GaryFrost Posted January 17, 2006 Share Posted January 17, 2006 (edited) ToolTipsThis ToolTip text is displayed in two situations: When the corresponding pane in the status bar contains only an icon.When the corresponding pane in the status bar contains text that is truncated due to the size of the pane.expandcollapse popupopt("MustDeclareVars", 1) #include-once #include <GUIConstants.au3> #Include <GuiStatusBar.au3> Local $gui, $StatusBar1, $ret0, $ret1, $msg, $ret2, $retl1, $retcode, $asize[1] Local $a[3] = [100, 350, -1] Local $s[3] = ["New Text", "How about music", "Even More Text"] $gui = GUICreate("StatusBar GUI", 500, -1, -1, -1, $WS_SIZEBOX) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) $StatusBar1 = _GuiCtrlCreateStatusBar ($gui, $a, "") _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($StatusBar1, 1, "shell32.dll", 168) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($StatusBar1, 0, "shell32.dll", 21) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($StatusBar1, 2, "shell32.dll", 24) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $StatusBar1, "int", $SB_SETBKCOLOR, "int", 0, "int", _ReverseColorOrder(0xffff00)) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip($StatusBar1,0,"Part 1") _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip($StatusBar1,1,"Part 2") _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip($StatusBar1,2,"Part 3") While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_RESIZED _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ($StatusBar1) Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;;;; EndSelect WEnd Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($StatusBar, $i_part, $szIconFile, $iconID) Local $hIcon = DllStructCreate("int") Local $result = DllCall("shell32.dll", "int", "ExtractIconEx", "str", "shell32.dll", "int", $iconID, "hwnd", 0, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($hIcon), "int", 1) $result = $result[0] If $result > 0 Then $result = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $StatusBar, "int", $SB_SETICON, "int", $i_part, "hwnd", DllStructGetData($hIcon, 1)) EndIf DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "DestroyIcon", "hwnd", DllStructGetPtr($hIcon)) $hIcon = 0 Return $result[0] EndFunc Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip($StatusBar,$i_Part,$s_ToolTip) If Not IsHWnd($StatusBar) Then $StatusBar = HWnd($StatusBar) Local $struct = DllStructCreate("char[" & StringLen($s_ToolTip) + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($struct,1,$s_ToolTip) if @error Then MsgBox(0,"","Error in DllStructCreate " & @error); SetError(-1) Return -1 endif DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $StatusBar, "int", $SB_SETTIPTEXT, "int", $i_Part, "int", DllStructGetPtr($struct)) $struct = 0 EndFunc Func _ReverseColorOrder($v_color) Local $tc = Hex(String($v_color), 6) Return '0x' & StringMid($tc, 5, 2) & StringMid($tc, 3, 2) & StringMid($tc, 1, 2) EndFunc;==>_ReverseColorOrderexpandcollapse popupopt("MustDeclareVars", 1) #include-once #include <Array.au3> #include <guiconstants.au3> ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; AutoIt Version: 3.1.1++ ; Language: English ; Description: Functions that assist with the Statusbar control ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;=== Globals Global $debug = True Global Const $CCS_TOP = 0x1 Global Const $CCS_NOMOVEY = 0x2 Global Const $CCS_BOTTOM = 0x3 Global Const $CCS_NORESIZE = 0x4 Global Const $CCS_NOPARENTALIGN = 0x8 Global Const $CCS_NOHILITE = 0x10 Global Const $CCS_ADJUSTABLE = 0x20 Global Const $CCS_NODIVIDER = 0x40 ;=== Status Bar Styles Global Const $SBARS_SIZEGRIP = 0x100 ;=== uFlags Global Const $SBT_SUNKEN = 0x0;Default Global Const $SBT_NOBORDERS = 0x100;The text is drawn without borders. Global Const $SBT_POPOUT = 0x200; The text is drawn with a border to appear higher than the plane of the window. Global Const $SBT_RTLREADING = 0x400;SB_SETTEXT, SB_SETTEXT, SB_GETTEXTLENGTH flags only: Displays text using right-to-left reading order on Hebrew or Arabic systems. Global Const $SBT_OWNERDRAW = 0x1000;The text is drawn by the parent window. ;=== Messages to send to Statusbar Global Const $SB_SETTEXT = 0x401 Global Const $SB_GETTEXT = 0x402 Global Const $SB_GETTEXTLENGTH = 0x403 Global Const $SB_SETPARTS = 0x404 Global Const $SB_GETPARTS = 0x406 Global Const $SB_GETBORDERS = 0x407 Global Const $SB_SETMINHEIGHT = 0x408 Global Const $SB_SIMPLE = 0x409 Global Const $SB_GETRECT = 0x40A Global Const $SB_ISSIMPLE = 0x40E Global Const $LowOrder = 0xFFFF Local Const $WM_USER = 0x400 Global Const $SB_SETICON = ($WM_USER+15) Local Const $CCM_FIRST = 0x2000 Local Const $CCM_SETBKCOLOR = ($CCM_FIRST + 1) Global Const $SB_SETBKCOLOR = $CCM_SETBKCOLOR Global Const $SB_SETTIPTEXT = ($WM_USER+16) Global Const $SBT_TOOLTIPS = 0x800 ;=== End Globals ;=== function list ;=============================================================================== ;_GuiCtrlCreateStatusBar ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetText ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetTextLength ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetParts ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetParts ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ;********** ToDo ************** ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetBorders ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetMinHeight ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetRect ;_GUICtrlStatusBarSetExtendedStyle ;~ Private Declare Function GetAddrOf Lib "KERNEL32" Alias "MulDiv" (nNumber As Any, Optional ByVal nNumerator As Long = 1, Optional ByVal nDenominator As Long = 1) As Long ;~ ' This is the dummy function used to get the addres of a VB variable. Func AddressOf($v_Variable) ;~ Declare Function VarPtrArray Lib "msvbvm60.dll" Alias "VarPtr" _ ;~ (Var() as Any) As Long Local $pointer $pointer = DllCall("KERNEL32.dll", "long", "MulDiv", "ptr", $v_Variable[0]) ;$pointer =dllcall("msvbvm60.dll","long","VarPtr","long",$v_Variable[0]) If @error Then If $debug Then MsgBox(0, "Error:", "Error:>" & @error & @CRLF) Return 0 Else Return $pointer EndIf EndFunc;==>AddressOf ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlCreateStatusBar ; Parameter(s): $h_Gui Handle to parent window ; $i_Panels Nubmer of panesl to create ; $i_PanelWidth ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Returns hWhnd if successful, or 0 with error set to 1 otherwise. ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlCreateStatusBar($i_Panels,$a_PanelWidth, $s_PanelText) Creates Statusbar. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): rysiora, JdeB, tonedef, ; Gary Frost (, Steve Podhajecki <> ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlCreateStatusBar($h_Gui, $a_PanelWidth, $s_PanelText) If Not IsArray($a_PanelWidth) Then Local $temp_width = $a_PanelWidth Dim $a_PanelWidth[1] = [$temp_width] EndIf If Not IsArray($s_PanelText) Then Local $temp_string = $s_PanelText Dim $s_PanelText[1] = [$temp_string] EndIf If Not IsHWnd($h_Gui) Then $h_Gui = HWnd($h_Gui) Local $hwnd_Bar1, $sta, $ptr, $emsg[6], $x, $retcode $hwnd_Bar1 = DllCall("comctl32.dll", "long", "CreateStatusWindow", "long", BitOR($WS_CHILD, $WS_VISIBLE, $SBT_TOOLTIPS), "str", "", "hwnd", $h_Gui, "int", 0) If Not @error Then $retcode = _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetParts($hwnd_Bar1[0], UBound($a_PanelWidth), $a_PanelWidth) For $x = 0 To UBound($s_PanelText) - 1 _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText($hwnd_Bar1[0], $s_PanelText[$x], $x) Next Return $hwnd_Bar1[0] EndIf SetError(1) Return 0 EndFunc;==> _GuiCtrlCreateStatusBar ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText ; Parameter(s): $h_Bar The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; $s_Data The text to display in the panel ; $i_Panel The panel to hold the text ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): DllCall return value ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText($h_Bar,$s_Data="",$i_Panel=0) Set Statusbar Text. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): rysiora, JdeB, tonedef, ; Gary Frost (, Steve Podhajecki <> ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText($h_Bar, $s_Data = "", $i_Panel = 0) If Not IsHWnd($h_Bar) Then $h_Bar = HWnd($h_Bar) Return DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_Bar, "int", $SB_SETTEXT, "int", $i_Panel, "str", $s_Data) EndFunc;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetText ; Parameter(s): $h_Bar The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; $i_Panel The panel to retreive the text from ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): True on success ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetText($h_Bar,$s_Data="",$i_Panel=0) Gets Statusbar Text. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): rysiora, JdeB, tonedef, ; Gary Frost (, Steve Podhajecki <> ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetText($h_Bar, $i_Panel = 0) ;== there is a built in function to use for this. See help documentation Local $v_Ret If Not IsHWnd($h_Bar) Then $h_Bar = HWnd($h_Bar) $v_Ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_Bar, "int", $SB_GETTEXT, "int", $i_Panel, "strptr", "") Return $v_Ret[4] EndFunc;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetText ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetTextLength ; Parameter(s): $h_Bar The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; $i_Panels Nubmer of the panesl to retrieve length from ; ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Text Length ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetTextLength ($h_Bar,$i_Panel). (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): rysiora, JdeB, tonedef, ; Gary Frost (, Steve Podhajecki <> ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetTextLength($h_Bar, $i_Panel) Local $ret If Not IsHWnd($h_Bar) Then $h_Bar = HWnd($h_Bar) ;GetParts = SendMessage(hStatBar, SB_GETPARTS, 0, ByVal 0) $ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_Bar, "int", $SB_GETTEXTLENGTH, "int", $i_Panel, "int", 0) Return $ret[0] EndFunc;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetTextLength ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetParts ; Parameter(s): $h_Bar The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; $i_Panels Nubmer of panesl to create ; $i_PanelWidth ; ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetParts ($h_Bar,$i_Panels,$i_PanelWidth = 100). (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): rysiora, JdeB, tonedef, ; Gary Frost (, Steve Podhajecki <> ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetParts($h_Bar, $i_Panels, $a_PanelWidth = "") Local $sta, $emsg[6], $ptr, $dll_ret If Not IsHWnd($h_Bar) Then $h_Bar = HWnd($h_Bar) ;=== Set each panel to be same size and assign the last one the remainder If Not IsArray($a_PanelWidth) Then Dim $a_PanelWidth[$i_Panels], $panel, $size, $strPanel, $struct_Panel $size = WinGetClientSize("") For $panel = 0 To $i_Panels - 1 $a_PanelWidth[$panel] = Int(($size[0] / $i_Panels) * $panel + 1) Next $a_PanelWidth[$i_Panels - 1] = -1 EndIf ;== end set sizing $sta = _CreateStuctFromArray($a_PanelWidth, "int") If @error Then Return 0 $emsg[0] = "No Error." $emsg[1] = "Struct not a correct struct returned by DllStructCreate." $emsg[2] = "Element