dchaosw360 Posted October 11, 2019 Posted October 11, 2019 (edited) I'm struggling how to use an accelerator here to get the Enter key to sub for the button control. This GUI is reused which is they the IF/Else/Endif around it. IF $GUI1HNDL = "" Then $GUI1HNDL = GUICreate("Watson Automator", 270, 90, -1, -1, -1, $WS_EX_TOPMOST) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Please Enter HPE Req ID to Quote", 0, 10, 270, 20,$SS_CENTER) GUICtrlCreateLabel("HPE Req ID: ", 23, 30, 75, 20, $SS_RIGHT) $idHPEReq = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 105, 30, 135, 20) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 12) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW,$GUI1HNDL) $idGO= GUICtrlCreateButton("Automate", 85, 60, 100) $idMsg = 0 Else GUICtrlSetData ($idHPEReq, "") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $GUI1HNDL) $idMsg = 0 EndIf BlockInput($BI_ENABLE) While 1 $idMsg = GUIGetMsg () Select Case $idMsg = $idGO ExitLoop EndSelect WEnd $HPEReqID = GUICtrlRead($idHPEReq) Edited October 11, 2019 by dchaosw360
Aelc Posted October 11, 2019 Posted October 11, 2019 hi first of all your code don't work like this and actually it's not that easy to see what's the problem pls post the rest... second i don't even know what you want pls explain... maybe it's my bad english but greetings why do i get garbage when i buy garbage bags?
dchaosw360 Posted October 11, 2019 Author Posted October 11, 2019 Sorry it isn't the full code. It's over 1000 lines so I think it would detract to post it all. The application works fines as it is right now. I'm having trouble figuring out how to use GUISetAccelerators to get the Enter key to act like a button press on the GUICtrlCreateInput control.
FrancescoDiMuro Posted October 11, 2019 Posted October 11, 2019 @dchaosw360 Having a script 1000 lines long is not an excuse to not post a valid reproducer script of your question, since you are asking for help about GUISetAccelerators, and in your script there is no such function, so, for the next time, just keep in mind it. A slightly modified version of the example provided in the Help file about GUICtrlSetAccelerators(): #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> Example() Func Example() GUICreate("Custom MsgBox", 225, 80) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Please select a button.", 10, 10) Local $idInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("Exit", 80, 50, 65, 25) ; Set GUIAccelerators for the Input control Local $aAccelKeys[1][2] = [["{ENTER}", $idInput]] GUISetAccelerators($aAccelKeys) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ; Display the GUI. While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $idInput MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", GUICtrlRead($idInput)) EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete() ; Delete the GUI. EndFunc ;==>Example pixelsearch and Musashi 1 1 Click here to see my signature: Spoiler ALWAYS GOOD TO READ: Forum Rules Forum Etiquette
dchaosw360 Posted October 12, 2019 Author Posted October 12, 2019 Sorry. I've tried all the examples I found under the functions. Bottom line is I'm just not getting it. So I know it's my fault. Thanks for the response. I'll take a closer look and see if I can figure it out. I left the code clean as opposed to post my attempts that didn't work, because I thought it would be more helpful. Appreciate the assistance, and I'll see if I can understand what you posted.
