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Posted (edited)

My AutoIt script works fine, for the most part, however, if it goes idle for roughly 30 minutes, it will won't be able to send data to a 3rd party application window titled, "Case #". 

The problem lies within the function "SendFusion", it's able to see the handle for the "WinActivate" and "WinWaitActivate" (I've also tried putting in 10 seconds in the WinWaitActivate as well, doesn't work). However, if we have been idle, it will always fail to send data afterward. On what I've tried so far:

  • "Send" function with the data and a {ENTER} i.e. Send($CaseTxt & "{ENTER}"), this won't even hit the enter key
  •  ControlSetText, tried passing the handle from WinActivate, using the title "Case #" that was copied directly from the Autoit Window Info, hard coding the title, Using CLASS:WindowsForms10... always returns a 0
  • ControlCommand (same as above) always returns a 0
  • ControlGetFocus always returns a 0
  • ControlFocus, always returns a 0
  • Creating a new and simple Au3 script that just sends data to "Case #", also fails

NOTE: If I close the Au3 script and just scan the data directly into the "Case #" or even type it, it works fine with no issues. I'm confused as to why it would not work after a long idle period?

Below are the essential parts of the script, I can provide the entire thing if needed. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

#include <AutoItConstants.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <Process.au3>
#include <Misc.au3>
#include <IE.au3>

; Only one instance can run
If _Singleton("gross.exe", 1) = 0 Then
    MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Warning", "Gross.exe is already running. Please exit the existing version first (check the icons in the lower right corner of your screen) before running it again.")

; AutoIt Options
Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1)    ; Change to OnEvent mode
Opt("WinWaitDelay", 0)      ; Alters how long a script should briefly pause after a successful window-related operation. Time in milliseconds to pause (default=250).
Opt("WinTextMatchMode", 1)  ; Alters the method that is used to match window text during search operations. 2 = Quick mode
Opt("SendKeyDelay", 0)      ; Alters the length of the brief pause in between sent keystrokes. A value of 0 removes the delay completely. Time in milliseconds to pause (default=5).

if ($fusionWindowTitle="NONE" or $fusionCaseNumWinTitle="NONE" or $appWindowTitle="NONE" or $winActivateTimeout="NONE" or $winCloseTimeout="NONE" or $winWaitTimeout="NONE" or $pdfViewerWidth="NONE" or $pdfViewerHeight="NONE" or $pdfViewerLeft="NONE" or $pdfViewerWindowName="NONE" or $pdfViewerExeName="NONE" or $pdfUrl="NONE" or $pdfDownloadCommand="NONE") Then
    Msgbox(0,"ERROR", "gross.ini is missing or does not contain all settings.  Please contact Help Desk with this information")
    Exit -1

; application settings/constants
Global Const $[VARIABLE] = IniRead("gross.ini", "default", "[TitleOfVariable]", "NONE")
Global Const $[VARIABLE] = IniRead("gross.ini", "default", "[TitleOfVariable]", "NONE")
Global Const $[VARIABLE] = IniRead("gross.ini", "default", "[TitleOfVariable]", "NONE")
Global Const $[VARIABLE] = IniRead("gross.ini", "default", "[TitleOfVariable]", "NONE")

; create the main window

Local $mainWindow = GUICreate($appWindowTitle, 380, 190)        ; create the main GUI window
GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "handleCloseClick")             ; when the click the windows close button call handleCloseClick()
WinSetOnTop($appWindowTitle, '', 1)                             ; Sets main GUI always on top

; create the controls on the main window
Local $okButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 160, 160, 54,24)    ; create OK button
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($okButton, "validateInput")                   ; when they click ok, call handleInputProcessRequest()
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Scan Input", 10, 10)                        ; create a label
Global $inputScan = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 10,134,358)          ; create the input scan box
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($inputScan, "validateInput")                  ; when they press enter in the scan input box, call handleInputProcessRequest()
GUICtrlSetState($inputScan,$GUI_FOCUS)                          ; automatically sets focus on the input field

