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The keys are always sent to the current window. In doubt, it's good to check if the active window is really Photoshop.

Any of my own codes posted on the forum are free for use by others without any restriction of any kind. (WTFPL)


It works! Thanks you Marc, you rock!

I am receiving some weird behaviour after pressing the key (like double click on 'my computer' opens Settings, same as you hold the 'alt' key and double-click, so the alt key remains pressed all the time), might as well be from messing with the 'PC Manager' from Huawei, since the f10 key is locked from bios to open the shortcut of the program, and i was simply replacing the the .exe file. 

Maybe is a way to clear the alt-pressed all the time behaviour.


AutoIt does not keep any keys pressed, except you tell it to do so. As the help says:

Send("{a down}") ;Holds the A key down
Send("{a up}") ;Releases the A key

Using that with "!" instead of "a" would cause the alt-key to keep pressed. Unless you did something like this in your code, I'd do some serious fingerpointing at your "PC Manager" :)

Any of my own codes posted on the forum are free for use by others without any restriction of any kind. (WTFPL)

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