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Posted (edited)
On 8/13/2021 at 3:05 PM, Than said:


First, If you want my help, DO NOT REFER TO ME AS BRO!  Second, you need to do a much better job explaining exactly what it is you want help with.  If you are not good with English than you need to get good with a language translation tool like Google Translate.

The reason the result is not the same is because the IV is different.  The AES-CBC IV used for the generic _CryptoNG_EncryptData() function is 0x000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F.  So either change the IV on Cryptii to match the generic IV or use the _CryptoNG_AES_CBC_EncryptData() function and specify whatever IV you would like.


Example using your data, with your IV:

#include <Constants.au3>
#include <CryptoNG.au3>


Func aes_cbc_encrypt_decrypt_example()

    Const $ALG_ID       = $CNG_BCRYPT_AES_ALGORITHM, _
          $MESSAGE      = "Nam@225225", _
          $KEY          = Binary("0xBA82B18BB98A1B7367B44A3930545633"), _
          $IV           = Binary("0x00000000000000000000000000000000")

    Local $sDecryptedMessage = ""
    Local $vEncryptKey = ""
    Local $xEncryptedMessage = ""

    write_to_log("", True) ;Clear log

    ;Encrypt plain text message
    $xEncryptedMessage = _CryptoNG_AES_CBC_EncryptData($MESSAGE, $KEY, $IV)
    If @error Then
        write_to_log("ERROR: " & _CryptoNG_LastErrorMessage() & @CRLF)
        Exit 1

    ;Decrypt encrypted message
    $sDecryptedMessage = _CryptoNG_AES_CBC_DecryptData($xEncryptedMessage, $KEY, $IV)
    If @error Then
        write_to_log("ERROR: " & _CryptoNG_LastErrorMessage() & @CRLF)
        Exit 1

    ;Display results
    write_to_log("CryptoNG AES Data Encryption/Decryption Example" & @CRLF)
    write_to_log(StringFormat("%s Plain text message          = %s", $ALG_ID, $MESSAGE) & @CRLF)
    write_to_log(StringFormat("%s Plain text message          = %s", $ALG_ID, Binary($MESSAGE)) & @CRLF)
    write_to_log(StringFormat("%s Encrypt Key                 = %s", $ALG_ID, $KEY) & @CRLF)
    write_to_log(StringFormat("%s Encrypt Key (Base64)        = %s", $ALG_ID, _CryptoNG_CryptBinaryToString($KEY, $CNG_CRYPT_STRING_BASE64 + $CNG_CRYPT_STRING_NOCRLF)) & @CRLF)
    write_to_log(StringFormat("%s Initialization Vector (IV)  = %s", $ALG_ID, $IV) & @CRLF)
    write_to_log(StringFormat("%s Encrypted Message           = %s", $ALG_ID, $xEncryptedMessage) & @CRLF)
    write_to_log(StringFormat("%s Encrypted Message (Base64)  = %s", $ALG_ID, _CryptoNG_CryptBinaryToString($xEncryptedMessage, $CNG_CRYPT_STRING_BASE64 + $CNG_CRYPT_STRING_NOCRLF)) & @CRLF)
    write_to_log(StringFormat("%s Decrypted Message           = %s", $ALG_ID, $sDecryptedMessage) & @CRLF)


Func write_to_log($sMsg = "", $bClear = False)
    Const $TITLE_NOTEPAD = "[RegExpTitle:(?i)untitled - notepad]"
    Static $hWndNotepad = -1

    ;If we don't have a handle to notepad yet
    If $hWndNotepad = -1 Then
        ;If there isn't an existing instance of notepad running, launch one
        If Not WinExists($TITLE_NOTEPAD) Then Run("Notepad.exe")

        ;Get handle to notepad window
        $hWndNotepad = WinWait($TITLE_NOTEPAD, "", 3)
        If Not $hWndNotepad Then Exit MsgBox($MB_ICONERROR, "ERROR", "Unable to find Notepad window.")