; main GUI loop that runs at all times
While 1
    ; If sumatraPDF active, resets focus back to GUI
    If WinActive($pdfViewerWindowName) Then
        consoleWrite('While Loop sumatraPDF was active' & @CRLF)
    ; After data sent to ProTracker, check for mismatch
    ; save button to trigger the event handler when clicked
    ElseIf WinActive($proTrackerWindowTitle) Then
        $ie = _IEAttach("ProTracker")
        $mismatchButton = _IEGetObjByName($ie, $proTrackerMisMatchButtonId)
        $oEvent = ObjEvent($mismatchButton, "mismatchButton_")
        If @error Then setMainWindow()
    ; If Fusion is prompting for the case #, focus back to main GUI input
    ; If second GUI 'Unknown' detect do nothing
    ElseIf WinExists($fusionWindowTitle) and WinExists($fusionCaseNumWinTitle) and Not WinActive($mainWindow) and Not WinExists('Unknown Input') Then
    ; Checks if $processFlag = Done, if so, shows PDF viewer and clears
    ; processFlag for next iteration
    IF WinExists($pdfViewerWindowName) and $processFlag == 'Done' Then
        WinSetState ($pdfViewerWindowName, '', @SW_SHOW)
        $processFlag = ''
    Sleep(100) ; Sleep to reduce CPU usage

Func handleInputProcessRequest($input)
    $processFlag = True
    Local $hTimer = TimerInit()
    consoleWrite('> handleInputProcessRequest: ' & @CRLF)
    Local $idInput = identifyInput($input)
    ; Select a proccess to run based on id input
        Case $idInput = "container"
            ; regex that captures only the case number
            $caseTxt = StringUpper(StringRegExpReplace($strippedInputData, '\??(\w*\d*-\d*|\d*).*$','$1'))
            If WinExists($fusionWindowTitle) and WinExists($fusionCaseNumWinTitle) Then
                ; gets pdf for sumatraPDF in seperate script, since that function is the slowest
                Run("viewPDF.exe " & $caseTxt)
                $lastCaseNum = $caseTxt
                ; Checks to make sure the previous "Container" case num is the same
                ; to the current Container case num, before sending to ProTracker
                If($lastCaseNum <> $caseTxt) Then
                    ; If not the same case number send alert sound
        Case $idInput = "user"
        Case $idInput = "cassette"
        Case $idInput = "unknown"
    Local $fDiff = TimerDiff($hTimer)
    $processFlag = 'Done'
    consoleWrite('> handleInputProcessRequest Completed Total time: ' & $fDiff & ' ' &@CRLF&@CRLF&@CRLF)

Func sendFusion($caseTxt)
    Local $hTimer = TimerInit()
    consoleWrite('+ sendFusion initiated: ' & $caseTxt & @CRLF)
    If $caseTxt = "" Then
        MsgBox(0, "Error", "Not a valid case number")
        ;$fusionCaseNumWinTitle = "Case #"
        $retVal1 = WinActivate($fusionCaseNumWinTitle, "")
        consoleWrite("ReturnValue WinActivate " & $retVal1 & @CRLF)
        $retVal2 = WinWaitActive($fusionCaseNumWinTitle,"",$winActivateTimeout)
        consoleWrite("ReturnValue WinWaitActive: " & $retVal2 & @CRLF)
        $retVal3 = ControlSetText($fusionCaseNumWinTitle, "", "", $caseTxt)
        ;$retVal3 = ControlCommand($fusionCaseNumWinTitle, "", "", "EditPaste", $caseTxt)
        consoleWrite("ReturnValue ControlSetText: " & $retVal3 & @CRLF)
        ;Send($caseTxt & "{ENTER}")
        WinWaitClose($fusionCaseNumWinTitle, "", $winCloseTimeout)
        consoleWrite('+ sendFusion WinWaitClose: ' & @CRLF)
    Local $fDiff = TimerDiff($hTimer)
    ConsoleWrite('+ sendFusion Completed Total time:' & $fDiff & ' ' & @CRLF)

Console logs from the SciTLE


+ sendFusion initiated: SS10-55555
ReturnValue WinActivate 0x000E09CE
ReturnValue WinWaitActive: 0x000E09CE
ReturnValue ControlSetText: 0
+ sendFusion WinWaitClose: 
+ sendFusion Completed Total time:1025.2186 
> handleInputProcessRequest Completed Total time: 1218.5205 

Window (x86) Info matches the correct handle for the WinActivate and WinWaitActivate


Window Control (x86) Info, I've tried the CLASS, the ID, also I just noticed that the "handle" in "Control" and "Window" appear to be different as well.



