PaulBellamy Posted March 8, 2021 Posted March 8, 2021 AutoIT V3 is a freeware basic-like scripting language designed to automate the Windows GUI and general scripting. It uses a combination of simulated keystrokes, mouse movements, and window(control) manipulation to automate tasks in a way that is not possible or reliable with other languages. Python, being cross-platform, cannot place other Windows remote controls or keystrokes in the general-purpose language. There may be ways to reach Windows-specific calls to do the same, but the code will be much more complex. C # has the same problem. This targets ".Net" run-time and requires some awkward calls to work. Also, C # is compiled, so the code has to be run, compiled, and then run. This makes the development process more difficult and will take more time.
TheDcoder Posted March 8, 2021 Posted March 8, 2021 4 hours ago, PaulBellamy said: This makes the development process more difficult and will take more time. Although true, it also means the resulting binary is more efficient too... though this can be debated for C# EasyCodeIt - A cross-platform AutoIt implementation - Fund the development! (GitHub will double your donations for a limited time) DcodingTheWeb Forum - Follow for updates and Join for discussion
lIlIIlIllIIIIlI Posted March 11, 2021 Posted March 11, 2021 i don't enjoy object oriented languages, but i can make stuff with c# and i understand python/js to some extent. i learned java in high school and c++ in computer science courses but hated them. what got me into autoit was when i was learning windows batch, i somehow discovered windows-specific scripting languages and it was quick to install and test out and i really liked it autoit is just an overall nice language, though it's underrated how simple yet powerful it is and many don't even know what it is, but that's alright TheDcoder 1
major_lee Posted May 11, 2021 Posted May 11, 2021 (edited) I use it as a quick easy solution (most of the time) . I do C# or others. Python, simply put, security issues. MutliThreading I would consider C#/C/C++ I think MutliThreading been covered by autoit but i haven't took the time to learn about it. Which makes C# easier for multithreading solutions. Edited May 11, 2021 by major_lee
Moderators JLogan3o13 Posted May 11, 2021 Moderators Posted May 11, 2021 48 minutes ago, major_lee said: I think MutliThreading been covered by autoit but i haven't took the time to learn about it. "Profanity is the last vestige of the feeble mind. For the man who cannot express himself forcibly through intellect must do so through shock and awe" - Spencer W. Kimball How to get your question answered on this forum!
major_lee Posted May 11, 2021 Posted May 11, 2021 (edited) On 3/8/2021 at 4:35 AM, PaulBellamy said: AutoIT V3 is a freeware basic-like scripting language designed to automate the Windows GUI and general scripting. It uses a combination of simulated keystrokes, mouse movements, and window(control) manipulation to automate tasks in a way that is not possible or reliable with other languages. Python, being cross-platform, cannot place other Windows remote controls or keystrokes in the general-purpose language. There may be ways to reach Windows-specific calls to do the same, but the code will be much more complex. C # has the same problem. This targets ".Net" run-time and requires some awkward calls to work. Also, C # is compiled, so the code has to be run, compiled, and then run. This makes the development process more difficult and will take more time. It can all be done in other languages. It's just a quick and easy solution to use au3. For example. GetCursorPos function (winuser.h) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Docs From my experience, learning autoit will improve your understanding of how windows works and your capacity to comprehend C/C#/C++ and the other languages. Additionally, it takes less then a minute to download autoit. Visual Studios can take hours. Also taking up less space. Edited May 12, 2021 by major_lee Additionally
TheDcoder Posted May 12, 2021 Posted May 12, 2021 5 hours ago, major_lee said: Python, simply put, security issues. The issue isn't limited to python though, if you are having issues with security in python, you would probably have them in other languages too... unless you mean 3rd party libraries, then it is subjective. EasyCodeIt - A cross-platform AutoIt implementation - Fund the development! (GitHub will double your donations for a limited time) DcodingTheWeb Forum - Follow for updates and Join for discussion
major_lee Posted May 22, 2021 Posted May 22, 2021 On 5/11/2021 at 11:59 PM, TheDcoder said: The issue isn't limited to python though, if you are having issues with security in python, you would probably have them in other languages too... unless you mean 3rd party libraries, then it is subjective. I don't understand your reply, how can I help you?
