YoseMite Posted January 15, 2006 Posted January 15, 2006 In you're last code you forget some! Func pcbeep() endfunc ($con, "wmplayer") Must be: ($con, "runw")
ConsultingJoe Posted January 15, 2006 Author Posted January 15, 2006 In you're last code you forget some! Func pcbeep() endfunc ($con, "wmplayer") Must be: ($con, "runw") That script isn't done, I was just using it to show you guys the direction i am going with it. And if you guys can come up with a smooth script that has screen capture or file share, I would love to integrate it in. Check out ConsultingJoe.com
YoseMite Posted January 15, 2006 Posted January 15, 2006 Ah ok, sorry..Maybe can this help for screen capture:http://www.autoitscript.com/fileman/users/Lazycat/
ConsultingJoe Posted January 15, 2006 Author Posted January 15, 2006 Ah ok, sorry..Maybe can this help for screen capture:http://www.autoitscript.com/fileman/users/Lazycat/WOW That is amazing, I'm going to use that right away Check out ConsultingJoe.com
blademonkey Posted January 16, 2006 Posted January 16, 2006 HERE'S THE AUTO DOOR OPENERVIDEOTHE RELAY BOARD I USE, ITS GREAT, AND EASY TO PROGRAMI use lego mindstorms' motors, they don't a lot of torque but I geared them down to be a little slower but stronger.The other files are scripts and interpreters of the door relay boardjsammarco@gmail.com(THE PICTURES EXPIRE IN 30 DAYS)The water bottles are the counter weights so their is always tension on the line. There are two motors on either side. (one near the closed position and one near the open position)Not only have you made a Hacker's Reference with your name, but you have earned you stripes with that video. you have my respect. ---"Educate the Mind, Make Savage the Body" -Mao Tse Tung
YoseMite Posted January 16, 2006 Posted January 16, 2006 I was thinking about a new function If you go to commandme.html and you type a internet adress. The computer open iexplorer and open the website what you have typt.. Like this: #include "IE.au3" func openIE() $oIE = _IECreate() _IENavigate($oIE, "http://www.autoitscript.com") endfunc But how can I get this? I've something tried with php and html, but it still nog work..
ConsultingJoe Posted January 16, 2006 Author Posted January 16, 2006 I was thinking about a new function If you go to commandme.html and you type a internet adress. The computer open iexplorer and open the website what you have typt.. Like this: #include "IE.au3" func openIE() $oIE = _IECreate() _IENavigate($oIE, "http://www.autoitscript.com") endfunc But how can I get this? I've something tried with php and html, but it still nog work..I didn't understand your script, where is the IE.au3. but I thought we could use this and set $website to put from a forum on the html. About the html and php, for reference you might want to check out www.hypergurl.com and for php google "php fwrite" or check this out $website = "http://www.AutoItScript.com/" $oIE=ObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application.1") ; Create Internet Explorer application $SinkObject=ObjEvent($oIE,"IEEvent_","DWebBrowserEvents2"); Assign events to UDFs starting with IEEvent_ ; Do some browsing activities $oIE.Visible=1 $oIE.RegisterAsDropTarget = 1 $oIE.RegisterAsBrowser = 1 $oIE.Navigate( $website ) sleep(3000) ; Give it time to load the web page Check out ConsultingJoe.com
ConsultingJoe Posted January 16, 2006 Author Posted January 16, 2006 Not only have you made a Hacker's Reference with your name, but you have earned you stripes with that video. you have my respect.Thanks a lot Check out ConsultingJoe.com
YoseMite Posted January 16, 2006 Posted January 16, 2006 Sorry, bit I try it again... Je have a input form <input type="text" name="url" value="http://"> The pc run IE and go to the website...
