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For a project of a tool, I have to launch a program.
This one: Display Properties control (run desk.cpl)

I have to resize it, so we can see what's necessary.

I'm getting there.

The problem is that there is a drop-down menu: so I want to disable it.
How to do this?

I already did a test with the notepad. By deactivating the "close" button.

Here is the code:

$Hwnd = WinGetHandle("[CLASS:Notepad]")

$menu = DllCall("user32.dll","hwnd","GetSystemMenu","hwnd", $Hwnd, "int",0)
DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "RemoveMenu", "hwnd", $menu[0] , "int", 0xF060, "int", 0x0);SC_CLOSE


$menu = DllCall("user32.dll","hwnd","GetSystemMenu","hwnd", $Hwnd, "int",1)
DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "RemoveMenu", "hwnd", $menu[0] , "int", 0xF060, "int", 0x0);SC_CLOSE

I would like to do the same, but with the drop-down menu (with DllCall).
Is it possible to disable / block (or other) the drop-down menu of a program?

Thank you for your answers.


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Thank you for your answers.

I had a hard time finding all CLASSNN of  window.
I found four, only one of which was functional.

Here is the code:

    $hWnd = WinWait("Paramètres")
    ControlDisable($hWnd, "", "ApplicationFrameTitleBarWindow1")
;~ ControlDisable($hWnd, "", "Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow1")
;~ ControlDisable($hWnd, "", "ApplicationFrameTitleBarWindow2")
;~ ControlDisable($hWnd, "", "ApplicationFrameInputSinkWindow1")

;~ Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow1
;~ ApplicationFrameTitleBarWindow1
;~ ApplicationFrameTitleBarWindow2
;~ ApplicationFrameInputSinkWindow1

In short, it disables the menu bar (reduce, exit, etc.).
But I haven't found anything for the drop-down menu yet.

I'm continuing my research.
If you have any ideas, I'll take them.

Yours sincerely.

Posted (edited)

Hi. 😃

I would like to reopen the subject.

First of all, I didn't succeed with controldisable....

So I asked myself: and if I did an action on a button ? It could be good for me... No need for "controldisable" if it works.

But... Even with the correct coordinates (x,y of au3info), "controlclick" does not work.
But, with mouseclick, it works, if window doesn't move.

ControlClick seems to me more "clean", snif......

Here's my code, what do you think?

Local $HWND = WinWait("Paramètres", "")

;~ ControlClick($hWnd, "", "","left",1,380,420)
MouseClick("left",870, 600,3)

I have the impression that there is a restriction on the window, because on a window of another program, everything works.

Thank you for helping me.

Sincerely, Thomas.



Edited by littleboy62
Remove french sorry :P

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