is out of bounds." $emsg[3] = "" $emsg[4] = "" $emsg[5] = "" ;~ $ptr = DllStructGetPtr($sta, 1) ;~ If @error Then ;~ If $debug Then ConsoleWrite("ptr>" & $ptr & @CRLF & "Error:>" & $emsg[@error] & @CRLF) ;~ SetError(1) ;~ Return 0 ;~ EndIf $emsg[0] = "No error." $emsg[1] = "Unable to use the DLL file." $emsg[2] = ' unknown "return type".' $dll_ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_Bar, "int", $SB_SETPARTS, _ "int", $i_Panels, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($sta)) If @error Then If $debug Then ConsoleWrite("DllCall Error:>" & $emsg[@error] & @CRLF) SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf ;== Sometimes this needs to be called in order to update the status bar. _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize($h_Bar) $sta = "" Return -1 EndFunc;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetParts ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetParts ; Parameter(s): $h_Bar The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; ; ; ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBar($h_Bar). (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): rysiora, JdeB, tonedef, ; Gary Frost (, Steve Podhajecki <> ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetParts($h_Bar) If Not IsHWnd($h_Bar) Then $h_Bar = HWnd($h_Bar) ;GetParts = SendMessage(hStatBar, SB_GETPARTS, 0, ByVal 0) Return DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_Bar, "int", $SB_GETPARTS, "int", 0, "int", 0) EndFunc;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetParts ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ; Parameter(s): $h_Bar The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize($h_Bar)Resize Statusbar Text. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): rysiora, JdeB, tonedef, ; Gary Frost (, Steve Podhajecki <> ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize($h_Bar) If Not IsHWnd($h_Bar) Then $h_Bar = HWnd($h_Bar) Return DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "MoveWindow", "hwnd", $h_Bar, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0) EndFunc;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: CreateStructFromArray ; Parameter(s): $a_Variable array to create struct with ; $structType, the SINGLE type of struct to create. ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): ; User CallTip: _CreateStructFromArray ; Author(s): ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _CreateStuctFromArray($a_Variable, $structType) If Not IsArray($a_Variable) Then SetError(1) Return EndIf Local $a_ctr, $strVar, $struct, $emsg[6] For $a_ctr = 0 To UBound($a_Variable) - 1 $strVar &= $structType & ";" Next $strVar = StringTrimRight($strVar, 1) $emsg[0] = "No Error." $emsg[1] = "Variable passed to DllStructCreate was not a string." $emsg[2] = "There is an unknown Data Type in the string passed. " $emsg[3] = "Failed to allocate the memory needed for the struct, or Pointer = 0." $emsg[4] = "Error allocating memory for the passed string." $emsg[5] = "" $struct = DllStructCreate($strVar) If @error Then If $debug Then MsgBox(0, "Error:", "Error:>" & $emsg[@error] & @CRLF) SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf $emsg[0] = 'No Error. ' $emsg[1] = 'Struct not a correct struct returned by DllStructCreate.' $emsg[2] = 'Element value out of range. ' $emsg[3] = 'index would be outside of the struct.' $emsg[4] = 'Element data type is unknown' $emsg[5] = 'index < 0.' For $a_ctr = 0 To UBound($a_Variable) - 1 DllStructSetData($struct, ($a_ctr) + 1, $a_Variable[$a_ctr]) If @error Then If $debug Then ConsoleWrite("Set>" & $a_ctr & @CRLF & "Error:>" & $emsg[@error] & @CRLF) SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf Next Return $struct EndFunc;==>_CreateStuctFromArray Edited January 17, 2006 by gafrost SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GaryFrost Posted January 17, 2006 Share Posted January 17, 2006 min height expandcollapse popupopt("MustDeclareVars", 1) #include-once #include <GUIConstants.au3> #Include <GuiStatusBar.au3> Local $gui, $StatusBar1, $ret0, $ret1, $msg, $ret2, $retl1, $retcode, $asize[1] Local $a[3] = [100, 350, -1] Local $s[3] = ["New Text", "How about music", "Even More Text"] $gui = GUICreate("StatusBar GUI", 500, -1, -1, -1, $WS_SIZEBOX) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) $StatusBar1 = _GuiCtrlCreateStatusBar ($gui, $a, "") _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($StatusBar1, 1, "shell32.dll", 168) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($StatusBar1, 0, "shell32.dll", 21) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($StatusBar1, 2, "shell32.dll", 24) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $StatusBar1, "int", $SB_SETBKCOLOR, "int", 0, "int", _ReverseColorOrder(0xffff00)) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip($StatusBar1,0,"Part 1") _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip($StatusBar1,1,"Part 2") _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip($StatusBar1,2,"Part 3") _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetMinHeight($StatusBar1, 50) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_RESIZED _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ($StatusBar1) Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;;;; EndSelect WEnd Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($StatusBar, $i_part, $szIconFile, $iconID) Local $hIcon = DllStructCreate("int") Local $result = DllCall("shell32.dll", "int", "ExtractIconEx", "str", "shell32.dll", "int", $iconID, "hwnd", 0, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($hIcon), "int", 1) $result = $result[0] If $result > 0 Then $result = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $StatusBar, "int", $SB_SETICON, "int", $i_part, "hwnd", DllStructGetData($hIcon, 1)) EndIf DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "DestroyIcon", "hwnd", DllStructGetPtr($hIcon)) $hIcon = 0 Return $result[0] EndFunc Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip($StatusBar,$i_Part,$s_ToolTip) If Not IsHWnd($StatusBar) Then $StatusBar = HWnd($StatusBar) Local $struct = DllStructCreate("char[" & StringLen($s_ToolTip) + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($struct,1,$s_ToolTip) if @error Then MsgBox(0,"","Error in DllStructCreate " & @error); SetError(-1) Return -1 endif DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $StatusBar, "int", $SB_SETTIPTEXT, "int", $i_Part, "int", DllStructGetPtr($struct)) $struct = 0 EndFunc Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetMinHeight($StatusBar, $i_MinHeight) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $StatusBar, "int", $SB_SETMINHEIGHT, "int", $i_MinHeight, "int", 0) _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize($StatusBar) EndFunc Func _ReverseColorOrder($v_color) Local $tc = Hex(String($v_color), 6) Return '0x' & StringMid($tc, 5, 2) & StringMid($tc, 3, 2) & StringMid($tc, 1, 2) EndFunc;==>_ReverseColorOrder SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GaryFrost Posted January 17, 2006 Share Posted January 17, 2006 (edited) Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetRect($StatusBar, $i_part) ;~ typedef struct _RECT { ;~ LONG left; ;~ LONG top; ;~ LONG right; ;~ LONG bottom; ;~ } RECT, *PRECT; Local $RECT = DllStructCreate("int;int;int;int") Local $p, $ret If @error Then Return @error EndIf If Not IsHWnd($StatusBar) Then $StatusBar = HWnd($StatusBar) Local $a_ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $StatusBar, "int", $SB_GETRECT, "int", $i_part, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($RECT)) If (Not $a_ret[0]) Then $RECT = 0 Return 0 Else Local $a_rect[5], $x $a_rect[0] = 4 For $x = 1 To 4 $a_rect[$x] = DllStructGetData($RECT,$x) Next $RECT = 0 Return $a_rect EndIf EndFunc Edited January 17, 2006 by gafrost SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GaryFrost Posted January 17, 2006 Share Posted January 17, 2006 (edited) expandcollapse popupopt("MustDeclareVars", 1) #include-once #include <GUIConstants.au3> #Include <GuiStatusBar.au3> Local $gui, $StatusBar1, $ret0, $ret1, $msg, $ret2, $retl1, $retcode, $asize[1] Local $a[3] = [100, 350, -1] Local $s[3] = ["New Text", "How about music", "Even More Text"] $gui = GUICreate("StatusBar GUI", 500, -1, -1, -1, $WS_SIZEBOX) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) $StatusBar1 = _GuiCtrlCreateStatusBar ($gui, $a, "") _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($StatusBar1, 1, "shell32.dll", 168) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($StatusBar1, 0, "shell32.dll", 21) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($StatusBar1, 2, "shell32.dll", 24) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $StatusBar1, "int", $SB_SETBKCOLOR, "int", 0, "int", _ReverseColorOrder(0xffff00)) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip($StatusBar1, 0, "Part 1") _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip($StatusBar1, 1, "Part 2") _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip($StatusBar1, 2, "Part 3") _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetMinHeight($StatusBar1, 50) Local $a_rect = _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetRect($StatusBar1, 0) If IsArray($a_rect) Then _ MsgBox(0, "Rect", "Left: " & $a_rect[1] & @LF & _ "Top: " & $a_rect[2] & @LF & _ "Right: " & $a_rect[3] & @LF & _ "Bottom: " & $a_rect[4]) Local $a_borders = _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetBorders($StatusBar1) If IsArray($a_borders) Then _ MsgBox(0, "Borders", "width of the horizontal border: " & $a_rect[0] & @LF & _ "width of the vertical border: " & $a_rect[1] & @LF & _ "width of the border between rectangles: " & $a_rect[2]) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_RESIZED _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ($StatusBar1) Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;;;; EndSelect WEnd Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($StatusBar, $i_part, $szIconFile, $iconID) Local $hIcon = DllStructCreate("int") Local $result = DllCall("shell32.dll", "int", "ExtractIconEx", "str", "shell32.dll", "int", $iconID, "hwnd", 0, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($hIcon), "int", 1) $result = $result[0] If $result > 0 Then $result = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $StatusBar, "int", $SB_SETICON, "int", $i_part, "hwnd", DllStructGetData($hIcon, 1)) EndIf DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "DestroyIcon", "hwnd", DllStructGetPtr($hIcon)) $hIcon = 0 Return $result[0] EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip($StatusBar, $i_part, $s_ToolTip) If Not IsHWnd($StatusBar) Then $StatusBar = HWnd($StatusBar) Local $struct = DllStructCreate("char[" & StringLen($s_ToolTip) + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($struct, 1, $s_ToolTip) If @error Then MsgBox(0, "", "Error in DllStructCreate " & @error); SetError(-1) Return -1 EndIf DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $StatusBar, "int", $SB_SETTIPTEXT, "int", $i_part, "int", DllStructGetPtr($struct)) $struct = 0 EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetMinHeight($StatusBar, $i_MinHeight) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $StatusBar, "int", $SB_SETMINHEIGHT, "int", $i_MinHeight, "int", 