WindIt Posted September 20, 2020 Posted September 20, 2020 Hi, Can any one share inputs on how we can develop floating application that can add floating functionality for any desktop application.
WindIt Posted September 24, 2020 Author Posted September 24, 2020 On 9/21/2020 at 11:58 PM, zeenmakr said: You meant WinSetOnTop() Yes , But the idea is to make app automatic to stay always on top when only double tapped. Ex: Double tap ms teams app, stays always on top and float(move it around)
zeenmakr Posted September 24, 2020 Posted September 24, 2020 (edited) 13 hours ago, WindIt said: the idea is to make app automatic to stay always on top when only double tapped. well, not double clicking but a shadower. don't forget the icons attached expandcollapse popup#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_icon=pin.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Compression=4 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_AU3Check=n #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Pin/Unpin or SetOnTop/NoOnTop - it jumps and follows active window ; function: ; click on the blue-pin to set that window ontop/pin or click on red-pin to undo (noontop/unpin) ; red pin - is visible indicate window is set on top/floating ; blue pin - is visible means window have NOT set ontop/pin or window NOT floating ; [...] button - click ONCE -cursor will stick/attach gui- to reposition this gui ; (only along the window title bar). click again to set & detach the mouse cursor ; right-click - on red or blue pin for exit option ; ; ; if a window is briefly flashed and only gui show, reason is because it sitting behind ; a pinned window. to bring it to the top most simply click on the 'blue pin' ; ; ; note*: dont' foget to download pin.ico, pin_red_22x22.ico and pin_blue_22x22.ico in the attachment ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <array.au3> #include <Constants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <GuiToolTip.au3> #include <Process.au3> #include "StringSize.au3" ; Global Const $_GUI_OFFSET = 10 Global $_WIN_ONTOP_STATE = False Global $_IS_DIFF_HANDLE Global $Ver=0.1 Opt("WinTitleMatchMode",4) Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) Opt("TrayMenuMode", 1) Opt("TrayIconHide",1) Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1) ;Special hWnd's to be ignored. $hS1=WinGetHandle('classname=Progman') $hS2=WinGetHandle('classname=Shell_TrayWnd') $hS3=WinGetHandle('SysFader') ;ini prep $IniPath=@ScriptDir&'\pin_unpin.ini' $offset=IniRead($IniPath,"options","offset",-155) $transall=IniRead($IniPath,"options","transall",'off') $movspeed=IniRead($IniPath,"options","movspeed",2) ;win ontop/pin=red or noontop/unpin=blue icon $IconPinPath=@ScriptDir&'\pin_red_22x22.ico' $IconUnpinPath=@ScriptDir&'\pin_blue_22x22.ico' If FileExists($IconPinPath)=0 Then MsgBox(0,'Missing File',$IconPinPath&' is missing!') If FileExists($IconUnpinPath)=0 Then MsgBox(0,'Missing File',$IconUnpinPath&' is missing!') Global $hWnd=0x00 Global $bwidth=20 Global $bheight=22 $hWnd_t=WinGetHandle("[ACTIVE]") ; ------------------------- ; dah gui ; ------------------------- Global $GUI=GUICreate('',2*$bwidth,$bheight,0,0,-2147483648,128) ;~ GUISetBkColor(0x000000) Global $Grabby=GUICtrlCreateButton("...",0,0,$bwidth,$bheight) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,'_grabby') ;click-n-drag [...] button to reposition $GUI GUICtrlSetTip(-1, 'click once - im sticky') Global $Button=GUICtrlCreateIcon($IconUnpinPath,-1,$bwidth,0,$bwidth,$bheight) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Button,'_pinUnpin') ;click to toggle pin/ontop or unpin/noontop ;Button Context Menu / Options (right click on gui Pin|Unpin Icon) Global $menu=GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($Button) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&Pin-or-Unpin v"&$Ver,$menu) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("",$menu) Global $exitmenu=GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("E&xit",$menu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,'_Exit') Global $GUIShown=False GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) Global $hWnd_i=WinGetHandle($GUI) WinSetTrans($hWnd_i,'',IniRead($IniPath,"options","transparency",255)) Global $grabbed=False Global $grab_xi=0 Global $grab_oi=0 WinSetOnTop($hWnd_i,'',1) Global $dp[2] $dp[0]=0 $dp[1]=0 ; ------------------------- ; keep me alive ; ------------------------- WinActivate($hWnd_t) While 1 Sleep(100) If $grabbed Then _grabtracker() Else _pinUnpin_indicator() _activewindow() EndIf _TopMoster($hWnd_i,1000) _UnloadLoop(6000) _quickPeekAtBelowWin() WEnd Func _quickPeekAtBelowWin() Local $guiPos = WinGetPos($hWnd_i) If