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I am trying to create a small tool which alerts me when I receive a message from Skype for Business.

You know sometimes you simple miss a conversation...

I need to know when the message windows pops up:


If message window active Then

play a very loud sound



Usually I would use WinActive() function, however it requires a title. And this doenst work, because the title is the name of the person 

messaging me, and can change every time.

Is it possible to check if a Class "LyncTabFrameHostWindowClass" is active?






57 minutes ago, hendrikhe said:

Usually I would use WinActive() function, however it requires a title. And this doenst work, because the title is the name of the person messaging me, and can change every time.

Actually, this is incorrect. See the help file entry for Winactive, then check the description of the Title parameter. Notice the part where it say "See title special definition"? Click that and it will take you to the Window Titles and Text (Advanced) entry. Read the section with the heading "Advanced Window Descriptions" for details on how to use things like window class to identify a window.

Also, if you look at the example under the WinActive help file entry, it shows how to use Class with WinActive.



Than Danp2 , you are right.

Here my solution for others who might have the same idea/question:

#include <AutoItConstants.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
#include <Sound.au3>

while 1
$x = WinExists("[CLASS:LyncTabFrameHostWindowClass]", "")
$y = WinExists("Skype for Business Notification", "")

if $x or $y Then

SoundPlay(@WindowsDir & "\media\tada.wav", 1)


;MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Stdout Read:", $x)


3 hours ago, hendrikhe said:

Here my solution for others who might have the same idea/question:

Seems kinda obnoxious, 2 tada’s per second, no way to make it stop without closing the very message you want to read.

May I suggest:

While WinWait("[CLASS:LyncTabFrameHostWindowClass]", "")
   SoundPlay(@WindowsDir & "\media\tada.wav", 1)
   WinWaitClose("[CLASS:LyncTabFrameHostWindowClass]", "")


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