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Hotkeys with multiple letter triggers - (Moved)

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back when I was still doing autohotkey you could write (in code) spanisha::á

and whenever you were in google docs or notepad you could type (in the document) spanisha  and it instantly turns it into á 

I tried doing this in autoit, here's what I have so far (my entire code so if this language requires a main function or a return/exit to function properly please let me know):

;is this a proper comment?
HotKeySet ( "spanisha" , "SendAltered" )

Func SendAltered()
    Send("á", flag = 0);


I assume that autoit follows a sort of contemporary hotkey pressing model where you have to hold all keys at the same time? which makes this impossible. So

I'm wondering if anyone has a workaround for this? or maybe an alternative to HotKeySet()

I have a vague memory of someone saying that doing something like spanisha:á would work. I don't know if I'm slightly off syntax but this doesn't work.

Also I tried doing 

;is this a proper comment?
;HotKeySet ( "a" , "SendAltered" )


Func SendAltered()


just to try and debug,

I'm also wondering if my approach is fundamentally wrong since HotKeySet() was made for something like !^A. Or if Send() is syntactically wrong.

I'm also noticing on these forums that specifying installation is important so to whom it may concern I downloaded both installers, editor and main files. Although I'm about to be real mad if the editor installation makes a difference.

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I did this, it's stringtrigger, the way i did it, is store the typed keys, and when they match a word i want, something happens, can be starting an app or pasting text, after deleting the trigger word.

I think you can do the same, but it's not as simple as you show there.


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7 minutes ago, careca said:

I did this, it's stringtrigger, the way i did it, is store the typed keys, and when they match a word i want, something happens, can be starting an app or pasting text, after deleting the trigger word.

I think you can do the same, but it's not as simple as you show there.

Be careful what you show, it could be considered a keylogger by your own definition of it.

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6 hours ago, Somerset said:

Be careful what you show, it could be considered a keylogger by your own definition of it.

Careca posted his tool > 2 years ago. So far the Mods didn't have a problem with it.

I wonder why the OP would enter 8 characters to have it replaced with a single character :huh2:

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