0) _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ($StatusBar) EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetMinHeight Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetRect($StatusBar, $i_part) ;~ typedef struct _RECT { ;~ LONG left; ;~ LONG top; ;~ LONG right; ;~ LONG bottom; ;~ } RECT, *PRECT; Local $RECT = DllStructCreate("int;int;int;int") Local $p, $ret If @error Then Return @error EndIf If Not IsHWnd($StatusBar) Then $StatusBar = HWnd($StatusBar) Local $a_ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $StatusBar, "int", $SB_GETRECT, "int", $i_part, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($RECT)) If (Not $a_ret[0]) Then $RECT = 0 Return 0 Else Local $a_rect[5], $x $a_rect[0] = 4 For $x = 1 To 4 $a_rect[$x] = DllStructGetData($RECT, $x) Next $RECT = 0 Return $a_rect EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetRect Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetBorders($StatusBar) Local $borders = DllStructCreate("int;int;int") Local $p, $ret If @error Then Return @error EndIf If Not IsHWnd($StatusBar) Then $StatusBar = HWnd($StatusBar) Local $a_ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $StatusBar, "int", $SB_GETBORDERS, "int", 0, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($borders)) If (Not $a_ret[0]) Then $borders = 0 Return 0 Else Local $a_borders[3], $x For $x = 0 To 2 $a_borders[$x] = DllStructGetData($borders, $x + 1) Next $borders = 0 Return $a_borders EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetBorders Func _ReverseColorOrder($v_color) Local $tc = Hex(String($v_color), 6) Return '0x' & StringMid($tc, 5, 2) & StringMid($tc, 3, 2) & StringMid($tc, 1, 2) EndFunc ;==>_ReverseColorOrder Edited January 17, 2006 by gafrost SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GaryFrost Posted January 17, 2006 Share Posted January 17, 2006 (edited) using unicode characters? expandcollapse popupopt("MustDeclareVars", 1) #include-once #include <GUIConstants.au3> #Include <GuiStatusBar.au3> Local $gui, $StatusBar1, $ret0, $ret1, $msg, $ret2, $retl1, $retcode, $asize[1] Local $a[3] = [100, 350, -1] Local $s[3] = ["New Text", "How about music", "Even More Text"] $gui = GUICreate("StatusBar GUI", 500, -1, -1, -1, $WS_SIZEBOX) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) $StatusBar1 = _GuiCtrlCreateStatusBar ($gui, $a, $s) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($StatusBar1, 1, "shell32.dll", 168) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($StatusBar1, 0, "shell32.dll", 21) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($StatusBar1, 2, "shell32.dll", 24) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $StatusBar1, "int", $SB_SETBKCOLOR, "int", 0, "int", _ReverseColorOrder(0xffff00)) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip($StatusBar1, 0, "Part 1") _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip($StatusBar1, 1, "Part 2") _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip($StatusBar1, 2, "Part 3") _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetMinHeight($StatusBar1, 50) Local $a_rect = _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetRect($StatusBar1, 0) If IsArray($a_rect) Then _ MsgBox(0, "Rect", "Left: " & $a_rect[1] & @LF & _ "Top: " & $a_rect[2] & @LF & _ "Right: " & $a_rect[3] & @LF & _ "Bottom: " & $a_rect[4]) Local $a_borders = _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetBorders($StatusBar1) If IsArray($a_borders) Then _ MsgBox(0, "Borders", "width of the horizontal border: " & $a_rect[0] & @LF & _ "width of the vertical border: " & $a_rect[1] & @LF & _ "width of the border between rectangles: " & $a_rect[2]) If _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetUnicode($StatusBar1) Then _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText($StatusBar1,"using Unicode characters", 1) Else _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText($StatusBar1,"NOT using Unicode characters", 1) EndIf While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_RESIZED _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ($StatusBar1) Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;;;; EndSelect WEnd Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($StatusBar, $i_part, $szIconFile, $iconID) Local $hIcon = DllStructCreate("int") Local $result = DllCall("shell32.dll", "int", "ExtractIconEx", "str", "shell32.dll", "int", $iconID, "hwnd", 0, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($hIcon), "int", 1) $result = $result[0] If $result > 0 Then $result = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $StatusBar, "int", $SB_SETICON, "int", $i_part, "hwnd", DllStructGetData($hIcon, 1)) EndIf DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "DestroyIcon", "hwnd", DllStructGetPtr($hIcon)) $hIcon = 0 Return $result[0] EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip($StatusBar, $i_part, $s_ToolTip) If Not IsHWnd($StatusBar) Then $StatusBar = HWnd($StatusBar) Local $struct = DllStructCreate("char[" & StringLen($s_ToolTip) + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($struct, 1, $s_ToolTip) If @error Then MsgBox(0, "", "Error in DllStructCreate " & @error); SetError(-1) Return -1 EndIf DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $StatusBar, "int", $SB_SETTIPTEXT, "int", $i_part, "int", DllStructGetPtr($struct)) $struct = 0 EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetMinHeight($StatusBar, $i_MinHeight) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $StatusBar, "int", $SB_SETMINHEIGHT, "int", $i_MinHeight, "int", 0) _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ($StatusBar) EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetMinHeight Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetRect($StatusBar, $i_part) ;~ typedef struct _RECT { ;~ LONG left; ;~ LONG top; ;~ LONG right; ;~ LONG bottom; ;~ } RECT, *PRECT; Local $RECT = DllStructCreate("int;int;int;int") Local $p, $ret If @error Then Return @error EndIf If Not IsHWnd($StatusBar) Then $StatusBar = HWnd($StatusBar) Local $a_ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $StatusBar, "int", $SB_GETRECT, "int", $i_part, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($RECT)) If (Not $a_ret[0]) Then $RECT = 0 Return 0 Else Local $a_rect[5], $x $a_rect[0] = 4 For $x = 1 To 4 $a_rect[$x] = DllStructGetData($RECT, $x) Next $RECT = 0 Return $a_rect EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetRect Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetBorders($StatusBar) Local $borders = DllStructCreate("int;int;int") Local $p, $ret If @error Then Return @error EndIf If Not IsHWnd($StatusBar) Then $StatusBar = HWnd($StatusBar) Local $a_ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $StatusBar, "int", $SB_GETBORDERS, "int", 0, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($borders)) If (Not $a_ret[0]) Then $borders = 0 Return 0 Else Local $a_borders[3], $x For $x = 0 To 2 $a_borders[$x] = DllStructGetData($borders, $x + 1) Next $borders = 0 Return $a_borders EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetBorders Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetUnicode($StatusBar) Local $a_ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $StatusBar, "int", $SB_GETUNICODEFORMAT, "int", 0, "int", 0) Return $a_ret[0] EndFunc Func _ReverseColorOrder($v_color) Local $tc = Hex(String($v_color), 6) Return '0x' & StringMid($tc, 5, 2) & StringMid($tc, 3, 2) & StringMid($tc, 1, 2) EndFunc ;==>_ReverseColorOrder expandcollapse popup#include-once #include <Array.au3> #include <guiconstants.au3> ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; AutoIt Version: 3.1.1++ ; Language: English ; Description: Functions that assist with the Statusbar control ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;=== Globals Global $debug = True Global Const $CCS_TOP = 0x1 Global Const $CCS_NOMOVEY = 0x2 Global Const $CCS_BOTTOM = 0x3 Global Const $CCS_NORESIZE = 0x4 Global Const $CCS_NOPARENTALIGN = 0x8 Global Const $CCS_NOHILITE = 0x10 Global Const $CCS_ADJUSTABLE = 0x20 Global Const $CCS_NODIVIDER = 0x40 ;=== Status Bar Styles Global Const $SBARS_SIZEGRIP = 0x100 ;=== uFlags Global Const $SBT_SUNKEN = 0x0;Default Global Const $SBT_NOBORDERS = 0x100;The text is drawn without borders. Global Const $SBT_POPOUT = 0x200; The text is drawn with a border to appear higher than the plane of the window. Global Const $SBT_RTLREADING = 0x400;SB_SETTEXT, SB_SETTEXT, SB_GETTEXTLENGTH flags only: Displays text using right-to-left reading order on Hebrew or Arabic systems. Global Const $SBT_OWNERDRAW = 0x1000;The text is drawn by the parent window. ;=== Messages to send to Statusbar Local Const $WM_USER = 0x400 Global Const $SB_SETTEXT = 0x401 Global Const $SB_GETTEXT = 0x402 Global Const $SB_GETTEXTLENGTH = 0x403 Global Const $SB_SETPARTS = 0x404 Global Const $SB_GETPARTS = 0x406 ;~ Global Const $SB_GETBORDERS = 0x407 Global Const $SB_GETBORDERS = ($WM_USER+7) Global Const $SB_SETMINHEIGHT = 0x408 Global Const $SB_SIMPLE = 0x409 ;~ Global Const $SB_GETRECT = 0x40A Global Const $SB_GETRECT = ($WM_USER+10) Global Const $SB_ISSIMPLE = 0x40E Global Const $LowOrder = 0xFFFF Global Const $SB_SETICON = ($WM_USER+15) Local Const $CCM_FIRST = 0x2000 Local Const $CCM_SETBKCOLOR = ($CCM_FIRST + 1) Global Const $SB_SETBKCOLOR = $CCM_SETBKCOLOR Global Const $SB_SETTIPTEXT = ($WM_USER+16) Global Const $SBT_TOOLTIPS = 0x800 Local Const $CCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT = ($CCM_FIRST + 6) Global Const $SB_GETUNICODEFORMAT = $CCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT ;=== End Globals ;=== function list ;=============================================================================== ;_GuiCtrlCreateStatusBar ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetText ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetTextLength ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetParts ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetParts ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ;********** ToDo ************** ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetBorders ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetMinHeight ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetRect ;_GUICtrlStatusBarSetExtendedStyle ;~ Private Declare Function GetAddrOf Lib "KERNEL32" Alias "MulDiv" (nNumber As Any, Optional ByVal nNumerator As Long = 1, Optional ByVal nDenominator As Long = 1) As Long ;~ ' This is the dummy function used to get the addres of a VB variable. Func AddressOf($v_Variable) ;~ Declare Function VarPtrArray Lib "msvbvm60.dll" Alias "VarPtr" _ ;~ (Var() as Any) As Long Local $pointer $pointer = DllCall("KERNEL32.dll", "long", "MulDiv", "ptr", $v_Variable[0]) ;$pointer =dllcall("msvbvm60.dll","long","VarPtr","long",$v_Variable[0]) If @error Then If $debug Then MsgBox(0, "Error:", "Error:>" & @error & @CRLF) Return 0 Else Return $pointer EndIf EndFunc;==>AddressOf ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlCreateStatusBar ; Parameter(s): $h_Gui Handle to parent window ; $i_Panels Nubmer of panesl to create ; $i_PanelWidth ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Returns hWhnd if successful, or 0 with error set to 1 otherwise. ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlCreateStatusBar($i_Panels,$a_PanelWidth, $s_PanelText) Creates Statusbar. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): rysiora, JdeB, tonedef, ; Gary Frost (, Steve Podhajecki <> ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlCreateStatusBar($h_Gui, $a_PanelWidth, $s_PanelText) If Not IsArray($a_PanelWidth) Then Local $temp_width = $a_PanelWidth Dim $a_PanelWidth[1] = [$temp_width] EndIf If Not IsArray($s_PanelText) Then Local $temp_string = $s_PanelText Dim $s_PanelText[1] = [$temp_string] EndIf If Not IsHWnd($h_Gui) Then $h_Gui = HWnd($h_Gui) Local $hwnd_Bar1, $sta, $ptr, $emsg[6], $x, $retcode $hwnd_Bar1 = DllCall("comctl32.dll", "long", "CreateStatusWindow", "long", BitOR($WS_CHILD, $WS_VISIBLE, $SBT_TOOLTIPS), "str", "", "hwnd", $h_Gui, "int", 0) If Not @error Then $retcode = _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetParts($hwnd_Bar1[0], UBound($a_PanelWidth), $a_PanelWidth) For $x = 0 To UBound($s_PanelText) - 1 _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText($hwnd_Bar1[0], $s_PanelText[$x], $x) Next Return $hwnd_Bar1[0] EndIf SetError(1) Return 0 EndFunc;==> _GuiCtrlCreateStatusBar ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText ; Parameter(s): $h_Bar The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; $s_Data The text to display in the panel ; $i_Panel The panel to hold the text ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): DllCall return value ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText($h_Bar,$s_Data="",$i_Panel=0) Set Statusbar Text. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): rysiora, JdeB, tonedef, ; Gary Frost (, Steve Podhajecki <> ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText($h_Bar, $s_Data = "", $i_Panel = 0) If Not IsHWnd($h_Bar) Then $h_Bar = HWnd($h_Bar) Return DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_Bar, "int", $SB_SETTEXT, "int", $i_Panel, "str", $s_Data) EndFunc;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetText ; Parameter(s): $h_Bar The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; $i_Panel The panel to retreive the text from ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): True on success ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetText($h_Bar,$s_Data="",$i_Panel=0) Gets Statusbar Text. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): rysiora, JdeB, tonedef, ; Gary Frost (, Steve Podhajecki <> ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetText($h_Bar, $i_Panel = 0) ;== there is a built in function to use for this. See help documentation Local $v_Ret If Not IsHWnd($h_Bar) Then $h_Bar = HWnd($h_Bar) $v_Ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_Bar, "int", $SB_GETTEXT, "int", $i_Panel, "strptr", "") Return $v_Ret[4] EndFunc;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetText ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetTextLength ; Parameter(s): $h_Bar The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; $i_Panels Nubmer of the panesl to retrieve length from ; ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Text Length ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetTextLength ($h_Bar,$i_Panel). (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): rysiora, JdeB, tonedef, ; Gary Frost (, Steve Podhajecki <> ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetTextLength($h_Bar, $i_Panel) Local $ret If Not IsHWnd($h_Bar) Then $h_Bar = HWnd($h_Bar) ;GetParts = SendMessage(hStatBar, SB_GETPARTS, 0, ByVal 0) $ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_Bar, "int", $SB_GETTEXTLENGTH, "int", $i_Panel, "int", 0) Return $ret[0] EndFunc;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetTextLength ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetParts ; Parameter(s): $h_Bar The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; $i_Panels Nubmer of panesl to create ; $i_PanelWidth ; ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetParts ($h_Bar,$i_Panels,$i_PanelWidth = 100). (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): rysiora, JdeB, tonedef, ; Gary Frost (, Steve Podhajecki <> ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetParts($h_Bar, $i_Panels, $a_PanelWidth = "") Local $sta, $emsg[6], $ptr, $dll_ret If Not IsHWnd($h_Bar) Then $h_Bar = HWnd($h_Bar) ;=== Set each panel to be same size and assign the last one the remainder If Not IsArray($a_PanelWidth) Then Dim $a_PanelWidth[$i_Panels], $panel, $size, $strPanel, $struct_Panel $size = WinGetClientSize("") For $panel = 0 To $i_Panels - 1 $a_PanelWidth[$panel] = Int(($size[0] / $i_Panels) * $panel + 1) Next $a_PanelWidth[$i_Panels - 1] = -1 EndIf ;== end set sizing $sta = _CreateStuctFromArray($a_PanelWidth, "int") If @error Then Return 0 $emsg[0] = "No Error." $emsg[1] = "Struct not a correct struct returned by DllStructCreate." $emsg[2] = "Element is out of bounds." $emsg[3] = "" $emsg[4] = "" $emsg[5] = "" ;~ $ptr = DllStructGetPtr($sta, 1) ;~ If @error Then ;~ If $debug Then ConsoleWrite("ptr>" & $ptr & @CRLF & "Error:>" & $emsg[@error] & @CRLF) ;~ SetError(1) ;~ Return 0 ;~ EndIf $emsg[0] = "No error." $emsg[1] = "Unable to use the DLL file." $emsg[2] = ' unknown "return type".' $dll_ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_Bar, "int", $SB_SETPARTS, _ "int", $i_Panels, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($sta)) If @error Then If $debug Then ConsoleWrite("DllCall Error:>" & $emsg[@error] & @CRLF) SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf ;== Sometimes this needs to be called in order to update the status bar. _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize($h_Bar) $sta = "" Return -1 EndFunc;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetParts ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetParts ; Parameter(s): $h_Bar The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; ; ; ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBar($h_Bar). (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): rysiora, JdeB, tonedef, ; Gary Frost (, Steve Podhajecki <> ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetParts($h_Bar) If Not IsHWnd($h_Bar) Then $h_Bar = HWnd($h_Bar) ;GetParts = SendMessage(hStatBar, SB_GETPARTS, 0, ByVal 0) Return DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_Bar, "int", $SB_GETPARTS, "int", 0, "int", 0) EndFunc;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetParts ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ; Parameter(s): $h_Bar The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize($h_Bar)Resize Statusbar Text. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): rysiora, JdeB, tonedef, ; Gary Frost (, Steve Podhajecki <> ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize($h_Bar) If Not IsHWnd($h_Bar) Then $h_Bar = HWnd($h_Bar) Return DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "MoveWindow", "hwnd", $h_Bar, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0) EndFunc;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: CreateStructFromArray ; Parameter(s): $a_Variable array to create struct with ; $structType, the SINGLE type of struct to create. ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): ; User CallTip: _CreateStructFromArray ; Author(s): ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _CreateStuctFromArray($a_Variable, $structType) If Not IsArray($a_Variable) Then SetError(1) Return EndIf Local $a_ctr, $strVar, $struct, $emsg[6] For $a_ctr = 0 To UBound($a_Variable) - 1 $strVar &= $structType & ";" Next $strVar = StringTrimRight($strVar, 1) $emsg[0] = "No Error." $emsg[1] = "Variable passed to DllStructCreate was not a string." $emsg[2] = "There is an unknown Data Type in the string passed. " $emsg[3] = "Failed to allocate the memory needed for the struct, or Pointer = 0." $emsg[4] = "Error allocating memory for the passed string." $emsg[5] = "" $struct = DllStructCreate($strVar) If @error Then If $debug Then MsgBox(0, "Error:", "Error:>" & $emsg[@error] & @CRLF) SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf $emsg[0] = 'No Error. ' $emsg[1] = 'Struct not a correct struct returned by DllStructCreate.' $emsg[2] = 'Element value out of range. ' $emsg[3] = 'index would be outside of the struct.' $emsg[4] = 'Element data type is unknown' $emsg[5] = 'index < 0.' For $a_ctr = 0 To UBound($a_Variable) - 1 DllStructSetData($struct, ($a_ctr) + 1, $a_Variable[$a_ctr]) If @error Then If $debug Then ConsoleWrite("Set>" & $a_ctr & @CRLF & "Error:>" & $emsg[@error] & @CRLF) SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf Next Return $struct EndFunc;==>_CreateStuctFromArray Edited January 17, 2006 by gafrost SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GaryFrost Posted January 17, 2006 Share Posted January 17, 2006 Local Const $CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT = ($CCM_FIRST + 5) Global Const $SB_SETUNICODEFORMAT = $CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetUnicode($StatusBar1, False) If _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetUnicode($StatusBar1) Then _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText($StatusBar1,"using Unicode characters", 1) Else _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText($StatusBar1,"NOT using Unicode characters", 1) EndIf Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetUnicode($StatusBar, $b_Unicode=True) Local $a_ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $StatusBar, "int", $SB_SETUNICODEFORMAT, "int", $b_Unicode, "int", 0) Return $a_ret[0] EndFunc SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GaryFrost Posted January 17, 2006 Share Posted January 17, 2006 (edited) switching between multipart status and simple expandcollapse popupopt("MustDeclareVars", 1) #include <GUIConstants.au3> #Include <GuiStatusBar.au3> Local Const $CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT = ($CCM_FIRST + 5) Global Const $SB_SETUNICODEFORMAT = $CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT Local $gui, $StatusBar1, $ret0, $ret1, $msg, $ret2, $retl1, $retcode, $asize[1] Local $a[3] = [100, 350, -1] Local $s[3] = ["New Text", "How about music", "Even More Text"] $gui = GUICreate("StatusBar GUI", 500, -1, -1, -1, $WS_SIZEBOX) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) $StatusBar1 = _GuiCtrlCreateStatusBar ($gui, $a, $s) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($StatusBar1, 1, "shell32.dll", 168) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($StatusBar1, 0, "shell32.dll", 21) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($StatusBar1, 2, "shell32.dll", 24) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $StatusBar1, "int", $SB_SETBKCOLOR, "int", 0, "int", _ReverseColorOrder(0xffff00)) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip($StatusBar1, 0, "Part 1") _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip($StatusBar1, 1, "Part 2") _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip($StatusBar1, 2, "Part 3") _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetMinHeight($StatusBar1, 50) Local $a_rect = _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetRect($StatusBar1, 0) If IsArray($a_rect) Then _ MsgBox(0, "Rect", "Left: " & $a_rect[1] & @LF & _ "Top: " & $a_rect[2] & @LF & _ "Right: " & $a_rect[3] & @LF & _ "Bottom: " & $a_rect[4]) Local $a_borders = _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetBorders($StatusBar1) If IsArray($a_borders) Then _ MsgBox(0, "Borders", "width of the horizontal border: " & $a_rect[0] & @LF & _ "width of the