ConsultingJoe Posted January 16, 2006 Author Posted January 16, 2006 Sorry, bit I try it again... Je have a input form <input type="text" name="url" value="http://"> The pc run IE and go to the website...Yes I understand to add a form for in put and I will you the code to get the taget computer to goto the site of the inputed form Check out ConsultingJoe.com
ConsultingJoe Posted January 17, 2006 Author Posted January 17, 2006 (edited) Hey guys, well I've been working on the script, PHP, and HTML but, I can't get the script to work right. It reads the file but deletes it and doesn't put it back (blank) as it should, Here it is:expandcollapse popup#include "FTP.au3" HotKeySet ( "{ESC}", "e") ;AutoItSetOption ( "TrayIconHide", 1 ) $server = 'ftp.t35.com' $username = 'USERNAME.t35.com' $pass = 'YOURPASS' $vol = 50 $cd = DriveGetDrive ( "CDROM" ) $pcnumber = 1 While 1 InetGet("http://zerocool60544.t35.com/com.ini", @ScriptDir & "\com.ini", 1) Sleep (500) $file = FileOpen ( @ScriptDir & "\com.ini", 0 ) $ini = FileRead ( $file ) $pc = FileReadLine ( $file, 1 ) $othercommand = FileReadLine ( $file, 2 ) $con = FileReadLine ( $file, 3 ) $playsound = FileReadLine ( $file, 4 ) $winname = FileReadLine ( $file, 5 ) msgbox(0,$pc, $othercommand & $con & $playsound & $winname) FileClose ( $file ) if StringInStr ($pc, "pc" & $pcnumber) > 0 Then Select Case StringInStr ($con, "screen") > 0 screen() Case StringInStr ($con, "opencd") > 0 openCD() Case StringInStr ($con, "closecd") > 0 closeCD() Case StringInStr ($con, "nextsong") > 0 Send("{MEDIA_NEXT}") Case StringInStr ($con, "backsong") > 0 Send("{MEDIA_PREV}") Case StringInStr ($con, "voldown") > 0 $vol = $vol - 20 SoundSetWaveVolume ( $vol ) Send("{VOLUME_DOWN 5}") Case StringInStr ($con, "volup") > 0 $vol = $vol + 20 SoundSetWaveVolume ( $vol ) Send("{VOLUME_UP 5}") Case StringInStr ($con, "stopsong") > 0 Send("{MEDIA_STOP}") Case StringInStr ($con, "volmute") > 0 Send("{VOLUME_MUTE}") Case StringInStr ($con, "playsong") > 0 Send("{MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE}") Case StringInStr ($con, "logoff") > 0 clear() Shutdown (0) Case StringInStr ($con, "shutdown") > 0 clear() Shutdown (9) Case StringInStr ($con, "reboot") > 0 clear() Shutdown (6) Case StringInStr ($con, "suspend") > 0 clear() Shutdown (32) Case StringInStr ($con, "hibernate") > 0 clear() Shutdown (64) Case StringInStr ($con, "exit") > 0 exitprogram() Case StringInStr ($con, "beep") > 0 pcbeep() Case StringInStr ($con, "unblock") > 0 BlockInput ( 0 ) Case StringInStr ($con, "block") > 0 BlockInput ( 1 ) Case StringInStr ($con, "run") > 0 runprogram() Case Else $ini = "" EndSelect Endif if $ini <> "" then clear() Wend ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;functions func clear() FileOpen ( @ScriptDir & "\com.ini", 2 ) $Open = _FTPOpen('MyFTP Control') $Conn = _FTPConnect($Open, $server, $username, $pass) _FTPDelFile($Conn, '/com.ini') $Ftpc = _FTPClose($Open) sleep(50) $Open = _FTPOpen('MyFTP Control') $Conn = _FTPConnect($Open, $server, $username, $pass) $Ftpp = _FtpPutFile($Conn, @ScriptDir & '\com.ini', '/com.ini') $Ftpc = _FTPClose($Open) endfunc Func OnAutoItExit ( ) TrayTip("Please Wait", "Clearing com.ini", 1) clear() EndFunc func e() clear() exit endfunc func openCD() if $cd[0] > 1 Then For $i = 1 to $cd[0] CDTray ( $cd[$i], "open" ) Next endif endfunc func closeCD() if $cd[0] > 1 Then For $i = 1 to $cd[0] CDTray ( $cd[$i], "close" ) Next endif endfunc func closeprogram() if StringInStr ($con, "server") > 0 then e() elseif StringInStr ($con, "wmplayer") > 0 Then ProcessClose ( "wmplayer.exe" ) elseif StringInStr ($con, "explorer") > 0 Then ProcessClose ( "explorer.exe" ) elseif StringInStr ($con, "other") > 0 Then $window = StringSplit ( $con, "--", 1) WinClose ($window[2]) else WinClose ( "" ) endif endfunc func runprogram() if StringInStr ($con, "wm") > 0 then run (@ProgramFilesDir & "\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe") elseif StringInStr ($con, "other") > 0 Then $program = StringSplit ( $con, "--", 1) ;AutoItSetOption ( "RunErrorsFatal" ,0) run ($program[2]) endif endfunc Func pcbeep() endfunc Func screen() $quality = $hPlugin = PluginOpen(@scriptdir & "\captplugin.dll") CaptureScreen(@TempDir & "\scr.jpg", $quality) PluginClose($hPlugin) endfuncAnd here is the PHP<?php $spot_code1 = $_POST['commandmenu']; $othercommand = $_POST['othercommand']; $spot_code2 = $_POST['musicmenu']; $playsound = $_POST['playsound']; $spot_code3 = $_POST['closemenu']; $winname = $_POST['closewin']; $spot_code4 = $_POST['shutdownmenu']; $pc = $_POST['pcname']; // Open the file and erase the contents if any $fp = fopen("com.ini", "w"); fwrite($fp, $pc . "\n"); fwrite($fp, $othercommand . "\n" . $spot_code1); fwrite($fp, $spot_code2); fwrite($fp, $spot_code3); fwrite($fp, $spot_code4 . "\n" . $playsound . "\n" . $winname); fclose($fp); ?> <body bgcolor = "black"> <center> <font color="RED"> <b><H2> COMMAND COMPLETE <BR><BR> </font> </B></H2> </body>And The HTMLexpandcollapse popup<html><head> <title>Command ME</title> </head> <body bgcolor = "black"> <center> <form action="action.php" method="post"> <font color="red"> Other Command<BR> <input name="othercommand" type="text" size=14><BR> <select name="commandmenu" size="1" style= "FONT-SIZE: 14px"> <option selected value="">General Menu</option> <option value="opencd">Open CD Tray</option> <option value="closecd">Close CD Tray</option> <option value="beep">Beep</option> <option value="exit">Exit Server</option> </select> <BR> <select name="musicmenu" size="1" style= "FONT-SIZE: 14px"> <option selected value="">Media Menu</option> <option value="runwm">Run WMP</option> <option value="playsong">Play / Pause</option> <option value="stopsong">Stop</option> <option value="nextsong">Next Song</option> <option value="backsong">Previous Song</option> <option value="volup">Volume Up</option> <option value="voldown">Volume Down</option> <option value="volmute">Mute Volume</option> </select> <input name="playsound" type="text" size=14 value=""> <BR> <select name="closemenu" size="1" style= "FONT-SIZE: 14px"> <option selected value="">Close Menu</option> <option value="wmplayer">Close WMP</option> <option value="explorer">Close Explorer</option> <option value="window">Close Current</option> </select> <input name="closewin" type="text" size=14 value=""> <BR> <select name="shutdownmenu" size="1" style= "FONT-SIZE: 14px"> <option selected value="">Shutdown Menu</option> <option value="logoff">Logoff</option> <option value="reboot">Reboot</option> <option value="shutdown">Shutdown</option> <option value="suspend">Suspend</option> <option value="hibernate">Hibernate</option> </select> <BR> <input type="submit" value="Send Command"> <input type="reset"><BR> <select name="pcname" size="1" style= "FONT-SIZE: 14px"> <option selected value="pc1">PC 1</option> <option value="pc2">PC 2</option> <option value="pc3">PC 3</option> <option value="pc4">PC 4</option> <option value="pc5">PC 5</option> </select> <blink>Writen by:<BR>jsammarco@gmail.com</font></blink> <BR><BR><BR> </center> </form> </html>nk>Writen by:<BR>jsammarco@gmail.com</font></blink> <BR><BR><BR> </center> </form> </html>PLEASE HELPthe html and php work just fine, it the damn autoitscriptI tested the FTP in the clear() alone and it seems to workTHANKS AGAIN Edited January 17, 2006 by zerocool60544 Check out ConsultingJoe.com
Oxin8 Posted January 17, 2006 Posted January 17, 2006 might want to remove your ftp name and pass.... ~My Scripts~ *********_XInput UDF for Xbox 360 ControllerSprayPaint_MouseMovePlus
ConsultingJoe Posted January 17, 2006 Author Posted January 17, 2006 might want to remove your ftp name and pass....YEAH, Thanks a lot, I was trying to sleep and I just now thought about that, stupid me Check out ConsultingJoe.com
MatteoGuallini Posted January 17, 2006 Posted January 17, 2006 I've tried to run the last published code and the following message appears. Seems that the content of com.ini is replaced with a strange html code. http://www.vigevano-prabis.it/
