsuccessful if $iCharterInstallDirCreated <> 1 and not(FileExists($sInstallPath)) then msgbox($MB_OK, "Error", "Couldn't create LazyD Charter install dir: """ & $sInstallPath & """") Return EndIf ; Copy Temp Install Folder\Charter Contents to Install Folder DirCopy(@ScriptDir & "\..\Charter",$sInstallPath,$iOverWriteMethod) ; Copy AutoIt3.exe and Script Files to Charter\Apps folders according to Install Options if not(_IsChecked($g_id_checkAutoIt)) Then ; Don't copy AutoIt3.exe or a3x scripts ; Do Nothing elseif (_IsChecked($g_id_checkAutoIt) and not(_IsChecked($g_id_checkRegistry))) Then ; Copy AutoIt3.exe and Copy Scripts with unchanged extension (a3x) FileCopy(@ScriptDir & "\" & $g_sAutoItVer, $sInstallPath & "\Apps",$iOverWriteMethod) for $i = 1 to ubound($g_aScriptFiles) if not ($g_aScriptFiles[$i-1] = "") then FileCopy(@ScriptDir & "\" & $g_aScriptFiles[$i-1] & ".a3x", $sInstallPath & "\Apps", $iOverWriteMethod) next elseif (_IsChecked($g_id_checkAutoIt) and _IsChecked($g_id_checkRegistry)) Then ; Copy AutoIt3.exe and Copy Script Files with new extension (Extension may be set to default "a3x" regardless depending on the input box State ($GUI_DISABLE)) FileCopy(@ScriptDir & "\" & $g_sAutoItVer, $sInstallPath & "\Apps",$iOverWriteMethod) for $i = 1 to ubound($g_aScriptFiles) if not ($g_aScriptFiles[$i-1] = "") then FileCopy(@ScriptDir & "\" & $g_aScriptFiles[$i-1] & ".a3x", $sInstallPath & "\Apps\" & $g_aScriptFiles[$i-1] & "." & $sExt, $iOverWriteMethod) next EndIf ; Create Registry Entry for Extension (if install option is selected) if it doesn't exist and add shell command to start AutoIt3.exe with the calling a3x script's full path if (_IsChecked($g_id_checkRegistry) and _IsChecked($g_id_checkAutoIt)) Then RegRead($sRegHive & "." & $sExt,"") If @Error > 0 Then ; Key does not exist create all entries RegWrite($sRegHive & "." & $sExt) RegWrite($sRegHive & "." & $sExt, "Check", "REG_SZ", """LazyD Charter""") RegWrite($sRegHive & "." & $sExt & "\DefaultIcon") RegWrite($sRegHive & "." & $sExt & "\DefaultIcon","","REG_SZ","""" & $sInstallPath & "\Apps\ChResource\LazyD_Ch.ico""") RegWrite($sRegHive & "." & $sExt & "\shell") RegWrite($sRegHive & "." & $sExt & "\shell\open") RegWrite($sRegHive & "." & $sExt & "\shell\open\command") RegWrite($sRegHive & "." & $sExt & "\shell\open\command", "","REG_SZ","""" & $sInstallPath & "\Apps\" & $g_sAutoItVer & """ ""%1""") Else ; Key does exist, check for subkeys and stuff and create subkeys if they don't exist, and update/create values RegWrite($sRegHive & "." & $sExt, "Check", "REG_SZ", """LazyD Charter""") ; update/create Value(Check) RegRead($sRegHive & "." & $sExt & "\DefaultIcon","") ; Read Subkey(DefaultIcon) Default Value if @error <> 0 then RegWrite($sRegHive & "." & $sExt & "\DefaultIcon") ; Create Subkey(DefaultIcon) RegWrite($sRegHive & "." & $sExt & "\DefaultIcon","","REG_SZ","""" & $sInstallPath & "\Apps\ChResource\LazyD_Ch.ico""") ; Update/create Value(DefaultIcon Location) RegRead($sRegHive & "." & $sExt & "\shell","") ; Read Subkey(shell) Default Value if @error <> 0 then RegWrite($sRegHive & "." & $sExt & "\shell") ; Create Subkey(shell) RegRead($sRegHive & "." & $sExt & "\shell\open","") ; Read Subkey(shell\open) Default Value if @error <> 0 then RegWrite($sRegHive & "." & $sExt & "\shell\open") ; Create Subkey(shell\open) RegRead($sRegHive & "." & $sExt & "\shell\open\command","") ; Read Subkey(shell\open\command) Default Value if @error <> 0 then RegWrite($sRegHive & "." & $sExt & "\shell\open\command") ; Create Subkey(shell\open\command) RegWrite($sRegHive & "." & $sExt & "\shell\open\command","","REG_SZ","""" & $sInstallPath & "\Apps\" & $g_sAutoItVer & """ ""%1""") ; Update/create Value(AutoIt3.exe Location) endif EndIf ; Create Charter AppData/Roaming Folder if it doesnt exist if not (FileExists(@AppDataDir & "LazyD Charter")) Then DirCreate(@AppDataDir & "\LazyD Charter") EndIf ; Create LazyD Charter.ini and write options Local $sAppDataChecked = (_IsChecked($g_id_checkAppData)) ? ("True") : ("False") Local $sAutoItChecked = (_IsChecked($g_id_checkAutoIt)) ? ("True") : ("False") Local $sRegistryChecked = ((not _IsEnabled($g_id_checkRegistry)) or (not _IsChecked($g_id_checkRegistry))) ? ("False") : ("True") IniWrite(@AppDataDir & "\LazyD Charter\LazyD Charter.ini", "Install", "Install_Path", $sInstallPath) IniWrite(@AppDataDir & "\LazyD Charter\LazyD Charter.ini", "Install", "AppData_Checked", $sAppDataChecked) IniWrite(@AppDataDir & "\LazyD Charter\LazyD Charter.ini", "Install", "AutoIt_Checked", $sAutoItChecked) IniWrite(@AppDataDir & "\LazyD Charter\LazyD Charter.ini", "Install", "Registry_Checked", $sRegistryChecked) IniWrite(@AppDataDir & "\LazyD Charter\LazyD Charter.ini", "Install", "Extension", $sExt) IniWrite(@AppDataDir & "\LazyD Charter\LazyD Charter.ini", "Install", "Registry_Hive", $sRegHive) IniWrite(@AppDataDir & "\LazyD Charter\LazyD Charter.ini", "Install", "AutoItVer", $g_sAutoItVer) ; Copy xlsm to User Desktop if FileExists(@DesktopDir & "\LazyD Charter - The Machine Ed.xlsm") then ; if previous xlsm found append (New) to filename and copy FileCopy($sInstallPath & "\Assets\Excel\LazyD Charter - The Machine Ed.xlsm",@DesktopDir & "\LazyD Charter - The Machine Ed (New).xlsm",$FC_NOOVERWRITE) Else ; copy as is FileCopy($sInstallPath & "\Assets\Excel\LazyD Charter - The Machine Ed.xlsm",@DesktopDir,$FC_NOOVERWRITE) EndIf ; Notify User about Successful Installation and Close Installer MsgBox($MB_OK,"LazyD Charter Installer","Installation was successful. Click OK to close Installer") Quit_App() endFunc func _IsChecked($idControlID) ; Check if CheckBox is checked Return BitAND(GUICtrlRead($idControlID), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED EndFunc func _IsEnabled($idControlID) ; Check for Control's State (ENABLED/DISABLED) if BitAnd(GUICtrlGetState($idControlID), $GUI_ENABLE) = $GUI_ENABLE Then Return True Else Return False EndIf Endfunc Maybe, someone interested in this can create a customizable version which is more suited to a general audience actually for using a3x rather than having them optional. Idk, let me know what you think. With some