kroman82 Posted February 25 Posted February 25 yes, I'm want to: Quote store the public key blob in a variable or constant within you script and use it to encrypt data I'm tryed to find internal function by this keyword __CryptoNG_BcryptImportKeyPair but can't find...
kroman82 Posted February 25 Posted February 25 (edited) sorry, I'm found that... Edited February 25 by kroman82
argumentum Posted February 25 Posted February 25 16 minutes ago, kroman82 said: sorry, I'm found that... ... Func __CryptoNG_BcryptImportKeyPair($hAlgorithmProvider, $sKeyBlobFile, $sKeyBlobType, $xKeyBlob = Binary("")) If $__gbDebugging Then _DebugOut(@CRLF & "Function: __CryptoNG_BcryptImportKeyPair()") Local $aResult[0] Local $iError = 0, _ $iStatusCode = 0 Local $tBuffer = "" Local $hFile = -1, _ $hKey = -1 ;~ Local $xKeyBlob = Binary("") If $xKeyBlob = Binary("") Then ;Make sure file exists If Not FileExists($sKeyBlobFile) Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") ;Read binary blob file $hFile = FileOpen($sKeyBlobFile, $FO_BINARY) If $hFile = -1 Then Return SetError(4, 0, "") $xKeyBlob = FileRead($hFile) FileClose($hFile) EndIf ... Placing $xKeyBlob as a parameter I think would work nicely Werty and kroman82 2 Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ). FAQ - Please Read Before Posting.
argumentum Posted February 25 Posted February 25 ..then again: ... Func __CryptoNG_BcryptImportKeyPair($hAlgorithmProvider, $sKeyBlobFile, $sKeyBlobType) If $__gbDebugging Then _DebugOut(@CRLF & "Function: __CryptoNG_BcryptImportKeyPair()") Local $aResult[0] Local $iError = 0, _ $iStatusCode = 0 Local $tBuffer = "" Local $hFile = -1, _ $hKey = -1 Local $xKeyBlob = Binary("") If StringLeft($sKeyBlobFile, 3) = "ECS" Or StringLeft($sKeyBlobFile, 3) = "RSA" Then $xKeyBlob = $sKeyBlobFile Else ;Make sure file exists If Not FileExists($sKeyBlobFile) Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") ;Read binary blob file $hFile = FileOpen($sKeyBlobFile, $FO_BINARY) If $hFile = -1 Then Return SetError(4, 0, "") $xKeyBlob = FileRead($hFile) FileClose($hFile) EndIf ... these blob files start with a header that is ECS or RSA and no filename will start as such. This idea will be easier to implement script wide. Am just looking at it. Never used the UDF yet. Just sharing ideas. Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ). FAQ - Please Read Before Posting.
argumentum Posted February 25 Posted February 25 (edited) ok, here is my running code/idea: <removed> I will remove this file in a few days to save in forum file space. I hope this is all you are after @kroman82 ( I worked on it because I've got things to do but I don't wanna do 'em but am anxious 🤪 ) Edit: removed zip. New v2.4.0 can now accept the public/private key blob as either a string containing the file path to the key blob file or as binary data containing the key blob itself. Edited February 26 by argumentum removed zip file kroman82 1 Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ). FAQ - Please Read Before Posting.
