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i'm not hackin i just found this site from hack a day which hacks hardware and i just want a step by step to get my computer running through my cell phone !!! sry about the confusion

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i'm not hackin i just found this site from hack a day which hacks hardware and i just want a step by step to get my computer running through my cell phone !!! sry about the confusion

Check out this topic it will help more. dont use these files use the files at this topic. read it and if you have any more questions PM/Email me


Check out ConsultingJoe.com

what do i do with the files?

You have to compile them with the Autoit compiler and run the server on the target computer and the php goes on the web server.

If this makes no sense to you, I can make an installer for you that does all this only if you can promise to learn Autoit

Check out ConsultingJoe.com
  • 5 weeks later...

Thanks, I will. looks cool

You can run any program on your computer from email or cell phone by using Microsoft Outlook (I have 2002). In Outlook go to "Tools"/ "Rules Wizard". You will have many options to "recognize" the specific email by "from", "subject", etc. As you step through the Rules Wizard you will chose "run script" as the action desired. You must set up the script first.

To set up the script, go to "Tools"/"Macros"/"Visual Basic Editor". Click on the module folder on the left, click on the module, the module should populate the right half of the screen. Copy/paste the snippet below, it should get you started.

Sub runprog(objMsg As MailItem)

Dim WshShell

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

WshShell.Run ("C:\temp\screen_res.exe")

Set WshShell = Nothing

End Sub

notes: Rename "runprog" to anythin you wish, this is what will show up in the "Rules Wizard". Also change the path to the correct path of your program. Be sure to hit the "Save" icon in the vb editor and close out, go to Rules Wizard. Easy to do, works great, be mindful of how often you have your program check for mail. Have fun!


Looks cool but too much work. I hate outlook, lol

That program sucked btw, It didnt work for my SDA and it was cheap looking.

I am working on a remote desktop type program now that will use TCP and IE to update the desktop. I hope to have keystroke and mouse forwarding.

What do you guys think

Check out ConsultingJoe.com
  • 1 month later...

Ok i am nub at this, but how do you get the commandme.html file, and how do you control with the cell phone, don't you need a connector, or address of somekind.

  • 3 weeks later...

hey can someone here teach me a bit of programming please email me at sickdude_2003@hotmail.com

C.Wnew rules:1.dont use plz in a post or title use please instead2.always use help file as it is now muchly over rated3. dont think where not watching u4.please wait 24 hours after last post ot bump XD i use to make that mistake


hey can someone here teach me a bit of programming please email me at sickdude_2003@hotmail.com

You kidding? You just set yourself up for a ton of spam!

If you want to learn about AutoIT see the tutorial at AutoIT 123. If you want to learn about programming in general, best go to the library or have a hunt on Google. Even installing SciTE and the latest AutoIT and reading the AutoIT help file and experimenting will get you a fair way down the path of enlightenment, without the penis enlargement and Viagra endorsements giving out your email address in a public forum will!

  • 4 months later...
  • 2 years later...

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