modification, you could separate 32-64 bit scripts, and different versions of AutoIt and associate with different extensions perhaps. Thanks for reading! Also a big thanks to everyone who have shared their knowledge here on the forums. You guys/girls make the world a better place Btw: LazyD stands for 2 things, used to be "Lazy Drummer" only, and now "Lazy Developer" too, Edit: For those who would like to see it in action, attached the folder that would be unzipped by the self extracting exe. However, removed AutoIt3.exe from the zip as per Jos' advice. Just copy paste it to Scripts folder from your own AutoIt install folder. Edit: Posted CH_Configuration and CH_Uninstaller https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/204395-installer-to-distribute-autoit-a3x-scripts/?do=findComment&comment=1468795 CH_Installer_Final.au3 LazyD Charter Color Theme.au3 CH_Install.7z Edited November 17, 2020 by GokAy
JockoDundee Posted November 15, 2020 Posted November 15, 2020 7 hours ago, GokAy said: used to be "Lazy Drummer" only because you don’t like to practice, or because you play behind the beat? Code hard, but don’t hard code...
GokAy Posted November 15, 2020 Author Posted November 15, 2020 First one. Oh and no I really am not a drummer. Just played GuitarHero drums, and now Clone Hero. People see the e-drum kit at my house and ask if I play the drums. I have to explain each time. Even harder in English as you "play" the drums in a game, and "play" an instrument. So I tell them, "Don't call me a drummer, as I am not, even if I were, I would be the lazy kind". 😛 JockoDundee 1
GokAy Posted November 17, 2020 Author Posted November 17, 2020 (edited) 2. CH_Configuration Same GUI as Installer, only task is to let user change options, and execute the changes. One worthy part to check would be the batch files created depending on: 1. InstallPath change (delete script and AutoIt3.exe from old InstallPath, which are both running at that time) 2. Extension change when InstallPath stay same (delete scripts with old extension, at that time CH_Configuration would be running) Idea is, create the batch files, start them and terminate script. Batch file waits for 5 seconds (for interpreter and script to shutdown) and asks the user to either continue or quit. Continue: deletes whatever needed and deletes itself afterwards. Quit: Quits the batch execution and leaves it there for user to start it a later time. The code: Spoiler expandcollapse popup#NoTrayIcon #RequireAdmin #Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Outfile_type=a3x #AutoIt3Wrapper_Outfile=CH_Install\Scripts\CH_Configuration.a3x #AutoIt3Wrapper_Compression=0 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=Script file for configuring LazyD Charter installation options #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_ProductName=LazyD Charter #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_ProductVersion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_CompanyName=LazyD is not a company #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=None #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalTradeMarks=None #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-q -d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w 7 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Au3Stripper=y #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include <File.au3> #include <FileConstants.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <AutoItConstants.au3> #include <Constants.au3> #include <LazyD Charter Color Theme.au3> AutoItSetOption("MustDeclareVars", 1) AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", 1) ; Default Variable Values Global $g_sIniFile = @AppDataDir & "\LazyD Charter\LazyD Charter.ini" Global $g_sInstallPath = IniRead($g_sIniFile,"Install","Install_Path","NotRead") Global $g_sAppDataChecked = IniRead($g_sIniFile,"Install","AppData_Checked","NotRead") ; Unused ATM Global $g_sAutoItChecked = IniRead($g_sIniFile,"Install","AutoIt_Checked","NotRead") Global $g_sRegistryChecked = IniRead($g_sIniFile,"Install","Registry_Checked","NotRead") Global $g_sExtension = IniRead($g_sIniFile,"Install","Extension","NotRead") Global $g_sRegHive = IniRead($g_sIniFile,"Install","Registry_Hive","NotRead") Global $g_sAutoItVer = IniRead($g_sIniFile,"Install","AutoItVer","NotRead") Global $g_sDEFAULT_EXT = ($g_sExtension = "a3x") ? ($g_sExtension & "s") : ($g_sExtension) ; Quit_App if Install Path can not be read If $g_sInstallPath = "NotRead" then MsgBox($MB_OK,"Warning!","Install Path can not be read. Please check if """ & $g_sIniFile & """ exists.") Exit EndIf ;~ ; Get Script Files Names without Extension ;~ Global $g_aScriptFiles = Get_ScriptFileNames_WithoutExtension() Global $g_sCurrentInstallPath = $g_sInstallPath Global $g_sCurrentAppDataChecked = $g_sAppDataChecked Global $g_sCurrentAutoItChecked = $g_sAutoItChecked Global $g_sCurrentRegistryChecked = $g_sRegistryChecked Global $g_sCurrentExtension = $g_sExtension Global $g_sCurrentRegHive = $g_sRegHive ; Set GUI Control element default values according to ini file values Global $g_iAppDataChecked = ($g_sAppDataChecked = "True") ? ($GUI_CHECKED) : ($GUI_UNCHECKED) Global $g_iAutoItChecked = ($g_sAutoItChecked = "True") ? ($GUI_CHECKED) : ($GUI_UNCHECKED) Global $g_iRegistryChecked = ($g_sRegistryChecked = "True") ? ($GUI_CHECKED) : ($GUI_UNCHECKED) Global $g_iAppDataState = ($g_sAppDataChecked = "True") ? ($GUI_ENABLE) : ($GUI_DISABLE) Global $g_iAutoItState = ($g_sAutoItChecked = "True") ? ($GUI_ENABLE) : ($GUI_DISABLE) Global $g_iRegistryState = ($g_sAutoItChecked = "True") ? ($GUI_ENABLE) : ($GUI_DISABLE) Global $g_iInputExtensionState = ($g_iRegistryChecked = $GUI_CHECKED) ? ($GUI_ENABLE) : ($GUI_DISABLE) Global $g_id_inputInstallDirectory Global $g_id_checkRegistry Global $g_id_checkAutoIt Global $g_id_inputExtension Global $g_id_checkAppData Global $g_id_lblInputExtension Create_App_Window() Func Create_App_Window() ; Create App Window GUICreate("LazyD Charter Configuration", 611, 550, -1, -1) GUISetIcon($g_sInstallPath & "\Apps\ChResource\LazyD_Ch.ico") GUISetBkColor($COL_APP_WINDOW) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "Quit_App") ; Create Dummy Button to intercept Return key press GUICtrlCreateButton("",0,0,0,0,-1,-1) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_APP_WINDOW) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "") ; Create QUIT Button GUICtrlCreateButton("QUIT", 493, 112, 100, 33) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 800, 0, "") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_BTN_QUIT) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Click to quit the re-configuration process.") GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"Quit_App") ; Create Install Directory Input Box $g_id_inputInstallDirectory = GUICtrlCreateInput($g_sInstallPath, 16, 48, 465, 32) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP) ; Create Install Directory Label GUICtrlCreateLabel("Install Directory", 16, 16, 146, 28) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 800, 0, "") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) ; Create Install Directory SELECT Button GUICtrlCreateButton("SELECT", 496, 48, 100, 33) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 800, 0, "") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_BTN_DEFAULT) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Click to select another install folder location.") GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"Select_Install_Directory") ; Create APPLY Button GUICtrlCreateButton("APPLY", 16, 112, 100, 33) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 800, 0, "") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_BTN_DEFAULT) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Apply configuration changes.") GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"Execute_Changes") ; ---------------------------- ; Create Install Options Group GUICtrlCreateGroup("Options", 24, 176, 569, 313) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 800, 0, "") GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP_HEADER) ; Create Install Options Message Label GUICtrlCreateLabel("Optional installation features which will make your life easier, none are essential for using LazyD Charter.", 40, 216, 504, 60) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "") GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP) ; Create AppData Option CheckBox (and Label seperately as text color wouldn't change) $g_id_checkAppData = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("", 42, 288, 41, 41) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $g_iAppDataChecked + $g_iAppDataState) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "This option is disabled at the moment.") GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Create ""AppData\Roaming\LazyD Charter"" folder", 60, 295, 420, 41) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "This option is disabled at the moment.") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $COL_GROUP_HEADER) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP) ; Create AutoIt installation option CheckBox $g_id_checkAutoIt = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Use AutoIt Scripts", 42, 344, 465, 41) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $g_iAutoItChecked + $g_iAutoItState) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Keep it checked to copy """ & $g_sAutoItVer & """ and ""LazyD Charter Scripts"" to install directory.") GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "AutoIT_Check") ; Create Registry Keys installation option Checkbox (tied to AutoIT option) $g_id_checkRegistry = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Add Registry Keys (Requires UAC Admin Priviledge)", 72, 384, 489, 41) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $g_iRegistryChecked + $g_iRegistryState) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "") GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Adds Registry Keys to allow double-click running of scripts.") GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "Registry_Check") ; Create Extension option InputBox (tied to Registry Keys install option) $g_id_inputExtension = GUICtrlCreateInput($g_sDEFAULT_EXT, 96, 432, 89, 32, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_INPUT,$ES_CENTER)) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $g_iInputExtensionState) $g_id_lblInputExtension = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Extension for AutoIt scripts", 200, 432, 224, 28) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "AutoIt scripts will be registered with this extension") GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $g_iInputExtensionState) ; -------------------------------- ; Create Graphics GUIControls (for eye candy) - order is important GUICtrlCreateGraphic(24, 176, 569, 25) ;Group Header Color GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP_HEADER) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(24, 202, 569, 286) ;Group Background Color GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(32, 280, 553, 2) ; 2 pxs high horizontal line GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP_HEADER) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(32, 336, 553, 2) ; 2 pxs high horizontal line GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP_HEADER) ; --------------------------------- ; Create Configuration Info Button GUICtrlCreateButton("CONFIGURATION INFO", 24, 504, 188, 33) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, "") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Open ""LazyD Charter - Configuration Information"" file") GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_BTN_DEFAULT) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"Info_File") ; Display the App Window GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ; Message Loop While 1 sleep(100) WEnd EndFunc Func Get_ScriptFileNames_WithoutExtension() Local $aScriptFile = _FileListToArray($g_sInstallPath & "\Apps",Default,$FLTA_FILES,Default) ; Delete from Array if FileName = $g_sAutoItVer or Extension is not $g_sExtension Local $iFileCount = $aScriptFile[0] Local $sScriptFileName Local $sScriptFileExtension Local $sScriptFileName_WithoutExtension for $i = 1 to ubound($aScriptFile)-1 $sScriptFileName = $aScriptFile[$i] $sScriptFileExtension = StringTrimLeft($sScriptFileName,StringInStr($sScriptFileName,".",0,-1)) if ($sScriptFileName = $g_sAutoItVer) Or not ($sScriptFileExtension = $g_sCurrentExtension) Then $aScriptFile[$i] = "" $iFileCount -= 1 EndIf Next ; Create Temp Array to hold script file names without extension Local $aTemp[1] if $iFileCount > 0 Then redim $aTemp[$iFileCount] Local $iIndex = 0 for $i = 1 to ubound($aScriptFile)-1 if not ($aScriptFile[$i] = "") Then $sScriptFileName = $aScriptFile[$i] $sScriptFileName_WithoutExtension = StringTrimRight($sScriptFileName,1 + StringLen($g_sCurrentExtension)) ; 1 for "." $aTemp[$iIndex] = $sScriptFileName_WithoutExtension $iIndex += 1 EndIf Next EndIf ; Return Final Array return $aTemp endfunc Func Execute_Changes() ; Get New Configuration Options $g_sInstallPath = GUICtrlRead($g_id_inputInstallDirectory) $g_iAppDataChecked = GUICtrlRead($g_id_checkAppData) ; Disabled ATM $g_iAutoItChecked = GUICtrlRead($g_id_checkAutoIt) $g_iRegistryChecked = GUICtrlRead($g_id_checkRegistry) $g_sExtension = GUICtrlRead($g_id_inputExtension) $g_sRegHive = $g_sRegHive ; No option for this ATM $g_sAppDataChecked = ($g_iAppDataChecked = $GUI_CHECKED) ? ("True") : ("False") $g_sAutoItChecked = ($g_iAutoItChecked = $GUI_CHECKED) ? ("True") : ("False") $g_sRegistryChecked = ($g_iRegistryChecked = $GUI_CHECKED) ? ("True") : ("False") ; Check for New Reg Key exists, if exists and Check Value <> "LazyD Charter" then warn user and return If _IsEnabled($g_id_inputExtension) Then ; Check if key already exists RegRead($g_sRegHive & "." & $g_sExtension,"") if @error <= 0 then ; Key already exists, check if it is a LazyD Charter key if RegRead($g_sRegHive & "." & $g_sExtension,"Check") = """LazyD Charter""" Then ; This key was created by LazyD Charter before, can update If $g_sExtension = $g_sCurrentExtension Then ; No need to create a new key, just change current Installation Paths to the New Installation Path RegWrite($g_sRegHive & "." & $g_sExtension & "\DefaultIcon","","REG_SZ","""" & $g_sInstallPath & "\Apps\ChResource\LazyD_Ch.ico""") RegWrite($g_sRegHive & "." & $g_sExtension & "\shell\open\command", "","REG_SZ","""" & $g_sInstallPath & "\Apps\" & $g_sAutoItVer & """ ""%1""") EndIf Else ; This key belongs to some other app, warn and return MsgBox($MB_OK, "Warning!", "The New Extension """ & $g_sExtension & """ belongs to some other application." & @CRLF & "Please select another extension. Click OK to return back to the Configuration window.") Return EndIf Else ; Create New Key RegWrite($g_sRegHive & "." & $g_sExtension) RegWrite($g_sRegHive & "." & $g_sExtension, "Check", "REG_SZ", """LazyD Charter""") RegWrite($g_sRegHive & "." & $g_sExtension & "\DefaultIcon") RegWrite($g_sRegHive & "." & $g_sExtension & "\DefaultIcon","","REG_SZ","""" & $g_sInstallPath & "\Apps\ChResource\LazyD_Ch.ico""") RegWrite($g_sRegHive & "." & $g_sExtension & "\shell") RegWrite($g_sRegHive & "." & $g_sExtension & "\shell\open") RegWrite($g_sRegHive & "." & $g_sExtension & "\shell\open\command") RegWrite($g_sRegHive & "." & $g_sExtension & "\shell\open\command", "","REG_SZ","""" & $g_sInstallPath & "\Apps\" & $g_sAutoItVer & """ ""%1""") EndIf Else $g_sExtension = "a3x" EndIf ; Create New Installation Folder (if Old <> New) If $g_sInstallPath <> $g_sCurrentInstallPath Then ; Check if Install Dir Exists, create if not Local $iCharterInstallDirCreated if not(FileExists($g_sInstallPath)) Then $iCharterInstallDirCreated = DirCreate($g_sInstallPath) EndIf ; Return to Main App if above steps are unsuccessful if $iCharterInstallDirCreated <> 1 and not(FileExists($g_sInstallPath)) then MsgBox($MB_OK, "Error", "Couldn't create LazyD Charter install dir: """ & $g_sInstallPath & """") Return EndIf EndIf ; Copy Install Folder (if Old <> New) If $g_sInstallPath <> $g_sCurrentInstallPath Then DirCopy($g_sCurrentInstallPath, $g_sInstallPath, $FC_OVERWRITE) EndIf ; Delete AutoIt and scripts if AutoIt is unchecked if not (_IsChecked($g_id_checkAutoIt)) Then FileDelete($g_sInstallPath & "\Apps\" & $g_sAutoItVer) FileDelete($g_sInstallPath & "\Apps\*." & $g_sCurrentExtension) EndIf ; Change Extension Type of scripts if Extension Input Box is Enabled, and Old Extension <> New Extension if _IsChecked($g_id_checkAutoIt) Then If $g_sExtension <> $g_sCurrentExtension Then ; Read script filenames from scripts file ;~ Local $hScriptFile = FileOpen($g_sScriptFiles, $FO_READ) ;~ Local $aScriptFiles = FileReadToArray($hScriptFile) ;~ FileClose($hScriptFile) Local $aScriptFiles = Get_ScriptFileNames_WithoutExtension() for $i = 0 to ubound($aScriptFiles)-1 FileCopy($g_sCurrentInstallPath & "\Apps\" & $aScriptFiles[$i] & "." & $g_sCurrentExtension, $g_sInstallPath & "\Apps\" & $aScriptFiles[$i] & "." & $g_sExtension) Next EndIf EndIf ; Change AppData ini IniWrite($g_sIniFile,"Install","Install_Path",$g_sInstallPath) IniWrite($g_sIniFile,"Install","AppData_Checked",$g_sAppDataChecked) ; Unused ATM IniWrite($g_sIniFile,"Install","AutoIt_Checked",$g_sAutoItChecked) IniWrite($g_sIniFile,"Install","Registry_Checked",$g_sRegistryChecked) IniWrite($g_sIniFile,"Install","Extension",$g_sExtension) IniWrite($g_sIniFile,"Install","Registry_Hive",$g_sRegHive) IniWrite($g_sIniFile,"Install","AutoItVer",$g_sAutoItVer) ; Delete Old Reg Key if not same if $g_sCurrentRegistryChecked = "True" then ; Old Key exists, delete if Old <> New if $g_sExtension <> $g_sCurrentExtension Then RegRead($g_sRegHive & "." & $g_sCurrentExtension,"") if @error <= 0 then ; Key already exists, check if it is a LazyD Charter key if RegRead($g_sRegHive & "." & $g_sCurrentExtension,"Check") = """LazyD Charter""" Then RegDelete($g_sRegHive & "." & $g_sCurrentExtension) EndIf EndIf EndIf Else ; Old Key doesn't exist ; Do Nothing EndIf ; Create Batch file to delete old Installation Folder (if Old <> New) Local $sRoot = StringLeft($g_sCurrentInstallPath, 2) Local $sParent = StringTrimRight($g_sCurrentInstallPath, StringLen($g_sCurrentInstallPath) - StringInStr($g_sCurrentInstallPath, "\", 0, -1) + 1) Local $hFile if $g_sInstallPath <> $g_sCurrentInstallPath Then FileDelete($sParent & "\DeleteInstallFolder.bat") $hFile = FileOpen($sParent & "\DeleteInstallFolder.bat", $FO_APPEND) FileWriteLine($hFile, "@PUSHD %~dp0") FileWriteLine($hFile, "@ECHO OFF") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO LazyD Charter:") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO ------------------------------------------------") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO This is an automatically created batch file") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO which will remove the Old Install Folder") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO and will delete itself after running.") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO ------------------------------------------------") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO Old Install Directory: """ & $g_sCurrentInstallPath & """") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO ------------------------------------------------") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO Changing Drive to """ & $sRoot & """") FileWriteLine($hFile, $sRoot) FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO Changing Directory to """ & $sParent & """") FileWriteLine($hFile, "CD """ & $sParent & """") if $sParent = $sRoot then FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO Batch File: %CD%DeleteInstallFolder.bat ") Else FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO Batch File: %CD%\DeleteInstallFolder.bat ") EndIf if $g_sCurrentExtension <> $g_sExtension then FileWriteLine($hFile, "DEL /F /Q """ & $g_sInstallPath & "\Apps\*." & $g_sCurrentExtension & """") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO ------------------------------------------------") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO Please confirm correct directory and") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO Press ""Y"" to delete Old Install Folder") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO ------------------------------------------------") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO Waiting for 5 seconds to let script and interpreter") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO to shutdown.") FileWriteLine($hFile, "TIMEOUT 5 >NUL") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO ------------------------------------------------") FileWriteLine($hFile, "CHOICE /C YX /N /M ""Continue? (Press ""X"" to QUIT)""") FileWriteLine($hFile, "IF ERRORLEVEL 2 GOTO QUIT") FileWriteLine($hFile, "IF ERRORLEVEL 1 @ECHO OFF") FileWriteLine($hFile, "IF EXIST """ & $g_sCurrentInstallPath & """ RMDIR /Q /S """ & $g_sCurrentInstallPath & """") FileWriteLine($hFile, "IF EXIST """ & $sParent & "\DeleteInstallFolder.bat"" DEL /F /Q """ & $sParent & "\DeleteInstallFolder.bat""") FileWriteLine($hFile, ":QUIT") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO ------------------------------------------------") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO Please re-run this batch script to complete deletion") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO """ & $sParent & "\DeleteInstallFolder.bat""") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO End of Batch Script") FileWriteLine($hFile, "PAUSE") FileClose($hFile) ; Run Batch file and exit Configuration App Run("""" & $sParent & "\DeleteInstallFolder.bat""") Exit EndIf ; Create Batch file to change extensions when install path stays the same if ($g_sInstallPath = $g_sCurrentInstallPath) and ($g_sExtension <> $g_sCurrentExtension) Then FileDelete($g_sInstallPath & "\DeleteLeftOverScripts.bat") $hFile = FileOpen($g_sInstallPath & "\DeleteLeftOverScripts.bat", $FO_APPEND) FileWriteLine($hFile, "@PUSHD %~dp0") FileWriteLine($hFile, "@ECHO OFF") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO LazyD Charter:") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO ------------------------------------------------") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO This is an automatically created batch file") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO which will delete some left over script files") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO and will delete itself after running.") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO ------------------------------------------------") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO Current Extension: """ & $g_sCurrentExtension & """") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO New Extension: """ & $g_sExtension & """") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO ------------------------------------------------") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO Changing Drive to """ & $sRoot & """") FileWriteLine($hFile, $sRoot) FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO Changing Directory to """ & $g_sInstallPath & """") FileWriteLine($hFile, "CD """ & $g_sInstallPath & """") if $sParent = $sRoot then FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO Batch File: %CD%DeleteLeftOverScripts.bat ") Else FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO Batch File: %CD%\DeleteLeftOverScripts.bat ") EndIf FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO ------------------------------------------------") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO Waiting for 5 seconds to let script and interpreter") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO to shutdown.") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO ------------------------------------------------") FileWriteLine($hFile, "TIMEOUT 5 >NUL") FileWriteLine($hFile, "DEL /F /Q """ & $g_sInstallPath & "\Apps\*." & $g_sCurrentExtension & """") FileWriteLine($hFile, "DEL /F /Q """ & $g_sInstallPath & "\DeleteLeftOverScripts.bat""") FileClose($hFile) ; Run Batch file and exit Configuration App Run("""" & $g_sInstallPath & "\DeleteLeftOverScripts.bat""") Exit EndIf EndFunc func Select_Install_Directory() ; Changes needed to be done on various controls when user changes the install directory Local $sDefaultPath = GUICtrlRead($g_id_inputInstallDirectory) Local $sDefaultDrive = StringLeft($sDefaultPath,3) Local $g_sInstallPath = FileSelectFolder("Select the main folder to install LazyD Charter to...",$sDefaultDrive,Default,"",@GUI_WinHandle) if $g_sInstallPath = "" then GUICtrlSetData($g_id_inputInstallDirectory,$sDefaultPath) Return Else if StringRight($g_sInstallPath, 13) = "LazyD Charter" Then ; User selected the Default Folder Name ; Do Nothing Else if StringLen($g_sInstallPath) = 3 Then ; User selected the root of a drive, append Default Folder name $g_sInstallPath &= "LazyD Charter" Else ; User selected a different folder ; Do Nothing EndIf EndIf EndIf GUICtrlSetData($g_id_inputInstallDirectory,$g_sInstallPath) EndFunc func AutoIT_Check() ; Check if AutoIt installation option checkbox is checked if _IsChecked($g_id_checkAutoIt) Then GUICtrlSetState($g_id_checkRegistry, $GUI_UNCHECKED + $GUI_ENABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($g_id_checkRegistry, $GUI_UNCHECKED + $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($g_id_inputExtension, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($g_id_lblInputExtension, $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf EndFunc func Registry_Check() ; Check if Registry changes installation option checkbox is checked if _IsChecked($g_id_checkRegistry) Then GUICtrlSetState($g_id_inputExtension, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($g_id_lblInputExtension, $GUI_ENABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($g_id_inputExtension, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($g_id_lblInputExtension, $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf EndFunc func Info_File() ; Open Configuration Info.rtf in default viewer ShellExecute($g_sInstallPath & "\Apps\Text Files\Configuration Info.rtf") EndFunc func _IsChecked($idControlID) ; Check if CheckBox is checked Return BitAND(GUICtrlRead($idControlID), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED EndFunc func _IsEnabled($idControlID) ; Check for Control's State (ENABLED/DISABLED) if BitAnd(GUICtrlGetState($idControlID), $GUI_ENABLE) = $GUI_ENABLE Then Return True Else Return False EndIf Endfunc func Quit_App() ; Close App Window, Exit App GUIDelete(@GUI_WinHandle) Exit EndFunc 3. CH_Uninstaller: Reverts the changes made (delete appdata folder, delete registry association, delete install folder) with options to keep 2 folders (in my case). Also creates a batch file since AutoIt.exe and uninstaller script would be running at the time. Spoiler expandcollapse popup#NoTrayIcon #RequireAdmin #Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Outfile_type=a3x #AutoIt3Wrapper_Outfile=CH_Install\Scripts\CH_Uninstaller.a3x #AutoIt3Wrapper_Compression=0 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=Script file for uninstalling LazyD Charter #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_ProductName=LazyD Charter #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_ProductVersion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_CompanyName=LazyD is not a company #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=None #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalTradeMarks=None #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-q -d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w 7 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Au3Stripper=y #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <AutoItConstants.au3> #include <FileConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <LazyD Charter Color Theme.au3> AutoItSetOption("MustDeclareVars", 1) AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", 1) Global $g_sIniFile = @AppDataDir & "\LazyD Charter\LazyD Charter.ini" Global $g_sInstallPath = IniRead($g_sIniFile,"Install","Install_Path","") Global $g_sAppData = IniRead($g_sIniFile,"Install","AppData_Checked","") Global $g_sAutoIt = IniRead($g_sIniFile,"Install","AutoIt_Checked","") Global $g_sRegistry = IniRead($g_sIniFile,"Install","Registry_Checked","") Global $g_sExtension = IniRead($g_sIniFile,"Install","Extension","") Global $g_sRegHive = IniRead($g_sIniFile,"Install","Registry_Hive","") GLobal $g_idCheckKeepSamples Global $g_idCheckKeepSongs Create_App_Window() func Create_App_Window() ; Create the App Window GUICreate("LazyD Charter Uninstaller", 800, 320, -1, -1) GUISetIcon($g_sInstallPath & "\Apps\ChResource\LazyD_Ch.ico") GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "Quit_App") GUISetBkColor($COL_APP_WINDOW) ; Create Dummy Button to intercept Return key press GUICtrlCreateButton("",0,0,0,0,-1,-1) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_APP_WINDOW) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "") ; Create the General Info label GUICtrlCreateLabel("The following changes were made to your PC while installing LazyD Charter. I will revert the changes made.", 15, 35, 775, 50) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP_HEADER) ; Create the AppData Info label GUICtrlCreateLabel("[AppData]:", 10, 120, 90, 30, $SS_RIGHT) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 400, 0, "") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP_HEADER) GUICtrlCreateLabel("No Changes", 130, 120, 650, 30) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 400, 0, "") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP) if $g_sAppData = "True" then GUICtrlSetData(-1, """AppData\Roaming\LazyD Charter"" folder was created") ; Create the Install Path Info label GUICtrlCreateLabel("[Install Path]:", 10, 160, 90, 30, $SS_RIGHT) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 400, 0, "") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP_HEADER) GUICtrlCreateLabel("No Changes", 130, 160, 650, 30) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 400, 0, "") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP) GUICtrlSetData(-1, """" & $g_sInstallPath & """ folder was created") ; Create the Registry Info label GUICtrlCreateLabel("[Registry]:", 10, 200, 90, 30, $SS_RIGHT) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 400, 