IsArray($guiPos) And Not _IsOnTop($hWnd) Then Local $winPos = WinGetPos($hWnd) Local $iTooltipW = 40 Local $sTitle = StringLeft(WinGetTitle($hWnd), $iTooltipW) Local $sTextPixelW = _StringSize('>> [] <<'&$sTitle)[2] If $guiPos[1] < 0 Then Local $iOffSetX = -($sTextPixelW + 50) Local $iOffsetY = 0; 8 Else Local $iOffSetX = -($sTextPixelW + 50) Local $iOffsetY = 0 EndIf ;quick peek because unpin/noontop window would be invisible/behind pin/ontop window If $_IS_DIFF_HANDLE <> $hWnd Then $_IS_DIFF_HANDLE = $hWnd _pinUnpin() WinActivate($hWnd) Sleep(500) _pinUnpin() EndIf ;unpin/noontop window title ToolTip('>> ['& $sTitle &'] <<', $guiPos[0]+$iOffSetX, $guiPos[1]+$iOffsetY) Sleep(100) ToolTip(' >> ['& $sTitle &'] << ', $guiPos[0]+$iOffSetX, $guiPos[1]+$iOffsetY) Sleep(100) ToolTip(' >> ['& $sTitle &'] << ', $guiPos[0]+$iOffSetX, $guiPos[1]+$iOffsetY) Else ToolTip('') EndIf EndFunc ;==>_quickPeekAtBelowWin Func _grabtracker() $mgp=MouseGetPos() $wgp=WinGetPos($hWnd) $bgp=WinGetPos($hWnd_i) ;limit it from going off the titlebar. $mgp[0]-=5 If ($mgp[0]+(2*$bwidth))>$wgp[0]+$wgp[2] Then $mgp[0]=$wgp[0]+$wgp[2]-(2*$bwidth) If $mgp[0]<$wgp[0] Then $mgp[0]=$wgp[0] WinMove($hWnd_i,'',$mgp[0],$bgp[1]) EndFunc ;==>_grabtracker ; reposition gui Func _grabby() Global $grab_xi,$grab_oi, $grabbed, $offset Switch $grabbed Case False $bgp=WinGetPos($hWnd_i) $grab_xi=$bgp[0] $grab_oi=$offset $grabbed=True Case True $grabbed=False $bgp=WinGetPos($hWnd_i) $offset+=$bgp[0]-$grab_xi ConsoleWrite($offset&'-') $wgp=WinGetPos($hWnd) $arr=false If IsArray($wgp) Then $arr=true $halfw=Int($wgp[2]/2) EndIf $value_new=Abs($offset) $sign_old=$grab_oi/Abs($grab_oi) $sign_new=$offset/$value_new If $grab_oi<0 Then If $offset>0 Then $offset=-1 If $arr And $offset<(-1*$wgp[2]) Then $offset=1 EndIf If $grab_oi>0 Then If $offset<0 Then $offset=1 If $arr And $offset>$wgp[2] Then $offset=-1 EndIf If $offset<>1 and $offset<>(-1) Then If $arr Then If $value_new>$halfw Then $offset=$offset-($wgp[2]*$sign_new) EndIf EndIf EndIf IniWrite($IniPath,"options","offset",$offset) $dp=_getdockpos($hWnd) WinMove($hWnd_i,'',$dp[0],$dp[1]) EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_grabby ;set windows ontop/pin=red or noontop/unpin=blue Func _pinUnpin() $wgp=WinGetPos($hWnd) Local $WinTitle = WinGetTitle($hWnd) Local $iPinState = _IsOnTop($hWnd) If $iPinState Then WinSetOnTop($hWnd, '', $WINDOWS_NOONTOP) GUICtrlSetTip($Button,'Pin/Ontop') Else WinSetOnTop($hWnd, '', $WINDOWS_ONTOP) GUICtrlSetTip($Button,'UnPin/NoOnTop') EndIf _pinUnpin_indicator() EndFunc ;==>_pinUnpin ; set visual pin/unpin indicator Func _pinUnpin_indicator() Local $iPinState = _IsOnTop($hWnd) If $iPinState Then GUICtrlSetImage($Button, $IconPinPath) Else GUICtrlSetImage($Button, $IconUnpinPath) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_pinUnpin_indicator ; Check if a window is pin/ontop or not Func _IsOnTop($hWndOrsTitle, $opt = 1, $sText = '') Switch $opt Case 1 ; by window handle Return BitAND(_WinAPI_GetWindowLong($hWndOrsTitle, $GWL_EXSTYLE), $WS_EX_TOPMOST) = $WS_EX_TOPMOST Case 2 ; by window title Return BitAND(_WinAPI_GetWindowLong(WinGetHandle($hWndOrsTitle, $sText), $GWL_EXSTYLE), $WS_EX_TOPMOST) = $WS_EX_TOPMOST EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_IsOnTop Func _activewindow() Global $hWndc Local $setpos=False Local $enabledOnWindow=True Local $dp_t $hWnd_t=WinGetHandle("[ACTIVE]") Switch $hWnd_t Case $hWnd, $hWnd_i, $hS1, $hS2, $hS3 $enabledOnWindow=False EndSwitch If $enabledOnWindow Then $dp_t=_getdockpos($hWnd_t) If $dp_t[0]=-$_GUI_OFFSET Or $dp_t[1]=-$_GUI_OFFSET Then $enabledOnWindow=False EndIf If $enabledOnWindow Then If $transall<>'off' Then WinSetTrans($hWnd,'',255) WinSetTrans($hWnd_t,'',$transall) EndIf $hWnd=$hWnd_t $pid=WinGetProcess($hWnd) _priority_show(_ProcessGetPriority($pid)) Else $dp_t=_getdockpos($hWnd) If IsArray($dp)=0 Or IsArray($dp_t)=0 Then Return 0 EndIf If $dp_t[0]<>$dp[0] Or $dp_t[1]<>$dp[1] Then $dp=$dp_t $setpos=True EndIf If $setpos Then If $dp[0]=-$_GUI_OFFSET Or $dp[1]=-$_GUI_OFFSET Then $GUIShown=False GUISetState(@SW_HIDE,$GUI) Else WinSetOnTop($hwnd_i,'',1) If $movspeed=0 Or $GUIShown=False Then WinMove($hWnd_i,'',$dp[0],$dp[1]) Else WinMove($hWnd_i,'',$dp[0],$dp[1],2*$bwidth, $bheight,$movspeed) EndIf GUISetState(@SW_SHOWNA,$GUI) $GUIShown=True EndIf Else Sleep(100) EndIf EndFunc Func _priority_show($i) Local $ii For $ii=0 To 5 If $ii=$i Then GUICtrlSetState(Eval("priority_"&$ii),1) Else GUICtrlSetState(Eval("priority_"&$ii),4) EndIf Next EndFunc Func _getdockpos($h) $saved_height=Eval('wh'&Execute($h)) Global $offset Local $a[2] $a[0]=-$_GUI_OFFSET $a[1]=-$_GUI_OFFSET If $saved_height<0 Then Return $a ; window isn't visable