konya Posted February 27 Posted February 27 I use both Crypt.au3 and CryptoNG.au3 and often operate conversion and creation and non-file usage. I would like to share some codes that I have improved or generated, hoping to be helpful to you. #include "..\CryptoNG.au3" #include <bignum.au3> #include <string.au3> #include <array.au3> Local $c_data = FileOpenDialog("Select a license data", @ScriptDir & "\", "c data (*.*)", 1) If @error Then MsgBox(4096,"","No File(s) choose") Exit EndIf Local $hFileOpen = FileOpen($c_data, 0) Local $c = FileRead($hFileOpen) $Private_c =_WinAPI_Base64Decode($c) $n_binary = Binary("0xput in data") $Public_key = Create_to_Blob(@ScriptDir&"\Test.blob","public", 2048, 65537, $n_binary, 0x0, 0x0, 0, 0 ) $m = _CryptoNG_RSA_EncryptData($Private_c , $Public_key, $CNG_BCRYPT_PAD_NONE, Default, "binary" ) ;Read_to_Blob(@ScriptDir&"\example_legacy_privatekey.blob", "Private", "Legacy") ;Read_to_Blob(@ScriptDir&"\example_legacy_publickey.blob", "Public", "Legacy") ;Read_to_Blob(@ScriptDir&"\example_rsa_privatekey.blob","Private") ;Read_to_Blob(@ScriptDir&"\example_rsa_publickey.blob","public") ;Create_to_Blob(@ScriptDir&"\Test20250227.blob","public",2048,65537,Binary("0x" & _BigHex_Swap_endian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inary("0x" & _BigHex_Swap_endian("C7C6000BB7C3E10D0440AB2BE592D5F0A7D7899A721A256C0554CF3989D77C1AC1BCC27F9CF4884033A16D0CA8B478A9B2DCB92B6A5993AD3E303D971F1539C8AD306697BA08B340EEAD98D4C462B5E77DF9615F0DA5ED5DFA5B6167AD19D6C6A06AAD1ED71E8E1B7A99F9F3E3838DE7F51F0B2C5AE3D2B784C55A29AAB8A8CF")),Binary("0x" & _BigHex_Swap_endian("AF54BA9A2567F5AD9BC29158786F9E7264DDB487E8750B1E2455121383CE487EA2F1E43842D42864830063FCD906B521F6DE05CACBD8CC5886486DFA51DFB6D404F5168F26B5508F6F71D937C27A0EF90300A60B9293AB00B3D2917C65D2B7AFDC5635F0AC721622307DF3D846F501CA1125D567D4178929CFF93281202345F3")),0,1,"Legacy") ;Create_to_Blob(@ScriptDir&"\Test20250227.blob","PRIVATE",2048,65537,Binary("0x" & _BigHex_Swap_endian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inary("0x" & _BigHex_Swap_endian("C7C6000BB7C3E10D0440AB2BE592D5F0A7D7899A721A256C0554CF3989D77C1AC1BCC27F9CF4884033A16D0CA8B478A9B2DCB92B6A5993AD3E303D971F1539C8AD306697BA08B340EEAD98D4C462B5E77DF9615F0DA5ED5DFA5B6167AD19D6C6A06AAD1ED71E8E1B7A99F9F3E3838DE7F51F0B2C5AE3D2B784C55A29AAB8A8CF")),Binary("0x" & _BigHex_Swap_endian("AF54BA9A2567F5AD9BC29158786F9E7264DDB487E8750B1E2455121383CE487EA2F1E43842D42864830063FCD906B521F6DE05CACBD8CC5886486DFA51DFB6D404F5168F26B5508F6F71D937C27A0EF90300A60B9293AB00B3D2917C65D2B7AFDC5635F0AC721622307DF3D846F501CA1125D567D4178929CFF93281202345F3")),0,1,"Legacy") expandcollapse popupGlobal Const $tagRSAPUBKEY = _ "align 1;" & _ "char magic[4];" & _ "uint bitlen;" & _ "uint PubExpLength;" & _ "uint ModulusLength;" & _ "uint PLength;" & _ "uint QLength;" & _ "byte PubExp[3];" & _ "byte Modulus[1];" Global Const $tagRSAPRIVATEKEY = _ "align 1;" & _ "char magic[4];" & _ "uint bitlen;" & _ "uint PubExpLength;" & _ "uint ModulusLength;" & _ "uint PLength;" & _ "uint QLength;" & _ "byte PubExp[3];" & _ "byte Modulus[1];" & _ "byte P[1];" & _ "byte q[1];" Global Const $tagRSAPRIVATEKEY_Legacy = _ "byte bType[1];" & _ "byte bVersion[1];" & _ "word reserved[1];" & _ "byte aiKeyAlg[4];" & _ "char magic[4];" & _ "uint bitlen;" & _ "byte PubExp[4];" & _ "byte Modulus[1];" & _ "byte p[1];" & _ "byte q[1];" & _ "byte exponent1[1];" & _ "byte exponent2[1];" & _ "byte coefficient[1];" & _ "byte privateExponent[1];" Global Const $tagRSAPUBKEY_Legacy = _ "byte bType[1];" & _ "byte bVersion[1];" & _ "word reserved[1];" & _ "byte aiKeyAlg[4];" & _ "char magic[4];" & _ "uint bitlen;" & _ "byte PubExp[4];" & _ "byte Modulus[1];" Func _BigNum_inverse($a, $b) $result = 0 Local $array[0][2], $cc = 1 While 1 If Mod($cc, 2) = 1 Then _ArrayAdd($array, $b & "|" & $a) Else _ArrayAdd($array, $a & "|" & $b) EndIf $cc += 1 $result = _BigNum_Mod($a, $b) If $result <> 0 Then $a = $b $b = $result Else ExitLoop EndIf WEnd $cc = 1 Local $d = "", $k = "" For $i = UBound($array) - 1 To 0 Step -1 If $cc = 1 Then If $array[$i][0] = 1 Then $d = 1 Else $d = 1 $k = $array[$i][0] - 1 EndIf EndIf If $cc <> 1 Then If $k = "" Then $k = _BigNum_Div((_BigNum_Sub(_BigNum_Mul($array[$i][0], $d), 1)), $array[$i][1]) Else $d = _BigNum_Div((_BigNum_Add(_BigNum_Mul($array[$i][1], $k), 1)), $array[$i][0]) $k = "" EndIf EndIf $cc += 1 Next Return $d EndFunc Func _BigHex_Swap_endian($data) $result = "" if IsBinary($data) Then $data = Hex($data,BinaryLen($data)) EndIf if Mod(StringLen($data),2) <> 0 Then $data = "0" & $data EndIf for $i = 1 to StringLen($data) step 2 $result = StringMid($data,$i,2) & $result Next Return $result EndFunc Func _BigNum_ToBase2($iDec, $base = 16 , $checkfirstzero = 0) $base64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/" ;base64 ;Sexagesimal $base60_2 = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx" ;sexagesimal $base32 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567" ;base32 $base24 = "0123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNP" ;base24 $base16 = "0123456789ABCDEF" ;hex ;Duodecimal system or dozenal $base12 = "0123456789AB" ;duodecimal $base10 = "0123456789" ;base10 $base8 = "01234567" ;oct $base2 = "01" ;binary If $base = 2 Then $Symbol = $base2 ElseIf $base = 8 Then $Symbol = $base8 ElseIf $base = 10 Then $Symbol = $base10 ElseIf $base = 16 Then $Symbol = $base16 ElseIf $base = 60 Then $Symbol = $base60_2 ElseIf $base = 64 Then $Symbol = $base64 EndIf Local $Out, $ost $Symbol = StringSplit($Symbol, '') If @error Or $Symbol[0] < 2 Then Return SetError(1, 0, $iDec) Do $ost = _BigNum_Mod($iDec, $Symbol[0]) $iDec = _BigNum_Div(_BigNum_Sub($iDec, $ost), $Symbol[0]) $Out = $Symbol[$ost + 1] & $Out Until Not Number($iDec) if $checkfirstzero = 1 Then if Mod(StringLen($Out),2) <> 0 Then $Out = "0" & $Out EndIf EndIf Return SetError(0, $Symbol[0], $Out) EndFunc Func _BigHex_ToBase2($sDecimal, $iBase) Local $vDigits = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!""