0, "") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP_HEADER) GUICtrlCreateLabel("No Changes", 130, 200, 650, 30) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 400, 0, "") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP) if $g_sRegistry = "True" then GUICtrlSetData(-1, """" & $g_sRegHive & "." & $g_sExtension & """ key and sub-keys were added") ; Create the Uninstall Button GUICtrlCreateButton("UNINSTALL", 15, 255, 110, 50) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Uninstall LazyD Charter") GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "Uninstall") GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_BTN_DEFAULT) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "") ; Create the QUIT Button GUICtrlCreateButton("QUIT", 138, 255, 110, 50) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Exit without uninstalling.") GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "Quit_App") GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_BTN_QUIT) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 16, 400, 0, "") ; Create Keep Samples Folder CheckBox $g_idCheckKeepSamples = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Keep Samples Folder", 270, 255, 500, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "") ; Create Keep Songs Folder CheckBox $g_idCheckKeepSongs = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Keep Songs Folder", 270, 280, 500, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "") ; Create Graphic GUI Controls (for eye candy) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(10, 45, 780, 50) ; 2 pxs high horizontal line GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP_HEADER) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(10, 110, 100, 120) ; 2 pxs high horizontal line GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP_HEADER) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(120, 110, 670, 120) ; 2 pxs high horizontal line GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(10, 250, 780, 60) ; 2 pxs high horizontal line GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(10, 240, 780, 3) ; 2 pxs high horizontal line GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP_HEADER) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(10, 100, 780, 3) ; 2 pxs high horizontal line GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COL_GROUP_HEADER) ; Display the App Window GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ; Message Loop While 1 Sleep(100) WEnd EndFunc func Uninstall() Local $iAppDataDelSuccess Local $iInstallDirDelSuccess = 1 ;Local $iDirRemove Local $sRegDelString = "Registry: No actions taken" Local $g_sAppDataDelString = "AppData Folder: No actions taken" Local $sInstallDirString = "Install Directory: No actions taken" ; Delete Registry RegRead($g_sRegHive & "." & $g_sExtension,"") if @error <= 0 then ; Key already exists, check if it is a LazyD Charter key if RegRead($g_sRegHive & "." & $g_sExtension,"Check") = """LazyD Charter""" Then ; This key was created by LazyD Charter before, delete RegDelete($g_sRegHive & "." & $g_sExtension) $sRegDelString = (@Error = 0) ? ("Registry: Key was successfully deleted") : ("Registry: WARNING! Unable to delete """ & $g_sRegHive & "." & $g_sExtension & """!") EndIf EndIf ; Delete AppData $iAppDataDelSuccess = DirRemove(@AppDataDir & "\LazyD Charter", $DIR_REMOVE) $g_sAppDataDelString = ($iAppDataDelSuccess = 1) ? ("AppData Folder: Deleted successfully") : ("AppData Folder: WARNING! Unable to delete """ & @AppDataDir & "\LazyD Charter""!") ; Delete Folders (keep Samples and/or Songs folders if checked) $iInstallDirDelSuccess = DirRemove($g_sInstallPath & "\Assets", $DIR_REMOVE) * $iInstallDirDelSuccess $iInstallDirDelSuccess = DirRemove($g_sInstallPath & "\Project", $DIR_REMOVE) * $iInstallDirDelSuccess $iInstallDirDelSuccess = DirRemove($g_sInstallPath & "\Temp", $DIR_REMOVE) * $iInstallDirDelSuccess if not (_IsChecked($g_idCheckKeepSamples)) Then $iInstallDirDelSuccess = DirRemove($g_sInstallPath & "\Samples", $DIR_REMOVE) * $iInstallDirDelSuccess if not (_IsChecked($g_idCheckKeepSongs)) then $iInstallDirDelSuccess = DirRemove($g_sInstallPath & "\Songs", $DIR_REMOVE) * $iInstallDirDelSuccess ;$iInstallDirDelSuccess = DirRemove($g_sInstallPath & "\Apps", $DIR_REMOVE) ; if any of the deletion steps above is unsuccessful, result would be 0 $sInstallDirString = ($iInstallDirDelSuccess = 1) ? ("Install Folder: All SubFolders deleted successfully") : ("Install Folder: WARNING! Unable to delete some SubFolders! " & $iInstallDirDelSuccess) Local $sRoot = StringLeft($g_sInstallPath, 2) Local $sParent = StringTrimRight($g_sInstallPath, StringLen($g_sInstallPath) - StringInStr($g_sInstallPath, "\", 0, -1) + 1) Local $hFile ; Run Batch to Delete Apps if either one of the CheckBoxes are checked if (_IsChecked($g_idCheckKeepSamples) or _IsChecked($g_idCheckKeepSongs)) Then FileDelete($g_sInstallPath & "\DeleteAppsFolder.bat") $hFile = FileOpen($g_sInstallPath & "\DeleteAppsFolder.bat", $FO_APPEND) FileWriteLine($hFile, "@PUSHD %~dp0") FileWriteLine($hFile, "@ECHO OFF") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO LazyD Charter:") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO ------------------------------------------------") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO This is an automatically created batch file") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO which will remove the remaining APPS folder") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO and will delete itself after running.") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO ------------------------------------------------") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO " & $sRegDelString) FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO " & $g_sAppDataDelString) FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO " & $sInstallDirString) FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO ------------------------------------------------") if _IsChecked($g_idCheckKeepSamples) then FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO SAMPLES SubDirectory was skipped per user choice") if _IsChecked($g_idCheckKeepSongs) then FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO SONGS SubDirectory was skipped per user choice") if _IsChecked($g_idCheckKeepSamples) or _IsChecked($g_idCheckKeepSongs) then FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO ------------------------------------------------") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO Changing Drive to """ & $sRoot & """") FileWriteLine($hFile, $sRoot) FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO Changing Directory to """ & $g_sInstallPath & """") FileWriteLine($hFile, "CD """ & $g_sInstallPath & """") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO Batch File: %CD%\DeleteAppsFolder.bat ") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO ------------------------------------------------") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO Please confirm correct directory and") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO Press ""Y"" to delete APPS folder") FileWriteLine($hFile, "TIMEOUT 5 >NUL") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO ------------------------------------------------") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO Waiting for 5 seconds to let script and interpreter") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO to shutdown.") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO ------------------------------------------------") FileWriteLine($hFile, "CHOICE /C YX /N /M ""Continue? (Press ""X"" to QUIT)""") FileWriteLine($hFile, "IF ERRORLEVEL 2 GOTO QUIT") FileWriteLine($hFile, "IF ERRORLEVEL 1 @ECHO OFF") FileWriteLine($hFile, "IF EXIST """ & $g_sInstallPath & "\Apps"" RMDIR /Q /S """ & $g_sInstallPath & "\Apps""") FileWriteLine($hFile, "IF EXIST """ & $g_sInstallPath & "\DeleteAppsFolder.bat"" DEL /F /Q """ & $g_sInstallPath & "\DeleteAppsFolder.bat""") FileWriteLine($hFile, ":QUIT") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO ------------------------------------------------") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO Please re-run this batch script to complete deletion") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO """ & $sParent & "\DeleteAppsFolder.bat""") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO End of Batch Script") FileWriteLine($hFile, "PAUSE") FileClose($hFile) Run("""" & $g_sInstallPath & "\DeleteAppsFolder.bat""") ; ,@SW_HIDE add after file name Exit EndIf ; Run Batch to Delete $g_sInstallPath if none of the CheckBoxes are checked FileDelete($sParent & "\DeleteInstallFolder.bat") $hFile = FileOpen($sParent & "\DeleteInstallFolder.bat", $FO_APPEND) FileWriteLine($hFile, "@PUSHD %~dp0") FileWriteLine($hFile, "@ECHO OFF") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO LazyD Charter:") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO ------------------------------------------------") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO This is an automatically created batch file") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO which will remove the remaining Install Folder") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO and will delete itself after running.") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO ------------------------------------------------") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO " & $sRegDelString) FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO " & $g_sAppDataDelString) FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO " & $sInstallDirString) FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO ------------------------------------------------") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO Changing Drive to """ & $sRoot & """") FileWriteLine($hFile, $sRoot) FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO Changing Directory to """ & $sParent & """") FileWriteLine($hFile, "CD """ & $sParent & """") if $sParent = $sRoot then FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO Batch File: %CD%DeleteInstallFolder.bat ") Else FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO Batch File: %CD%\DeleteInstallFolder.bat ") EndIf FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO ------------------------------------------------") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO Please confirm correct directory and") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO Press ""Y"" to delete Install Folder") FileWriteLine($hFile, "TIMEOUT 5 >NUL") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO ------------------------------------------------") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO Waiting for 5 seconds to let script and interpreter") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO to shutdown.") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO ------------------------------------------------") FileWriteLine($hFile, "CHOICE /C YX /N /M ""Continue? (Press ""X"" to QUIT)""") FileWriteLine($hFile, "IF ERRORLEVEL 2 GOTO QUIT") FileWriteLine($hFile, "IF ERRORLEVEL 1 @ECHO OFF") FileWriteLine($hFile, "IF EXIST """ & $g_sInstallPath & """ RMDIR /Q /S """ & $g_sInstallPath & """") FileWriteLine($hFile, "IF EXIST """ & $sParent & "\DeleteInstallFolder.bat"" DEL /F /Q """ & $sParent & "\DeleteInstallFolder.bat""") FileWriteLine($hFile, ":QUIT") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO ------------------------------------------------") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO Please re-run this batch script to complete deletion") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO """ & $sParent & "\DeleteInstallFolder.bat""") FileWriteLine($hFile, "ECHO End of Batch Script") FileWriteLine($hFile, "PAUSE") FileClose($hFile) Run("""" & $sParent & "\DeleteInstallFolder.bat""") Exit EndFunc func _IsChecked($idControlID) ; Check if CheckBox is checked Return BitAND(GUICtrlRead($idControlID), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED EndFunc func Quit_App() ; Close App Window, Exit App GUIDelete(@GUI_WinHandle) Exit EndFunc CH_Configuration_Final.au3 CH_Uninstaller_Final.au3 Edited November 17, 2020 by GokAy
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