or is disabled by gui $wgs=WinGetState ($h) If BitAND($wgs,1)=0 Then Return $a If BitAND($wgs,2)=0 Then Return $a If BitAND($wgs,16) Then Return $a ;If BitAND($wgs,32) Then Return $a ; disable on maximized windows If _dpcurwind($h)=False Then Return $a $wgp=WinGetPos($h) If IsArray($wgp)=0 Then Return $a $rpos=$wgp[0]+$wgp[2] If $offset>=0 Then $dockpos=$wgp[0]+$offset If $dockpos>$rpos Then Return $a Else $dockpos=$rpos+$offset If $dockpos<$wgp[0] Then Return $a EndIf $a[0]=$dockpos $a[1]=$wgp[1]+6 Return $a EndFunc Func _dpcurwind($h) $hwnd_in=WinGetHandle("[ACTIVE]") If $hwnd_in=0 Or $hwnd_in=$hWnd_i Then Return True If $hwnd_in<>$h Then Local $tRect=_WinAPI_GetWindowRect($hwnd_in) Local $wgp=WinGetPos($hwnd_i) Local $tPoint=_WinGetPoint($wgp) If $wgp[0]=-$_GUI_OFFSET Or $wgp[1]=-$_GUI_OFFSET Then Return False If _WinAPI_PtInRect($tRect,$tPoint) Then Return False EndIf EndIf Return True EndFunc Func _WinGetPoint($wgp) Local $s $s=DllStructCreate("int X;int Y") DllStructSetData($s,"X",$wgp[0]) DllStructSetData($s,"Y",$wgp[1]) Return $s EndFunc ;dirty hack to display above TopMost windows Func _TopMoster($hWnd,$t=1000) Global $_Topmoster_Timer If TimerDiff($_Topmoster_Timer) < $t Then Return 0 $_Topmoster_Timer = TimerInit() WinSetOnTop($hWnd,'',1) EndFunc ;uses _RedMem on a timer Func _UnloadLoop($t=10000) Dim $t Global $_UnloadLoop_Timer If TimerDiff($_UnloadLoop_Timer) < $t Then Return 0 $_UnloadLoop_Timer = TimerInit() _RedMem () EndFunc ; Reduce memory - written by wOuter ? Func _RedMem($i_PID = -1) If $i_PID <> -1 Then Local $ai_Handle = DllCall("kernel32.dll", 'int', 'OpenProcess', 'int', 0x1F0FFF, 'int', False, 'int', $i_PID) Local $ai_Return = DllCall("psapi.dll", 'int', 'EmptyWorkingSet', 'long', $ai_Handle[0]) DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'int', 'CloseHandle', 'int', $ai_Handle[0]) Else Local $ai_Return = DllCall("psapi.dll", 'int', 'EmptyWorkingSet', 'long', -1) EndIf Return $ai_Return[0] EndFunc ; reset all pin/ontop to unpin/noontop upon exit Func _resetWinState() Local $aAllWinlist = WinList("[REGEXPTITLE:(?i)(.*)]") For $i = UBound($aAllWinlist)-1 To 1 Step -1 ; bottom up prevent invocking bottom most win If StringLen($aAllWinlist[$i][0]) Then WinSetOnTop($aAllWinlist[$i][1], '', $WINDOWS_NOONTOP) EndIf Next EndFunc ;==>_resetWinState Func _Exit() _resetWinState() Exit EndFunc ;==>_Exit Edited September 24, 2020 by zeenmakr
WindIt Posted September 28, 2020 Author Posted September 28, 2020 On 9/25/2020 at 4:28 AM, zeenmakr said: well, not double clicking but a shadower. don't forget the icons attached expandcollapse popup#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_icon=pin.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Compression=4 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_AU3Check=n #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Pin/Unpin or SetOnTop/NoOnTop - it jumps and follows active window ; function: ; click on the blue-pin to set that window ontop/pin or click on red-pin to undo (noontop/unpin) ; red pin - is visible indicate window is set on top/floating ; blue pin - is visible means window have NOT set ontop/pin or window NOT floating ; [...] button - click ONCE -cursor will stick/attach gui- to reposition this gui ; (only along the window title bar). click again to set & detach the mouse cursor ; right-click - on red or blue pin for exit option ; ; ; if a window is briefly flashed and only gui show, reason is because it sitting behind ; a pinned window. to bring it to the top most simply click on the 'blue pin' ; ; ; note*: dont' foget to download pin.ico, pin_red_22x22.ico and pin_blue_22x22.ico in the attachment ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <array.au3> #include <Constants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <GuiToolTip.au3> #include <Process.au3> #include "StringSize.au3" ; Global Const $_GUI_OFFSET = 10 Global $_WIN_ONTOP_STATE = False Global $_IS_DIFF_HANDLE Global $Ver=0.1 Opt("WinTitleMatchMode",4) Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) Opt("TrayMenuMode", 1) Opt("TrayIconHide",1) Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1) ;Special hWnd's to be ignored. $hS1=WinGetHandle('classname=Progman') $hS2=WinGetHandle('classname=Shell_TrayWnd') $hS3=WinGetHandle('SysFader') ;ini prep $IniPath=@ScriptDir&'\pin_unpin.ini' $offset=IniRead($IniPath,"options","offset",-155) $transall=IniRead($IniPath,"options","transall",'off') $movspeed=IniRead($IniPath,"options","movspeed",2) ;win ontop/pin=red or noontop/unpin=blue icon $IconPinPath=@ScriptDir&'\pin_red_22x22.ico' $IconUnpinPath=@ScriptDir&'\pin_blue_22x22.ico' If FileExists($IconPinPath)=0 Then MsgBox(0,'Missing