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Posted (edited)

can i safely store binary data there?
results of this test suggest the answer is "no"

for $i = 0 To 255
   $test = $test & Chr($i);
ConsoleWrite( $test );

because it writes 0 bytes to stdout, i would have expected it to write 256 bytes to stdout

still would like some answers

(and if the answer is "no", then how should i manipulate binary data in AutoIt? )

edit: interestingly, if i change it to for $i = 1 To 255 , then it writes 255 bytes to stdout, so it seems something has a problem with null-bytes specifically (haven't verified that those 255 characters are what they're supposed to be, though)

Edited by HansHenrik
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The first element of the string is Chr(0) which AutoIt interprets (along with much else) as EOF and so prints nothing. 

Next question? 


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No idea - I do not speak php. But you might like to look at Hex.



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Posted (edited)

@argumentum doesn't matter what i pipe it to (and i don't intend to pipe it to base64, i actually intend to pipe it to a php-cli parent), i just want to know how to write binary data to stdout ( for 

 @Melba23 it's not really a PHP thing, most languages can do it (for example in C++  std::cout << std::string("\x00",1);  ) 

but i figured it out: 


; binary safe ConsoleWrite()  ( AutoIt's builtin ConsoleWrite() is not binary safe, it chokes if you try to write a null byte to stdout)
Func ConsoleWriteBinarySafe( Const ByRef $str)
   Local $bytesWritten=0;
   Local $stdoutHandle=_WinAPI_GetStdHandle(1);
   Local $tBuffer = DllStructCreate("byte[" & StringLen($str) & "]");
   DllStructSetData($tBuffer, 1, $str);
   _WinAPI_WriteFile ( $stdoutHandle, $tBuffer, StringLen($str), $bytesWritten);
   return $bytesWritten;

and it seems AutoIt string variables are indeed binary safe, now doing


for $i = 0 To 255
   $test = $test & Chr($i);

does indeed write every byte from 0 to 255 to stdout :)

Edited by HansHenrik

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