#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~" ; 96 ASCII symbols, use Unicode for more 94個字元 If $iBase > StringLen($vDigits) Then SetError(1, 0, 0) $vDigits = StringSplit($vDigits, '', 2) Local $sResult = 0 For $i = 1 To StringLen($sDecimal) $nn = _ArraySearch($vDigits, StringMid($sDecimal, $i, 1)) $sResult = _BigNum_Add(_BigNum_Mul($iBase, $sResult), $nn) Next Return $sResult EndFunc Func Read_to_Blob($key_path ,$tag = "Public", $tag2 = "new" , $type = "File" , $showdata = 1) Local $returndata[2] if $type <> "File" Then $blob_b = $key_path Else Local $hFile = FileOpen($key_path,$FO_BINARY) Local $blob_b = FileRead($hFile) FileClose($hFile) EndIf Local $blob_handle = DllStructCreate("byte a["&BinaryLen($blob_b)&"];") $blob_handle.a = $blob_b if $tag2 = "new" Then if $tag = "Public" Then Local $blob_data = DllStructCreate($tagRSAPUBKEY,DllStructGetPtr($blob_handle)) Local $tagRSAPUBKEY2 = StringReplace($tagRSAPUBKEY,"Modulus[1]","Modulus["&$blob_data.bitlen/8&"]") $blob_data = DllStructCreate($tagRSAPUBKEY2,DllStructGetPtr($blob_handle)) $returndata[1] = $tagRSAPUBKEY2 if $showdata = 1 Then _WinAPI_DisplayStruct($blob_data,$tagRSAPUBKEY2) EndIf Else Local $blob_data = DllStructCreate($tagRSAPRIVATEKEY,DllStructGetPtr($blob_handle)) Local $tagRSAPRIVATEKEY2 = StringReplace($tagRSAPRIVATEKEY,"Modulus[1]","Modulus["&$blob_data.bitlen/8&"]") $tagRSAPRIVATEKEY2 = StringReplace($tagRSAPRIVATEKEY2,"p[1]","p["&$blob_data.bitlen/8/2&"]") $tagRSAPRIVATEKEY2 = StringReplace($tagRSAPRIVATEKEY2,"q[1]","q["&$blob_data.bitlen/8/2&"]") $blob_data = DllStructCreate($tagRSAPRIVATEKEY2,DllStructGetPtr($blob_handle)) $returndata[1] = $tagRSAPRIVATEKEY2 if $showdata = 1 Then _WinAPI_DisplayStruct($blob_data,$tagRSAPRIVATEKEY2) EndIf EndIf Else if $tag = "Public" Then Local $blob_data = DllStructCreate($tagRSAPUBKEY_Legacy,DllStructGetPtr($blob_handle)) Local $tagRSAPUBKEY2_Legacy = StringReplace($tagRSAPUBKEY_Legacy,"Modulus[1]","Modulus["&$blob_data.bitlen/8&"]") $blob_data = DllStructCreate($tagRSAPUBKEY2_Legacy,DllStructGetPtr($blob_handle)) $returndata[1] = $tagRSAPUBKEY2_Legacy if $showdata = 1 Then _WinAPI_DisplayStruct($blob_data,$tagRSAPUBKEY2_Legacy) EndIf Else Local $blob_data = DllStructCreate($tagRSAPRIVATEKEY_Legacy,DllStructGetPtr($blob_handle)) Local $tagRSAPRIVATEKEY2_Legacy = StringReplace($tagRSAPRIVATEKEY_Legacy,"Modulus[1]","Modulus["&$blob_data.bitlen/8&"]") $tagRSAPRIVATEKEY2_Legacy = StringReplace($tagRSAPRIVATEKEY2_Legacy,"p[1]","p["&$blob_data.bitlen/8/2&"]") $tagRSAPRIVATEKEY2_Legacy = StringReplace($tagRSAPRIVATEKEY2_Legacy,"q[1]","q["&$blob_data.bitlen/8/2&"]") $tagRSAPRIVATEKEY2_Legacy = StringReplace($tagRSAPRIVATEKEY2_Legacy,"exponent1[1]","exponent1["&$blob_data.bitlen/8/2&"]") $tagRSAPRIVATEKEY2_Legacy = StringReplace($tagRSAPRIVATEKEY2_Legacy,"exponent2[1]","exponent2["&$blob_data.bitlen/8/2&"]") $tagRSAPRIVATEKEY2_Legacy = StringReplace($tagRSAPRIVATEKEY2_Legacy,"coefficient[1]","coefficient["&$blob_data.bitlen/8/2&"]") $tagRSAPRIVATEKEY2_Legacy = StringReplace($tagRSAPRIVATEKEY2_Legacy,"privateExponent[1]","privateExponent["&$blob_data.bitlen/8&"]") $blob_data = DllStructCreate($tagRSAPRIVATEKEY2_Legacy,DllStructGetPtr($blob_handle)) $returndata[1] = $tagRSAPRIVATEKEY2_Legacy if $showdata = 1 Then _WinAPI_DisplayStruct($blob_data,$tagRSAPRIVATEKEY2_Legacy) EndIf EndIf EndIf $returndata[0] = $blob_data Return $returndata EndFunc Func Create_to_Blob($key_path,$tag = "Public" , $bitlen = 2048, $e = 65537, $Modulus = Binary("0x00"), $p = Binary("0x00"), $q = Binary("0x00") ,$write_or_binary = 1, $show = 0, $tag2 = "new") if $tag2 = "new" Then if $tag = "Public" Then Local $tagRSAPUBKEY2 = StringReplace($tagRSAPUBKEY,"Modulus[1]","Modulus["&$bitlen/8&"]") Local $blob_data = DllStructCreate($tagRSAPUBKEY2) $blob_data.magic = "RSA1" $blob_data.bitlen = $bitlen $blob_data.PubExpLength = 3 $blob_data.ModulusLength = $blob_data.bitlen/8 $blob_data.PLength = 0 $blob_data.QLength = 0 $blob_data.PubExp = $e $blob_data.Modulus = $Modulus if $show = 1 Then _WinAPI_DisplayStruct($blob_data,$tagRSAPUBKEY2) EndIf Else Local $tagRSAPRIVATEKEY2 = StringReplace($tagRSAPRIVATEKEY,"Modulus[1]","Modulus["&$bitlen/8&"]") $tagRSAPRIVATEKEY2 = StringReplace($tagRSAPRIVATEKEY2,"p[1]","p["&$bitlen/8/2&"]") $tagRSAPRIVATEKEY2 = StringReplace($tagRSAPRIVATEKEY2,"q[1]","q["&$bitlen/8/2&"]") Local $blob_data = DllStructCreate($tagRSAPRIVATEKEY2) $blob_data.magic = "RSA2" $blob_data.bitlen = $bitlen $blob_data.PubExpLength = 3 $blob_data.ModulusLength = $blob_data.bitlen/8 $blob_data.PLength = $blob_data.bitlen/8/2 $blob_data.QLength = $blob_data.bitlen/8/2 $blob_data.PubExp = $e $blob_data.Modulus = $Modulus $blob_data.p = $p $blob_data.q = $q if $show = 1 then _WinAPI_DisplayStruct($blob_data,$tagRSAPRIVATEKEY2) EndIf EndIf Else if $tag = "Public" Then Local $tagRSAPUBKEY_Legacy2 = StringReplace($tagRSAPUBKEY_Legacy,"Modulus[1]","Modulus["&$bitlen/8&"]") Local $blob_data = DllStructCreate($tagRSAPUBKEY_Legacy2) $blob_data.bType = 0x06 $blob_data.bVersion = 0x02 $blob_data.aiKeyAlg = Binary("0x00A40000") $blob_data.magic = "RSA1" $blob_data.bitlen = $bitlen $blob_data.PubExp = Binary("0x" & _BigHex_Swap_endian(_BigNum_ToBase2($e,16,1))) $blob_data.Modulus = Binary("0x" & _BigHex_Swap_endian($Modulus)) if $show = 1 Then _WinAPI_DisplayStruct($blob_data,$tagRSAPUBKEY_Legacy2) EndIf Else Local $tagRSAPRIVATEKEY_Legacy2 = StringReplace($tagRSAPRIVATEKEY_Legacy,"Modulus[1]","Modulus["&$bitlen/8&"]") $tagRSAPRIVATEKEY_Legacy2 = StringReplace($tagRSAPRIVATEKEY_Legacy2,"p[1]","p["&$bitlen/8/2&"]") $tagRSAPRIVATEKEY_Legacy2 = StringReplace($tagRSAPRIVATEKEY_Legacy2,"q[1]","q["&$bitlen/8/2&"]") $tagRSAPRIVATEKEY_Legacy2 = StringReplace($tagRSAPRIVATEKEY_Legacy2,"exponent1[1]","exponent1["&$bitlen/8/2&"]") $tagRSAPRIVATEKEY_Legacy2 = StringReplace($tagRSAPRIVATEKEY_Legacy2,"exponent2[1]","exponent2["&$bitlen/8/2&"]") $tagRSAPRIVATEKEY_Legacy2 = StringReplace($tagRSAPRIVATEKEY_Legacy2,"coefficient[1]","coefficient["&$bitlen/8/2&"]") $tagRSAPRIVATEKEY_Legacy2 = StringReplace($tagRSAPRIVATEKEY_Legacy2,"privateExponent[1]","privateExponent["&$bitlen/8&"]") Local $blob_data = DllStructCreate($tagRSAPRIVATEKEY_Legacy2) $blob_data.bType = 0x07 $blob_data.bVersion = 0x02 $blob_data.aiKeyAlg = Binary("0x00A40000") $blob_data.magic = "RSA2" $blob_data.bitlen = $bitlen $blob_data.PubExp = Binary("0x" & _BigHex_Swap_endian(_BigNum_ToBase2($e,16,1))) $blob_data.Modulus = Binary("0x" & _BigHex_Swap_endian($Modulus)) $blob_data.p = Binary("0x" & _BigHex_Swap_endian($p)) $blob_data.q = Binary("0x" & _BigHex_Swap_endian($q)) Local $D = _BigNum_inverse(_BigNum_Mul(_BigNum_Sub(_BigHex_ToBase2(Hex($p), 16),1),_BigNum_Sub(_BigHex_ToBase2(Hex($q), 16),1)),$e) $blob_data.exponent1 = Binary("0x" &_BigHex_Swap_endian(_BigNum_ToBase2(_BigNum_mod($D,_BigNum_Sub(_BigHex_ToBase2(Hex($p), 16),1)),16,1))) $blob_data.exponent2 = Binary("0x" &_BigHex_Swap_endian(_BigNum_ToBase2(_BigNum_mod($D,_BigNum_Sub(_BigHex_ToBase2(Hex($q), 16),1)),16,1))) $blob_data.coefficient = Binary("0x" &_BigHex_Swap_endian(_BigNum_ToBase2(_BigNum_inverse(_BigHex_ToBase2(Hex($p), 16) , _BigHex_ToBase2(Hex($q), 16)),16,1))) $blob_data.privateExponent = Binary("0x" &_BigHex_Swap_endian(_BigNum_ToBase2($D,16,1))) if $show = 1 then _WinAPI_DisplayStruct($blob_data,$tagRSAPRIVATEKEY_Legacy2) EndIf EndIf EndIf Local $blob_binary = DllStructCreate("byte a["&DllStructGetSize($blob_data)&"];",DllStructGetPtr($blob_data)) if $write_or_binary = 1 Then $hFile = FileOpen($key_path,$FO_BINARY+$FO_OVERWRITE) FileWrite($hFile,$blob_binary.a) FileClose($hFile) Else Return $blob_binary.a EndIf EndFunc Func __CryptoNG_BcryptImportKeyPair($hAlgorithmProvider, $sKeyBlobFile, $sKeyBlobType, $Key_type = "file" ) If $__gbDebugging Then _DebugOut(@CRLF & "Function: __CryptoNG_BcryptImportKeyPair()") Local $aResult[0] Local $iError = 0, _ $iStatusCode = 0 Local $tBuffer = "" Local $hFile = -1, _ $hKey = -1 Local $xKeyBlob = Binary("") ;Make sure file exists if $Key_type = "file" Then If Not FileExists($sKeyBlobFile) Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") ;Read binary blob file $hFile = FileOpen($sKeyBlobFile, $FO_BINARY) If $hFile = -1 Then Return SetError(4, 0, "") $xKeyBlob = FileRead($hFile) FileClose($hFile) Else $xKeyBlob = $sKeyBlobFile EndIf ;Create a binary buffer, containing key blob, to pass to function $tBuffer = DllStructCreate(StringFormat("byte data[%i]", BinaryLen($xKeyBlob))) $ = $xKeyBlob If $__gbDebugging Then _DebugReportVar("Public/Private Key Blob", $ ;Import key pair $aResult = DllCall(__CryptoNG_GetBcryptDllHandle(), "int", "BCryptImportKeyPair", _ "handle", $hAlgorithmProvider, _ "handle", Null, _ "wstr", $sKeyBlobType, _ "handle*", Null, _ "struct*", $tBuffer, _ "ulong", DllStructGetSize($tBuffer), _ "ulong", $CNG_BCRYPT_NO_KEY_VALIDATION _ ) If @error Then $iError = @error $__gsLastErrorMessage = __CryptoNG_DllCallErrorMessage($iError) Return