File',$IconPinPath&' is missing!') If FileExists($IconUnpinPath)=0 Then MsgBox(0,'Missing File',$IconUnpinPath&' is missing!') Global $hWnd=0x00 Global $bwidth=20 Global $bheight=22 $hWnd_t=WinGetHandle("[ACTIVE]") ; ------------------------- ; dah gui ; ------------------------- Global $GUI=GUICreate('',2*$bwidth,$bheight,0,0,-2147483648,128) ;~ GUISetBkColor(0x000000) Global $Grabby=GUICtrlCreateButton("...",0,0,$bwidth,$bheight) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,'_grabby') ;click-n-drag [...] button to reposition $GUI GUICtrlSetTip(-1, 'click once - im sticky') Global $Button=GUICtrlCreateIcon($IconUnpinPath,-1,$bwidth,0,$bwidth,$bheight) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Button,'_pinUnpin') ;click to toggle pin/ontop or unpin/noontop ;Button Context Menu / Options (right click on gui Pin|Unpin Icon) Global $menu=GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($Button) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&Pin-or-Unpin v"&$Ver,$menu) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("",$menu) Global $exitmenu=GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("E&xit",$menu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,'_Exit') Global $GUIShown=False GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) Global $hWnd_i=WinGetHandle($GUI) WinSetTrans($hWnd_i,'',IniRead($IniPath,"options","transparency",255)) Global $grabbed=False Global $grab_xi=0 Global $grab_oi=0 WinSetOnTop($hWnd_i,'',1) Global $dp[2] $dp[0]=0 $dp[1]=0 ; ------------------------- ; keep me alive ; ------------------------- WinActivate($hWnd_t) While 1 Sleep(100) If $grabbed Then _grabtracker() Else _pinUnpin_indicator() _activewindow() EndIf _TopMoster($hWnd_i,1000) _UnloadLoop(6000) _quickPeekAtBelowWin() WEnd Func _quickPeekAtBelowWin() Local $guiPos = WinGetPos($hWnd_i) If IsArray($guiPos) And Not _IsOnTop($hWnd) Then Local $winPos = WinGetPos($hWnd) Local $iTooltipW = 40 Local $sTitle = StringLeft(WinGetTitle($hWnd), $iTooltipW) Local $sTextPixelW = _StringSize('>> [] <<'&$sTitle)[2] If $guiPos[1] < 0 Then Local $iOffSetX = -($sTextPixelW + 50) Local $iOffsetY = 0; 8 Else Local $iOffSetX = -($sTextPixelW + 50) Local $iOffsetY = 0 EndIf ;quick peek because unpin/noontop window would be invisible/behind pin/ontop window If $_IS_DIFF_HANDLE <> $hWnd Then $_IS_DIFF_HANDLE = $hWnd _pinUnpin() WinActivate($hWnd) Sleep(500) _pinUnpin() EndIf ;unpin/noontop window title ToolTip('>> ['& $sTitle &'] <<', $guiPos[0]+$iOffSetX, $guiPos[1]+$iOffsetY) Sleep(100) ToolTip(' >> ['& $sTitle &'] << ', $guiPos[0]+$iOffSetX, $guiPos[1]+$iOffsetY) Sleep(100) ToolTip(' >> ['& $sTitle &'] << ', $guiPos[0]+$iOffSetX, $guiPos[1]+$iOffsetY) Else ToolTip('') EndIf EndFunc ;==>_quickPeekAtBelowWin Func _grabtracker() $mgp=MouseGetPos() $wgp=WinGetPos($hWnd) $bgp=WinGetPos($hWnd_i) ;limit it from going off the titlebar. $mgp[0]-=5 If ($mgp[0]+(2*$bwidth))>$wgp[0]+$wgp[2] Then $mgp[0]=$wgp[0]+$wgp[2]-(2*$bwidth) If $mgp[0]<$wgp[0] Then $mgp[0]=$wgp[0] WinMove($hWnd_i,'',$mgp[0],$bgp[1]) EndFunc ;==>_grabtracker ; reposition gui Func _grabby() Global $grab_xi,$grab_oi, $grabbed, $offset Switch $grabbed Case False $bgp=WinGetPos($hWnd_i) $grab_xi=$bgp[0] $grab_oi=$offset $grabbed=True Case True $grabbed=False $bgp=WinGetPos($hWnd_i) $offset+=$bgp[0]-$grab_xi ConsoleWrite($offset&'-') $wgp=WinGetPos($hWnd) $arr=false If IsArray($wgp) Then $arr=true $halfw=Int($wgp[2]/2) EndIf $value_new=Abs($offset) $sign_old=$grab_oi/Abs($grab_oi) $sign_new=$offset/$value_new If $grab_oi<0 Then If $offset>0 Then $offset=-1 If $arr And $offset<(-1*$wgp[2]) Then $offset=1 EndIf If $grab_oi>0 Then If $offset<0 Then $offset=1 If $arr And $offset>$wgp[2] Then $offset=-1 EndIf If $offset<>1 and $offset<>(-1) Then If $arr Then If $value_new>$halfw Then $offset=$offset-($wgp[2]*$sign_new) EndIf EndIf EndIf IniWrite($IniPath,"options","offset",$offset) $dp=_getdockpos($hWnd) WinMove($hWnd_i,'',$dp[0],$dp[1]) EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_grabby ;set windows ontop/pin=red or noontop/unpin=blue Func _pinUnpin() $wgp=WinGetPos($hWnd) Local $WinTitle = WinGetTitle($hWnd) Local $iPinState = _IsOnTop($hWnd) If $iPinState Then WinSetOnTop($hWnd, '', $WINDOWS_NOONTOP) GUICtrlSetTip($Button,'Pin/Ontop') Else WinSetOnTop($hWnd, '', $WINDOWS_ONTOP) GUICtrlSetTip($Button,'UnPin/NoOnTop') EndIf _pinUnpin_indicator() EndFunc ;==>_pinUnpin ; set visual pin/unpin indicator Func _pinUnpin_indicator() Local $iPinState = _IsOnTop($hWnd) If $iPinState Then GUICtrlSetImage($Button, $IconPinPath) Else GUICtrlSetImage($Button, $IconUnpinPath) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_pinUnpin_indicator ; Check if a window is