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Tables to Arrays


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; https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/202362-tables-to-arrays/?tab=comments#comment-1452276

#include <Array.au3>

$sTables = "Counter,Date,Disk,process,Service,HotFix,printer,AppxPackage,NetAdapter" & _

$aTables = StringSplit($sTables, ",")
For $i = 1 To $aTables[0]
    _ArrayDisplay(GetTable($aTables[$i]), $aTables[$i] & " - info")

$aArray = GetTable("process -id " & WinGetProcess("", "") & " | fl * -Force")
_ArrayDisplay($aArray, "Get Current process Detail")

$aArray = GetTable("CimInstance Win32_Process | where commandline -match 'applog'")

$aArray = GetTable("(Process)[3]")
_ArrayDisplay($aArray, "Get Process 3")

$aArray = GetTable("process -name '" & GetTable("(Process)[10]")[2][4] & "'")
_ArrayDisplay($aArray, "Get Process name from Process 10")

$aArray = GetTable("Service| where status -eq 'Running'")
_ArrayDisplay($aArray, "Get up and Running Services")

$aArray = GetTable("(Process -id " & @AutoItPID & ").StartInfo | select -ExpandProperty environmentvariables")
_ArrayDisplay($aArray, ".StartInfo ExpandProperty environmentvariables From Process -id")

$aArray = GetTable("Content .\Example.csv | select -First 5", ",")
_ArrayDisplay($aArray, "List First 5 lines")

$aArray = GetTable("Content .\Example.csv -Tail 5", ",")
_ArrayDisplay($aArray, "List -Tail 5 Lines")

$aArray = GetTable("import-csv '.\Example.csv'|Select-Object 'System Resolver', 'Server IP', 'Owner'")
_ArrayDisplay($aArray, "Display Columns By Header Names")

$aArray = GetTable("NetAdapter -physical | where status -eq 'up'")
_ArrayDisplay($aArray, "Up and Running physical net NetAdapter Detail")

$aArray = GetTable("NetIPAddress -AddressFamily IPv4 -AddressState Preferred")
_ArrayDisplay($aArray, "IPv4 NetIP Detail")

Func GetTable($sTable, $sDelim = False, $bFormTabList = True)
    Local $sSfstring = $bFormTabList ? '|Format-List|Out-String -Width 4096"' : ""
    $sCommands = 'powershell -Command "Get-' & $sTable & $sSfstring
    $sCommands = StringReplace($sCommands, "Get-(", "(Get-")
    If StringInStr($sCommands, "import") Then
        $sCommands = StringReplace($sCommands, "Get-", "")

    $iPID = Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & $sCommands, "", @SW_HIDE, $stdout_child)
    $sOutput = ""
    While 1
        $sOutput &= StdoutRead($iPID)
        If @error Then

    If $sDelim Then
        Local $ArrMain[0][_ColCount($sOutput, $sDelim)]
        _ArrayAdd($ArrMain, $sOutput, Default, ",")
        Return $ArrMain

    Local $Array[0][3]
    If StringInStr($sCommands, "import") Then
        $s = StringRegExpReplace($sOutput, "\. *[ ]*[ ]", ".")
        $s = StringRegExpReplace($sOutput, "\:[ ]*[ ]", "|:")
        $s = StringRegExpReplace($sOutput, "\s[: ]*[: ]", "|:")
    _ArrayAdd($Array, StringRegExpReplace($s, "\R$", "|:"), "|:")

    $iIndex = _ArraySearch($Array, "", 2)
    $iIndex = (@error < 0 ? UBound($Array) : $iIndex - 1)

    $s = StringReplace(_ArrayToString(_ArrayExtract($Array, 0, Default, 1, 1), "|"), "||:", @CRLF)
    $s = _ArrayToString(_ArrayExtract($Array, 2, $iIndex, 0, 0), "|") & @CRLF & $s

    $s = StringRegExpReplace($s, "[|]*[|]\R", "")
    $s = StringReplace($s, "|:", "|")

    Local $ArrMain[0][_ColCount($s)]
    _ArrayAdd($ArrMain, $s)
    Return $ArrMain

EndFunc   ;==>GetTable

Func _ColCount($sTmp, $sDelim = "|", $iTimes = 5)
    Local $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $x = 0
        Local $a = StringRegExp($sTmp, "^(.*)", 3)
        $sTmp = StringRegExpReplace($sTmp, "^(.*)\R", "")
        StringReplace($a[0], $sDelim, $sDelim)
        $2 = @extended
        If $2 > $1 Then
            $1 = $2
        $x += 1
    Until $x >= $iTimes
    Return $1 + 1
EndFunc   ;==>_ColCount


Edited by Deye
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Or if someone prefers using WMI ;)

#include <Constants.au3>
#include <Array.au3>

Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1)

Local $aClass = ["Win32_OperatingSystem", "Win32_PhysicalMemory", "Win32_Processor", "Win32_OperatingSystem", "Win32_Process", "Win32_SystemUsers"]
Local $aWMI
For $sClass In $aClass
  $aWMI = _FillArray($sClass)

Func _FillArray($Class)
  Local $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\" & @ComputerName & "\root\CIMV2")
  Local $colItems = $objWMIService.ExecQuery('SELECT * FROM ' & $Class)
  If Not IsObj($colItems) Then Return SetError (1) ; "Not an object"
  If Not $colItems.count Then Return SetError (2) ; "Not found"
  Local $aWMI[$colItems.count + 1][$colItems.ItemIndex(0).Properties_.count], $iCount = 0, $nCount = 1
  For $oProperty In $colItems.ItemIndex(0).Properties_
    $aWMI[0][$iCount] = $oProperty.name
    $iCount += 1
  For $oItem In $colItems
    $iCount = 0
    For $oProperty In $oItem.Properties_
      $aWMI[$nCount][$iCount] = $oProperty.Value
      $iCount += 1
    $nCount += 1
  Return $aWMI
EndFunc   ;==>_FillArray


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  • Moderators

Nice start @Deye. Make it work with import-csv, and add dot notation, and you're gold :D


"Profanity is the last vestige of the feeble mind. For the man who cannot express himself forcibly through intellect must do so through shock and awe" - Spencer W. Kimball

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Added now to the first commented Example :)

if all headers exist  then  $iTimes can be set to  1 for the ColCount Func

otherwise it needs to fish out the raw that will contains the max count of Col-delimiters (default is $iTimes= 5)

as to "dot notation" I will need an example ..

Edited by Deye
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  • Moderators

@Deye that part was a poor attempt at humor only :) 

As you likely well know, when dealing with arrays in PowerShell they can be iterated over in a pseudo-associative manner. For example, if I import a csv with the columns "Name|IPAddress|OS|Manufacturer", I can then run through them with something like:

foreach ($server in $aServers) {
	Write-Host $server.IPAddress

Whereas AutoIt would have to use the column number.

Edited by JLogan3o13

"Profanity is the last vestige of the feeble mind. For the man who cannot express himself forcibly through intellect must do so through shock and awe" - Spencer W. Kimball

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