TheDcoder Posted May 22, 2021 Posted May 22, 2021 @major_lee Was my understanding correct that you said python had security issues? On 5/12/2021 at 3:50 AM, major_lee said: Python, simply put, security issues. EasyCodeIt - A cross-platform AutoIt implementation - Fund the development! (GitHub will double your donations for a limited time) DcodingTheWeb Forum - Follow for updates and Join for discussion
Zedna Posted August 18, 2021 Posted August 18, 2021 Here is official brief summary about AutoIt: Resources UDF ResourcesEx UDF AutoIt Forum Search
odaylton Posted August 18, 2023 Posted August 18, 2023 Portugues English Desculpa pelos prováveis erros pois esse texto foi traduzido do portugues para o inglês pelo Google Sorry for the probable errors because this text was translated from Portuguese to English by Google Título: Futuro do AUTOIT com Python Title: Future of AUTOIT with Python Olá a todos. Antes de tudo gostaria de deixar bem claro que adoro a linguagem “AUTOIT ” pois não tem frescura na sua forma de construção. Concordo com todas as vantagens descritas acima,Mas existem alguns problemas de se usar “AUTOIT ” e isso gostaria de descrever aqui e aceito críticas sobre o que tenho a dizer: Hello everybody. First of all, I would like to make it clear that I love the “AUTOIT ” language, as it has no frills in its construction. I agree with all the advantages described above, but there are some problems with using “AUTOIT ” and these I would like to describe here and I accept criticism on what I have to say: Apesar de ser excelente em aplicações Windows tem a limitação de existir apenas para esse ambiente . Sinto muita falta de um “AUTOIT ” para Mac e Android ou até mesmo Linux O outro problema sério que eu tive é de convencer o cliente que o executável de AUTOIT não é um vírus( Sei que isso não é verdade mas os antivírus entendem que qualquer script feito em AUTOIT pode ser um provável vírus) Despite being excellent in Windows applications, it has the limitation of existing only for that environment. I really miss an “AUTOIT ” for Mac and Android or even Linux The other serious problem I had is convincing the customer that the AUTOIT executable is not a virus (I know this is not true but antivirus understands that any script made in AUTOIT can be a probable virus) Mas a principal vantagem de se usar AUTOIT é a velocidade de aprendizado e as suas funcionalidades que são mais intuitivas do que qualquer outra linguagem. But the main advantage of using AUTOIT is the speed of learning and its features that are more intuitive than any other language. Outro assunto Another topic Recentemente estou usando o freecad e internamente ele usa a linguagem Python para automatizar e desenvolver novos recursos para esse fabuloso CAD gratuito. Recently I'm using freecad. Internally it uses the Python language to automate and develop new features for this fabulous free CAD. Consequentemente estou aprendendo a usar essa linguagem que promete ser de fácil aprendizado. Consequently I am learning to use this language that promises to be easy to learn. Como sou um programador das antigas não gosto muito da programação orientada a objeto. Entendo a sua praticidade e forma de raciocínio mas como disse “sou programador das antigas” e tem um certo preconceito com orientação a objeto. Mas não posso negar as vantagens de se pensar em programação dessa forma. Recentemente encontrei uma biblioteca chamada PyAutoGui Essa biblioteca se propõe a automatizar teclado, mouse e tela. Como eu disse não sou um programador de Python e não tenho o aprendizado para usar essa biblioteca porém imagino que isso é um problema para o futuro do AUTOIT As "I'm an old school programmer" I don't really like object-oriented programming (OOP). I understand your practicality and way of reasoning but as I said "I'm an old-time programmer" and have a certain prejudice with object orientation (OOP). But I can't deny the advantages of thinking about programming this way. I recently found a library called PyAutoGui This library proposes to automate keyboard, mouse and screen. As I said I'm not a Python programmer and I don't have the learning to use this library but I imagine this is a problem for the future of AUTOIT Pretendo abrir um novo fórum com o título I want to open a new forum with the title Futuro do AUTOIT com python(biblioteca PyAutoGUI) Future of AUTOIT with python(PyAutoGUI library) No intuito de discutir a possibilidade da grandiosa equipe de programação do AUTOIT para desenvolver uma nova biblioteca em Python que use toda a capacidade da linguagem AUTOIT dentro do Python In order to discuss the possibility of the great AUTOIT programming team to develop a new Python library that uses the full capabilities of the AUTOIT language within Python Realmente tenho muito medo de perder o AUTOIT para uma concorrência desleal pois com python as limitações do AUTOIT podem ser eliminadas devido a multiplataforma da linguagem Python I'm really afraid of losing AUTOIT to unfair competition because with python the limitations of AUTOIT can be eliminated due to the cross-platform of the Python language Espero sinceramente que esse essa discussão não desenvolva uma rixa ou controvérsia baseado em alguma vaidade ou ego dos desenvolvedores . Infelizmente a Microsoft e outras grandes corporações querem transformar o Python em uma linguagem Universal para qualquer computador não importa Qual seja a plataforma e o alto it não pode ficar Fora dessa evolução I sincerely hope that this discussion does not develop into a rift or controversy based on some developer vanity or ego. Unfortunately Microsoft and other big corporations want to turn Python into a Universal language for any computer no matter what the platform is and AUTOIT cannot stay out of this evolution TheDcoder 1
