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ok, so now another issue. I'm attempting to automate chrome's print dialog, and i don't think it can be done entirely using the UDF, but it can do most of the heavy lifting. The big issue i'm getting is that if i launch a website, then execute "window.print();" to bring up the chrome print dialog, it starts causing WinHTTP timeouts


_WD_Navigate($sSession, "www.amd.com")
_WD_Timeouts($sSession, '{"pageLoad":30000,"script":30000}')

$bth_PrintDialog = _WD_Attach($sSession, "print-preview-destination-select", "html")

Debug output surrounding the ExecuteScript to the attach line:

__WD_Post: URL=HTTP://; $sData={"script":"window.print();", "args":[]}
__WD_Post: StatusCode=500; ResponseText={"value":{"error":"script timeout","message":"script timeout\n  (Session info: chrome=83.0.4103.97)"...
__WD_Post ==> Webdriver Exception: {"value":{"error":"script timeout","message":"script timeout\n  (Session info: chrome=83.0.4103.97)","stacktrace":"Backtrace:\n\tOrdinal0 [0x002F9563+2725219]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x001F8551+1672529]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x000E0202+524802]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x000944C1+214209]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x0008AA9D+174749]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x00093D7C+212348]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x0008A94B+174411]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x00072528+75048]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x000735A0+79264]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x00073539+79161]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x0020D607+1758727]\n\tGetHandleVerifier [0x00416546+1050150]\n\tGetHandleVerifier [0x00416291+1049457]\n\tGetHandleVerifier [0x004210D7+1094071]\n\tGetHandleVerifier [0x00416B46+1051686]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x00205B06+1727238]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x0020EB7B+1764219]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x0020ECE3+1764579]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x00224C05+1854469]\n\tBaseThreadInitThunk [0x76B26359+25]\n\tRtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath [0x76F98944+228]\n\tRtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath [0x76F98914+180]\n\t(No symbol) [0x00000000]\n"}}
_WD_ExecuteScript: {"value":{"error":"script timeout","message":"script timeout\n  (Session info: chrome=83.0.4103.97)"...
_WD_ExecuteScript ==> Webdriver Exception: HTTP status = 500
__WD_Get: URL=HTTP://
__WD_Get: StatusCode=200; $iResult = 0; $sResponseText={"value":["CDwindow-B2F9D47446A947DEE0AC1032599E0714","CDwindow-18ED5501A6EE11E225B865F6FB03AEA5"]}...
_WD_Window: {"value":["CDwindow-B2F9D47446A947DEE0AC1032599E0714","CDwindow-18ED5501A6EE11E225B865F6FB03AEA5"]}...
__WD_Get: URL=HTTP://
__WD_Get: StatusCode=200; $iResult = 0; $sResponseText={"value":"CDwindow-B2F9D47446A947DEE0AC1032599E0714"}...
_WD_Window: {"value":"CDwindow-B2F9D47446A947DEE0AC1032599E0714"}...
__WD_Post: URL=HTTP://; $sData={"handle":"CDwindow-B2F9D47446A947DEE0AC1032599E0714"}
__WD_Post: StatusCode=200; ResponseText={"value":null}...
_WD_Window: {"value":null}...
__WD_Get: URL=HTTP://
__WD_Get: StatusCode=0; $iResult = 6; $sResponseText=WinHTTP request timed out before Webdriver...
__WD_Get ==> Send / Recv error: WinHTTP request timed out before Webdriver
_WD_GetSource: WinHTTP request timed out before Webdriver
_WD_GetSource ==> Send / Recv error: WinHTTP request timed out before Webdriver
__WD_Post: URL=HTTP://; $sData={"handle":"CDwindow-18ED5501A6EE11E225B865F6FB03AEA5"}
__WD_Post: StatusCode=0; ResponseText=WinHTTP request timed out before Webdriver...
__WD_Post ==> Send / Recv error: WinHTTP request timed out before Webdriver
_WD_Window: WinHTTP request timed out before Webdriver...
_WD_Window ==> Send / Recv error: HTTP status = 0



whoops! sorry, I freely admit i'm learning and certainly don't know best practices here. I'm trying to get chrome to print to PDF, at a specified destination.


Can you point me the way to enter a website that as login/password, to fill a webform that is inside? i mean i dont want to fill the login page as i am already in in another firefox page, as it assumes i am not login in, i assume it as do to with cookies.

; Move to the requested website
_WD_Navigate($sSession, "https://www.xxxxx.com")

; Anything you want to do after navigating to the website goes here

$Book = _WD_GetElementByName($sSession, "name")
If Not @error Then _WD_SetElementValue($sSession, $Book, "1321321321321231321321321")



6 minutes ago, Romano71 said:

It says i have no profile.

It is kind of tempting to make a joke on this one ;)  But I will refrain myself. 

Make sure you got the full path to your profile.  In the Wiki for FireFox, the username is missing...


Yes iam such a noob, sorry 😂, trying to learn.

but now it gives another session error:

__WD_Post: URL=HTTP://; $sData={"capabilities":{"alwaysMatch": {"moz:firefoxOptions": {"args": ["-profile", "C:/Users/myname/AppData/Roaming/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/rehwwfrx.default"],"log": {"level": "trace"}}}}}
__WD_Post: StatusCode=0; ResponseText=WinHTTP request timed out before Webdriver...
__WD_Post ==> Send / Recv error: WinHTTP request timed out before Webdriver
_WD_CreateSession: WinHTTP request timed out before Webdriver
_WD_CreateSession ==> Webdriver Exception: HTTP status = 0




@Romano71 Please post the complete output so that we can see potential issues with UDF versions, etc.

