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The RFB protocol used by the VNC needs to be encrypted using the DES algorithm


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       Recently, the VNC connection was implemented on Autoit. The DLL VNCX was available on the forum. However, it was found that the keyboard information was transmitted in conflict with the local hotkey. I wanted to use the VNC RFB protocol for TCP communication. I searched for documents for several days. Currently, the version can be determined according to the protocol, however, the DES encryption interaction is always incorrect. I don't think the request is right, but I only have AOtu. Can someone help you transcode the code?


#Include "DES.au3"

Func _ECB($InString)
    local $Key = Binary('mypass')
    local $Data = Binary($InString)

    Local $KEYS=_DesEncryptKey($Key)
    Local $KESYEN=_DesDecryptKey($Key)
    local $Encrypt = _DesCryptECB($KEYS, $Data)
    local $Decrypt = _DesCryptECB($KESYEN, $Encrypt)
    ConsoleWrite('=== Encrypt Two Block With DES ECB Mode ===' & @CRLF)
    ConsoleWrite('Encrypt: ' & $Encrypt & @CRLF & 'Decrypt: ' & $Decrypt & @CRLF & @CRLF)
    Return $Encrypt

Trying to use this will not solve the problem;

This is the protocol document:






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