dchaosw360 Posted October 12, 2019 Author Posted October 12, 2019 expandcollapse popup#Region Includes #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <ColorConstants.au3> #include <String.au3> #include <StringConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <Excel.au3> #include <ProgressConstants.au3> #include <ListBoxConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <Date.au3> #EndRegion Includes #Region Variable Delarations Local $UCIDOverride Local $EUOverride Local $Today Local $idMore Local $idDone Local $a1 Local $a2 Local $aRET Local $BCNPOS1 Local $BCNPOS2 Local $ChromeTXT Local $ContactEmail Local $ContactName Local $Cost Local $CRMHNDL Local $CRMWin Local $CTCNPOS1 Local $CTCNPOS2 Local $CTEMPOS1 Local $CTEMPOS2 Local $CTPOS1 Local $CTPOS2 Local $Discount Local $DocTitle Local $Domain Local $DTPOS1 Local $DTPOS2 Local $EndUser Local $EUPOS1 Local $EUPOS2 Local $Geninfo Local $GeninfoHNDL Local $GTPOS1 Local $GTPOS2 Local $HPEReqID Local $HRIDPOS1 Local $HRIDPOS2 Local $idCheckbox Local $idCustomBCN Local $idCustomEU Local $idCustomSP Local $idGO Local $idHPEReq Local $idMsg Local $idPriceAD Local $idPriceExperis Local $idPriceStd Local $LineItems Local $ListPrice Local $LoopBreak Local $LPPOS1 Local $LPPOS2 Local $LPVAL Local $OCAUCID Local $RANPOS1 Local $RANPOS2 Local $RealAccount Local $RealBCN Local $rows Local $Shipping Local $ShipVAL Local $SHPOS1 Local $SHPOS2 Local $SpecialPricing Local $SPPOS1 Local $SPPOS2 Local $Steps Local $STPOS1 Local $STPOS2 Local $SubTotal Local $SubVAL Local $Template Local $Total Local $TotalVAL Local $ValidUCID Local $WatsonHNDL Local $WatsonID Local $WatsonWin Local $idContact Local $idCustomOCA Local $idEmail Local $idOCA Local $LPCheck Local $oExcel Local $oWorkbook Local $PriceCheck Local $ShipCheck Local $SubCheck Local $sWorkbook Local $ValidDomain Local $idContact Local $idCustomOCA Local $idEmail Local $idOCA Local $LPCheck Local $oExcel Local $oWorkbook Local $PriceCheck Local $ShipCheck Local $SubCheck Local $sWorkbook Local $cols Local $aArray1D [4] Local $Decision Local $GUI1HNDL Local $GUI2HNDL Local $GUI3HNDL #EndRegion Variable Declarations End #Region Main #RequireAdmin HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate") BlockInput($BI_DISABLE) ;Main Loop While 1 IF $GUI1HNDL = "" Then $GUI1HNDL = GUICreate("Watson Automator", 270, 90, -1, -1, -1, $WS_EX_TOPMOST) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Please Enter HPE Req ID to Quote", 0, 10, 270, 20,$SS_CENTER) GUICtrlCreateLabel("HPE Req ID: ", 23, 30, 75, 20, $SS_RIGHT) $idHPEReq = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 105, 30, 135, 20) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 12) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW,$GUI1HNDL) $idGO= GUICtrlCreateButton("Automate", 85, 60, 100) $idMsg = 0 Else GUICtrlSetData ($idHPEReq, "") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $GUI1HNDL) $idMsg = 0 EndIf BlockInput($BI_ENABLE) While 1 $idMsg = GUIGetMsg () Select Case $idMsg = $idGO ExitLoop EndSelect WEnd $HPEReqID = GUICtrlRead($idHPEReq) BlockInput($BI_DISABLE) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) ;Get Chrome GetChrome () ;Check For Valid Domain If $ValidDomain = False Then BlockInput($BI_ENABLE) MsgBox (262144,"Invalid Customer", "Contact is from Ingram, Promark, or HPE. Hit OK when contact is