    ;Paste msg to notepad text
    If WinExists($hWndNotepad) Then
        If $bClear Then ControlSetText($hWndNotepad, "", "Edit1", "")
        ControlCommand($hWndNotepad, "", "Edit1", "EditPaste", $sMsg)


CryptoNG AES Data Encryption/Decryption Example

AES Plain text message          = Nam@225225
AES Plain text message          = 0x4E616D40323235323235

AES Encrypt Key                 = 0xBA82B18BB98A1B7367B44A3930545633
AES Encrypt Key (Base64)        = uoKxi7mKG3NntEo5MFRWMw==

AES Initialization Vector (IV)  = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000

AES Encrypted Message           = 0xEE243AD9A45DC7FF7177BE2483634A65
AES Encrypted Message (Base64)  = 7iQ62aRdx/9xd74kg2NKZQ==

AES Decrypted Message           = Nam@225225



Edited by TheXman
Posted (edited)
28 minutes ago, TheXman said:

You're welcome!  🙂

excuse me.
can i ask you something.


my c# source : 


s.Key = bArr2; //  hex  = ba82b18bb98a1b7367b44a3930545633 
            tdes.Mode = CipherMode.ECB;
            tdes.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;
            ICryptoTransform crypt = tdes.CreateEncryptor();
            byte[] plain = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text);
            byte[] cipher = crypt.TransformFinalBlock(plain, 0, plain.Length);
result : B4DB8A7353ACBDA1209CE0F41D5B9B07E3E903D07A1220773CFE7A32EF5DBA04

autoit source    

    $MESSAGE = "1000619100_00482_db"

     $IV   = Binary("0x00000000000000000000000000000000")

    Local $vEncryptKey = Binary("0xba82b18bb98a1b7367b44a3930545633")
    $xEncryptedMessage = _CryptoNG_AES_CBC_EncryptData($MESSAGE, $vEncryptKey, $IV)
result : B4DB8A7353ACBDA1209CE0F41D5B9B070D3038F15BCB93962A53C7FBC2675229




=> how to get results similar to c# :( . 

I use Google translate
sorry for the inconvenience. thanks you so much!


Edited by Than
Posted (edited)
  1. AES-CBC is not the same as AES-ECB.  They are totally different algorithms.  So you cannot use CBC functions to do ECB encryption/decryption.
  2. AES-ECB does not use an IV.
  3. The CryptoNG UDF library does not have specific AES-ECB encryption/decryption functions.  I did not create them because AES-ECB is not (or at least should not be) used very much any more because there are much better (more secure) AES algorithms, like CBC.  See this link for a very basic, high-level depiction of the difference between ECB and CBCHere is another article with a little more detail on why it isn't used very much anymore...except by companies like Zoom. 😉
  4. The CryptoNG UDF lib already has the API wrapper functions to do AES-ECB but I didn't create a standalone function for it, like I did for CBC.
Edited by TheXman
10 minutes ago, TheXman said:
  1. AES-CBC is not the same as AES-ECB.  The are totally different algorithms.  So you cannot use CBC functions to do ECB encryption/decryption.
  2. AES-ECB does not use an IV.
  3. The CryptoNG UDF library does not have specific AES-ECB encryption/decryption functions.  I did not create them because AES-ECB is not (or at least should not be) used very much any more because there are much better (more secure) AES algorithms, like CBC.  See this link for a very basic, high-level depiction of the difference between ECB and CBCHere is another article with a little more detail on why it isn't used much.
  4. The CryptoNG UDF lib already has the API wrapper functions to do AES-ECB but I didn't create a standalone function for it, like I did for CBC.


i searched everywhere, but there is no udf or example for ECB :(

Posted (edited)

What's New in Version v1.9.3

  • - Added 2 new algorithm-specific functions.

    • _CryptoNG_AES_ECB_EncryptData

    • _CryptoNG_AES_ECB_DecryptData

  • Added an AES ECB example to the example file.

  • Added AES ECB functions to the Help File.

  • Modified helper functions to accommodate AES ECB functions.

  • Updated the supplied calltips and userudfs files.

