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Hi All,

So I have created a small autoIT script to enter pin into a RSA token(app which generate new code every 30 second), and copy the generated code.

I have a java application which requires this code so every time my java-code requires this RSA code, it runs the autoIT script and the copied generated code is then used in my java application. 

I have deployed this code on a windows server and it works fine when I am logged in and the window is on focus, But as soon as I schedule task and disconnect the server (not logged out only disconnect), or even minimize the server window, the autoIT scripts fails and its not able to copy the value.


Please find below the code for AUTOIT.


WinActivate("rsa - RSA SecurID Token") ; activates the window that has old in the tilte bar
WinWaitActive("rsa - RSA SecurID Token") ; waits until the window is the active window
Send("1111") ; simulates pressing the Home key, enters password to get the code
Send("{ENTER}") ; simulates pressing the Enter key
Sleep(1000) ;
Send("^c") ; simulates pressing the CTRL+c keys (copy)


Also I saw some post regarding that WINACTIVE only works when window is active. But my below AUTO IT script to handle windows pop up  works perfectly fine when the server is disconnected. 


Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 1)




I changes the script as below but this too is not working when server window is minimized.


Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 1)
Local $hWnd=WinWait("rsa- RSA SecurID Token") ; waits until the window is the active window
ControlSend($hWnd,"","","1111") ; simulates pressing the Home key

  • Moderators

Locked for the same reason as the other thread (also stick to one thread in the future).


The entire point of an RSA token is to mitigate security risks. To think that the software/systems owner would be okay with you bypassing it is simply foolish. If you have permission from the application owner to bypass their token, in writing, feel free to PM it and we'll review. Until that time, however, we will not support this (or the other) thread on this subject.


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