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Hi there,

I've got this:

Global $Paused=True , $counter = 34

HotKeySet("{F6}", "TogglePause")
HotKeySet("{F7}", "Terminate")

While 1
    If Not $Paused Then ;to see if paused or not
MouseClick("left",721,550,1,15) ; Multiple clicks for x amount of time
Sleep(150) ; wait
MouseClick("left",1024,574,1,15) ; Click on a button
Sleep(150) ; wait
MouseClick("left",617,536,1,15) ; Click on "ANOTHER" button
Sleep(50) ; wait
Send("^!+c") ; Send key combination
Sleep(150) ; wait

Func TogglePause()
    $Paused= Not $Paused;if true set to false and vice versa

Func Terminate() ;exit

What i want do be able to do, is to make this part:

MouseClick("left",721,550,1,15) ; Multiple clicks for x amount of time
Sleep(150) ; wait

click for a specific amount of time with delay of clicks of 90 miliseconds.


Where is that help file where it says what i need?

Thank you.


Look at Opt for :

MouseClickDelay Alters the length of the brief pause in between mouse clicks.
Time in milliseconds to pause (default=10). 

MouseClickDownDelay Alters the length a click is held down before release.
Time in milliseconds to pause (default=10). 


2 hours ago, Nine said:

Look at Opt for :

MouseClickDelay Alters the length of the brief pause in between mouse clicks.
Time in milliseconds to pause (default=10). 

MouseClickDownDelay Alters the length a click is held down before release.
Time in milliseconds to pause (default=10). 


Wont help me. This i understand how to use time in between clicks, but i want to MULTI-click for a specific amount of time, let's say 15 minutes, then execute the rest of the code.

For example, i want the code to click multiple times in a specific area for 15 minute ... mor or less. I don't want to click and hold for a specific amount of time, but to click 1000 times with 90 milliseconds or 100 between clicks or for 15 minutes ... mor or less.

Thank you.

25 minutes ago, JuanFelipe said:

According to what I understand, use a For


For $i = 0 To 15 Step 1
    MouseClick("left",721,550,1,15) ; Multiple clicks for x amount of time
    Sleep(1000) ; wait

Modify the sleep to match the number of repetitions you want.

Couldn't i say somewhere something like: 

MouseClick("left",721,550,1,15) ; Multiple clicks for x amount of time
Timer: 15 min

or some sort of ...

And sleep is not a function (or what ever it is) that tells to wait/pause/halt/do nothing that amount of time?

Thank you.


No, because a code is running down, then you need to use a cycle to repeat the action you need to use, what you can do is use the For, change the sleep and the limit of the For to do what you want, exactly what do you need?

51 minutes ago, BogdanNicolescu said:

Wont help me. This i understand how to use time in between clicks, but i want to MULTI-click for a specific amount of time, let's say 15 minutes, then execute the rest of the code.

For example, i want the code to click multiple times in a specific area for 15 minute ... mor or less. I don't want to click and hold for a specific amount of time, but to click 1000 times with 90 milliseconds or 100 between clicks or for 15 minutes ... mor or less.

I think you do not understand my point (unless it is me that don't understand you).  This is what I was telling you :

Const $iClickDuration = 10 ; how long last a click --> use default of opt : MouseClickDownDelay
Const $iInterval = 90 ; interval between clicks
Const $iDuration = 1000 * 60 ; * 15 -- but for test lets says 1 minute

Opt ("MouseClickDelay", $iInterval)  ; this is what you want, right ?
Local $iNumberOfClicks = Int($iDuration/($iInterval+$iClickDuration))
Local $hTimer = TimerInit ()
MouseClick ("left", 200, 200, $iNumberOfClicks, 0) ; clicking every 90 ms for the duration
ConsoleWrite (TimerDiff ($hTimer) & @CRLF)


30 minutes ago, Nine said:

I think you do not understand my point (unless it is me that don't understand you).  This is what I was telling you :

Const $iClickDuration = 10 ; how long last a click --> use default of opt : MouseClickDownDelay
Const $iInterval = 90 ; interval between clicks
Const $iDuration = 1000 * 60 ; * 15 -- but for test lets says 1 minute

Opt ("MouseClickDelay", $iInterval)  ; this is what you want, right ?
Local $iNumberOfClicks = Int($iDuration/($iInterval+$iClickDuration))
Local $hTimer = TimerInit ()
MouseClick ("left", 200, 200, $iNumberOfClicks, 0) ; clicking every 90 ms for the duration
ConsoleWrite (TimerDiff ($hTimer) & @CRLF)



And how exactly do i put this in my code? It will work with the rest of what i have?

