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Can I extend a content sensitive menu?


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Hello Forum,
The best way to utilise one of the autoit scripts I am about to write would be to add one or two extra options to the content sensitive menu that shows up when you right-click something. What I did before was to create suitable menu items for the toolbar icon of my autoit application. This time however, I would prefer not to always move my mouse to the bottom of the screen to click the toolbar icon and bring up the available menu items. I would prefer to just right-click something on my screen, and see my autoit option in that list.

Is this something doable with autoit? Can I add items to the right-click menu?
Pointers or suggestions are appreciated!


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Checking for a particular screen location may not be an efficient solution. The is no way to know in advance, where the object(s) I am interested in would show up on the screen, so there is no reference I could compare coordinates to. But the rest of your suggestion is promising. If I find no way to inject my menu items into the standard right-click menu, I can create my own little GUI menu, trigger it for a specific input combination (say Ctrl+Alt+RightClick) and display it at the current location of the mouse pointer. Regardless of what screen object is at that mouse pointer location at the time.

I still hope somebody will point me towards extending the right-click menu. But if that does not happen, this is a good reserve-solution. Thanks!

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Lars, I believe you gave me exactly what I was after. I will play around with your example code.

Mikell, that is an option I did not consider. Thanks for pointing it out! In general, I prefer not to mess around in the registry, hence such a solution eluded my thoughts.

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14 hours ago, LarsJ said:

It's not that hard.

for you to say lol, this is neat, thanks

@Keve just mashed up this to call some funcs concept, let me know what else you came up with. btw, so far it doesnt work on chrome, vlc


#AutoIt3Wrapper_Au3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w 7

; ----------------------------------------------------------
; concept:  Right-Click anywhere with popup Context Menu
;           it it known that not all context menus are
;           detectable and able to add new menu item.
;           (e.g chrome, vlc and perhaps other apps)
; ----------------------------------------------------------

#include <Misc.au3>
#include <GuiMenu.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <array.au3>

Opt( "MustDeclareVars", 1 )

HotKeySet('{F1}', '_Exit')
Func _Exit()

Global $hMenu
Global $sItemNames = "Added_xNew|Added_xOpen|Added_xCopy|Added_xPaste|Added_xSelect|Added_xClose"
Global $aItemNames = StringSplit($sItemNames, '|', 2)

Func Added_xNew($str)
  MsgBox(0, @ScriptLineNumber&': Added_xNew', $str,1)
  MsgBox(0, @ScriptLineNumber&': Added_xNew', $str)
Func Added_xOpen($str)
  MsgBox(0, @ScriptLineNumber&': Added_xOpen', $str,1)
  MsgBox(0, @ScriptLineNumber&': Added_xOpen', $str)
Func Added_xCopy($str)
  MsgBox(0, @ScriptLineNumber&': Added_xCopy', $str,1)
  MsgBox(0, @ScriptLineNumber&': Added_xCopy', $str)
Func Added_xPaste($str)
  MsgBox(0, @ScriptLineNumber&': Added_xPaste', $str,1)
  MsgBox(0, @ScriptLineNumber&': Added_xPaste', $str)
Func Added_xSelect($str)
  MsgBox(0, @ScriptLineNumber&': Added_xSelect', $str,1)
  MsgBox(0, @ScriptLineNumber&': Added_xSelect', $str)
Func Added_xClose($str)
  MsgBox(0, @ScriptLineNumber&': Added_xSelect', $str,1)
  MsgBox(0, @ScriptLineNumber&': Added_xSelect', $str)

MsgBox(0, @ScriptLineNumber&': Ready?', 'Right Click anywhere with a Popup Context Menu')
While 1
    ; wait for Right-Click to occur
    While Sleep(10) And Not _IsPressed( "02", "user32.dll" )    ;01=primary, 02=secondary mouse button

; concept to call func based on newly added menu item selected
Func _popup_contextMenuDetectionAndSelection()
    Local $timeout = 3
    Local $init
    Local $iIsItem
    Local $iCount
    Local $jCount
    Local $iItem
    Local $jItem
    Local $sFuncName
    Local $aPos