pin/ontop or not Func _IsOnTop($hWndOrsTitle, $opt = 1, $sText = '') Switch $opt Case 1 ; by window handle Return BitAND(_WinAPI_GetWindowLong($hWndOrsTitle, $GWL_EXSTYLE), $WS_EX_TOPMOST) = $WS_EX_TOPMOST Case 2 ; by window title Return BitAND(_WinAPI_GetWindowLong(WinGetHandle($hWndOrsTitle, $sText), $GWL_EXSTYLE), $WS_EX_TOPMOST) = $WS_EX_TOPMOST EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_IsOnTop Func _activewindow() Global $hWndc Local $setpos=False Local $enabledOnWindow=True Local $dp_t $hWnd_t=WinGetHandle("[ACTIVE]") Switch $hWnd_t Case $hWnd, $hWnd_i, $hS1, $hS2, $hS3 $enabledOnWindow=False EndSwitch If $enabledOnWindow Then $dp_t=_getdockpos($hWnd_t) If $dp_t[0]=-$_GUI_OFFSET Or $dp_t[1]=-$_GUI_OFFSET Then $enabledOnWindow=False EndIf If $enabledOnWindow Then If $transall<>'off' Then WinSetTrans($hWnd,'',255) WinSetTrans($hWnd_t,'',$transall) EndIf $hWnd=$hWnd_t $pid=WinGetProcess($hWnd) _priority_show(_ProcessGetPriority($pid)) Else $dp_t=_getdockpos($hWnd) If IsArray($dp)=0 Or IsArray($dp_t)=0 Then Return 0 EndIf If $dp_t[0]<>$dp[0] Or $dp_t[1]<>$dp[1] Then $dp=$dp_t $setpos=True EndIf If $setpos Then If $dp[0]=-$_GUI_OFFSET Or $dp[1]=-$_GUI_OFFSET Then $GUIShown=False GUISetState(@SW_HIDE,$GUI) Else WinSetOnTop($hwnd_i,'',1) If $movspeed=0 Or $GUIShown=False Then WinMove($hWnd_i,'',$dp[0],$dp[1]) Else WinMove($hWnd_i,'',$dp[0],$dp[1],2*$bwidth, $bheight,$movspeed) EndIf GUISetState(@SW_SHOWNA,$GUI) $GUIShown=True EndIf Else Sleep(100) EndIf EndFunc Func _priority_show($i) Local $ii For $ii=0 To 5 If $ii=$i Then GUICtrlSetState(Eval("priority_"&$ii),1) Else GUICtrlSetState(Eval("priority_"&$ii),4) EndIf Next EndFunc Func _getdockpos($h) $saved_height=Eval('wh'&Execute($h)) Global $offset Local $a[2] $a[0]=-$_GUI_OFFSET $a[1]=-$_GUI_OFFSET If $saved_height<0 Then Return $a ; window isn't visable or is disabled by gui $wgs=WinGetState ($h) If BitAND($wgs,1)=0 Then Return $a If BitAND($wgs,2)=0 Then Return $a If BitAND($wgs,16) Then Return $a ;If BitAND($wgs,32) Then Return $a ; disable on maximized windows If _dpcurwind($h)=False Then Return $a $wgp=WinGetPos($h) If IsArray($wgp)=0 Then Return $a $rpos=$wgp[0]+$wgp[2] If $offset>=0 Then $dockpos=$wgp[0]+$offset If $dockpos>$rpos Then Return $a Else $dockpos=$rpos+$offset If $dockpos<$wgp[0] Then Return $a EndIf $a[0]=$dockpos $a[1]=$wgp[1]+6 Return $a EndFunc Func _dpcurwind($h) $hwnd_in=WinGetHandle("[ACTIVE]") If $hwnd_in=0 Or $hwnd_in=$hWnd_i Then Return True If $hwnd_in<>$h Then Local $tRect=_WinAPI_GetWindowRect($hwnd_in) Local $wgp=WinGetPos($hwnd_i) Local $tPoint=_WinGetPoint($wgp) If $wgp[0]=-$_GUI_OFFSET Or $wgp[1]=-$_GUI_OFFSET Then Return False If _WinAPI_PtInRect($tRect,$tPoint) Then Return False EndIf EndIf Return True EndFunc Func _WinGetPoint($wgp) Local $s $s=DllStructCreate("int X;int Y") DllStructSetData($s,"X",$wgp[0]) DllStructSetData($s,"Y",$wgp[1]) Return $s EndFunc ;dirty hack to display above TopMost windows Func _TopMoster($hWnd,$t=1000) Global $_Topmoster_Timer If TimerDiff($_Topmoster_Timer) < $t Then Return 0 $_Topmoster_Timer = TimerInit() WinSetOnTop($hWnd,'',1) EndFunc ;uses _RedMem on a timer Func _UnloadLoop($t=10000) Dim $t Global $_UnloadLoop_Timer If TimerDiff($_UnloadLoop_Timer) < $t Then Return 0 $_UnloadLoop_Timer = TimerInit() _RedMem () EndFunc ; Reduce memory - written by wOuter ? Func _RedMem($i_PID = -1) If $i_PID <> -1 Then Local $ai_Handle = DllCall("kernel32.dll", 'int', 'OpenProcess', 'int', 0x1F0FFF, 'int', False, 'int', $i_PID) Local $ai_Return = DllCall("psapi.dll", 'int', 'EmptyWorkingSet', 'long', $ai_Handle[0]) DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'int', 'CloseHandle', 'int', $ai_Handle[0]) Else Local $ai_Return = DllCall("psapi.dll", 'int', 'EmptyWorkingSet', 'long', -1) EndIf Return $ai_Return[0] EndFunc ; reset all pin/ontop to unpin/noontop upon exit Func _resetWinState() Local $aAllWinlist = WinList("[REGEXPTITLE:(?i)(.*)]") For $i = UBound($aAllWinlist)-1 To 1 Step -1 ; bottom up prevent invocking bottom most win If StringLen($aAllWinlist[$i][0]) Then WinSetOnTop($aAllWinlist[$i][1], '', $WINDOWS_NOONTOP) EndIf Next EndFunc ;==>_resetWinState Func _Exit() _resetWinState() Exit EndFunc ;==>_Exit 5.39 kB · 4 downloads I get the error can't open file, attached pic for your referance.
Dan_555 Posted September 28, 2020 Posted September 28, 2020 Download the StringSize.Au3 from Here(1st post) and copy it into autoit/include/ folder. Some of my script sourcecode
WindIt Posted September 30, 2020 Author Posted September 30, 2020 On 9/28/2020 at 7:25 PM, Dan_555 said: Download the StringSize.Au3 from Here(1st post) and copy it into autoit/include/ folder. Thank You works perfectly now.