2 minutes ago, BogdanNicolescu said:

And how exactly do i put this in my code? It will work with the rest of what i have?

Sorry, you will need to figure out that by yourself.  Unless a good Samaritan will spew it for you. ;) 

Posted (edited)

How do i use this: 

Local $hTimer = TimerInit ()


And how do i get rid of:
Const $iClickDuration = 10 ; how long last a click --> use default of opt : MouseClickDownDelay


Because i already have this:
Const $iInterval = 90 ; interval between clicks

Edited by BogdanNicolescu
Posted (edited)
While 1
    If Not $Paused Then ;to see if paused or not
Const $iClickDuration = 90 ; how long last a click --> use default of opt : MouseClickDownDelay
Const $iInterval = 90 ; interval between clicks
Const $iDuration = 100 * 60 ; * 15 -- but for test lets says 1 minute
Opt ("MouseClickDelay", $iInterval)  ; this is what you want, right ?
Local $iNumberOfClicks = Int($iDuration/($iInterval+$iClickDuration))
Local $hTimer = TimerInit ()
MouseClick ("left", 721, 550, $iNumberOfClicks, 0) ; clicking every 90 ms for the duration
ConsoleWrite (TimerDiff ($hTimer) & @CRLF)
MouseClick("left",1024,574,1,15) ; Click on a button
Sleep(150) ; wait


And why do i get this error?

>"X:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE\..\autoit3.exe" /ErrorStdOut "X:\Users\User\Documents\!Automation\testclick.au3"    
"X:\Users\User\Documents\!Automation\testclick.au3" (9) : ==> Can not redeclare a constant.:
Const $iClickDuration = 90
Const ^ ERROR
>Exit code: 1    Time: 10.6

Edited by BogdanNicolescu
1 minute ago, Jos said:

The error does exactly tell you what is wrong,,,,right? ;) 


Any hint would be much appreciated as i'm looking at something resembling like klingonian (i don't want to offend Chinese/Japanese people that would be here ^_^ ) and for now i can't understand why i'm getting this. Tried to change from 90 to 10, but no avail ...

Posted (edited)
On 2/8/2020 at 7:00 PM, Jos said:

The error does exactly tell you what is wrong,,,,right? ;) 


Thank you Master Yoda ... aaahmm sorry Jos, for sending me telepathically the response :D :))


Btw ... what are these "lines"?

>"x:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE\..\autoit3.exe" /ErrorStdOut "x:\Users\User\Documents\!Automation\testclick.au3"    
>Exit code: 0    Time: 47.12


Edited by BogdanNicolescu
Posted (edited)

After a full day's worth of brain squeezing (not really, I've been doing other stuff in between :)) ) all i have right now is this:


Global $Paused=True , $counter = 34

HotKeySet("{F6}", "TogglePause")
HotKeySet("{F7}", "Terminate")

Const $iClickDuration = 90 ; how long last a click --> use default of opt : MouseClickDownDelay
Const $iInterval = 90 ; interval between clicks
Const $iDuration = 100 * 60 ; * 15 -- but for test lets says 1 minute

While 1
    If Not $Paused Then ;to see if paused or not

Opt ("MouseClickDelay", $iInterval)  ; this is what you want, right ?
Local $iNumberOfClicks = Int($iDuration/($iInterval+$iClickDuration))
Local $hTimer = TimerInit ()
MouseClick ("left", 721, 550, $iNumberOfClicks, 0) ; clicking every 90 ms for the duration
ConsoleWrite (TimerDiff ($hTimer) & @CRLF)
MouseClick("left",1024,574,1,15) ; Click on a button
Sleep(150) ; wait

Func TogglePause()
    $Paused= Not $Paused;if true set to false and vice versa

Func Terminate() ;exit



P.S.: How do i force pause or force stop? Because even if i press F7, it takes some time to stop.

Edited by BogdanNicolescu

Your request seems a bit odd... maybe you can tell us what you're using the script for so we can better assist you? I've never needed to click for a specific amount of time like this and there could be a better way.

To force pause your script, you're going to need to write a wrapper for MouseClick since it will block exiting for the remainder of your duration... basically a function that is a single MouseClick wrapped in a for loop

All my code provided is Public Domain... but it may not work. ;) Use it, change it, break it, whatever you want.