  • Misc aesthetic modifications to the code

Edited by TheXman
Posted (edited)


I just released a new version of CryptoNG that includes AES ECB encryption & decryption functions.  See the UDF's help file and example file for more information.



#include <Constants.au3>
#include <CryptoNG.au3>

write_to_log("", True) ;Clear the log file


Func aes_ecb_encrypt_decrypt_example()

          $MESSAGE = "1000619100_00482_db", _
          $KEY     = Binary("0xba82b18bb98a1b7367b44a3930545633")

    Local $sDecryptedMessage = ""
    Local $xEncryptedMessage = ""

    ;Encrypt plain text message
    $xEncryptedMessage = _CryptoNG_AES_ECB_EncryptData($MESSAGE, $KEY)
    If @error Then
        write_to_log("ERROR: " & _CryptoNG_LastErrorMessage() & @CRLF)
        Exit 1

    ;Decrypt encrypted message
    $sDecryptedMessage = _CryptoNG_AES_ECB_DecryptData($xEncryptedMessage, $KEY)
    If @error Then
        write_to_log("ERROR: " & _CryptoNG_LastErrorMessage() & @CRLF)
        Exit 1

    ;Display results
    write_to_log("CryptoNG AES ECB Data Encryption/Decryption Example" & @CRLF)
    write_to_log(StringFormat("%s Plain text message         = %s", $ALG_ID, $MESSAGE) & @CRLF)
    write_to_log(StringFormat("%s Encrypt Key                = %s", $ALG_ID, $KEY) & @CRLF)
    write_to_log(StringFormat("%s Encrypt Key (Base64)       = %s", $ALG_ID, _CryptoNG_CryptBinaryToString($KEY, $CNG_CRYPT_STRING_BASE64)))
    write_to_log(StringFormat("%s Encrypted Message          = %s", $ALG_ID, $xEncryptedMessage) & @CRLF)
    write_to_log(StringFormat("%s Encrypted Message (Base64) = %s", $ALG_ID, _CryptoNG_CryptBinaryToString($xEncryptedMessage, $CNG_CRYPT_STRING_BASE64)))
    write_to_log(StringFormat("%s Decrypted Message          = %s", $ALG_ID, $sDecryptedMessage) & @CRLF)


Func write_to_log($sMsg = "", $bClear = False)
    Const $TITLE_NOTEPAD = "[RegExpTitle:(?i)untitled - notepad]"
    Static $hWndNotepad = -1

    ;If we don't have a handle to notepad yet
    If $hWndNotepad = -1 Then
        ;If there isn't an existing instance of notepad running, launch one
        If Not WinExists($TITLE_NOTEPAD) Then Run("Notepad.exe")

        ;Get handle to notepad window
        $hWndNotepad = WinWait($TITLE_NOTEPAD, "", 3)
        If Not $hWndNotepad Then Exit MsgBox($MB_ICONERROR, "ERROR", "Unable to find Notepad window.")

    ;Paste msg to notepad text
    If WinExists($hWndNotepad) Then
        If $bClear Then ControlSetText($hWndNotepad, "", "Edit1", "")
        ControlCommand($hWndNotepad, "", "Edit1", "EditPaste", $sMsg)


CryptoNG AES ECB Data Encryption/Decryption Example

AES Plain text message         = 1000619100_00482_db

AES Encrypt Key                = 0xBA82B18BB98A1B7367B44A3930545633
AES Encrypt Key (Base64)       = uoKxi7mKG3NntEo5MFRWMw==

AES Encrypted Message          = 0xB4DB8A7353ACBDA1209CE0F41D5B9B07E3E903D07A1220773CFE7A32EF5DBA04
AES Encrypted Message (Base64) = tNuKc1OsvaEgnOD0HVubB+PpA9B6EiB3PP56Mu9dugQ=

AES Decrypted Message          = 1000619100_00482_db


As you can see, the output matches the output in your previous post.




Edited by TheXman
6 hours ago, TheXman said:


I just released a new version of CryptoNG that includes AES ECB encryption & decryption functions.  See the UDF's help file and example file for more information.



#AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 -d

#include <Constants.au3>
#include <CryptoNG.au3>

write_to_log("", True) ;Clear the log file


Func aes_ecb_encrypt_decrypt_example()

          $MESSAGE = "1000619100_00482_db", _
          $KEY     = Binary("0xba82b18bb98a1b7367b44a3930545633")

    Local $sDecryptedMessage = ""
    Local $xEncryptedMessage = ""

    ;Encrypt plain text message
    $xEncryptedMessage = _CryptoNG_AES_ECB_EncryptData($MESSAGE, $KEY)
    If @error Then
        write_to_log("ERROR: " & _CryptoNG_LastErrorMessage() & @CRLF)
        Exit 1

    ;Decrypt encrypted message
    $sDecryptedMessage = _CryptoNG_AES_ECB_DecryptData($xEncryptedMessage, $KEY)
    If @error Then
        write_to_log("ERROR: " & _CryptoNG_LastErrorMessage() & @CRLF)
        Exit 1

    ;Display results
    write_to_log("CryptoNG AES ECB Data Encryption/Decryption Example" & @CRLF)
    write_to_log(StringFormat("%s Plain text message         = %s", $ALG_ID, $MESSAGE) & @CRLF)
    write_to_log(StringFormat("%s Encrypt Key                = %s", $ALG_ID, $KEY) & @CRLF)
    write_to_log(StringFormat("%s Encrypt Key (Base64)       = %s", $ALG_ID, _CryptoNG_CryptBinaryToString($KEY, $CNG_CRYPT_STRING_BASE64 + $CNG_CRYPT_STRING_NOCRLF)) & @CRLF)
    write_to_log(StringFormat("%s Encrypted Message          = %s", $ALG_ID, $xEncryptedMessage) & @CRLF)
    write_to_log(StringFormat("%s Encrypted Message (Base64) = %s", $ALG_ID, _CryptoNG_CryptBinaryToString($xEncryptedMessage, $CNG_CRYPT_STRING_BASE64 + $CNG_CRYPT_STRING_NOCRLF)) & @CRLF)
    write_to_log(StringFormat("%s Decrypted Message          = %s", $ALG_ID, $sDecryptedMessage) & @CRLF)


Func write_to_log($sMsg = "", $bClear = False)
    Const $TITLE_NOTEPAD = "[RegExpTitle:(?i)untitled - notepad]"
    Static $hWndNotepad = -1

    ;If we don't have a handle to notepad yet
    If $hWndNotepad = -1 Then
        ;If there isn't an existing instance of notepad running, launch one
        If Not WinExists($TITLE_NOTEPAD) Then Run("Notepad.exe")

        ;Get handle to notepad window
        $hWndNotepad = WinWait($TITLE_NOTEPAD, "", 3)
        If Not $hWndNotepad Then Exit MsgBox($MB_ICONERROR, "ERROR", "Unable to find Notepad window.")

    ;Paste msg to notepad text
    If WinExists($hWndNotepad) Then
        If $bClear Then ControlSetText($hWndNotepad, "", "Edit1", "")
        ControlCommand($hWndNotepad, "", "Edit1", "EditPaste", $sMsg)


CryptoNG AES ECB Data Encryption/Decryption Example

AES Plain text message         = 1000619100_00482_db

AES Encrypt Key                = 0xBA82B18BB98A1B7367B44A3930545633
AES Encrypt Key (Base64)       = uoKxi7mKG3NntEo5MFRWMw==

AES Encrypted Message          = 0xB4DB8A7353ACBDA1209CE0F41D5B9B07E3E903D07A1220773CFE7A32EF5DBA04
AES Encrypted Message (Base64) = tNuKc1OsvaEgnOD0HVubB+PpA9B6EiB3PP56Mu9dugQ=

AES Decrypted Message          = 1000619100_00482_db


As you can see, the output matches the output in your previous post.




Tks you so much ❤️

Posted (edited)


You're welcome! :)

In the future, there is rarely a need to quote entire posts.  So instead of clicking the "Quote" link to reply, just go to the bottom of the page and type your reply where it says "Reply to this topic...".  If you do want to quote a part of a reply, then highlight the part that you want to quote and click the "Quote selection" button that appears next to your selection.  It will add the highlighted selection, as a quote, to the reply area at the bottom of the page.