    ConsoleWrite('!>!'&@ScriptLineNumber&': 1st Right-Clicked - Context Menu Pop-Up'&''&@CRLF) ;Read/Brown
    $aPos = MouseGetPos()
    ToolTip('Wait '&$timeout&'secs for New Context Menus to populate)', $aPos[0]-3, $aPos[1]-30)
    ; $timeout seconds to locate popup context menu existence
    $init = TimerInit()
    While TimerDiff($init) < ($timeout * 1000)
        $hMenu = GetMenuHandle()
        If $hMenu Then ExitLoop
    ConsoleWrite('+>+'&@ScriptLineNumber&': $hMenu - '&$hMenu&''&@CRLF) ;Green/Grey
    If Not $hMenu Then
        Local $sMsg = 'Note: doesnt work in Chrome/VLC'&@CRLF&@CRLF& _
                      'Press Ok then Right-Click to try again'
        MsgBox(0, @ScriptLineNumber&': Error', $sMsg, 1)
        MsgBox(0, @ScriptLineNumber&': Error', $sMsg, 1)
        MsgBox(0, @ScriptLineNumber&': Error', $sMsg, 1)
        MsgBox(0, @ScriptLineNumber&': Error', $sMsg, 1)
        ; $timeout seconds to get inital menu items
        $init = TimerInit()
        While TimerDiff($init) < ($timeout * 1000)
            $iCount = _GUICtrlMenu_GetItemCount($hMenu)
            If $iCount Then ExitLoop
        ConsoleWrite('-->'&@ScriptLineNumber&': $iCount '&$iCount&''&@CRLF) ;Yellow/Orange
        $iIsItem = _AddMenuItem_toRightClickContextMenu()
        ConsoleWrite('-->'&@ScriptLineNumber&': $iIsItem '&$iIsItem&''&@CRLF) ;Yellow/Orange
        If Not $iIsItem Then 
            ToolTip('>>> Fails to add NEW Menu - Click anywhere to continue then Right-Click to try again <<<', $aPos[0]-3, $aPos[1]-30)
            ToolTip('>>> Now select a NEW Menu below if every added correctly <<<', $aPos[0]-3, $aPos[1]-30)
            ; waiting for Left-Click (click a menu item)
            While Sleep(10) And Not _IsPressed( "01", "user32.dll" )    ;01=primary, 02=secondary mouse button
            ConsoleWrite('!>!'&@ScriptLineNumber&': 2nd Left-Clicked - Item Selected'&''&@CRLF) ;Read/Brown

            ; $timeout seconds get total menu items (old + newly added)
            $init = TimerInit()
            While TimerDiff($init) < ($timeout * 1000)
                $jCount = _GUICtrlMenu_GetItemCount($hMenu)
                If $jCount Then ExitLoop
            ConsoleWrite('!>!'&@ScriptLineNumber&': $jCount - '&$jCount&''&@CRLF) ;Read/Brown
            If $jCount > 0 Then 
                $iItem = _GUICtrlMenu_MenuItemFromPointEx( 0, $hMenu )
                $jItem = $jCount - $iItem - 1
                ConsoleWrite('-->'&@ScriptLineNumber&': $jItem '&$jItem&' = '&$jCount& ' - '& $iItem &@CRLF) ;Yellow/Orange
                ; only detect newly added menu items
                If $jItem <= UBound($aItemNames)-1 Then
                    $sFuncName = $aItemNames[$jCount - $iItem - 1]
                    Call($sFuncName, '(init: '&$iCount-1& ') + (new: '& UBound($aItemNames) &') + (dividers: 2) = [totalMenus: '& $jCount-1 &']' &@CRLF&@CRLF& _
                                'you selected item #'&$iItem &'/'& $jCount-1 &@CRLF&@CRLF& _ 
                                'which executes func: ' &$sFuncName & '() that clicked on'&@CRLF&@CRLF& _ 
                                'clicked: '& $jItem&' <= '& UBound($aItemNames)-1 &' :total custom menus')
                MsgBox(0, @ScriptLineNumber&': Fails', 'No menu item was Clicked', 1)
                MsgBox(0, @ScriptLineNumber&': Fails', 'No menu item was Clicked', 1)

Func _AddMenuItem_toRightClickContextMenu()
    If Not $hMenu Then Return False
    Local $iItemNot = True
    If $hMenu Then
        ; Add new menu item
        Local $iItem
        $iItem = _GUICtrlMenu_AddMenuItem( $hMenu, '') ;add new divider
        If Not $iItem Then $iItemNot = False
        $iItem = _GUICtrlMenu_AddMenuItem( $hMenu, '') ;add new divider
        If Not $iItem Then $iItemNot = False
        For $i=0 To UBound($aItemNames)-1
            $iItem = _GUICtrlMenu_AddMenuItem( $hMenu, StringReplace($aItemNames[$i], '_', ' '))
            If Not $iItem Then $iItemNot = False
    Return $iItemNot

Func GetMenuHandle()
  Local $hDesktop = _WinAPI_GetDesktopWindow(), $i = 0
  Local $hChild = _WinAPI_GetWindow( $hDesktop, $GW_CHILD )
  While $hChild And $i < 50
    If _WinAPI_GetClassName( $hChild ) = "#32768" Then ExitLoop
    $hChild = _WinAPI_GetWindow( $hChild, $GW_HWNDNEXT )
    $i += 1
  If $i = 50 Then Return 0
  Local $hMenu = _SendMessage( $hChild, $MN_GETHMENU )
  If $hMenu > 0 Then Return $hMenu
  Return 0