correct.") BlockInput($BI_DISABLE) Sleep(250) GetChrome() EndIf ;Inner Loop Start While 1 ;Get Watson GetWatson () ;Validate ValidateQuote () ;Fill Template FillTemplate () ClipPut ($WatsonID & " - " & $HPEReqID) ;Do More ? Restart Loop If $GUI3HNDL = "" Then $GUI3HNDL = GUICreate("Watson Automator", 270, 110, -1, -1, -1, $WS_EX_TOPMOST) GUICtrlCreateLabel("More to price on this HPE Request?", 0, 10, 270, 20,$SS_CENTER) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Press Do Another when quote is ready", 0, 30, 270, 20,$SS_CENTER) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Press Done when this HPE Request is complete", 0, 50, 270, 20,$SS_CENTER) $idMore= GUICtrlCreateButton("Do Another", 10, 75, 100) $idDone= GUICtrlCreateButton("Done", 160, 75, 100) $idMsg = 0 GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $GUI3HNDL) Else $idMsg = 0 GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $GUI3HNDL) EndIf BlockInput($BI_ENABLE) $Decision = "" While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg () Case $idMore $Decision = "More" ExitLoop Case $IdDone $Decision = "Done" ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd BlockInput($BI_DISABLE) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $GUI3HNDL) If $Decision = "More" then ContinueLoop If $Decision = "Done" Then ExitLoop Wend ; Inner Loop End WEnd #EndRegion Main End #Region Function Func Terminate() Exit EndFunc ;==>Terminate Func GetWatson() AutoItSetOption ( "WinTitleMatchMode" ,1 ) $WatsonWin = WinList("Watson Quoter -") $WatsonHNDL = $WatsonWin [1] [1] WinActivate ($WatsonHNDL) WinWaitActive ($WatsonHNDL) Sleep (50) WinSetState ($WatsonHNDL,"",@SW_MAXIMIZE) Sleep (250) ;Watson ID ControlFocus ($WatsonHNDL,"","[NAME:txtDocNum]") Sleep (250) $WatsonID = ControlGetText($WatsonHNDL,"","[NAME:txtDocNum]") Sleep (250) If $WatsonID = "To be assigned" Or StringRight($WatsonID,3) = "rev" Then BlockInput($BI_ENABLE) MsgBox (262144,"Quote Not Saved", "Quote isn't saved. Press OK when quote has been saved.") BlockInput($BI_DISABLE) Sleep(250) ControlFocus ($WatsonHNDL,"","[NAME:txtDocNum]") Sleep (250) $WatsonID = ControlGetText($WatsonHNDL,"","[NAME:txtDocNum]") Sleep (250) EndIf ;Line Items Control ;ControlFocus ($WatsonHNDL,"","[CLASS:WindowsForms10.SCROLLBAR.app.0.378734a; INSTANCE:1]") ;Sleep (250) ;For $Steps = 1 to 50 ; ControlClick ($WatsonHNDL,"","[CLASS:WindowsForms10.SCROLLBAR.app.0.378734a; INSTANCE:1]", "LEFT" ,1, 30, 8) ; Sleep (50) ;Next ;Sleep (250) ;Check for Valid Template ControlFocus ($WatsonHNDL,"","[NAME:dgQuoteLineItems]") Sleep (250) ControlSend ($WatsonHNDL, "", "[NAME:dgQuoteLineItems]", "^{HOME}") Sleep (1500) ControlClick ($WatsonHNDL,"","[NAME:dgQuoteLineItems]", "Left" ,1, 114, 26) Sleep (100) ControlClick ($WatsonHNDL,"","[NAME:dgQuoteLineItems]", "Left" ,1, 114, 26) Sleep (100) ControlClick ($WatsonHNDL,"","[NAME:dgQuoteLineItems]", "Left" ,1, 114, 26) Sleep (100) ControlSend ($WatsonHNDL, "", "[NAME:dgQuoteLineItems]", "^C") Sleep (100) $LineItems = ClipGet() $LineItems = StringStripCR ($LineItems) $LineItems = StringStripWS ($LineItems, 8) $LineItems = StringLeft ($LineItems,4) If $LineItems = "0100" Then BlockInput($BI_ENABLE) MsgBox (262144,"Wrong View", "Wrong Quote View. Press OK when view is correct.") BlockInput($BI_DISABLE) Sleep(250) EndIf ;Get Line item data ControlFocus ($WatsonHNDL,"","[NAME:dgQuoteLineItems]") Sleep (250) ControlClick ($WatsonHNDL,"","[NAME:dgQuoteLineItems]", "Left" ,1,103,60) Sleep (250) ControlSend ($WatsonHNDL, "", "[NAME:dgQuoteLineItems]", "^{HOME}") Sleep (250) ControlSend ($WatsonHNDL, "", "[NAME:dgQuoteLineItems]", "^{HOME}") Sleep (250) ControlClick ($WatsonHNDL,"","[NAME:dgQuoteLineItems]", "Left" ,1,103,60) Sleep (250) ControlSend ($WatsonHNDL, "", "[NAME:dgQuoteLineItems]", "^+{END}") Sleep (2000) ControlSend ($WatsonHNDL, "", "[NAME:dgQuoteLineItems]", "^C") Sleep (250) ControlSend ($WatsonHNDL, "", "[NAME:dgQuoteLineItems]", "^{HOME}") $LineItems = ClipGet() $a1 = StringRegExp($LineItems, '[^\r\n]+', 3) $rows = UBound($a1) $cols = 0 ; determine max number of columns For $i = 0 To UBound($a1) - 1 StringReplace($a1[$i], @TAB, '') $cols = (@extended > $cols ? @extended : $cols) Next ; define and populate array Global $aRET[$rows][$cols + 1] For $i = 0 To UBound($a1) - 1 $a2 = StringSplit($a1[$i], @TAB, 3) For $j = 0 To UBound($a2) - 1 $aRET[$i][$j] = $a2[$j] Next Next ;Grab OCA UCID and Document Title for other option then validate it ControlFocus ($WatsonHNDL,"","[NAME:toolStrip1]") Sleep (250) ControlClick ($WatsonHNDL,"","[NAME:toolStrip1]", "Left" ,1,267,12) Sleep (250) WinWait ("General Quote Info") $Geninfo = WinList("General Quote Info") Sleep (400) $GeninfoHNDL = $Geninfo [1] [1] Sleep (400) ControlFocus ($GeninfoHNDL,"","[NAME:txtDocName]") Sleep (400) $DocTitle = ControlGetText($GeninfoHNDL,"","[NAME:txtDocName]") Sleep (400) ControlFocus ($GeninfoHNDL,"","[NAME:txtRefDocID]") Sleep (400) $OCAUCID = ControlGetText($GeninfoHNDL,"","[NAME:txtRefDocID]") Sleep (400) ControlClick ($GeninfoHNDL,"","[NAME:btnCancel]", "Left",1,52,6) WinWaitClose ("General Quote Info") $ValidUCID = True If StringLen ($OCAUCID) <> 13 Then $OCAUCID = StringRight($DocTitle,13) If StringMid ($OCAUCID,11,1) <> "-" Then $ValidUCID = False $OCAUCID = "" EndIf If StringIsDigit (StringLeft ($OCAUCID,10)) <> 1 Then $ValidUCID = False $OCAUCID = "" EndIf If StringIsDigit (StringRight ($OCAUCID,2)) <> 1 Then $ValidUCID = False $OCAUCID = "" EndIf ;Grab Watson Totals ControlFocus ($WatsonHNDL,"","[NAME:dgvQuoteTotals]") Sleep (400) ControlSend ($WatsonHNDL, "", "[NAME:dgvQuoteTotals]", "^a") Sleep (400) ControlSend ($WatsonHNDL, "", "[NAME:dgvQuoteTotals]", "^c") Sleep (400) ControlSend ($WatsonHNDL, "", "[NAME:dgvQuoteTotals]", "^+{HOME}") $QuoteTotals = ClipGet() $QuoteTotals = StringStripCR($QuoteTotals) $QuoteTotals = StringStripWS($QuoteTotals,7) ;Get MSRP $LPPOS1 = StringInStr ($QuoteTotals, "Gross Price") $LPPOS2 = StringInStr ($QuoteTotals, "Global Discount",0,1,$LPPOS1) $ListPrice = StringMid ($QuoteTotals,$LPPOS1 + 12,$LPPOS2 - $LPPOS1 - 13) $LPVAL = StringReplace ($ListPrice,"$","") $LPVAL = StringReplace ($LPVAL,",","") ;Get Total Discounts for MSRP Validation $DTPOS1 = StringInStr ($QuoteTotals, "Discount Total",0,1,$LPPOS2) $DTPOS2 = StringInStr ($QuoteTotals, "Regulatory Fee",0,1,$DTPOS1) $Discount = StringMid ($QuoteTotals,$DTPOS1 + 15 ,$DTPOS2 - $DTPOS1 - 16) ;Strip ( and ) if they are there $Discount = StringReplace ($Discount,"(","") $Discount = StringReplace ($Discount,")","") ;Get Subtotal $STPOS1 = StringInStr ($QuoteTotals, "Subtotal",0,1,$DTPOS2) $STPOS2 = StringInStr ($QuoteTotals, "Cost Subtotal",0,1,$STPOS1) $SubTotal = StringMid ($QuoteTotals,$STPOS1 + 9 ,$STPOS2 - $STPOS1 - 10) $SubVAL = StringReplace ($SubTotal,"$","") $SubVAL = StringReplace ($SubVAL,",","") ;Get Shipping Cost $SHPOS1 = StringInStr ($QuoteTotals, "Shipping",0,1,$STPOS2) $SHPOS2 = StringInStr ($QuoteTotals, "Cost Grand",0,1,$SHPOS1) $Shipping = StringMid ($QuoteTotals,$SHPOS1 + 22 ,$SHPOS2 - $SHPOS1 - 23) If $SHPOS2 = $SHPOS1 + 22 then $Shipping = "$0.00" $ShipVAL = StringReplace ($Shipping,"$","") $ShipVAL = StringReplace ($ShipVAL,",","") ;Get Grand Total for customer = Shipping + Subtotal $GTPOS1 = StringInStr ($QuoteTotals, "Grand Total",0,2,$SHPOS2) $GTPOS2 = StringInStr ($QuoteTotals, "Cost",0,1,$GTPOS1) $Total = StringMid ($QuoteTotals,$GTPOS1 + 12 ,$GTPOS2 - $GTPOS1 - 13) $TotalVAL = StringReplace ($Total,"$","") $TotalVAL = StringReplace ($TotalVAL,",","") ;Get Ingram Cost for MSRP Validation = MSRP - Total Discounts + Shipping Cost $CTPOS1 = StringInStr ($QuoteTotals, "Cost Grand Total",0,1,$GTPOS2) $CTPOS2 = StringLen($QuoteTotals)+1 $Cost = StringMid ($QuoteTotals,$CTPOS1 + 17 ,$CTPOS2 - $CTPOS1 - 17) EndFunc Func FillTemplate () If $Template = "Standard" Then ; Create application object $oExcel = _Excel_Open() If @error Then Exit MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Excel UDF: _Excel_BookOpen Example", "Error creating the Excel application object." & @CRLF & "@error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) Sleep (1000) ; Open an existing workbook and return its object identifier. $sWorkbook = @ScriptDir & "\2019 Watson Quote Template.xlsx" $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, $sWorkbook) If @error Then Exit MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Excel UDF: _Excel_BookOpen Example 1", "Error opening '" & $sWorkbook & "'." & @CRLF & "@error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) ;Maximize Excel Sleep (1000) Global $xlMaximized = -4137 $oExcel.Application.Activewindow.WindowState = $xlMaximized Sleep (1000) ;Populate Quote Sleep (250) $Today = _DateTimeFormat(_NowCalc(), 2) Global $aArray1D [5] = [$WatsonID, $RealAccount, $OCAUCID, $EndUser, $Today] _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, $aArray1D, "C1") Sleep (250) _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, $Shipping, "F5") Sleep (250) _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, $aRET, "A15") Sleep (1000) $LPCheck = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, "F3") Sleep (250) $SubCheck = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, "F4") Sleep (250) $ShipCheck = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, "F5") Sleep (250) $PriceCheck = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, "F6") If $LPCheck <> $LPVAL Then MsgBox(262144,"", "List Price Mismatch!",20) ElseIf $ShipCheck <> $ShipVAL Then MsgBox(262144,"", "Shipping Price Mismatch!",20) ElseIf $SubCheck <> $SubVAL Then MsgBox(262144,"", "Subtotal Price Mismatch!",20) Elseif $PriceCheck <> $TotalVAL Then MsgBox(262144,"", "Total Price Mismatch!",20) EndIf ElseIf $Template = "AD" Then ; Create application object $oExcel = _Excel_Open() If @error Then Exit MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Excel UDF: _Excel_BookOpen Example", "Error creating the Excel application object." & @CRLF & "@error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) Sleep (1000) ; Open an existing workbook and return its object