Edited by TheXman
  • 3 months later...
Posted (edited)
On 4/7/2020 at 2:44 AM, TheXman said:

That is an oddly specific request.  Why just AES-256-GCM?  What about AES-128-GCM?   :)

I will definitely add your request to my "Requested Features List.  Although I'm not entirely opposed to adding AES-GCM encryption & decryption, I'm not sure that it is worth the effort.  Since there are other tools available that can easily be incorporated into an AutoIt script that will encrypt & decrypt data using AES-GCM, the addition of that feature in the CryptoNG UDF would be a very low priority.  It would also have a very low priority because you are first person in this forum to ever request AES-GCM.  So it doesn't seem to be a very big need for that cryptographic algorithm.  But who knows, given the fact that I have a bit of extra time on my hands due the shelter-in-place orders related to the COVID-19 virus, I might get bored enough to work on it.  :)

Im the second now who requests AES-GCM. On my quest to get TLS working in autoit i stumbled across wikipedia saying that AES-CBC security "Depends on mitigations" but that AES-GCM is "Secure" and also significantly faster. Im messing around in your UDF for a while now to get GCM working, but with my lack of knowledge about cryptography, all of it is just a trial and error for me. And reading through libs of other languages that provide AES-GCM is quite hard cause im only into Autoit.

Edited by Rurorita
4 minutes ago, Rurorita said:

Im the second now who requests AES-GCM.

Yes, you're the second person in almost 2 years🤣

I'll take look to see how much effort it'll take to add AES-GCM functionality to the CryptoNG UDF.

Why are you trying to "reinvent the wheel" by writing your own TLS routines in AutoIt when there are much easier and robust ways to do it already?  Seeing how there are already ways of handling secure TCP communications, I still don't see a need for AES-GCM but I will look into it.

3 minutes ago, TheXman said:

Yes, you're the second person in almost 2 years🤣

I'll take look to see how much effort it'll take to add AES-GCM functionality to the CryptoNG UDF.

Why are you trying to "reinvent the wheel" by writing your own TLS routines in AutoIt when there are much easier and robust ways to do it already?  Seeing how there are already ways of handling secure TCP communications, I still don't see a need for AES-GCM but I will look into it.

Thanks for looking into it TheXman!

Because i simply dont know how to. The cryptography and tcp topic is fairly new to me. I want to learn these things by doing them but reading technical articles from wikipedia, msdn etc. just confuse me. By "reinventing the wheel" i also learn how it works. If there are other, maybe even better ways to secure sockets then im happy to hear about them 🙂

1 minute ago, Rurorita said:

If there are other, maybe even better ways to secure sockets then im happy to hear about them 🙂

There are a few web server implementations that exist in the AutoIt forums, including my wrapper for Microsoft's HTTP Server API (HTTPAPI UDF).  

Writing TLS routines to handle secure communications is no small task.  I'm not saying you shouldn't try if you want to, but it would be like writing a web browser from scratch, why do it when there are so many good ones already available?

Posted (edited)


I looked at what it would take to add AES-GCM functionality.  It doesn't look too difficult, but it would take more effort than I think it's worth given the stated reason for wanting it, how rare the request for it is, and the availability of existing solutions to handle secure TCP communications.  Given how rare the request is, it would be like I'm writing the functionality specifically for you -- which would be fine but not without compensation.  Add to that the fact that you didn't just include my CryptoNG UDF in your _netcode_Core-UDF Concept, you basically lifted the UDF code as if it were your own.  I know that you gave me credit in your post, but lifting that much code, as if you wrote it, just doesn't sit well with me. 

If you want to try to add AES-GCM functionality yourself, then the following link has a pretty good example that could be ported to AutoIt.  Most of the AutoIt functionality and code already exists in my CryptoNG UDF, as you probably already know.  It would just be a matter of creating a couple of AES-GCM specific functions to expose the functionality.



