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We are running on a VIrtual Machine via Remote Desktop.  We are having a situation where the loading of the chromedriver.exe is taking longer on the VM than on a physical machine.  It is causing the first call to  WD_Post in _WD_CreateSession to fail.

To workaround the Issue, I used a simplified version of (_WinAPI_GetTcpTable) UDF to Loop waiting for the driver port to be in the listening state.  At that point, I know that the Post will work:

Func _WaitForPort($ListenPort)
        Local $tMIB_TCPTABLE = DllStructCreate("dword[6]")
        Local $aRet = DllCall("Iphlpapi.dll", "DWORD", "GetTcpTable", "struct*", $tMIB_TCPTABLE, "DWORD*", 0, "BOOL", True)
        Local $dwSize = $aRet[2]
        $tMIB_TCPTABLE = DllStructCreate("DWORD[" & $dwSize / 4 & "]")

        $aRet = DllCall("Iphlpapi.dll", "DWORD", "GetTcpTable", "struct*", $tMIB_TCPTABLE, "DWORD*", $dwSize, "BOOL", True)
        If $aRet[0] <> 0 Then Return SetError(1)
        Local $iNumEntries = DllStructGetData($tMIB_TCPTABLE, 1, 1)
        Local $aRes[$iNumEntries][6]

        For $i = 0 To $iNumEntries - 1
            Local $Type = DllStructGetData($tMIB_TCPTABLE, 1, 2 + $i * 5 + 0)
            $aRet = DllCall("ws2_32.dll", "ushort", "ntohs", "uint", DllStructGetData($tMIB_TCPTABLE, 1, 2 + $i * 5 + 2)) ; local port
            Local $Port = $aRet[0]
            ConsoleWrite("Checking Row:" & $i & " State:<" & $Type & "> Port:<" & $Port & ">" & @CRLF)
            ; Type 2 is LISTENING
            If $Type = 2 And $Port = $ListenPort Then
                Return 1;
    Until 0;

    Return 0;
EndFunc   ;==>_WaitForPort



@JohnWIlling Did you try enabling / setting a greater timeout for the HTTP request? This was a recent addition to the UDF that you can enable like this --

_WD_Option('httptimeouts', True)

These are the defaults from WinHTTP --

$_WD_HTTPTimeOuts[4] = [0, 60000, 30000, 30000]

where the value represent the timeout for Resolve, Connect, Send, & Receive respectively. If you change the array, then these values will be used on the next request as long as the httpTimouts option is true.

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