@Nine You can update the wiki entry 😉

P.S. Just wrote this as a way to grab the default profile --

Local $sDefault, $sProfilePath = ''

Local $sProfilesPath = StringReplace(@AppDataDir, '\', '/') & "/Mozilla/Firefox/"
Local $sFilename = $sProfilesPath & "profiles.ini"
Local $aSections = IniReadSectionNames ($sFilename)

; Check if an error occurred.
If Not @error Then
    ; Enumerate through the array displaying the section names.
    For $i = 1 To $aSections[0]
        $sDefault = IniRead($sFilename, $aSections[$i], 'Default', '0')

        If $sDefault = '1' Then
            $sProfilePath = IniRead($sFilename, $aSections[$i], "Path", "")

ConsoleWrite($sProfilesPath & $sProfilePath & @CRLF)



First it tells me to close the firefox opened, then it gives an error:


>"C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE\..\AutoIt3.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.au3" /run /prod /ErrorStdOut /in "C:\Users\egual\Desktop\firefox.au3" /UserParams    
+>15:02:53 Starting AutoIt3Wrapper (19.1127.1402.0} from:SciTE.exe (  Keyboard:00000816  OS:WIN_10/  CPU:X64 OS:X64  Environment(Language:0816)  CodePage:0  utf8.auto.check:4
+>         SciTEDir => C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE   UserDir => C:\Users\myname\AppData\Local\AutoIt v3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper   SCITE_USERHOME => C:\Users\egual\AppData\Local\AutoIt v3\SciTE 
>Running AU3Check (  from:C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3  input:C:\Users\myname\Desktop\firefox.au3
+>15:02:53 AU3Check ended.rc:0
>Running:(\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\autoit3.exe "C:\Users\egual\Desktop\firefox.au3"    
+>Setting Hotkeys...--> Press Ctrl+Alt+Break to Restart or Ctrl+BREAK to Stop.
_WD_IsLatestRelease: True
_WD_IsLatestRelease ==> Success
_WDStartup: OS: WIN_10 WIN32_NT 19041 
_WDStartup: AutoIt:
_WDStartup: WD.au3: (Up to date)
_WDStartup: WinHTTP:
_WDStartup: Driver: C:\Users\egual\Downloads\geckodriver-v0.28.0-win64\geckodriver.exe
_WDStartup: Params: --log trace
_WDStartup: Port:   4444
__WD_Post: URL=HTTP://; $sData={"capabilities":{"alwaysMatch": {"moz:firefoxOptions": {"args": ["-profile", "C:/Users/egual/AppData/Roaming/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/rmmsyfrx.default"],"log": {"level": "trace"}}}}}
__WD_Post: StatusCode=500; ResponseText={"value":{"error":"unknown error","message":"Process unexpectedly closed with status 0","stacktrace"...
__WD_Post ==> Webdriver Exception: {"value":{"error":"unknown error","message":"Process unexpectedly closed with status 0","stacktrace":""}}
_WD_CreateSession: {"value":{"error":"unknown error","message":"Process unexpectedly closed with status 0","stacktrace":""}}
_WD_CreateSession ==> Webdriver Exception: HTTP status = 500



the cmd shows this:

1610204575009   geckodriver     INFO    Listening on
1610204575409   webdriver::server       DEBUG   -> POST /session {"capabilities":{"alwaysMatch": {"moz:firefoxOptions": {"args": ["-profile", "C:/Users/egual/AppData/Roaming/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/ryhsyfrx.default"],"log": {"level": "trace"}}}}}
1610204575419   mozrunner::runner       INFO    Running command: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe" "--marionette" "-profile" "C:/Users/egual/AppData/Roaming/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/ryhsyfrx.default" "-foreground" "-no-remote"
1610204575419   geckodriver::marionette DEBUG   Waiting 60s to connect to browser on
1610204598951   webdriver::server       DEBUG   <- 500 Internal Server Error {"value":{"error":"unknown error","message":"Process unexpectedly closed with status 0","stacktrace":""}}


15 minutes ago, Danp2 said:

From the wiki --


Thank you it worked.

Can it open a new windows firefox or i have to close the open firefox always?

Even if a stay in firefox the robot apears, what is the way to leave the control remote?


I have an webform that is kind of a list, as one starts writing the name and it appears, and one clicks enter, i have made this script:


local $author = _WD_FindElement($sSession, $_WD_LOCATOR_ByXPath, "/html/body/div/div[1]/table/tbody/tr/td/div[2]/form/table/tbody/tr[8]/td[2]/div/span/span[1]/span/ul/li/input")
ConsoleWrite("_WD_FindElement author result: " & $author & @CRLF)
_WD_ElementAction($sSession, $author, 'value', "Dan Brown")
Send ("{ENTER}")

how does one simulate the enter of the keyboard the "send" don't work.



I have already tried everything like:

_WD_Action($sSession, 'actions', '{"actions": [{"type": "key", "id": "keyboard", "actions": [{"type": "keyDown", "value": "\uE007"}]}]}')
_WD_ElementAction($sSession, $author, 'click')

none worked. i will try by using the list commands.


You are missing the keyup part :

$sAction = '{"actions":[{"type": "key", "id": "keyboard_1", "actions": [{"type": "keyDown", "value": "\uE006"}, {"type": "keyUp", "value": "\uE006"}]}]}'

Try 6 and 7 (return and enter)

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