Func _GUICtrlMenu_MenuItemFromPointEx( $hWnd, $hMenu, $iX = -1, $iY = -1 )
  If $iX = -1 Then $iX = _WinAPI_GetMousePosX()
  If $iY = -1 Then $iY = _WinAPI_GetMousePosY()
  Local $tPOINT = DllStructCreate( "long;long" )
  DllStructSetData( $tPOINT, 1, $iX )
  DllStructSetData( $tPOINT, 2, $iY )
  Local $tPOINT64 = DllStructCreate( "int64", DllStructGetPtr( $tPOINT ) )
  Local $aResult = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "MenuItemFromPoint", "hwnd", $hWnd, "handle", $hMenu, "int64", DllStructGetData( $tPOINT64, 1 ) )
  If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, -1)
  Return $aResult[0]


here is an anomaly, right-click on SciTE title bar resulted in retaining added menu items. even after exited the code



Edited by zeenmakr
updated w/anomaly
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Come on. It's a very small function. It must be possible to debug it. I had no errors.

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5 hours ago, LarsJ said:

I had no errors.

it narrowed down to here, although class '#32768 is found' sometimes menu handle returns other time not, see screenshot


While 1
    ; wait for Right-Click to occur
    $hMenu = GetMenuHandle()
    Global $aPos = MouseGetPos()
    ToolTip($hMenu > 0 ? 'OK - '&$hMenu : 'ERROR - '&$hMenu, $aPos[0]-3, $aPos[1]-30)
    Local $sPrefix = @ScriptLineNumber&': $hMenu = '&$hMenu&' - '
    ConsoleWrite($hMenu > 0 ? '>->'& $sPrefix &' OK' &@CRLF : '!>!'& $sPrefix &' ERROR' &@CRLF) ;Red/Brown
;~     _popup_contextMenuDetectionAndSelection()

; wait for key pressed
Func _MouseWaitPressed($btn=01)
    ;01=primary, 02=secondary mouse button
    While Sleep(10) And Not _IsPressed($btn, "user32.dll" )
; wait for key to depress
Func _MouseWaitReleased($btn=01)
    ;01=primary, 02=secondary mouse button
    While Sleep(250) And _IsPressed($btn, "user32.dll")
Func _IsEven($n)
    If NOT Mod($n ,2) Then
        Return 1    ;even
        Return 0    ;odd


Func GetMenuHandle()
  ConsoleWrite('!>!'&@ScriptLineNumber&':'&' ------------------------------------ '&@CRLF) ;Read/Brown
  Local $hDesktop = _WinAPI_GetDesktopWindow(), $i = 0
  Local $hChild = _WinAPI_GetWindow( $hDesktop, $GW_CHILD )
  While $hChild And $i < 100
  Local $hMenuTmp = _SendMessage( $hChild, $MN_GETHMENU )
    Local $clChild = _WinAPI_GetClassName( $hChild )
    If _IsEven($i) Then 
        ConsoleWrite('>->'&@ScriptLineNumber&': 3-'&$i&' | parent - '&$hDesktop& _
                      ' | $hChild - '&$hChild&' = '&$clChild& _
                      ' <---$hMenuTmp ['&$hMenuTmp&']'& @CRLF) ;Blue/Cyan
        ConsoleWrite('-->'&@ScriptLineNumber&': 3-'&$i&' | parent - '&$hDesktop& _
                      ' | $hChild - '&$hChild&' = '&$clChild& _
                      ' <---$hMenuTmp ['&$hMenuTmp&']'& @CRLF) ;Yellow/Orange

    ; is context menu?
    If _WinAPI_GetClassName( $hChild ) = "#32768" Then ExitLoop
    $hChild = _WinAPI_GetWindow( $hChild, $GW_HWNDNEXT )
    $i += 1
  If $i = 100 Then Return 0
  ; $timeout seconds - get $hMenu
  Local $timeout = 3
  Local $init = TimerInit()
  While TimerDiff($init) < ($timeout * 1000)
      Local $hMenu = _SendMessage( $hChild, $MN_GETHMENU )  ; <--- found menu class #32768 but couldn retrieve the handle
      If $hMenu > 0 Then ExitLoop
  Local $sPrefix = @ScriptLineNumber&': 4-'&$i&' | '&_WinAPI_GetClassName( $hChild )&' = '& $hMenu
  ConsoleWrite($hMenu > 0 ? '   '& $sPrefix &' <<<=== WINNER ===' &@CRLF : '!>!'& $sPrefix &' <<<=== NO CONTEXT MENU ===' &@CRLF) ;Red/Brown
  If $hMenu > 0 Then Return $hMenu
  Return 0



Edited by zeenmakr
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You can try if you can identify the menus with UI Automation code in Menus.7z in this post. The 7z file contains all necessary code. Run Example.au3 in SciTE with F5.

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