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Posted (edited)

I would like to know if its possible to get the IP that is in use by a Window by using AutoIt.

Ex: IE is currently on ip xx.xx.xx.xx:port or X program is on IP xx.xx.xx.xx:port

Thanks very much.

Edited by publicenemy


IP address of first network adapter.  Tends to return on some computers.


IP address of second network adapter.  Returns if not applicable.

@IPAddress3 IP address of third network adapter.  Returns if not applicable. 

@IPAddress4 IP address of fourth network adapter.  Returns if not applicable. 

AutoIt3, the MACGYVER Pocket Knife for computers.


Thanks but this is not really what im trying to achieve. As an example, open any computer game, enter lan or internet game

Open command prompt and type netstat

This is the type of info i want but for a SPECIFIC window, like "Unreal Tournament window".


Posted (edited)

ahh, you want a port monitor type responce. Application blah.exe using port 80 on IP

You can get AutoIt to grab most information from a command line program.

runwait('cmd /c netstat >c:\tempstat.txt ','',@sw_hide)

then read the file and delete it after :D

Edited by scriptkitty

AutoIt3, the MACGYVER Pocket Knife for computers.

Posted (edited)

Tks for the command, very nice.

But lets say you have 3 programs using same Port, how do you figure which program is which?

Edited by publicenemy

All I see is a bunch of IP's with netstat. If i know which port the application uses i can figure which ip its connected to by looking for xx.xx.xx.xx.:myporthere

But if 3 apps use that port how do i know which IP is which Window in my OS?

Posted (edited)

Xp but this program must work on the most Windows versions possible.

What i see with netstat -n is something like such

Connexions actives

  Proto  Adresse locale         Adresse distante       Etat

That is with a French version but english would just be a lil different.

Edited by publicenemy
Guest Netspider
Posted (edited)

runwait('cmd /c netstat -an | find ":4000" >c:\tempstat.txt ','',@sw_hide)

then filter out the last octet of ip (169)

btw. such programs already exist :D

Edited by Netspider

do a netstat before and after the "Window"

[quote]I was busy waiting all night for the Columbus Day Bunny to come down my chimney and light fireworks in my pumpkin.There's so much wrong with that.Oh, I'm sorry, i forgot you were Jewish.[/quote]

Posted (edited)

This program looks nice and with "Process Created on" I will probably be able to figure what I want to know. Thank you very much!!!!

Edited by publicenemy

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