MatteoGuallini Posted January 17, 2006 Posted January 17, 2006 ...sorry, they are the beginning of com.ini ---------------------------------------------------------- <html> <head> <title>Essentials of Good Web Design</title> <meta name="description" content="If you want to design a web site, you should follow some simple rules. A business site should be simple to navigate and offer products and services that located in a simple way and ordered quickly."> <meta name="keywords" content="web design, design, business, corporate"> <meta name="revisit-after" content="30 days"> <meta name="robots" content="index, follow"> <meta name="language" content="en-us"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <style type="text/css"> table { ---------------------------------------------------------- http://www.vigevano-prabis.it/
ConsultingJoe Posted January 17, 2006 Author Posted January 17, 2006 ...sorry, they are the beginning of com.ini----------------------------------------------------------<html><head><title>Essentials of Good Web Design</title><meta name="description" content="If you want to design a web site, you should follow some simple rules. A business site should be simple to navigate and offer products and services that located in a simple way and ordered quickly."><meta name="keywords" content="web design, design, business, corporate"><meta name="revisit-after" content="30 days"><meta name="robots" content="index, follow"><meta name="language" content="en-us"><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><style type="text/css">table {----------------------------------------------------------YES Thats what happens, you have to read, not just copy paste and see what the code does, ready for this, its called a 4-0-4, it happens sometimes when a file does not exist.I put this before the code, but you were probly to exited:Hey guys, well I've been working on the script, PHP, and HTML but, I can't get the script to work right. It reads the file but deletes it and doesn't put it back (blank) as it should, Here it is...LOL just giving you a hard time, does anyone have any idea why the ftp lines are not uploading??? Check out ConsultingJoe.com
MatteoGuallini Posted January 18, 2006 Posted January 18, 2006 Warning: Some webserver doesn't let to view formats different than html,htm,txt. In this case the file "com.con" or "com.ini" must be called "com.txt" or "com.html" because the function "InetGet" runs correctly. http://www.vigevano-prabis.it/
mikeytown2 Posted January 18, 2006 Posted January 18, 2006 (edited) I haven't looked at the source yet but it sounds like you might want to add parts of this code to it.Remote Server BETAhttp://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19468more specifically this Func AutoItExecute($Cmd) RunWait(@AutoItExe & ' /AutoIt3ExecuteLine "' & $Cmd & '"') EndFuncThat way you can run any command that AutoIt can do. Which should make this program a little easier to code.Also i had to rewrite ini to txt files in order for me to download them correctly in a past project.Awesome job!-Mike Edited January 18, 2006 by mikeytown2 Email: POP3 & SMTP using SSL/TLS (OpenSSL)Email: IMAPEmail: Base64 & SMTP login & Send email direct to MX Server (thanks blindwig)Win: Hook Registry ChangesWin: Read/Write to Alternate Data Streams (ini example)Utility: GPS Distance Calculations, Vincenty and Haversine formulas; angles and elevationUtility: Dell Laser Printer (3000-5100) - Print LoggerUtility: Reset Router when Wireless Link FailsUtility: ImageMagick Batch jpg ProcessorVideo HCenc Batch FrontendVideo: *DEAD* YouTube Video Encoder (avs/avi to flv)Software On CD's I Like<<back|track3 Ultimate Boot CD for Windows SpinRite Ubuntu ophcrack
MatteoGuallini Posted January 18, 2006 Posted January 18, 2006 I'm sorry for my continous and separated informations but i wrote every time i drink a cofee. It is a good skill to add a string regarding the directory in wich the ftp the com.* stay because in some ftp server the root directory of webpages isn't at the beginning (www/com.txt) http://www.vigevano-prabis.it/
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