WindIt Posted October 2, 2020 Author Posted October 2, 2020 On 9/28/2020 at 7:25 PM, Dan_555 said: Download the StringSize.Au3 from Here(1st post) and copy it into autoit/include/ folder. On 9/25/2020 at 4:28 AM, zeenmakr said: well, not double clicking but a shadower. don't forget the icons attached expandcollapse popup#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_icon=pin.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Compression=4 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_AU3Check=n #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Pin/Unpin or SetOnTop/NoOnTop - it jumps and follows active window ; function: ; click on the blue-pin to set that window ontop/pin or click on red-pin to undo (noontop/unpin) ; red pin - is visible indicate window is set on top/floating ; blue pin - is visible means window have NOT set ontop/pin or window NOT floating ; [...] button - click ONCE -cursor will stick/attach gui- to reposition this gui ; (only along the window title bar). click again to set & detach the mouse cursor ; right-click - on red or blue pin for exit option ; ; ; if a window is briefly flashed and only gui show, reason is because it sitting behind ; a pinned window. to bring it to the top most simply click on the 'blue pin' ; ; ; note*: dont' foget to download pin.ico, pin_red_22x22.ico and pin_blue_22x22.ico in the attachment ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <array.au3> #include <Constants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <GuiToolTip.au3> #include <Process.au3> #include "StringSize.au3" ; Global Const $_GUI_OFFSET = 10 Global $_WIN_ONTOP_STATE = False Global $_IS_DIFF_HANDLE Global $Ver=0.1 Opt("WinTitleMatchMode",4) Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) Opt("TrayMenuMode", 1) Opt("TrayIconHide",1) Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1) ;Special hWnd's to be ignored. $hS1=WinGetHandle('classname=Progman') $hS2=WinGetHandle('classname=Shell_TrayWnd') $hS3=WinGetHandle('SysFader') ;ini prep $IniPath=@ScriptDir&'\pin_unpin.ini' $offset=IniRead($IniPath,"options","offset",-155) $transall=IniRead($IniPath,"options","transall",'off') $movspeed=IniRead($IniPath,"options","movspeed",2) ;win ontop/pin=red or noontop/unpin=blue icon $IconPinPath=@ScriptDir&'\pin_red_22x22.ico' $IconUnpinPath=@ScriptDir&'\pin_blue_22x22.ico' If FileExists($IconPinPath)=0 Then MsgBox(0,'Missing File',$IconPinPath&' is missing!') If FileExists($IconUnpinPath)=0 Then MsgBox(0,'Missing File',$IconUnpinPath&' is missing!') Global $hWnd=0x00 Global $bwidth=20 Global $bheight=22 $hWnd_t=WinGetHandle("[ACTIVE]") ; ------------------------- ; dah gui ; ------------------------- Global $GUI=GUICreate('',2*$bwidth,$bheight,0,0,-2147483648,128) ;~ GUISetBkColor(0x000000) Global $Grabby=GUICtrlCreateButton("...",0,0,$bwidth,$bheight) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,'_grabby') ;click-n-drag [...] button to reposition $GUI GUICtrlSetTip(-1, 'click once - im sticky') Global $Button=GUICtrlCreateIcon($IconUnpinPath,-1,$bwidth,0,$bwidth,$bheight) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Button,'_pinUnpin') ;click to toggle pin/ontop or unpin/noontop ;Button Context Menu / Options (right click on gui Pin|Unpin Icon) Global $menu=GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($Button) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&Pin-or-Unpin v"&$Ver,$menu) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("",$menu) Global $exitmenu=GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("E&xit",$menu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,'_Exit') Global $GUIShown=False GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) Global $hWnd_i=WinGetHandle($GUI) WinSetTrans($hWnd_i,'',IniRead($IniPath,"options","transparency",255)) Global $grabbed=False Global $grab_xi=0 Global $grab_oi=0 WinSetOnTop($hWnd_i,'',1) Global $dp[2] $dp[0]=0 $dp[1]=0 ; ------------------------- ; keep me alive ; ------------------------- WinActivate($hWnd_t) While 1 Sleep(100) If $grabbed Then _grabtracker() Else _pinUnpin_indicator() _activewindow() EndIf _TopMoster($hWnd_i,1000) _UnloadLoop(6000) _quickPeekAtBelowWin() WEnd Func _quickPeekAtBelowWin() Local $guiPos = WinGetPos($hWnd_i) If IsArray($guiPos) And Not _IsOnTop($hWnd) Then Local $winPos = WinGetPos($hWnd) Local $iTooltipW = 40 Local $sTitle = StringLeft(WinGetTitle($hWnd), $iTooltipW) Local $sTextPixelW = _StringSize('>> [] <<'&$sTitle)[2] If $guiPos[1] < 0 Then Local $iOffSetX = -($sTextPixelW + 50) Local $iOffsetY = 0; 8 Else Local $iOffSetX = -($sTextPixelW + 50) Local $iOffsetY = 0 EndIf ;quick peek because unpin/noontop window would be invisible/behind pin/ontop window If $_IS_DIFF_HANDLE <> $hWnd Then $_IS_DIFF_HANDLE = $hWnd _pinUnpin() WinActivate($hWnd) Sleep(500) _pinUnpin() EndIf ;unpin/noontop window title ToolTip('>> ['& $sTitle &'] <<', $guiPos[0]+$iOffSetX, $guiPos[1]+$iOffsetY) Sleep(100) ToolTip(' >> ['& $sTitle &'] << ', $guiPos[0]+$iOffSetX, $guiPos[1]+$iOffsetY) Sleep(100) ToolTip(' >> ['& $sTitle &'] << ', $guiPos[0]+$iOffSetX, $guiPos[1]+$iOffsetY) Else ToolTip('') EndIf EndFunc ;==>_quickPeekAtBelowWin Func _grabtracker() $mgp=MouseGetPos() $wgp=WinGetPos($hWnd) $bgp=WinGetPos($hWnd_i) ;limit it from going off the titlebar. $mgp[0]-=5 If ($mgp[0]+(2*$bwidth))>$wgp[0]+$wgp[2] Then $mgp[0]=$wgp[0]+$wgp[2]-(2*$bwidth) If $mgp[0]<$wgp[0] Then $mgp[0]=$wgp[0] WinMove($hWnd_i,'',$mgp[0],$bgp[1]) EndFunc ;==>_grabtracker ; reposition gui Func _grabby() Global $grab_xi,$grab_oi, $grabbed, $offset Switch $grabbed Case False $bgp=WinGetPos($hWnd_i) $grab_xi=$bgp[0] $grab_oi=$offset $grabbed=True Case True $grabbed=False $bgp=WinGetPos($hWnd_i) $offset+=$bgp[0]-$grab_xi