junkew Posted August 18, 2023 Posted August 18, 2023 (edited) Having the autoit language on other platforms is not the issue its more the complete ecosystem around it based on internals of windows to interact with gui controls. It will just never be the same on a linux platform. Powershell looks for scripting nice, cross platform, pre installed, the variabele naming feels like autoitscript. Its just a personal preference probably based on the ages you grew up. Age 75 probably cobol and rpg Age 65 probably c an assembler Age 55 probably c++ and Pascal Age 50 java Age younger then 30 probably python Edited August 18, 2023 by junkew FAQ 31 How to click some elements, FAQ 40 Test automation with AutoIt, Multithreading CLR .NET Powershell CMDLets
Zedna Posted August 18, 2023 Posted August 18, 2023 PyAutoGui interact only with active/focused windows. As far as I can see it's only few (usefull) functions, in contrary to AutoIt as is full complex language with possibility of interacting with not focused controls and calling all Win32 API functions so you are almost unlimited in your possibilities. AutoIt is my main programming language for ALL and my skills in it can be rated as "guru" as somebody stated here sooner in this topic 🙂 so I can use it for ALL my needed tasks ... But I like Python and its way & future too. I don't develop in it but I like nice readability of its source code (the same for AutoIt) ... Resources UDF ResourcesEx UDF AutoIt Forum Search
Developers Jos Posted August 18, 2023 Developers Posted August 18, 2023 (edited) 2 hours ago, junkew said: Age 75 probably cobol and rpg Done those too but not 75 as yet 😉 but no way they ever be my preference! Edited August 18, 2023 by Jos TheDcoder and junkew 2 SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
TheSaint Posted August 18, 2023 Posted August 18, 2023 4 hours ago, odaylton said: As I said I'm not a Python programmer and I don't have the learning to use this library but I imagine this is a problem for the future of AUTOIT I cannot really see that as a threat, though I know nothing about a library called PyAutoGui. I do imagine though, that if it is in the Python language, then that alone will be a deterrent to anyone who prefers the simplicity of AutoIt and its no nonsense language that is more eminently suitable for the average non programming Joe or Julie, that wants to get started with coding as simply as possible. And AutoIt can already be leveraged by other programming languages using its DLL etc. Cross-Platform is a big deal to some, but not the huge majority. It would take something significant for that to change in the next ten years. TheDcoder 1 Make sure brain is in gear before opening mouth! Remember, what is not said, can be just as important as what is said. Spoiler What is the Secret Key? Life is like a Donut If I put effort into communication, I expect you to read properly & fully, or just not comment. Ignoring those who try to divert conversation with irrelevancies. If I'm intent on insulting you or being rude, I will be obvious, not ambiguous about it. I'm only big and bad, to those who have an over-active imagination. I may have the Artistic Liesense to disagree with you. TheSaint's Toolbox (be advised many downloads are not working due to ISP screwup with my storage)
argumentum Posted August 18, 2023 Posted August 18, 2023 5 hours ago, odaylton said: Future of AUTOIT with python(PyAutoGUI library) I've never used AutoIt for click-click, it can, but that is only an aspect. If other solutions can do the other things AutoIt does, with a similar writing style in a single small file without dependencies .., I'll look into it. 5 hours ago, odaylton said: I want to open a new forum with the title so, why didn't you instead of reopening an old thread ? 5 hours ago, odaylton said: Recently I'm using freecad. Internally it uses the Python language to automate and develop new features for this fabulous free CAD. could have used LUA. Then your advise would be LUA is on the rise ???, what about JAVA ? 5 hours ago, odaylton said: As "I'm an old school programmer" I don't really like object-oriented programming (OOP). I was coding with Borland pascal 5.5 when I stared and it had OOP. OOP is not a bad thing. ...In any case, it may suck to have to learn something new, in this case Python. AutoIt is the best there is for what it does, and I'm not talking as a fanatic. I'll code in any language that fits the need. Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ). FAQ - Please Read Before Posting.
