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Hi autoit community. As the language used in our country is Persian (Farsi) and our calendar type is not Gregorian but instead it is Shamsi(Jalali), I want to create a custom input date,  because of the difference between our calendars. For example we celebrate beginning of our new year on 20th of march, so there is much difference. 

So I wanted to create a custom GUI with our regional dates and I don't want to use system's default or changed calendar, the math part and the if statements is not a problem, but my main problem is that I want to create my custom selectable GUIctrldate(). Is there anyway to create my own ?

  • Siwa changed the title to Create to use in (GUIctrldate)
Posted (edited)

BTW, I found this html code over the net, can I embed it into my code to load this calendar and get data from this html code ?


I want to use _IEBodyWriteHTML() if possible inside my code.



Edited by Siwa
Uploading correct files
Posted (edited)

I did come up with this code, but it is not showing data picker. ( I did put the files at the script directory. )

#include <IE.au3>

Local $oIE = _IECreate()
Local $sHTML = ""
$sHTML &= '<!DOCTYPE html>' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= '<html>' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= '<head>' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= '    <title></title>' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= '     <link href="http://cdn.kendostatic.com/2013.2.918/styles/kendo.common.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= '    <link href="http://cdn.kendostatic.com/2013.2.918/styles/kendo.default.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= '    <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= '' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= '' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= '    <script src="JalaliDate.js"></script>' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= '    <script src="kendo.core.js"></script>' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= '    <script src="kendo.calendar.js"></script>' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= '    <script src="kendo.popup.js"></script>' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= '    <script src="kendo.datepicker.js"></script>' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= '    <script src="fa-IR.js"></script>' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= '</head>' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= '<body>' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= ' ' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= '        <div id="example" class="k-content">' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= '                <div style="margin-top: -6px; margin-left: 10px">' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= '                    <input id="datepicker" value="1392/08/10" style="width:150px;" />' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= '                </div>' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= '         <script>' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= '                 $(document).ready(function() {' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= '' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= '     kendo.culture("fa-IR");' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= '' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= '     // create DatePicker from input HTML element' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= '                 $("#datepicker").kendoDatePicker();' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= '             });' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= '         </script>' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= '' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= '        </div>' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= '</body>' & @CRLF
$sHTML &= '</HTML>'
_IEBodyWriteHTML($oIE, $sHTML)


Edited by Siwa
  • Siwa changed the title to Create a custom calendar to use in (GUICtrlCreateDate)

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