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That would be cool, I would like that great. I just don't know that much about PHP

in action.php, wherever it adds a command to the file, have it write this: $_GET['command']

make it write that all the time and you could load action=explorer or whatever. If they do not specify a command, it wilol not effect it as it will only write whatever was put into the form. if they do, it will work like a charm.


The cake is a lie.www.theguy0000.com is currentlyUP images.theguy0000.com is currentlyUP all other *.theguy0000.com sites are DOWN


in action.php, wherever it adds a command to the file, have it write this: $_GET['command']

make it write that all the time and you could load action=explorer or whatever. If they do not specify a command, it wilol not effect it as it will only write whatever was put into the form. if they do, it will work like a charm.


So... should it look like this???

I don't think this will save me from the ftp though???

Please explain.

<body bgcolor = "black">
<font color="RED">

$spot_code1 = $_GET['commandmenu']
$spot_code2 = $_GET['musicmenu'];
$spot_code3 = $_GET['closemenu'];
$spot_code4 = $_GET['shutdownmenu'];
$spot_code5 = $_GET['pcname'];

// Open the file and erase the contents if any
$fp = fopen("com.con", "w");

fwrite($fp, $spot_code1);
fwrite($fp, $spot_code2);
fwrite($fp, $spot_code3);
fwrite($fp, $spot_code4);
fwrite($fp, $spot_code5);


Check out ConsultingJoe.com

no, like this.

<body bgcolor = "black">
<font color="RED">

$spot_code1 = $_GET['commandmenu']
$spot_code2 = $_GET['musicmenu'];
$spot_code3 = $_GET['closemenu'];
$spot_code4 = $_GET['shutdownmenu'];
$spot_code5 = $_GET['pcname'];

// Open the file and erase the contents if any
$fp = fopen("com.con", "w");

fwrite($fp, $_GET['command']);
fwrite($fp, $spot_code1);
fwrite($fp, $spot_code2);
fwrite($fp, $spot_code3);
fwrite($fp, $spot_code4);
fwrite($fp, $spot_code5);



and no, that would not fix the ftp problem, but it would make it so that a user could load /action.php?command=cdtrayopen or whatever they want.

sorry, but i have no idea about the ftp problem.

The cake is a lie.www.theguy0000.com is currentlyUP images.theguy0000.com is currentlyUP all other *.theguy0000.com sites are DOWN


whats wrong with the ftp, the setup the way it is now is good its not to complex, but it would be cool to see MySQL in it some how, but its not needed


whats wrong with the ftp, the setup the way it is now is good its not to complex, but it would be cool to see MySQL in it some how, but its not needed

For some reason it just doesnt upload or delete so it repeats the command or doesn't do the command.
Check out ConsultingJoe.com
Posted (edited)

echo ($file[0]);
$fp = fopen("com.con", "w");
fwrite($fp, $file);
/*Insert php code for recieving the command here.*/

/*then set $file[] as the new command.*/
$fp = fopen("com.con", "w");
fwrite($fp, $file);
}else{ ?>
/*Insert html code here*/
<?php } ?>

:lmao:Warning: Some assembly required.

That SHOULD be right, though it's untested, it should atleast get you pointed in the right direction for now.

Set the au3 script to look to "http://site/file.php?getcommand=1" for the command file. The first part of the script will look for the com.con file and pick the top command, then send it to the au3 script. Then it will delete the first line and write the rest of the file as com.con. Then since the php script does the command removing, and the file is transfered through http(which is alot faster) there is no need for a username/password, which makes it more secure.

The next part will add a command recieved to the bottom of the queue file if the addcommand variable is there.

The final part will display the html page if the next command isn't being asked for and if there isn't a command being added to the list.

Kinda rushed right now, hopefully there won't be any errors in there that you can't fix. (There shouldn't be.) Let me know if there are any errors in it, or if you need any help filling in the empty spots. ;)

Good luck,


Edited by On_fire
Posted (edited)

Thanks, I found the little error, it works but I am not to sure I understand the addcommand section

echo ($file[0]);
$fp = fopen("com.con", "w");
fwrite($fp, $file);
}elseif($_GET["addcommand"]==1){   /*MISSING CLOSE PARENTESIS*/
/*Insert php code for recieving the command here.*/

/*then set $file[] as the new command.*/
$file[]=$newCommand;                     /*I DON'T GET THIS PART, IT RETURNS "ARRAY" TO COM.CON*/
$fp = fopen("com.con", "w");
fwrite($fp, $file);
}else{ ?>
/*Insert html code here*/
<?php } ?>
Edited by zerocool60544
Check out ConsultingJoe.com

lol, so any news?

i am haveing trouble getting the auto it to work again i don't kow hwat i did but its not working anymore the php file gives errors

i even did a fresh install with the copys of action.php from page 1*includeing all the other files* and i still get the same results



# Read the file into an array



$line0 = trim($file[0]);

if($line0 ==""){

# Replace all "|" in the second line of com.con with a newline

$temp = explode("|", $file[1]);


$temp = explode("|", $file[0]);


$temp = implode("\n",$temp);

echo ($temp);

# Remove the blankline and the returned command


if($line0 == ""){unset($file[1]);}

# Write the file without the

$fp = fopen("com.con", "w");

fwrite($fp, implode("",$file));


# If the addcommand flag is set, add the commands to the file


/*code for recieving the command goes here.*/

if($_POST['pcname']!="") $file[] = "\n".$_POST['pcname'];

if($_POST['othercommand']!="") $file[] = "\n".$_POST['othercommand'];