vertical border: " & $a_rect[1] & @LF & _ "width of the border between rectangles: " & $a_rect[2]) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetUnicode($StatusBar1, False) If _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetUnicode($StatusBar1) Then _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText ($StatusBar1, "using Unicode characters", 1) Else _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText ($StatusBar1, "NOT using Unicode characters", 1) EndIf _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetSimple($StatusBar1) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText ($StatusBar1, "simple mode", 255) _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ($StatusBar1) Sleep(3000) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetSimple($StatusBar1, False) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_RESIZED _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ($StatusBar1) Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;;;; EndSelect WEnd Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($StatusBar, $i_part, $szIconFile, $iconID) Local $hIcon = DllStructCreate("int") Local $result = DllCall("shell32.dll", "int", "ExtractIconEx", "str", "shell32.dll", "int", $iconID, "hwnd", 0, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($hIcon), "int", 1) $result = $result[0] If $result > 0 Then $result = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $StatusBar, "int", $SB_SETICON, "int", $i_part, "hwnd", DllStructGetData($hIcon, 1)) EndIf DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "DestroyIcon", "hwnd", DllStructGetPtr($hIcon)) $hIcon = 0 Return $result[0] EndFunc;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip($StatusBar, $i_part, $s_ToolTip) If Not IsHWnd($StatusBar) Then $StatusBar = HWnd($StatusBar) Local $struct = DllStructCreate("char[" & StringLen($s_ToolTip) + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($struct, 1, $s_ToolTip) If @error Then MsgBox(0, "", "Error in DllStructCreate " & @error); SetError(-1) Return -1 EndIf DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $StatusBar, "int", $SB_SETTIPTEXT, "int", $i_part, "int", DllStructGetPtr($struct)) $struct = 0 EndFunc;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetMinHeight($StatusBar, $i_MinHeight) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $StatusBar, "int", $SB_SETMINHEIGHT, "int", $i_MinHeight, "int", 0) _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ($StatusBar) EndFunc;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetMinHeight Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetRect($StatusBar, $i_part) ;~ typedef struct _RECT { ;~ LONG left; ;~ LONG top; ;~ LONG right; ;~ LONG bottom; ;~ } RECT, *PRECT; Local $RECT = DllStructCreate("int;int;int;int") Local $p, $ret If @error Then Return @error EndIf If Not IsHWnd($StatusBar) Then $StatusBar = HWnd($StatusBar) Local $a_ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $StatusBar, "int", $SB_GETRECT, "int", $i_part, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($RECT)) If (Not $a_ret[0]) Then $RECT = 0 Return 0 Else Local $a_rect[5], $x $a_rect[0] = 4 For $x = 1 To 4 $a_rect[$x] = DllStructGetData($RECT, $x) Next $RECT = 0 Return $a_rect EndIf EndFunc;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetRect Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetBorders($StatusBar) Local $borders = DllStructCreate("int;int;int") Local $p, $ret If @error Then Return @error EndIf If Not IsHWnd($StatusBar) Then $StatusBar = HWnd($StatusBar) Local $a_ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $StatusBar, "int", $SB_GETBORDERS, "int", 0, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($borders)) If (Not $a_ret[0]) Then $borders = 0 Return 0 Else Local $a_borders[3], $x For $x = 0 To 2 $a_borders[$x] = DllStructGetData($borders, $x + 1) Next $borders = 0 Return $a_borders EndIf EndFunc;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetBorders Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetUnicode($StatusBar) Local $a_ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $StatusBar, "int", $SB_GETUNICODEFORMAT, "int", 0, "int", 0) Return $a_ret[0] EndFunc;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetUnicode Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetUnicode($StatusBar, $b_Unicode = True) Local $a_ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $StatusBar, "int", $SB_SETUNICODEFORMAT, "int", $b_Unicode, "int", 0) Return $a_ret[0] EndFunc;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetUnicode Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetSimple($StatusBar, $b_Simple = True) Local $a_ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $StatusBar, "int", $SB_SIMPLE, "int", $b_Simple, "int", 0) Return $a_ret[0] EndFunc;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetSimple Func _ReverseColorOrder($v_color) Local $tc = Hex(String($v_color), 6) Return '0x' & StringMid($tc, 5, 2) & StringMid($tc, 3, 2) & StringMid($tc, 1, 2) EndFunc;==>_ReverseColorOrder Edited January 17, 2006 by gafrost SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tonedeaf Posted January 17, 2006 Share Posted January 17, 2006 (edited) Nice work Gary! I vote for the Status Bar UDF to be included with the next Beta version. Edited January 17, 2006 by tonedeaf Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GaryFrost Posted January 17, 2006 Share Posted January 17, 2006 (edited) Need those involved to look over the include file, make sure I have the Author(s) correct See and type-o's or bugs let me know. Then I'll start creating the templates and examples for the help expandcollapse popup#include-once #include <Array.au3> #include <guiconstants.au3> ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; AutoIt Version: 3.1.1++ ; Language: English ; Description: Functions that assist with the Statusbar control ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;=== Globals Global $debug = True Global Const $CCS_TOP = 0x1 Global Const $CCS_NOMOVEY = 0x2 Global Const $CCS_BOTTOM = 0x3 Global Const $CCS_NORESIZE = 0x4 Global Const $CCS_NOPARENTALIGN = 0x8 Global Const $CCS_NOHILITE = 0x10 Global Const $CCS_ADJUSTABLE = 0x20 Global Const $CCS_NODIVIDER = 0x40 ;=== Status Bar Styles Global Const $SBARS_SIZEGRIP = 0x100 ;=== uFlags Global Const $SBT_SUNKEN = 0x0;Default Global Const $SBT_NOBORDERS = 0x100;The text is drawn without borders. Global Const $SBT_POPOUT = 0x200; The text is drawn with a border to appear higher than the plane of the window. Global Const $SBT_RTLREADING = 0x400;SB_SETTEXT, SB_SETTEXT, SB_GETTEXTLENGTH flags only: Displays text using right-to-left reading order on Hebrew or Arabic systems. Global Const $SBT_OWNERDRAW = 0x1000;The text is drawn by the parent window. ;=== Messages to send to Statusbar Global Const $SB_SETTEXT = 0x401 Global Const $SB_GETTEXT = 0x402 Global Const $SB_GETTEXTLENGTH = 0x403 Global Const $SB_SETPARTS = 0x404 Global Const $SB_GETPARTS = 0x406 Global Const $SB_GETBORDERS = (0x400 + 7) Global Const $SB_SETMINHEIGHT = 0x408 Global Const $SB_SIMPLE = 0x409 Global Const $SB_GETRECT = (0x400 + 10) Global Const $SB_ISSIMPLE = 0x40E Global Const $LowOrder = 0xFFFF Global Const $SB_SETICON = (0x400 + 15) Global Const $SB_SETBKCOLOR = (0x2000 + 1) Global Const $SB_SETTIPTEXT = (0x400 + 16) Global Const $SBT_TOOLTIPS = 0x800 Global Const $SB_GETUNICODEFORMAT = (0x2000 + 6) Global Const $SB_SETUNICODEFORMAT = (0x2000 + 5) ;=== End Globals ;=== function list ;=============================================================================== ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarCreate ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetBorders ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetParts ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetRect ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetText ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetTextLength ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetUnicode ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetMinHeight ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetParts ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetSimple ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetUnicode ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip ;********** ToDo ************** ;_GUICtrlStatusBarSetExtendedStyle ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarCreate ; Parameter(s): $h_Gui - Handle to parent window ; $i_PanelWidth - width of panel or panels (for more than 1 panel pass in zero based array) ; $s_PanelText - text of panel or panels (for more than 1 panel pass in zero based array) ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Returns hWhnd if successful, or 0 with error set to 1 otherwise. ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarCreate($h_Gui, $a_PanelWidth, $s_PanelText) Creates Statusbar. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): rysiora, JdeB, tonedef, ; gafrost (Gary Frost (, Steve Podhajecki <> ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarCreate($h_Gui, $a_PanelWidth, $s_PanelText) If Not IsArray($a_PanelWidth) Then Local $temp_width = $a_PanelWidth Dim $a_PanelWidth[1] = [$temp_width] EndIf If Not IsArray($s_PanelText) Then Local $temp_string = $s_PanelText Dim $s_PanelText[1] = [$temp_string] EndIf If Not IsHWnd($h_Gui) Then $h_Gui = HWnd($h_Gui) Local $hwnd_Bar1, $sta, $ptr, $emsg[6], $x, $retcode $hwnd_Bar1 = DllCall("comctl32.dll", "long", "CreateStatusWindow", "long", BitOR($WS_CHILD, $WS_VISIBLE, $SBT_TOOLTIPS), "str", "", "hwnd", $h_Gui, "int", 0) If Not @error Then $retcode = _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetParts($hwnd_Bar1[0], UBound($a_PanelWidth), $a_PanelWidth) For $x = 0 To UBound($s_PanelText) - 1 _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText($hwnd_Bar1[0], $s_PanelText[$x], $x) Next Return $hwnd_Bar1[0] EndIf SetError(1) Return 0 EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarCreate ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetBorders ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - Handle to statusbar ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Returns zero based array ; 0 - width of the horizontal border ; 1 - width of the vertical border ; 2 - width of the border between rectangles ; or zero otherwise. ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetBorders($h_StatusBar) Gets width of borders. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): gafrost (Gary Frost ( ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetBorders($h_StatusBar) Local $borders = DllStructCreate("int;int;int") Local $p, $ret If @error Then Return 0 EndIf If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) Local $a_ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", $SB_GETBORDERS, "int", 0, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($borders)) If (Not $a_ret[0]) Then $borders = 0 Return 0 Else Local $a_borders[3], $x For $x = 0 To 2 $a_borders[$x] = DllStructGetData($borders, $x + 1) Next $borders = 0 Return $a_borders EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetBorders ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetParts ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; ; ; ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Returns the number of parts in the window. ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBar($h_StatusBar) Retrieves a count of the parts in a status window. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): eltorro, gafrost (Gary Frost ( ; ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetParts($h_StatusBar) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) Local $ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", $SB_GETPARTS, "int", 0, "int", 0) Return $ret[0] EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetParts ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetRect ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - Handle to statusbar ; $i_part - Nubmer of panesl ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Returns zero based array ; 0 - Left ; 1 - Top ; 2 - Right ; 3 - Bottom ; zero otherwise. ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetRect($StatusBar, $i_part) Retrieves the bounding rectangle of a part in a status window. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): gafrost (Gary Frost ( ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetRect($h_StatusBar, $i_part) ;~ typedef struct _RECT { ;~ LONG left; ;~ LONG top; ;~ LONG right; ;~ LONG bottom; ;~ } RECT, *PRECT; Local $RECT = DllStructCreate("int;int;int;int") If @error Then Return 0 EndIf If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) Local $a_ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", $SB_GETRECT, "int", $i_part, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($RECT)) If (Not $a_ret[0]) Then $RECT = 0 Return 0 Else Local $a_rect[4], $x For $x = 0 To 3 $a_rect[$x] = DllStructGetData($RECT, $x + 1) Next $RECT = 0 Return $a_rect EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetRect ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetText ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; $i_Panel - The panel to retreive the text from ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Text from panel ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetText($h_StatusBar[,$i_Panel=0]) Gets Statusbar Text. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): tonedef, gafrost (Gary Frost (, Steve Podhajecki <> ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetText($h_StatusBar, $i_Panel = 0) ;== there is a built in function to use for this. See help documentation Local $v_Ret If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) $v_Ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", $SB_GETTEXT, "int", $i_Panel, "strptr", "") Return $v_Ret[4] EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetText ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetTextLength ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; $i_Panel - Nubmer of the panesl to retrieve length from ; ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Text Length ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetTextLength ($h_StatusBar, $i_Panel) Retrieves the length, in characters, of the text from the specified part of a status window. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): Steve Podhajecki <>, gafrost (Gary Frost ( ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetTextLength($h_StatusBar, $i_Panel) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) Local $ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", $SB_GETTEXTLENGTH, "int", $i_Panel, "int", 0) Return $ret[0] EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetTextLength ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetUnicode ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): If this value is nonzero, the control is using Unicode characters. ; If this value is zero, the control is using ANSI characters ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetUnicode ($h_StatusBar) Retrieves the Unicode character format flag for the control. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): gafrost (Gary Frost ( ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetUnicode($h_StatusBar) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) Local $a_ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", $SB_GETUNICODEFORMAT, "int", 0, "int", 0) Return $a_ret[0] EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetUnicode ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero, otherwise zero. ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize($h_StatusBar) Resize Statusbar. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): Steve Podhajecki <> ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize($h_StatusBar) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) Local $ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "MoveWindow", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0) Return $ret[0] EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetBKColor ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - Handle to statusbar ; $v_HexRGB - Hex RGB color to set Status Bar background ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Returns the previous background color ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetBKColor($h_StatusBar, $v_HexRGB) Sets the background color in a status bar. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): gafrost (Gary Frost ( ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetBKColor($h_StatusBar, $v_HexRGB) Local $tc = Hex(String($v_HexRGB), 6) Local $ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", $SB_SETBKCOLOR, "int", 0, "int", '0x' & StringMid($tc, 5, 2) & StringMid($tc, 3, 2) & StringMid($tc, 1, 2)) $tc = Hex(String($ret[0]), 6) Return '0x' & StringMid($tc, 5, 2) & StringMid($tc, 3, 2) & StringMid($tc, 1, 2) EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetBKColor ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - Handle to statusbar ; $i_part - Nubmer of panesl to add icon too ; $s_IconFile - file to extract icon from ; $i_iconID - id of the icon ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Returns nonzero if successful, or zero otherwise. ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($StatusBar, $i_part, $szIconFile, $iconID) Sets an Icon in the Panel. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): gafrost (Gary Frost ( ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($h_StatusBar, $i_part, $s_IconFile, $i_iconID) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) Local $hIcon = DllStructCreate("int") Local $result = DllCall("shell32.dll", "int", "ExtractIconEx", "str", $s_IconFile, "int", $i_iconID, "hwnd", 0, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($hIcon), "int", 1) $result = $result[0] If $result > 0 Then $result = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", $SB_SETICON, "int", $i_part, "hwnd", DllStructGetData($hIcon, 1)) EndIf DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "DestroyIcon", "hwnd", DllStructGetPtr($hIcon)) $hIcon = 0 Return $result[0] EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetMinHeight ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - Handle to statusbar ; $i_MinHeight - Minimum height, in pixels, of the window ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): None ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetMinHeight($h_StatusBar, $i_MinHeight) Sets the minimum height of a status window's drawing area. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): gafrost (Gary Frost ( ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetMinHeight($h_StatusBar, $i_MinHeight) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", $SB_SETMINHEIGHT, "int", $i_MinHeight, "int", 0) _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize($h_StatusBar) EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetMinHeight ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetParts ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; $i_Panels - Nubmer of panesl to create ; $i_PanelWidth - width of panel(s) (Default: 100) ; ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): 1 if successfull, otherwise zero ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetParts ($h_StatusBar, $i_Panels[, $i_PanelWidth = 100]). (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): tonedef, gafrost (Gary Frost (, Steve Podhajecki <> ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetParts($h_StatusBar, $i_Panels, $a_PanelWidth = 100) Local $sta, $emsg[6], $dll_ret If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) ;=== Set each panel to be same size and assign the last one the remainder If Not IsArray($a_PanelWidth) Then Dim $a_PanelWidth[$i_Panels], $panel, $size, $strPanel, $struct_Panel $size = WinGetClientSize("") For $panel = 0 To $i_Panels - 1 $a_PanelWidth[$panel] = Int(($size[0] / $i_Panels) * $panel + 1) Next $a_PanelWidth[$i_Panels - 1] = -1 EndIf ;== end set sizing $sta = _CreateStuctFromArray($a_PanelWidth, "int") If @error Then Return 0 $emsg[0] = "No error." $emsg[1] = "Unable to use the DLL file." $emsg[2] = ' unknown "return type".' $dll_ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", $SB_SETPARTS, _ "int", $i_Panels, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($sta)) If @error Then If $debug Then ConsoleWrite("DllCall Error:>" & $emsg[@error] & @CRLF) SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf ;== Sometimes this needs to be called in order to update the status bar. _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize($h_StatusBar) $sta = "" Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetParts ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetSimple ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - Handle to statusbar ; $b_Simple - Display type flag. ; If this parameter is TRUE, the window displays simple text. (Default) ; If it is FALSE, it displays multiple parts ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): None ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetMinHeight($h_StatusBar[, $b_Simple = True]) Specifies whether a status window displays simple text or displays all window parts. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): gafrost (Gary Frost ( ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetSimple($h_StatusBar, $b_Simple = True) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", $SB_SIMPLE, "int", $b_Simple, "int", 0) EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetSimple ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; $s_Data - The text to display in the panel ; $i_Panel - The panel to hold the text (Default: 0) ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE otherwise. ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText($h_StatusBar[, $s_Data = ""[, $i_Panel = 0]]) Set Statusbar Text. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): rysiora, JdeB, tonedef, ; gafrost (Gary Frost ( ; Note(s): Set $i_Panel to 255 for simple statusbar ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText($h_StatusBar, $s_Data = "", $i_Panel = 0) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) Local $ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", $SB_SETTEXT, "int", $i_Panel, "str", $s_Data) Return $ret[0] EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetUnicode ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - Handle to statusbar ; $b_Unicode - Determines the character set that is used by the control. ; If this value is TRUE, the control will use Unicode characters. (Default) ; If this value is FALSE, the control will use ANSI characters. ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Returns the previous Unicode format flag for the control ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetUnicode($h_StatusBar[, $b_Unicode = True[) Sets the Unicode character format flag for the control. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): gafrost (Gary Frost ( ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetUnicode($h_StatusBar, $b_Unicode = True) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) Local $a_ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", $SB_SETUNICODEFORMAT, "int", $b_Unicode, "int", 0) Return $a_ret[0] EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetUnicode ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - Handle to statusbar ; $i_part - Zero-based index of the part that will receive the ToolTip text ; $s_ToolTip - new ToolTip text ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): None ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip($h_StatusBar, $i_part, $s_ToolTip) Sets the ToolTip text for a part in a status bar. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): gafrost (Gary Frost ( ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip($h_StatusBar, $i_part, $s_ToolTip) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) Local $struct = DllStructCreate("char[" & StringLen($s_ToolTip) + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($struct, 1, $s_ToolTip) If @error Then SetError(-1) Return EndIf DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", $SB_SETTIPTEXT, "int", $i_part, "int", DllStructGetPtr($struct)) $struct = 0 EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip ;=============================================================================== ; Helper functions ;=============================================================================== ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: CreateStructFromArray ; Parameter(s): $a_Variable array to create struct with ; $structType, the SINGLE type of struct to create. ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): ; User CallTip: _CreateStructFromArray ; Author(s): ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _CreateStuctFromArray($a_Variable, $structType) If Not IsArray($a_Variable) Then SetError(1) Return EndIf Local $a_ctr, $strVar, $struct, $emsg[6] For $a_ctr = 0 To UBound($a_Variable) - 1 $strVar &= $structType & ";" Next $strVar = StringTrimRight($strVar, 1) $emsg[0] = "No Error." $emsg[1] = "Variable passed to DllStructCreate was not a string." $emsg[2] = "There is an unknown Data Type in the string passed. " $emsg[3] = "Failed to allocate the memory needed for the struct, or Pointer = 0." $emsg[4] = "Error allocating memory for the passed string." $emsg[5] = "" $struct = DllStructCreate($strVar) If @error Then If $debug Then MsgBox(0, "Error:", "Error:>" & $emsg[@error] & @CRLF) SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf $emsg[0] = 'No Error. ' $emsg[1] = 'Struct not a correct struct returned by DllStructCreate.' $emsg[2] = 'Element value out of range. ' $emsg[3] = 'index would be outside of the struct.' $emsg[4] = 'Element data type is unknown' $emsg[5] = 'index < 0.' For $a_ctr = 0 To UBound($a_Variable) - 1 DllStructSetData($struct, ($a_ctr) + 1, $a_Variable[$a_ctr]) If @error Then If $debug Then ConsoleWrite("Set>" & $a_ctr & @CRLF & "Error:>" & $emsg[@error] & @CRLF) SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf Next Return $struct EndFunc ;==>_CreateStuctFromArray Edited January 17, 2006 by gafrost SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LondonNDIB Posted January 17, 2006 Share Posted January 17, 2006 Hi. Just did a search and found this promising thread. Bit of a noobie Q... do I have this right? 1) Copy gafrost's latest posted UDF code and paste into new .au3 file 2) Save file into Includes folder (eg. GUIStatus.au3) 3) Call UDF from my script like any other include? (eg. #Include <GuiStatus.au3> Thanks LD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GaryFrost Posted January 17, 2006 Share Posted January 17, 2006 Hi. Just did a search and found this promising thread. Bit of a noobie Q... do I have this right?1) Copy gafrost's latest posted UDF code and paste into new .au3 file2) Save file into Includes folder (eg. GUIStatus.au3)3) Call UDF from my script like any other include? (eg. #Include <GuiStatus.au3>ThanksLD 1. Yes2. Save it to GuiStatusBar.au33. #include <GuiStatusBar.au3> SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LondonNDIB Posted January 17, 2006 Share Posted January 17, 2006 (edited) Thanks! Got it to work!Simple (possible) typo I found:Line 82: Should read $a_PanelWidth instead of $i_PanelWidth (to be consistant between Parameters comment and actual usage) Edited January 17, 2006 by LondonNDIB Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LondonNDIB Posted January 17, 2006 Share Posted January 17, 2006 Another (again, just in the comments) Line 402: Should read "_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetSimple" instead of "_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetMinHeight" LD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eltorro Posted January 17, 2006 Share Posted January 17, 2006 (edited) Here's another one. (func to add) ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetTipText ; Parameter(s): $h_Bar The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; $i_Panel The panel to retreive the text from ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): True on success ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetTipText($h_Bar,$i_Panel=0) Gets Statusbar TipText. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): ; Steve Podhajecki <> ; Note(s): The status bar must be created with the SBT_TOOLTIPS style to enable ToolTips. ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetTipText($h_Bar, $i_Panel = 0) Local $v_Ret,$strBuff, $wParam If Not IsHWnd($h_Bar) Then $h_Bar = HWnd($h_Bar) $strBuff = DllStructCreate("char[255]") $wParam = ((DllStructGetSize($str) * 0x10000) + $i_Panel) $v_Ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_Bar, "int", $SB_GETTIPTEXT, _ "long", $wParam, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($strBuff)) Return StringStripWS(DllStructGetData($strBuff,1),7);strip leading, trailing, and double ws. EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetTipText and this one.;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetIcon ; Parameter(s): $h_Bar The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; $i_Panel The panel to hold the text ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): return hwnd or 0 ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetIcon($h_Bar,$i_Panel=0) Gets Statusbar panel Icon. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): Steve Podhajecki <> ; Note(s): program is responsible for destroying icon. ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetIcon($h_Bar, $i_Panel) if Not IsHWnd($h_Bar) Then $h_Bar = HWnd($h_Bar) Return DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_Bar, "int", $SB_GETICON, "int", $i_Panel, "int", 0) EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetIcon Edited January 17, 2006 by eltorro Regards, [indent]ElTorro[/indent][font="Book"] Decide, Commit, Achieve[/font]_ConfigIO.au3Language Translation --uses Google(tm) MsgBox Move XML wrapper UDF XML2TreeView Zip functionality Split your GUI Save Print ScreenZipPluginEdit In Place listviewSome of my scripts on Google code Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GaryFrost Posted January 17, 2006 Share Posted January 17, 2006 (edited) Updated expandcollapse popup#include-once #include <Array.au3> #include <guiconstants.au3> ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; AutoIt Version: 3.1.1++ ; Language: English ; Description: Functions that assist with the Statusbar control ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;=== Globals Global $debug = True Global Const $CCS_TOP = 0x1 Global Const $CCS_NOMOVEY = 0x2 Global Const $CCS_BOTTOM = 0x3 Global Const $CCS_NORESIZE = 0x4 Global Const $CCS_NOPARENTALIGN = 0x8 Global Const $CCS_NOHILITE = 0x10 Global Const $CCS_ADJUSTABLE = 0x20 Global Const $CCS_NODIVIDER = 0x40 ;=== Status Bar Styles Global Const $SBARS_SIZEGRIP = 0x100 Global Const $SBT_TOOLTIPS = 0x800 ;=== uFlags Global Const $SBT_SUNKEN = 0x0;Default Global Const $SBT_NOBORDERS = 0x100;The text is drawn without borders. Global Const $SBT_POPOUT = 0x200; The text is drawn with a border to appear higher than the plane of the window. Global Const $SBT_RTLREADING = 0x400;SB_SETTEXT, SB_SETTEXT, SB_GETTEXTLENGTH flags only: Displays text using right-to-left reading order on Hebrew or Arabic systems. Global Const $SBT_OWNERDRAW = 0x1000;The text is drawn by the parent window. ;=== Messages to send to Statusbar Global Const $SB_GETPARTS = 0x406 Global Const $SB_GETBORDERS = (0x400 + 7) Global Const $SB_GETICON = (0x400 + 20) Global Const $SB_GETRECT = (0x400 + 10) Global Const $SB_GETTEXT = 0x402 Global Const $SB_GETTEXTLENGTH = 0x403 Global Const $SB_GETTIPTEXT = (0x400 + 18) Global Const $SB_GETUNICODEFORMAT = (0x2000 + 6) Global Const $SB_SETBKCOLOR = (0x2000 + 1) Global Const $SB_SETICON = (0x400 + 15) Global Const $SB_SETMINHEIGHT = 0x408 Global Const $SB_SETPARTS = 0x404 Global Const $SB_SETTEXT = 0x401 Global Const $SB_SETTIPTEXT = (0x400 + 16) Global Const $SB_SETUNICODEFORMAT = (0x2000 + 5) Global Const $SB_SIMPLE = 0x409 Global Const $SB_ISSIMPLE = 0x40E Global Const $LowOrder = 0xFFFF ;=== End Globals ;=== function list ;=============================================================================== ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarCreate ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetBorders ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetIcon ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetParts ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetRect ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetText ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetTextLength ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetTipText ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetUnicode ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetBKColor ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetMinHeight ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetParts ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetSimple ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip ;_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetUnicode ;**********Helper************** ;_CreateStructFromArray ;********** ToDo ************** ;_GUICtrlStatusBarSetExtendedStyle ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarCreate ; Parameter(s): $h_Gui - Handle to parent window ; $a_PanelWidth - width of panel or panels (for more than 1 panel pass in zero based array) ; $s_PanelText - text of panel or panels (for more than 1 panel pass in zero based array) ; $v_styles - styles to apply to the status bar (Optional) for multiple styles bitor them. ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Returns hWhnd if successful, or 0 with error set to 1 otherwise. ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarCreate($h_Gui, $a_PanelWidth, $s_PanelText[, $v_styles = ""]) Creates Statusbar. