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@picorico2 You may want to review the Webdriver wiki entry to obtain a better understanding of how it works. FYI, you won't be able to attach to an existing instance of Firefox unless it has the Marionette feature is enabled.

Also, you generally don't want to use standard Autoit command (ie: Send, Mousemove, Mouseclick, etc) when automating a browser session.

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I read the whole Webdrive wiki entry but I´m still confused. I believe I have the Marionette feature turned on, because I ran the demo and it went ok.  And I understand that using Webdrive is better than the Autoit commands, that´s why I´m trying to replace all the code with it. Please help me to correct my code or plase make one new just to wait for a web site to load completely and then continue with the script.


Thanks bro.


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20 hours ago, Danp2 said:


Please my friend, help me make a code just to run a website and wait until it loads completely and then move on. I´m a newbie and I just started learning programming but I want to get this done to facilitate my morning job.



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