# Link this command with the last one with a | which is replaced with a newline when read

if($_POST['commandmenu']!="") $file[count($file)-1] .= "|".$_POST['commandmenu'];

if($_POST['musicmenu']!="") $file[] = "\n".$_POST['musicmenu'];

if($_POST['closemenu']!="") $file[] = "\n".$_POST['closemenu'];

if($_POST['shutdownmenu']!="") $file[] = "\n".$_POST['shutdownmenu'];

if($_POST['playsound']!="") $file[count($file)-1] .= "|".$_POST['playsound'];

if($_POST['closewin']!="") $file[count($file)-1] .= "|".$_POST['closewin'];

# Write the file with the new commands

$fp = fopen("com.con", "w");

fwrite($fp, implode("",$file));


# If nothing else is set run the html code

}else{ ?>


<title>Command ME</title>


<body bgcolor = "black">


<form action="action.php" method="post">

<font color="red">

Other Command<BR>

<input name="othercommand" type="text" size=14><BR>

<select name="commandmenu" size="1" style= "FONT-SIZE: 14px">

<option selected value="">General Menu</option>

<option value="opencd">Open CD Tray</option>

<option value="closecd">Close CD Tray</option>

<option value="beep">Beep</option>

<option value="exit">Exit Server</option>



<select name="musicmenu" size="1" style= "FONT-SIZE: 14px">

<option selected value="">Media Menu</option>

<option value="runwm">Run WMP</option>

<option value="playsong">Play / Pause</option>

<option value="stopsong">Stop</option>

<option value="nextsong">Next Song</option>

<option value="backsong">Previous Song</option>

<option value="volup">Volume Up</option>

<option value="voldown">Volume Down</option>

<option value="volmute">Mute Volume</option>


<input name="playsound" type="text" size=14 value="">


<select name="closemenu" size="1" style= "FONT-SIZE: 14px">

<option selected value="">Close Menu</option>

<option value="closewmplayer">Close WMP</option>

<option value="closeexplorer">Close Explorer</option>

<option value="closewindow">Close Current</option>

<option value="closeother">Other >>></option>


<input name="closewin" type="text" size=14 value="">


<select name="shutdownmenu" size="1" style= "FONT-SIZE: 14px">

<option selected value="">Shutdown Menu</option>

<option value="logoff">Logoff</option>

<option value="reboot">Reboot</option>

<option value="shutdown">Shutdown</option>

<option value="suspend">Suspend</option>

<option value="hibernate">Hibernate</option>



<input type="submit" value="Send Command">

<input type="reset"><BR>

<select name="pcname" size="1" style= "FONT-SIZE: 14px">

<option selected value="pc1">PC 1</option>

<option value="pc2">PC 2</option>

<option value="pc3">PC 3</option>

<option value="pc4">PC 4</option>

<option value="pc5">PC 5</option>


<blink>Writen by:<BR>jsammarco@gmail.com</font></blink>




</html>nk>Writen by:<BR>jsammarco@gmail.com</font></blink>





<?php } ?>

I had some freetime so I finished it all up, should be right, and mostly self-explainatory. Let me know if you have any problems/questions.


lol, so any news?

i am haveing trouble getting the auto it to work again i don't kow hwat i did but its not working anymore the php file gives errors

i even did a fresh install with the copys of action.php from page 1*includeing all the other files* and i still get the same results

what are the errors
Check out ConsultingJoe.com

I had some freetime so I finished it all up, should be right, and mostly self-explainatory. Let me know if you have any problems/questions.

THANKS SO MUCH, I did figure it out. I love the post method. Check out my Remote speaker. I used your code for the php of that program. its great and fun. I will update to command me for this php asap. AND I WILL TAKE OUT THE FTP, cause i don't need it any more now.

again thanks

Check out ConsultingJoe.com

what are the errors

ok never mind i got it to work, i had to chmod the com.con file to 777 i forgot to do that

lol also i got the talk.au3 to work very nice:)

btw its running if anyone want to chat :o lol


well now that i have it working, i have to questions to ask, how can i add delayed clear com.con command to the action.php script?

and also how do i setup the pc1 pc3 and pc3 settings?


Hey everyone, guess what I just did, I made a WiFi biquad dish antenna with a direcTV and a DWL-G120 Usb wifi adapter. here is the THE SITE on how to do it. your supposted to use make the the antenna but I just black taped a usb adapter to the arm of the dish and it increase signal strenth soo much. I don't have the numbers but lets just say I am not using dial-up any more. I gave it up right now. I'm stealing wifi now, IT IS GREAT.

heres a pic

Check out ConsultingJoe.com

Hey everyone, guess what I just did, I made a WiFi biquad dish antenna with a direcTV and a DWL-G120 Usb wifi adapter. here is the THE SITE on how to do it. your supposted to use make the the antenna but I just black taped a usb adapter to the arm of the dish and it increase signal strenth soo much. I don't have the numbers but lets just say I am not using dial-up any more. I gave it up right now. I'm stealing wifi now, IT IS GREAT.

heres a pic

While I may admire your technical prowess, I question your ethics. Are you sure the benefactor of your "free" WiFi access is not doing 100% monitoring and stealing your private information? The ethics go both ways you know! :o
Posted (edited)

While it it POSSIBLE that he would be monitored, it's pretty unlikelly. Most open accesspoints that are unsecured are either run by idiots that don't rtfm or by people that don't care or are doing it as a public service. And any idiot that would care, but can't be bothered to rtfm and find out that he needs to, shouldn't have it in the first place.

Edited by On_fire

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