identifier. $sWorkbook = @ScriptDir & "\AD Template.xlsm" $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, $sWorkbook) If @error Then Exit MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Excel UDF: _Excel_BookOpen Example 1", "Error opening '" & $sWorkbook & "'." & @CRLF & "@error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) ;Maximize Excel Sleep (1000) Global $xlMaximized = -4137 $oExcel.Application.Activewindow.WindowState = $xlMaximized ;Populate Quote Sleep (250) $Today = _DateTimeFormat(_NowCalc(), 2) Global $aArray1D[5] = [$WatsonID, $RealAccount, $OCAUCID, $EndUser, $Today] _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, $aArray1D, "D1") Sleep (250) _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, $Shipping, "G5") Sleep (250) _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, $aRET, "B15") Sleep (1000) $LPCheck = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, "G3") Sleep (250) $SubCheck = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, "G4") Sleep (250) $ShipCheck = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, "G5") Sleep (250) $PriceCheck = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, "G6") If $LPCheck <> $LPVAL Then MsgBox(262144,"", "List Price Mismatch!",20) ElseIf $ShipCheck <> $ShipVAL Then MsgBox(262144,"", "Shipping Price Mismatch!",20) ElseIf $SubCheck <> $SubVAL Then MsgBox(262144,"", "Subtotal Price Mismatch!",20) Elseif $PriceCheck <> $TotalVAL Then MsgBox(262144,"", "Total Price Mismatch!",20) EndIf Else ; Create application object $oExcel = _Excel_Open() If @error Then Exit MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Excel UDF: _Excel_BookOpen Example", "Error creating the Excel application object." & @CRLF & "@error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) Sleep (1000) ; Open an existing workbook and return its object identifier. $sWorkbook = @ScriptDir & "\Experis Quote Template.xlsx" $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, $sWorkbook) If @error Then Exit MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Excel UDF: _Excel_BookOpen Example 1", "Error opening '" & $sWorkbook & "'." & @CRLF & "@error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) ;Maximize Excel Sleep (1000) Global $xlMaximized = -4137 $oExcel.Application.Activewindow.WindowState = $xlMaximized ;Populate Quote Sleep (250) $Today = _DateTimeFormat(_NowCalc(), 2) Global $aArray1D[5] = [$WatsonID, $RealAccount, $OCAUCID, $EndUser, $Today] _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, $aArray1D, "C1") Sleep (250) _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, $Shipping, "F5") Sleep (1000) _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, $aRET, "A15") Sleep (250) $LPCheck = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, "F3") Sleep (250) $ShipCheck = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, "F5") Sleep (250) $PriceCheck = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, "F7") $SubCheck = $PriceCheck - $ShipCheck If $LPCheck <> $LPVAL Then MsgBox(262144,"", "List Price Mismatch!",20) ElseIf $ShipCheck <> $ShipVAL Then MsgBox(262144,"", "Shipping Price Mismatch!",20) Elseif $PriceCheck <> $TotalVAL Then MsgBox(262144,"", "Total Price Mismatch!",20) EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func GetChrome () AutoItSetOption ( "WinTitleMatchMode" ,2 ) $CRMWin = WinList("- Google Chrome") $CRMHNDL = $CRMWin [1] [1] WinActivate ($CRMHNDL) WinWaitActive($CRMHNDL) WinSetState ($CRMHNDL,"",@SW_MAXIMIZE) $LoopBreak = 0 While WinGetTitle ($CRMHNDL) <> "HPE Request: " & $HPEReqID & " - Google Chrome" Send ("^{TAB}") Sleep (500) $LoopBreak = $LoopBreak + 1 If $LoopBreak > 20 Then Exit Wend Sleep(500) Send ("^a") Sleep(500) Send ("^c") Sleep(500) Send ("^+{HOME}") Sleep (500) $ChromeTXT= ClipGet () Sleep(250) $ChromeTXT = StringStripCR($ChromeTXT) $ChromeTXT = StringStripWS($ChromeTXT,7) Sleep (250) $HRIDPOS1 = StringInStr ($ChromeTXT, "HPE Request ID Required") $HRIDPOS2 = StringInStr ($ChromeTXT, "Locked control",0,1,$HRIDPOS1) $HPEReqID = StringMid ($ChromeTXT,$HRIDPOS1+23,$HRIDPOS2 - $HRIDPOS1 - 24) $RANPOS1 = StringInStr ($ChromeTXT, "Recommended",0,1,$HRIDPOS2) $RANPOS2 = StringInStr ($ChromeTXT, "BCN",0,1,$RANPOS1) $RealAccount = StringMid ($ChromeTXT,$RANPOS1+19,$RANPOS2 - $RANPOS1-20) $BCNPOS1 = StringInStr ($ChromeTXT, "BCN",0,1,$RANPOS2+3) $BCNPOS2 = StringInStr ($ChromeTXT, "Country",0,1,$BCNPOS1) $RealBCN = StringMid ($ChromeTXT,$BCNPOS1+3,$BCNPOS2 - $BCNPOS1-4) $CTCNPOS1 = StringInStr ($ChromeTXT, "Contact",0,1,$BCNPOS2+3) $CTCNPOS2 = StringInStr ($ChromeTXT, "E-Mail",0,1,$CTCNPOS1) $ContactName = StringMid ($ChromeTXT,$CTCNPOS1+24,$CTCNPOS2 - $CTCNPOS1-25) $CTEMPOS1 = StringInStr ($ChromeTXT, "E-Mail",0,1,$CTCNPOS2) $CTEMPOS2 = StringInStr ($ChromeTXT, "Business",0,1,$CTEMPOS1) $ContactEmail = StringMid ($ChromeTXT,$CTEMPOS1+25,$CTEMPOS2 - $CTEMPOS1-26) $Domain = StringMid($ContactEmail,StringInStr($ContactEmail,"@",0,1,1)+1,StringLen($ContactEmail)) If $Domain = "ingrammicro.com" Then $ValidDomain = False ElseIf $Domain = "promarktech.com" Then $ValidDomain = False ElseIf $Domain ="hpe.com" Then $ValidDomain = False Else $ValidDomain = True EndIf $SPPOS1 = StringInStr ($ChromeTXT, "Special Pricing",0,1,$CTEMPOS2) $SPPOS2 = StringInStr ($ChromeTXT, "End User",0,1,$SPPOS1) $SpecialPricing = StringMid ($ChromeTXT,$SPPOS1+31,$SPPOS2 - $SPPOS1-32) $EUPOS1 = StringInStr ($ChromeTXT, "End User",0,1,$SPPOS2) $EUPOS2 = StringInStr ($ChromeTXT, "Inside",0,1,$EUPOS1) $EndUser = StringMid ($ChromeTXT,$EUPOS1+17,$EUPOS2 - $EUPOS1-18) Sleep (500) EndFunc Func ValidateQuote() $UCIDOverride = "" $EUOverride = "" $idCustomEU = "" $idCustomOCA = "" ; Create GUI GUICreate("Watson Automator", 600, 380, -1, -1, -1, $WS_EX_TOPMOST) GUICtrlCreateLabel("HPE Req ID: ", 8, 40, 75, 20, $SS_RIGHT) GUICtrlCreateLabel($HPEReqID , 90, 40, 300, 20) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Reseller: ", 8, 60, 75, 20, $SS_RIGHT) GUICtrlCreateLabel($RealAccount, 90, 60, 300, 20) GUICtrlCreateLabel("BCN: ", 8, 80, 75, 20,$SS_RIGHT) GUICtrlCreateLabel($RealBCN, 90, 80, 300, 20) ;$idCustomBCN = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 240, 80, 320, 20, $ES_NUMBER) ;GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 8) If $ValidDomain = True Then GUICtrlCreateLabel("Contact: ", 8, 100, 75, 20,$SS_RIGHT) GUICtrlCreateLabel($ContactName, 90, 100, 300, 20) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Email: ", 8, 120, 74, 20,$SS_RIGHT) GUICtrlCreateLabel($ContactEmail, 90, 120, 300, 20) Else GUICtrlCreateLabel("Contact: ", 8, 100, 75, 20,$SS_RIGHT) $idContact =GUICtrlCreateLabel($ContactName, 90, 100, 320, 20) GUICtrlSetColor($idContact, $COLOR_RED) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Email: ", 8, 120, 74, 20,$SS_RIGHT) $idEmail = GUICtrlCreateLabel($ContactEmail, 90, 120, 320, 20) GUICtrlSetColor($idEmail, $COLOR_RED) EndIf GUICtrlCreateLabel("End User: ", 8, 140, 75, 20,$SS_RIGHT) GUICtrlCreateLabel($EndUser, 90, 140, 250, 20) $idCustomEU = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 350, 140, 210, 20) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Special Pricing: ", 8, 160, 75, 20, $SS_RIGHT) GUICtrlCreateLabel($SpecialPricing, 90, 160, 300, 20) ;$idCustomSP = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 240, 160, 320, 20) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Watson ID: ", 8, 180, 75, 20,$SS_RIGHT) GUICtrlCreateLabel($WatsonID, 90, 180, 300, 20) If $ValidUCID = True Then GUICtrlCreateLabel("OCA UCID: ", 8, 200, 75, 20,$SS_RIGHT) GUICtrlCreateLabel($OCAUCID, 90, 200, 300, 20) Else GUICtrlCreateLabel("OCA UCID: ", 8, 200, 75, 20,$SS_RIGHT) $idOCA = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Invalid OCA Number", 90, 200, 250, 20) GUICtrlSetColor($idOCA, $COLOR_RED) $idCustomOCA = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 350, 200, 210, 20) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 13) EndIf GUICtrlCreateLabel("Total List: ", 8, 220, 75, 20,$SS_RIGHT) GUICtrlCreateLabel($ListPrice, 90, 220, 300, 20) GUICtrlCreateLabel("SubTotal: ", 8, 240, 75, 20,$SS_RIGHT) GUICtrlCreateLabel($SubTotal, 90, 240, 300, 20) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Shipping: ", 8, 260, 75, 20,$SS_RIGHT) GUICtrlCreateLabel($Shipping, 90, 260, 300, 20) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Grand Total: ", 10, 280, 75, 20,$SS_RIGHT) GUICtrlCreateLabel($Total, 90, 280, 300, 20) $idCheckbox = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Data Validated", 10, 310, 185, 25) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) BlockInput($BI_ENABLE) ; Wait for price validation checkbox to be selected While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $idCheckbox If GUICtrlRead($idCheckbox) = $GUI_CHECKED Then ExitLoop EndIf EndSwitch WEnd ; Display price quote button on GUI $idPriceStd = GUICtrlCreateButton("Price Standard", 10, 340, 100) $idPriceAD = GUICtrlCreateButton("Price AD", 150, 340, 100) $idPriceExperis = GUICtrlCreateButton("Price Experis", 290, 340, 100) $Template = "" ; Wait for Price Quote Button on GUI to be pressed $idMsg = 0 While 1 $idMsg = GUIGetMsg () Select Case $idMsg = $idPriceStd $Template = "Standard" ExitLoop Case $idMsg = $idPriceAD $Template = "AD" ExitLoop Case $idMsg = $idPriceExperis $Template = "Experis" ExitLoop Case $idMsg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop EndSelect WEnd BlockInput($BI_DISABLE) $UCIDOverride = GUICtrlRead ($idCustomOCA) If $UCIDOverride <> "" Then $OCAUCID = $UCIDOverride $EUOverride = GUICtrlRead ($idCustomEU) If $EUOverride <> "" Then $EndUser = $EUOverride GUIDelete() EndFunc #Region Function End And here is the complete code
dchaosw360 Posted October 12, 2019 Author Posted October 12, 2019 @FrancescoDiMuro Thank you so much, that made it click for me and it now works.
FrancescoDiMuro Posted October 13, 2019 Posted October 13, 2019 @dchaosw360 You're welcome Click here to see my signature: Spoiler ALWAYS GOOD TO READ: Forum Rules Forum Etiquette
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