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PC CONTROL with a browser or cell phone


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i know you dont update this anymore but just one more question: what if i put the program on 10 pc's? and i do for example shutdown... will all of them shutdown or only 1 of them?

by theory only one, but most of the time all of them do because its one file that they all attemt to read, if one reads it then another and before the others read it one of the first 2 wipes out the file, the others won't know there was ever a command there. my new version should be better that this when it comes to that but it is still not pefect. just try it, the better version

I want to add a function to my new one so I can send a command to all the PC or just a few or one

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i already edit it so it doesnt clear the file...

but is that the whole new version? or do i need to use some files of the previous version?

If you are talking about the new version start posting there, but all you need is:
  • The server script
  • The php script installed on the web server
  • The Dll for screen capture
  • The FTP.au3
you can comile the dll, and ftp.au3 with the server script when your ready.
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10 computers would only work if you used something else instead of "pc10", because "pc10" still contains the text "pc1" so bothe PC 10 and PC 1 would respond to the command.

I think.

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  • 2 weeks later...

yeah, dll, sorry forgot to answer it,

first post updated with screen shot and directory listings. must have password for screen shot because it uses FTP

i cannot find anything about the screen shot or directory listings on the first post

please help me :)

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yeah, dll, sorry forgot to answer it,

first post updated with screen shot and directory listings. must have password for screen shot because it uses FTP

i cannot find anything about the screen shot or directory listings on the first post

please help me :)

Its right here. It is very useful


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  • 3 weeks later...

Im not sure if this has been answered, but where do i put each file? Ive made an account with t35, uploaded action.php and commandme.html and also made an empty com.con file. Ive edited commandme.au3 and put all my info in it. What else do i have to do? I only have the basic files.

Edited by imacrazyballoono
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Im not sure if this has been answered, but where do i put each file? Ive made an account with t35, uploaded action.php and commandme.html and also made an empty com.con file. Ive edited commandme.au3 and put all my info in it. What else do i have to do? I only have the basic files.

well use this one instead:

read the directions and that should be it


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  • 3 weeks later...

ok... i'm 16 and new to hacking and programming soo i need lots of help can someone give me a step by step on how to get this working on my cell phone and my computer. i don't understand where to put the files even after reading the instructions . like i said i'm new soo please help.

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Why do you want to hack? This is not a forum that supports hackers...

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Scripts : _Encrypt UDF_UniquePCCode UDF MS like calculatorInstall programm *UPDATED* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[quote name='Helge' post='213117' date='Jul 26 2006, 10:22 AM']Have you ever tried surfing the internet with a milk-carton ?This is similar to what you're trying to do.[/quote]

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