Added Rurorita's admission of plagiarism for posterity. He didn't even think about attribution until he got caught.  You hope you didn't offend me?  I wasn't offended, it is you that should be ashamed and shunned for taking someone else's work and passing it off as your own! Since you obviously don't have a problem passing other people's work off as your own, it makes one wonder how much of your work is really yours? :bonk:

On 11/15/2021 at 4:00 PM, Rurorita said:

Yes the lifted code is yours and you get full credit for it, i just havent noted it either in the udf itself or on the github page yet because i am focussed on other things. Sorry i hope i didnt offend you. Im gonna add your name and the link to CryptoNG UDF now (Done). Thank you however for the link. Im also gonna look into the HttpApi 🙂

Edited November 15, 2021 by Rurorita

Edited by TheXman
Posted (edited)
35 minutes ago, TheXman said:


I looked at what it would take to add AES-GCM functionality.  It doesn't look too difficult, but it would take more effort than I think it's worth given the stated reason for wanting it, how rare the request for it is, and the availability of existing solutions to handle secure TCP communications.  Given how rare the request is, it would be like I'm writing the functionality specifically for you -- which would be fine but not without compensation.  Add to that the fact that you didn't just include my CryptoNG UDF in your _netcode_Core-UDF Concept, you basically lifted the UDF code as if it were your own.  I know that you gave me credit in your post, but lifting that much code, as if you wrote it, just doesn't sit well with me. 

If you want to try to add AES-GCM functionality yourself, then the following link has a pretty good example that could be ported to AutoIt.  Most of the AutoIt functionality and code already exists in my CryptoNG UDF, as you probably already know.  It would just be a matter of creating a couple of AES-GCM specific functions to expose the functionality.


Yes the lifted code is yours and you get full credit for it, i just havent noted it either in the udf itself or on the github page yet because i am focussed on other things. Sorry i hope i didnt offend you. Im gonna add your name and the link to CryptoNG UDF now (Done). Thank you however for the link. Im also gonna look into the HttpApi 🙂

Edited by Rurorita
  • 6 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...


;~ Text to be Decrypted(Base64): eiUj3S9BgJDcRylhHExLMRRjmsxXj1nwB1HzaN8fp9nrduDyGriduqbjh452imKr
;~ Cipher Mode: CBC
;~ Secret Key: 93wj660t8fok9jws
;~ IV: r0yy7e67p49ee4d7
;~ Key Size: 128

;~ Output:
;~ Output(Base64): eyJDb2xvciI6ICJCbHVlIiwgIlR5cGUiOiAiRGVlcCBCbHVlIn0=
;~ Output Text: {"Color": "Blue", "Type": "Deep Blue"}


Local $xEncryptedMessage = 'eiUj3S9BgJDcRylhHExLMRRjmsxXj1nwB1HzaN8fp9nrduDyGriduqbjh452imKr'
Local $Key = '93wj660t8fok9jws'
Local $IV = 'r0yy7e67p49ee4d7'
;Local $Output_Text = _CryptoNG_AES_CBC_DecryptData($xEncryptedMessage, $KEY, $IV)

How I decrypt the above (Base64)sample data to get the output text

Posted (edited)

As it says in the CryptoNG Help File, the encrypted message input to _CryptoNG_AES_CBC_DecryptData() should be binary data.  You can convert Base64 strings to binary using _CryptoNG_CryptStringToBinary().  So convert your base64 string to binary and then use that binary string with the supplied key & iv to get your decrypted text.

If your decryption parameters are correct, then your result should match the information in the example that you provided.


$sEncryptedMessage = 'eiUj3S9BgJDcRylhHExLMRRjmsxXj1nwB1HzaN8fp9nrduDyGriduqbjh452imKr'
$xEncryptedMessage = _CryptoNG_CryptStringToBinary($sEncryptedMessage, $CNG_CRYPT_STRING_BASE64)

Note: Any variables that I prefix with "$x", in my scripts and UDF's, means that they should be a binary data type.


Edited by TheXman
Added hidden content with a proposed solution

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