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Edit (2021.05.17) Changed HTTPS: to HTTP: in web.archive.org download since Win7 could not read HTTPS at web.archive.org

@Borje  I hope the error has finally gone now.

To all Win7 users: Please download the new version.

App: Au3toCmd              UDF: _SingleScript()                             

  • 2 months later...

Hi Exit i keep having an issue saying that the prog file cannot be created i was wandering if there were any other file i need to be using with this or only the Au3toCmd.au3

Posted (edited)


Change line 23 from

Global $Debug = 0     ;  change to '1' for debugging informations on output console


Global $Debug = 1     ;  change to '1' for debugging informations on output console

and show the complete console log in a spoiler.


Edited by Exit

App: Au3toCmd              UDF: _SingleScript()                             

  • 4 months later...
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, chungchung said:

i do not see anything to download.

Copy the code an run ??


Take the code from Post #1 -> https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/201562-au3tocmd-avoid-false-positives/?do=findComment&comment=1446375

Edited by Musashi


"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."

On 1/29/2020 at 8:46 PM, Exit said:

Unfortunately, because the "alternate data streams", this CMD file cannot be distributed via FTP or email.
Only a USB stiof ck or removable disk formatted with NTFS can be used.

As the new version now uses Base64 data instead of ADS, this statement is out of date.

The new version is in first post.

App: Au3toCmd              UDF: _SingleScript()                             

2 hours ago, Exit said:

The new version is in first post.

(in advance : in your ADS version my script runs without problems)

System : Win7 SP1, AutoIt

The script I tested with is only a "Dummy GUI" without any further functionalities :

#AutoIt3Wrapper_UseUpx = N
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <Constants.au3>


Func _Main()
    Local $iGuiMsg, $OkButton, $iStatusLabel
    GUICreate("Dummy program :", 600, 260, -1, -1, 0x00010000)
    GUISetBkColor(0xB7E99B)     ; (0xFFFFFF)
    GUICtrlCreateLabel("Dummy program", 10, 10, 600, 35)
    GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800)
    GUICtrlCreateLabel('  -> For test purposes !', 10, 60, 600, 35)
    GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 600)
    GUICtrlCreateLabel("  -> Only this GUI is shown", 10, 100, 600, 35)
    GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 600)
    $OkButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Leave program", 200, 180, 200, 40)

    While 1
        $iGuiMsg = GUIGetMsg()
            Case $iGuiMsg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
            Case $iGuiMsg = $OkButton
EndFunc ;==>_Main

When I run the new Base64 Au3toCmd, I get a DummyGUI.cmd, a DummyGUI.exe and a link on my desktop.

Unfortunately, neither the link nor the .cmd itself launches the application. Only a console window flashes very briefly.

Here are the first lines of the .cmd :

@if not DEFINED _ set _=goto & start "" /min "%~f0" %* & exit
---------------------------                          &%_%:%_%



"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."


I tested your script and it shows the GUI.

There should be NO  DummyGUI.exe 

Maybe it's a holdover from trying the ADS version.

Please change line 38 from 
Global $_a2c_Debug = 0 ;  change to '1' for debugging informations on output console
Global $_a2c_Debug = 1 ;  change to '1' for debugging informations on output console

and send the total output in a spoiler.



App: Au3toCmd              UDF: _SingleScript()                             

Posted (edited)

To avoid any disturbances, I have created a separate folder for the Base64 version of Au3toCmd.

This folder only contains the files :

  • Au3toCmd.au3 (the new version -> Global $_a2c_Debug set to 1 )
  • DummyGUI.au3

(there is no compiled DummyGUI.exe on my hard disk anymore)

Now I start (F5) Au3toCmd.au3 from within the SciTE Editor and select DummyGUI.au3 using the FileDialog. Result :


The file DummyGUI.cmd exists in the above mentioned directory, as well as the desktop shortcut DummyGUI.lnk.

When I now double click on the desktop link, I get an extensive error message. I have inserted the command pause before the exit in the .cmd, otherwise the message is immediately gone.




Edited by Musashi


"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."


There is apparently an authorization problem.
I have now discovered this problem in the 32-bit version of Win 7 as well.
This error did not occur with the 64 bit version.
What is your version? 32 or 64 bit?

Right click on DummyGUI.cmd and then click on 'Run as administrator'

Then does it work?

App: Au3toCmd              UDF: _SingleScript()                             

10 minutes ago, Exit said:

I have now discovered this problem in the 32-bit version of Win 7 as well.

I'm running Win 7 Pro 64 Bit, Servicepack 1 and AutoIt on my PC at home.

If I run the link via ''Run as administrator'' then the GUI appears. One of the error messages already stated : FSUTIL requires administrator rights. So far, so good.

Just for the sake of it : Insert a pause at the end of the .cmd, and look at the console output.

             & @CRLF & 'pause' _
             & @CRLF & 'exit')

There already appears in the first line the error message : The command ----------------------- is either incorrectly written or could not be found--------------------------- 

How does the first 5 lines of your generated .cmd file look like ? 


"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."


The error on the second line is intentional.
It's supposed to confuse the script kids.
The minus signs, which are the same as those in the next line, give the impression that this is a comment.
It is only distracted by the last few characters on the line.
These characters are resolved into a Goto command, which transfers control to the label ': GOTO' towards the end of the script.
I will still be working on a solution to fix the admin problem.
Stay tuned.

App: Au3toCmd              UDF: _SingleScript()                             

28 minutes ago, Musashi said:

Just for the sake of it : Insert a pause at the end of the .cmd, and look at the console output.

It is easier to remove the 'EXIT' when debugging. 

App: Au3toCmd              UDF: _SingleScript()                             

13 hours ago, Exit said:

I will still be working on a solution to fix the admin problem.
Stay tuned.


Solved the authorization problem.

Yes, I can confirm that :)


"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."

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