SetError(1, $iError, "") EndIf If $__gbDebugging Then _DebugReportVar("BCryptImportKeyPair $aResult", $aResult) ;Get returned values from dllcall $iStatusCode = $aResult[0] $hKey = $aResult[4] ;Check status code from dllcall If $iStatusCode <> $CNG_STATUS_SUCCESS Then $__gsLastErrorMessage = __CryptoNG_StatusMessage($iStatusCode) Return SetError(2, $iStatusCode, "") EndIf ;All is good, return handle pointer Return $hKey EndFunc Func _CryptoNG_RSA_EncryptData($sText, $sPublicKeyBlobFile, $iPadding = Default, $sProvider = Default ,$Key_type = "file") If $__gbDebugging Then _DebugOut(@CRLF & "Function: _CryptoNG_RSA_EncryptData()") Local $hAlgorithmProvider = -1, _ $hEncryptionKey = -1 Local $xEncryptedText = "" ;Resolve defaults If $sProvider = Default Then $sProvider = "Microsoft Primitive Provider" If $iPadding = Default Then $iPadding = $CNG_BCRYPT_PAD_PKCS1 ;Make sure that text is not blank If $sText = "" Then $__gsLastErrorMessage = "Invalid parameter - Text cannot be blank." Return SetError(-1, 0, "") EndIf ;Make sure that key blob file exists if $Key_type = "file" Then If Not FileExists($sPublicKeyBlobFile) Then $__gsLastErrorMessage = "Public key blob file does not exist." Return SetError(-2, 0, "") EndIf EndIf ;Open algorithm provider $hAlgorithmProvider = __CryptoNG_BCryptOpenEncryptionAlgorithmProvider($CNG_BCRYPT_RSA_ALGORITHM, $sProvider) If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") ;Import rsa public key $hEncryptionKey = __CryptoNG_BcryptImportKeyPair($hAlgorithmProvider, $sPublicKeyBlobFile, $CNG_BCRYPT_RSAPUBLIC_BLOB, $Key_type) If @error Then If $hAlgorithmProvider <> -1 Then __CryptoNG_BcryptCloseAlgorithmProvider($hAlgorithmProvider) Return SetError(3, 0, "") EndIf ;Encrypt data $xEncryptedText = __CryptoNG_BCryptEncrypt_RSA($CNG_BCRYPT_RSA_ALGORITHM, $sText, $hEncryptionKey, $iPadding) If @error Then If $hAlgorithmProvider <> -1 Then __CryptoNG_BcryptCloseAlgorithmProvider($hAlgorithmProvider) If $hEncryptionKey <> -1 Then __CryptoNG_BcryptDestroyKey($hEncryptionKey) Return SetError(4, 0, "") EndIf ;Clean up If $hAlgorithmProvider <> -1 Then __CryptoNG_BcryptCloseAlgorithmProvider($hAlgorithmProvider) If $hEncryptionKey <> -1 Then __CryptoNG_BcryptDestroyKey($hEncryptionKey) Return $xEncryptedText EndFunc Read Public or Pravite key information data tool (Read PEM) GDI+ Image deskew and crop
argumentum Posted February 27 Posted February 27 7 hours ago, konya said: ...hoping to be helpful to you. As is, it is not. You could take all you posted here and put it in the examples section, and in the place of this post, a link to the examples area post. Also add a link in the code for users to find the includes #include <bignum.au3> ; https://get it from here and add comments for the reader of the post, to have context as otherwise, ...what is this and what does it solve. Thanks TheXman 1 Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ). FAQ - Please Read Before Posting.
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