ConsoleWrite($offset&'-') $wgp=WinGetPos($hWnd) $arr=false If IsArray($wgp) Then $arr=true $halfw=Int($wgp[2]/2) EndIf $value_new=Abs($offset) $sign_old=$grab_oi/Abs($grab_oi) $sign_new=$offset/$value_new If $grab_oi<0 Then If $offset>0 Then $offset=-1 If $arr And $offset<(-1*$wgp[2]) Then $offset=1 EndIf If $grab_oi>0 Then If $offset<0 Then $offset=1 If $arr And $offset>$wgp[2] Then $offset=-1 EndIf If $offset<>1 and $offset<>(-1) Then If $arr Then If $value_new>$halfw Then $offset=$offset-($wgp[2]*$sign_new) EndIf EndIf EndIf IniWrite($IniPath,"options","offset",$offset) $dp=_getdockpos($hWnd) WinMove($hWnd_i,'',$dp[0],$dp[1]) EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_grabby ;set windows ontop/pin=red or noontop/unpin=blue Func _pinUnpin() $wgp=WinGetPos($hWnd) Local $WinTitle = WinGetTitle($hWnd) Local $iPinState = _IsOnTop($hWnd) If $iPinState Then WinSetOnTop($hWnd, '', $WINDOWS_NOONTOP) GUICtrlSetTip($Button,'Pin/Ontop') Else WinSetOnTop($hWnd, '', $WINDOWS_ONTOP) GUICtrlSetTip($Button,'UnPin/NoOnTop') EndIf _pinUnpin_indicator() EndFunc ;==>_pinUnpin ; set visual pin/unpin indicator Func _pinUnpin_indicator() Local $iPinState = _IsOnTop($hWnd) If $iPinState Then GUICtrlSetImage($Button, $IconPinPath) Else GUICtrlSetImage($Button, $IconUnpinPath) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_pinUnpin_indicator ; Check if a window is pin/ontop or not Func _IsOnTop($hWndOrsTitle, $opt = 1, $sText = '') Switch $opt Case 1 ; by window handle Return BitAND(_WinAPI_GetWindowLong($hWndOrsTitle, $GWL_EXSTYLE), $WS_EX_TOPMOST) = $WS_EX_TOPMOST Case 2 ; by window title Return BitAND(_WinAPI_GetWindowLong(WinGetHandle($hWndOrsTitle, $sText), $GWL_EXSTYLE), $WS_EX_TOPMOST) = $WS_EX_TOPMOST EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_IsOnTop Func _activewindow() Global $hWndc Local $setpos=False Local $enabledOnWindow=True Local $dp_t $hWnd_t=WinGetHandle("[ACTIVE]") Switch $hWnd_t Case $hWnd, $hWnd_i, $hS1, $hS2, $hS3 $enabledOnWindow=False EndSwitch If $enabledOnWindow Then $dp_t=_getdockpos($hWnd_t) If $dp_t[0]=-$_GUI_OFFSET Or $dp_t[1]=-$_GUI_OFFSET Then $enabledOnWindow=False EndIf If $enabledOnWindow Then If $transall<>'off' Then WinSetTrans($hWnd,'',255) WinSetTrans($hWnd_t,'',$transall) EndIf $hWnd=$hWnd_t $pid=WinGetProcess($hWnd) _priority_show(_ProcessGetPriority($pid)) Else $dp_t=_getdockpos($hWnd) If IsArray($dp)=0 Or IsArray($dp_t)=0 Then Return 0 EndIf If $dp_t[0]<>$dp[0] Or $dp_t[1]<>$dp[1] Then $dp=$dp_t $setpos=True EndIf If $setpos Then If $dp[0]=-$_GUI_OFFSET Or $dp[1]=-$_GUI_OFFSET Then $GUIShown=False GUISetState(@SW_HIDE,$GUI) Else WinSetOnTop($hwnd_i,'',1) If $movspeed=0 Or $GUIShown=False Then WinMove($hWnd_i,'',$dp[0],$dp[1]) Else WinMove($hWnd_i,'',$dp[0],$dp[1],2*$bwidth, $bheight,$movspeed) EndIf GUISetState(@SW_SHOWNA,$GUI) $GUIShown=True EndIf Else Sleep(100) EndIf EndFunc Func _priority_show($i) Local $ii For $ii=0 To 5 If $ii=$i Then GUICtrlSetState(Eval("priority_"&$ii),1) Else GUICtrlSetState(Eval("priority_"&$ii),4) EndIf Next EndFunc Func _getdockpos($h) $saved_height=Eval('wh'&Execute($h)) Global $offset Local $a[2] $a[0]=-$_GUI_OFFSET $a[1]=-$_GUI_OFFSET If $saved_height<0 Then Return $a ; window isn't visable or is disabled by gui $wgs=WinGetState ($h) If BitAND($wgs,1)=0 Then Return $a If BitAND($wgs,2)=0 Then Return $a If BitAND($wgs,16) Then Return $a ;If BitAND($wgs,32) Then Return $a ; disable on maximized windows If _dpcurwind($h)=False Then Return $a $wgp=WinGetPos($h) If IsArray($wgp)=0 Then Return $a $rpos=$wgp[0]+$wgp[2] If $offset>=0 Then $dockpos=$wgp[0]+$offset If $dockpos>$rpos Then Return $a Else $dockpos=$rpos+$offset If $dockpos<$wgp[0] Then Return $a EndIf $a[0]=$dockpos $a[1]=$wgp[1]+6 Return $a EndFunc Func _dpcurwind($h) $hwnd_in=WinGetHandle("[ACTIVE]") If $hwnd_in=0 Or $hwnd_in=$hWnd_i Then Return True If $hwnd_in<>$h Then Local $tRect=_WinAPI_GetWindowRect($hwnd_in) Local $wgp=WinGetPos($hwnd_i) Local $tPoint=_WinGetPoint($wgp) If $wgp[0]=-$_GUI_OFFSET Or $wgp[1]=-$_GUI_OFFSET Then Return False If _WinAPI_PtInRect($tRect,$tPoint) Then Return False EndIf EndIf Return True EndFunc Func _WinGetPoint($wgp) Local $s $s=DllStructCreate("int X;int Y") DllStructSetData($s,"X",$wgp[0]) DllStructSetData($s,"Y",$wgp[1]) Return $s EndFunc ;dirty hack to display above TopMost windows Func _TopMoster($hWnd,$t=1000) Global $_Topmoster_Timer If TimerDiff($_Topmoster_Timer) < $t Then Return 0 $_Topmoster_Timer = TimerInit() WinSetOnTop($hWnd,'',1) EndFunc ;uses _RedMem on a timer Func _UnloadLoop($t=10000) Dim $t Global $_UnloadLoop_Timer If TimerDiff($_UnloadLoop_Timer) < $t Then Return 0 $_UnloadLoop_Timer = TimerInit() _RedMem () EndFunc ; Reduce memory - written by wOuter ? Func _RedMem($i_PID = -1) If $i_PID <> -1 Then Local $ai_Handle = DllCall("kernel32.dll", 'int', 'OpenProcess', 'int', 0x1F0FFF, 'int', False, 'int', $i_PID) Local $ai_Return = DllCall("psapi.dll", 'int', 'EmptyWorkingSet', 'long', $ai_Handle[0]) DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'int', 'CloseHandle', 'int', $ai_Handle[0]) Else Local $ai_Return = DllCall("psapi.dll", 'int', 'EmptyWorkingSet', 'long', -1) EndIf Return $ai_Return[0] EndFunc ; reset all pin/ontop to unpin/noontop upon exit Func _resetWinState() Local $aAllWinlist = WinList("[REGEXPTITLE:(?i)(.*)]") For $i = UBound($aAllWinlist)-1 To 1 Step -1 ; bottom up prevent invocking bottom most win If StringLen($aAllWinlist[$i][0]) Then WinSetOnTop($aAllWinlist[$i][1], '', $WINDOWS_NOONTOP) EndIf Next EndFunc ;==>_resetWinState Func _Exit() _resetWinState() Exit EndFunc ;==>_Exit 5.39 kB · 9 downloads Hi , Also since the pin is working perfectly, Is there a way to make the pinned active window (application) transparent if i select a window behind it so that this does not block the screen completely. Something like this below which i want to include when active window is pinned. #include <ScreenCapture.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate") Run('mspaint.exe') Sleep(1000); to waituntil paint is opened _ScreenCapture_Capture('pic.jpg', 0, 0, @DesktopWidth, @DesktopHeight) $win = GUICreate('', 400, 400, -1, -1, $WS_POPUP, BitOR($WS_EX_TRANSPARENT, $WS_EX_TOPMOST)) $pic = GUICtrlCreatePic('pic.jpg', 1, 1, 0, 0) WinSetTrans($win, '', 100) GUISetState() Do $msg = GUIGetMsg() Until $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete($win) FileDelete('pic.jpg') Func Terminate() Exit 0 EndFunc ;==>Terminate