Developers Jos Posted August 18, 2023 Developers Posted August 18, 2023 29 minutes ago, argumentum said: why didn't you instead of reopening an old thread ? He did, actually 2 other new threads after this post, which I zapped as the discussion already started here and we don't need it spread over 3 threads. argumentum 1 SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
odaylton Posted August 18, 2023 Posted August 18, 2023 1 hour ago, Jos said: Ele fez, na verdade, 2 outros novos tópicos após esta postagem, que eu zapeei porque a discussão já começou aqui e não precisamos que ela se espalhe por 3 tópicos. sorry for the recklessness but I didn't know which of the 2 would be the most relevant... could you help me because the topic is very important for the whole community So I'll continue here...
odaylton Posted August 18, 2023 Posted August 18, 2023 as i said in the other post deleted by Jos... Como sou um programador das antigas não gosto muito da programação orientada a objeto. Entendo a sua praticidade e forma de raciocínio mas como disse “sou programador das antigas” e tem um certo preconceito com orientação a objeto. Mas não posso negar as vantagens de se pensar em programação dessa forma. Recentemente encontrei uma biblioteca chamada PyAutoGui Essa biblioteca se propõe a automatizar teclado, mouse e tela. Como eu disse não sou um programador de Python e não tenho o aprendizado para usar essa biblioteca porém imagino que isso é um problema para o futuro do AUTOIT Since I'm an old school programmer, I don't really like object-oriented programming. I understand your practicality and way of reasoning but as I said "I'm an old-time programmer" and have a certain prejudice with object orientation. But I can't deny the advantages of thinking about programming this way. I recently found a library called PyAutoGui This library proposes to automate keyboard, mouse and screen. As I said, I'm not a Python programmer and I don't have the knowledge to use this library, but I imagine this is a problem for the future of AUTOIT No intuito de discutir a possibilidade da grandiosa equipe de programação do AUTOIT para desenvolver uma nova biblioteca em Python que use toda a capacidade da linguagem AUTOIT dentro do Python In order to discuss the possibility of the great AUTOIT programming team to develop a new Python library that uses the full capabilities of the AUTOIT language within Python Realmente tenho muito medo de perder o AUTOIT para uma concorrência desleal pois com python as limitações do AUTOIT podem ser eliminadas devido a multiplataforma da linguagem Python I'm really afraid of losing AUTOIT to unfair competition because with python the limitations of AUTOIT can be eliminated due to the cross-platform of the Python language Espero sinceramente que essa discussão não desenvolva uma rixa ou controvérsia baseado em alguma vaidade ou ego dos desenvolvedores . Infelizmente a Microsoft e outras grandes corporações querem transformar o Python em uma linguagem Universal para qualquer computador não importa Qual seja a plataforma e o alto it não pode ficar Fora dessa evolução I sincerely hope this discussion does not develop into a rift or controversy based on some developer vanity or ego. Unfortunately, Microsoft and other large corporations want to transform Python into a universal language for any computer, no matter what the platform and how high it is. Existem outras bibliotecas, inclusive uma chamada AUTOIT e não acredito que são os criadores da linguagem que nós tanto amamos There are other libraries, including one called AUTOIT and I don't believe they are the creators of the language we love so much Acredito na má intenção dos criadores dessas bibliotecas de que, através da popularidade da nossa linguagem AUTOIT ganhar alguma fama Dentro da comunidade Python I believe in the bad intention of the creators of these libraries that, through the popularity of our AUTOIT language, we gain some fame within the Python community. Apesar desse assunto posso aparecer espinhoso espero que através desse tópico do fórum uma nova discussão sobre os rumos do desenvolvimento da linguagem AUTOIT sobreviva a toda modernidade da programação multiplataforma Although this subject may appear thorny, I hope that through this forum topic a new discussion on the directions of development of the AUTOIT language will survive all the modernity of multiplatform programming
odaylton Posted August 18, 2023 Posted August 18, 2023 2 hours ago, argumentum said: I've never used AutoIt for click-click, it can, but that is only an aspect. If other solutions can do the other things AutoIt does, with a similar writing style in a single small file without dependencies .., I'll look into it. so, why didn't you instead of reopening an old thread ? could have used LUA. Then your advise would be LUA is on the rise ???, what about JAVA ? I was coding with Borland pascal 5.5 when I stared and it had OOP. OOP is not a bad thing. ...In any case, it may suck to have to learn something new, in this case Python. AutoIt is the best there is for what it does, and I'm not talking as a fanatic. I'll code in any language that fits the need. reopening an old thread ?.... The issue I'm raising is that there are people in the Python World who are using the name and idea of Autoit in Python. As the fantastic developers of our work environment are very skilled, I think that migrating all this knowledge to a multi-platform option would be great
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