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Posted (edited)

Hi guys,

i have simple report in PowerPivot that shows Orders (Values) by Regions (Row) and Weeks (Columns). In Filter field is WeekDAYS (Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday etc )

how to filter WeekDAYS Filed on WEEKDAYYesterday with autoit ?

my junky try

#include <Date.au3>
#include <Excel.au3>
Local $sWEEKDAYYesterday = _DateDayOfWeek(@WDAY-1)

Global $oExcel = _Excel_Open()
Global $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, "C:\Users\.......\Orders.xlsb")
Sleep (5000)
Sleep (5000)



Error result

$oExcel.Application^ ERROR


Edited by Zaoka

$oExcel is the Application, so Application.Application won't really do anything. Try using $oWorkbook instead of $oExcel.Application :)

All my code provided is Public Domain... but it may not work. ;) Use it, change it, break it, whatever you want.


My Humble Contributions:
Personal Function Documentation - A personal HelpFile for your functions
Acro.au3 UDF - Automating Acrobat Pro
ToDo Finder - Find #ToDo: lines in your scripts
UI-SimpleWrappers UDF - Use UI Automation more Simply-er
KeePass UDF - Automate KeePass, a password manager
InputBoxes - Simple Input boxes for various variable types

Posted (edited)

No luck with that 😓


but menage to remove all filters,


I think problem is with this part

Edited by Zaoka

I made little progres, recorded macro with excel  and this is result

Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro

    Sheets("Sheet1").PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("[Report 2].[WeekDAYS].[WeekDAYS]"). _
    Sheets("Sheet1").PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("[Report 2].[WeekDAYS].[WeekDAYS]"). _
        CurrentPageName = "[Report 2].[WeekDAYS].&[Monday]"
End Sub


but when i insert it in autoit, only first part  "ClearAllFilters" is working, second part does not Filter anything


$oWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("[Report 2].[WeekDAYS].[WeekDAYS]").ClearAllFilters
Sleep (1000)
$oWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("[Report 2].[WeekDAYS].[WeekDAYS]").CurrentPage = "[Report 2].[WeekDAYS].&[Monday]"


some ideas or hints?



You have CurrentPageName in your VBA, but only CurrentPage in AutoIt

All my code provided is Public Domain... but it may not work. ;) Use it, change it, break it, whatever you want.


My Humble Contributions:
Personal Function Documentation - A personal HelpFile for your functions
Acro.au3 UDF - Automating Acrobat Pro
ToDo Finder - Find #ToDo: lines in your scripts
UI-SimpleWrappers UDF - Use UI Automation more Simply-er
KeePass UDF - Automate KeePass, a password manager
InputBoxes - Simple Input boxes for various variable types


Yes Finali it works now, tnx


#include <Date.au3>
#include <Excel.au3>
Local $sWEEKDAYYesterday = _DateDayOfWeek(@WDAY-1)

Global $oExcel = _Excel_Open()
Global $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, "C:\Users\.......\Orders.xlsb")

$oWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("[Report 2].[WeekDAYS].[WeekDAYS]").CurrentPageName = "[Report 2].[WeekDAYS].&["&$sWEEKDAYYesterday&"]"


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