My Humble Contributions:
Personal Function Documentation - A personal HelpFile for your functions
Acro.au3 UDF - Automating Acrobat Pro
ToDo Finder - Find #ToDo: lines in your scripts
UI-SimpleWrappers UDF - Use UI Automation more Simply-er
KeePass UDF - Automate KeePass, a password manager
InputBoxes - Simple Input boxes for various variable types

Posted (edited)
On 2/8/2020 at 8:42 PM, seadoggie01 said:

Your request seems a bit odd... maybe you can tell us what you're using the script for so we can better assist you? I've never needed to click for a specific amount of time like this and there could be a better way.

To force pause your script, you're going to need to write a wrapper for MouseClick since it will block exiting for the remainder of your duration... basically a function that is a single MouseClick wrapped in a for loop

Hi, and helo there, welcome to our little party :)

I will not go into details because already the amount of the code that i have is already heavy on my brain and my brain is struggling to understand what is what and where is where and why the baloneys is everything where it is.

For instance, i didn't know that i've had to put this: 

Const $iClickDuration = 90 ; how long last a click --> use default of opt : MouseClickDownDelay
Const $iInterval = 90 ; interval between clicks
Const $iDuration = 100 * 60 ; * 15 -- but for test lets says 1 minute

where it is. It was only after Master Yoda JOS sent me telepathically the answer i could understand and get rid of  this error:

"X:\Users\User\Documents\!Automation\testclick.au3" (9) : ==> Can not redeclare a constant.:
Const $iClickDuration = 90
Const ^ ERROR

So any other complicated codes will be redundant as what i have is kind of working. Needs more tweaking tho ...

As per what you said: "you're going to need to write a wrapper for MouseClick"

How do i do that? Can you provide some "eg.:"

P.S.: For those who knows better this program, would be nice for you if you came up with some examples or something of some sort, not just "figure out" "read this nothing non-sense" "ask the Univers". Otherwise ... why this site exists :))))) :))))) :D

Edited by BogdanNicolescu
Posted (edited)

Basically, when you call an internal function, it might take time to execute. You cannot interrupt these functions whenever you want with another event (pressing F7 to stop, for example).

More specifically: When you say MouseClick("left", 721, 550, $iNumberOfClicks, 0), AutoIt starts clicking in that spot $iNumberOfClicks times. Each of these clicks takes time (yours take longer because you've changed some options), and AutoIt will execute ALL of these clicks before doing anything else. If you write a function like the one below, AutoIt clicks once inside of the loop and returns to checking events. This will reduce the amount of time it takes after you press F7 to a length of one click

; This function will be able to be interrupted better because it clicks one at a time
Func _MouseClickWrapper($sButton, $iX, $iY, $iClicks, $iSpeed = 10)
    ; For each click
    For $i = 0 To $iClicks
        ; Click once with the requested parameters
        MouseClick($sButton, $iX, $iY, 1, $iSpeed)

I find it interesting that you still haven't mentioned what this is for 😐

Edited by seadoggie01

All my code provided is Public Domain... but it may not work. ;) Use it, change it, break it, whatever you want.


My Humble Contributions:
Personal Function Documentation - A personal HelpFile for your functions
Acro.au3 UDF - Automating Acrobat Pro
ToDo Finder - Find #ToDo: lines in your scripts
UI-SimpleWrappers UDF - Use UI Automation more Simply-er
KeePass UDF - Automate KeePass, a password manager
InputBoxes - Simple Input boxes for various variable types

11 minutes ago, seadoggie01 said:

Basically, when you call an internal function, it might take time to execute. You cannot interrupt these functions whenever you want with another event (pressing F7 to stop, for example).

More specifically: When you say MouseClick("left", 721, 550, $iNumberOfClicks, 0), AutoIt starts clicking in that spot $iNumberOfClicks times. Each of these clicks takes time (yours take longer because you've changed some options), and AutoIt will execute ALL of these clicks before doing anything else. If you write a function like the one below, AutoIt clicks once inside of the loop and returns to checking events. This will reduce the amount of time it takes after you press F7 to a length of one click

; This function will be able to be interrupted better because it clicks one at a time
Func _MouseClickWrapper($sButton, $iX, $iY, $iClicks, $iSpeed = 10)
    ; For each click
    For $i = 0 To $iClicks
        ; Click once with the requested parameters
        MouseClick($sButton, $iX, $iY, 1, $iSpeed)

I find it interesting that you still haven't mentioned what this is for 😐

Not working, i still need to press like crazy on stop button ...

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