So far the only work-around is to close down the 3rd party application and the AutoIt script, re-open them and it works all completely fine. But this is a pain for the end-user since it's all touch screen and it slows down their workflow, which they can be extremely sensitive about.


Edited by Yodavish
Tested time, it appears to be anything longer than 30 minutes related.
Posted (edited)

@Danp2 Thanks for the reply, everything runs fine when the system has not been idle for 30 minutes. But when it has been 30+ minutes, the "WinActivate("Case #")" i.e. WinActivate($fusionCaseNumWinTitle, "") works as I can see the handle being properly returned. However, the data will not be inputted nor will the "Enter" key be sentI've tried hard coding in the "ControlID" after it's been idle for 30 minutes as well, but it still will not work. The code I've tried:

ControlSetText("Case #","", "[ID:2362094]", $caseTxt)

I've also tried giving the ControlSetText the handle, but none of these work for the 30-minute idle issue.

$hwnd = WinActivate("Case #", "")
ControlSetText($hwnd,"", "[ID:2362094]", $caseTxt)

Here is the current Control ID of the field in question. 



One thing to note is that the "Case #" windows will open and close depending on the end-user as they perform a task. This produces a new Control ID each time a "Case #" window appears and since I didn't have a reliable way to get that control ID, I used the ( TEXT = "" ) which I found from the AutoIt Window Info above. This is always consistent rather than CLASS or CLASSNN which can also change when the 3rd party application is loaded for each end-user.  Hence the code below:

ControlSetText("Case #","", "", $data)

My reasoning for this was from the AutoIT Help documentation listed under "Controls" says TEXT is an option to use.




  • Control ID
  • ClassNameNN
  • Text

TEXT - The text on a control, for example "&Next" on a button.



I've tried also to use the "CLASSNN" as well, but yet again on when the application has been idle for 30 minutes it will not send the data or hit enter.

$hwnd = WinActivate("Case #", "")
ControlSetText($hwnd,"", "[CLASSNN:WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.33c0d9d1]", $caseTxt)


Edited by Yodavish
Updated to match the corrected CLASSNN from the AutoIT Window Info

At that point, is it better to try restarting the "Case #" application? It might be the one not responding instead of AutoIt.

All my code provided is Public Domain... but it may not work. ;) Use it, change it, break it, whatever you want.


My Humble Contributions:
Personal Function Documentation - A personal HelpFile for your functions
Acro.au3 UDF - Automating Acrobat Pro
ToDo Finder - Find #ToDo: lines in your scripts
UI-SimpleWrappers UDF - Use UI Automation more Simply-er
KeePass UDF - Automate KeePass, a password manager
InputBoxes - Simple Input boxes for various variable types


Really hard to say without a script that replicates the problem.  But my first reflex (and I might be completely wrong) would be to check credentials conflict between the script and the end-user.  You say that shutting down the script and restarting it (with the current user) solves the issue.  I would try to put #RequireAdmin at first, see if it is working.

Posted (edited)

@seadoggie01 So this is where I'm not entirely sure which one is the bug, however, when it's idle for 30 minutes, I've closed down the Au3 script and then just manually enter or scan in the data to the 3rd party application "Case #" and it works as normal. But when I open up the script again, it still won't send the data or hit the enter key.  The best method so far is to close down the 3rd party application and opening it up again for everything to work.