WindIt Posted October 2, 2020 Author Posted October 2, 2020 On 9/28/2020 at 7:25 PM, Dan_555 said: Download the StringSize.Au3 from Here(1st post) and copy it into autoit/include/ folder. For some reason not able to pin MS Teams window, rest of active windows are detecting. This is happening on few systems and some systems where teams is installed pinning is working correctly. What could be the reason ? Steps record details for referance: Attached a short video for the behavior when trying to pin the active teams window. MSTeams not able to pin.mp4
zeenmakr Posted October 6, 2020 Posted October 6, 2020 On 10/2/2020 at 7:21 AM, WindIt said: Is there a way to make the pinned active window (application) transparent if i select a window behind it so that this does not block the screen completely. here is a quick dirty way (note. right click on red/blue pins for these menu options) replace the original with ;Button Context Menu / Options (right click on gui Pin|Unpin Icon) Global $menu=GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($Button) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Pin-or-Unpin v"&$Ver,$menu) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("",$menu) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem(" 0% Transparency",$menu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,'_setTransparency_0percent') GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("25% Transparency",$menu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,'_setTransparency_25percent') GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("50% Transparency",$menu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,'_setTransparency_50percent') GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("75% Transparency",$menu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,'_setTransparency_75percent') GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("",$menu) Global $exitmenu=GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("E&xit",$menu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,'_Exit') add these ; set active win transparency Func _setTransparent_0percent() WinSetTrans($hWnd, '', 255) EndFunc Func _setTransparent_25percent() WinSetTrans($hWnd, '', 185) EndFunc Func _setTransparent_50percent() WinSetTrans($hWnd, '', 125) EndFunc Func _setTransparent_75percent() WinSetTrans($hWnd, '', 65) EndFunc replace the original with these ; reset all pin/ontop to unpin/noontop upon exit Func _resetWinState() Local $aAllWinlist = WinList("[REGEXPTITLE:(?i)(.*)]") For $i = UBound($aAllWinlist)-1 To 1 Step -1 ; bottom up prevent invocking bottom most win If StringLen($aAllWinlist[$i][0]) Then WinSetOnTop($aAllWinlist[$i][1], '', $WINDOWS_NOONTOP) WinSetTrans($aAllWinlist[$i][1], '', 255) EndIf Next EndFunc ;==>_resetWinState On 10/2/2020 at 12:28 PM, WindIt said: For some reason not able to pin MS Teams window, rest of active windows are detecting. This is happening on few systems and some systems where teams is installed pinning is working correctly. are all systems running on the same os or different. also if modifications were made to the original script, you might have made a spelling error somewhere resulted event call to non existing function. if still not working, provide the log after replacing the original with these expandcollapse popup;set windows ontop/pin=red or noontop/unpin=blue Func _pinUnpin($isClicked=0) Local $WinTitle = WinGetTitle($hWnd) Local $timeStamp = @HOUR&'-'&@MIN&'-'&@SEC&'.'&@MSEC Local $iPinState = _IsOnTop($hWnd) If $iPinState Then WinSetOnTop($hWnd, '', $WINDOWS_NOONTOP) GUICtrlSetTip($Button,'Pin/Ontop') If $isClicked Then ConsoleWrite('!>!'&@ScriptLineNumber&': '&$timeStamp&' | '&$iPinState&' - Clicked Red Pin/OnTop | '&$WinTitle&@CRLF) ;Red/Brown EndIF Else WinSetOnTop($hWnd, '', $WINDOWS_ONTOP) GUICtrlSetTip($Button,'UnPin/NoOnTop') If $isClicked Then ConsoleWrite('>->'&@ScriptLineNumber&': '&$timeStamp&' | '&$iPinState&' - Clicked Blue UnPin/NoOnTop | '&$WinTitle&@CRLF) ;Blue/Cyan EndIF EndIf Local $debug = 0 If $isClicked Then $debug = 1 _pinUnpin_indicator($debug, $timeStamp) EndFunc ;==>_pinUnpin ; set visual pin/unpin indicator Func _pinUnpin_indicator($debug=0, $timeStamp='') Local $WinTitle = WinGetTitle($hWnd) Local $iPinState = _IsOnTop($hWnd) If $iPinState Then GUICtrlSetImage($Button, $IconPinPath) If $debug Then ConsoleWrite('!>!'&@ScriptLineNumber&': '&$timeStamp&' | '&$iPinState&' - Set Red Pin/OnTop | '&$WinTitle&@CRLF&@CRLF) ;Red/Brown EndIf Else GUICtrlSetImage($Button, $IconUnpinPath) If $debug Then ConsoleWrite('>->'&@ScriptLineNumber&': '&$timeStamp&' | '&$iPinState&' - Set Blue UnPin/NoOnTop | '&$WinTitle&@CRLF&@CRLF) ;Blue/Cyan EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_pinUnpin_indicator also replace GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Button,'pinUnpin_clicked') ;click to toggle pin/ontop or unpin/noontop then add this ;debug clicked pin/unpin Func pinUnpin_clicked() _pinUnpin(1) EndFunc
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