As a possible workaround, I'm thinking of doing an idle time check and just sending a blank enter key to the Case # and if possible delete that Case to open up the "Case #" again. My idea below:

Global $idleFlag = False

While 1
   If WinExists($fusionWindowTitle) and WinExists($fusionCaseNumWinTitle) Then
      If $idleFlag == False Then
         $idleTimeStart = TimerInit()
         consoleWrite("IDLE TIME START: "& $idleTimeStart & @CRLF)
         $idleFlag = True
        $fDiff = TimerDiff($idleTimeStart)
        If $fDiff > '1500000' Then ; <== Greater than 25 minutes
            WinActivate($fusionCaseNumWinTitle, "")
            $idleFlag = False



Edited by Yodavish
Updated message
Posted (edited)

OK, I have just been informed of some crucial information that I was unaware of before. This issue only occurs when the user first logins, which then points me to a different au3 script that must be the problem. As it is responsible for running a few batch files, then it will launch the 3rd party application and calls the script that I've been trying to troubleshoot. After 30 minutes the Case # window will not work. But, this is never a problem again, when the user closes both the 3rd party ap and script and reopens them again. Even with an hour break between it works still.

All it does is run scripts with admin rights. So I'm not sure why it would cause this issue. The initial launch script is below:

If @UserName <> $sAdminUser And Not IsAdmin() Then
    $sParameters = ""
    If Not @Compiled Then
        $sParameters = ' "' & @ScriptFullPath & '"'
    If RunAs($sAdminUser, $sDomain, $sAdminPassword, $iLogOnFlag, @AutoItExe & $sParameters) Then
        Exit MsgBox(16 + 262144, "ERROR!", "Unable to run under administrator account.")

;Run with Admin Token in Windows Vista and Higher.  **** DO NOT MODIFY THIS CODE BLOCK, IT IS FOR MAKING THE SCRIPT RUN AS ADMIN ****
If @UserName = $sAdminUser And Not IsAdmin() And Not StringRegExp(@OSVersion, "_(XP|200(0|3))") Then
    $sParameters = ""
    If Not @Compiled Then
        $sParameters = '"' & @ScriptFullPath & '"'
    If ShellExecute(@AutoItExe, $sParameters, "", "runas") Then
        Exit MsgBox(16 + 262144, "ERROR!", "Unable to elevate to Admin due to UAC.")

$fusionServerNameCmd = "cmd.exe /c sc queryex type= service state= all | find /i ""SERVICE_NAME: FUSION"" > fusionServiceName.txt"
RunWait($fusionServerNameCmd, @ScriptDir)

$cleanFusionFoldersCmd = "cmd.exe /c "& @ScriptDir & "\cleanFusionFolder.bat"
RunWait($cleanFusionFoldersCmd, @ScriptDir)

$setFusionFilesCmd = "cmd.exe /c "& @ScriptDir & "\setFusionFiles.bat"
RunWait($setFusionFilesCmd, @ScriptDir)

$setDefaultSound = "cmd.exe /c "& @ScriptDir & "\setDefaultSound.bat"
RunWait($setDefaultSound, @ScriptDir)

Run("C:\Program Files (x86)\Fusion Dictate\FusionDictate.exe")
Until WinExists("Case #")

; Shell execute used to ensure shortcut.lnk works and is able to fetch its ini file
ShellExecute("C:\gross\Gross shortcut.lnk")


Edited by Yodavish
added more detail

Something I do not understand with this above script :

If RunAs($sAdminUser, $sDomain, $sAdminPassword, $iLogOnFlag, @AutoItExe & $sParameters) Then
        Exit MsgBox(16 + 262144, "ERROR!", "Unable to run under administrator account.")


If ShellExecute(@AutoItExe, $sParameters, "", "runas") Then
        Exit MsgBox(16 + 262144, "ERROR!", "Unable to elevate to Admin due to UAC.")

Both will exit the script whether it is successful or not ! 

How this script is launched at user logon ?


I still do not understand the way the script is build.  Do you understand it ? Because if the user is not an Admin, then the script should exit like I showed you.  And how the end-user restarts both app and script when they stop working properly ? 

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