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): rysiora, JdeB, tonedef, ; gafrost (Gary Frost (, Steve Podhajecki <> ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarCreate($h_Gui, $a_PanelWidth, $s_PanelText, $v_styles = "") If Not IsArray($a_PanelWidth) Then Local $temp_width = $a_PanelWidth Dim $a_PanelWidth[1] = [$temp_width] EndIf If Not IsArray($s_PanelText) Then Local $temp_string = $s_PanelText Dim $s_PanelText[1] = [$temp_string] EndIf If Not IsHWnd($h_Gui) Then $h_Gui = HWnd($h_Gui) Local $hwnd_Bar1, $sta, $ptr, $emsg[6], $x, $retcode Local $style = BitOR($WS_CHILD, $WS_VISIBLE) If @NumParams = 4 Then $style = BitOR($style, $v_styles) $hwnd_Bar1 = DllCall("comctl32.dll", "long", "CreateStatusWindow", "long", $style, "str", "", "hwnd", $h_Gui, "int", 0) If Not @error Then $retcode = _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetParts($hwnd_Bar1[0], UBound($a_PanelWidth), $a_PanelWidth) For $x = 0 To UBound($s_PanelText) - 1 _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText($hwnd_Bar1[0], $s_PanelText[$x], $x) Next Return $hwnd_Bar1[0] EndIf SetError(1) Return 0 EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarCreate ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetBorders ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - Handle to statusbar ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Returns zero based array ; 0 - width of the horizontal border ; 1 - width of the vertical border ; 2 - width of the border between rectangles ; or zero otherwise. ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetBorders($h_StatusBar) Gets width of borders. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): gafrost (Gary Frost ( ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetBorders($h_StatusBar) Local $borders = DllStructCreate("int;int;int") Local $p, $ret If @error Then Return 0 EndIf If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) Local $a_ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", $SB_GETBORDERS, "int", 0, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($borders)) If (Not $a_ret[0]) Then $borders = 0 Return 0 Else Local $a_borders[3], $x For $x = 0 To 2 $a_borders[$x] = DllStructGetData($borders, $x + 1) Next $borders = 0 Return $a_borders EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetBorders ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetIcon ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; $i_Panel - The panel to hold the text ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): return hwnd or 0 ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetIcon($h_StatusBar[, $i_Panel=0]) Gets Statusbar panel Icon. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): Steve Podhajecki <>, gafrost (Gary Frost ( ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetIcon($h_StatusBar, $i_Panel) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) Local $ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", $SB_GETICON, "int", $i_Panel, "int", 0) If IsArray($ret) Then Return $ret[0] EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetIcon ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetParts ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Returns the number of parts in the window. ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBar($h_StatusBar) Retrieves a count of the parts in a status window. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): Steve Podhajecki <>, gafrost (Gary Frost ( ; ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetParts($h_StatusBar) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) Local $ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", $SB_GETPARTS, "int", 0, "int", 0) If IsArray($ret) Then Return $ret[0] EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetParts ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetRect ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - Handle to statusbar ; $i_part - Nubmer of panesl ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Returns zero based array ; 0 - Left ; 1 - Top ; 2 - Right ; 3 - Bottom ; zero otherwise. ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetRect($StatusBar, $i_part) Retrieves the bounding rectangle of a part in a status window. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): gafrost (Gary Frost ( ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetRect($h_StatusBar, $i_part) ;~ typedef struct _RECT { ;~ LONG left; ;~ LONG top; ;~ LONG right; ;~ LONG bottom; ;~ } RECT, *PRECT; Local $RECT = DllStructCreate("int;int;int;int") If @error Then Return 0 EndIf If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) Local $a_ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", $SB_GETRECT, "int", $i_part, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($RECT)) If IsArray($a_ret) Then If (Not $a_ret[0]) Then $RECT = 0 Return 0 Else Local $a_rect[4], $x For $x = 0 To 3 $a_rect[$x] = DllStructGetData($RECT, $x + 1) Next $RECT = 0 Return $a_rect EndIf Else $RECT = 0 Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetRect ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetText ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; $i_Panel - The panel to retreive the text from ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Text from panel ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetText($h_StatusBar[,$i_Panel=0]) Gets Statusbar Text. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): tonedef, gafrost (Gary Frost (, Steve Podhajecki <> ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetText($h_StatusBar, $i_Panel = 0) ;== there is a built in function to use for this. See help documentation Local $v_Ret If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) $v_Ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", $SB_GETTEXT, "int", $i_Panel, "strptr", "") If IsArray($v_Ret) Then Return $v_Ret[4] Else Return "" EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetText ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetTextLength ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; $i_Panel - Nubmer of the panesl to retrieve length from ; ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Text Length ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetTextLength ($h_StatusBar, $i_Panel) Retrieves the length, in characters, of the text from the specified part of a status window. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): Steve Podhajecki <>, gafrost (Gary Frost ( ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetTextLength($h_StatusBar, $i_Panel) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) Local $ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", $SB_GETTEXTLENGTH, "int", $i_Panel, "int", 0) If IsArray($ret) Then Return $ret[0] Else Return -1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetTextLength ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetTipText ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; $i_Panel The panel to retreive the text from ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Tip Text, on error empty string ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetTipText($h_StatusBar[, $i_Panel=0]) Gets Statusbar TipText. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): Steve Podhajecki <>, , gafrost (Gary Frost ( ; Note(s): The status bar must be created with the SBT_TOOLTIPS style to enable ToolTips. ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetTipText($h_StatusBar, $i_Panel = 0) Local $v_Ret, $strBuff, $wParam If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) $strBuff = DllStructCreate("char[255]") $wParam = ((DllStructGetSize($strBuff) * 0x10000) + $i_Panel) $v_Ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", $SB_GETTIPTEXT, _ "long", $wParam, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($strBuff)) If IsArray($v_Ret) Then Return StringStripWS(DllStructGetData($strBuff, 1), 7);strip leading, trailing, and double ws. Else SetError(1) Return "" EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetTipText ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetUnicode ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): If this value is nonzero, the control is using Unicode characters. ; If this value is zero, the control is using ANSI characters ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetUnicode ($h_StatusBar) Retrieves the Unicode character format flag for the control. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): gafrost (Gary Frost ( ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetUnicode($h_StatusBar) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) Local $a_ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", $SB_GETUNICODEFORMAT, "int", 0, "int", 0) If IsArray($a_ret) Then Return $a_ret[0] Else SetError(-1) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarGetUnicode ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero, otherwise zero. ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize($h_StatusBar) Resize Statusbar. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): Steve Podhajecki <> ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize($h_StatusBar) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) Local $ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "MoveWindow", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0) If IsArray($ret) Then Return $ret[0] Else Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetBKColor ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - Handle to statusbar ; $v_HexRGB - Hex RGB color to set Status Bar background ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Returns the previous background color ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetBKColor($h_StatusBar, $v_HexRGB) Sets the background color in a status bar. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): gafrost (Gary Frost ( ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetBKColor($h_StatusBar, $v_HexRGB) Local $tc = Hex(String($v_HexRGB), 6) Local $ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", $SB_SETBKCOLOR, "int", 0, "int", '0x' & StringMid($tc, 5, 2) & StringMid($tc, 3, 2) & StringMid($tc, 1, 2)) If IsArray($ret) Then $tc = Hex(String($ret[0]), 6) Return '0x' & StringMid($tc, 5, 2) & StringMid($tc, 3, 2) & StringMid($tc, 1, 2) Else Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetBKColor ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - Handle to statusbar ; $i_part - Nubmer of panesl to add icon too ; $s_IconFile - file to extract icon from ; $i_iconID - id of the icon ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Returns nonzero if successful, or zero otherwise. ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($StatusBar, $i_part, $szIconFile, $iconID) Sets an Icon in the Panel. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): gafrost (Gary Frost ( ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($h_StatusBar, $i_part, $s_IconFile, $i_iconID) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) Local $hIcon = DllStructCreate("int") Local $result = DllCall("shell32.dll", "int", "ExtractIconEx", "str", $s_IconFile, "int", $i_iconID, "hwnd", 0, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($hIcon), "int", 1) $result = $result[0] If $result > 0 Then $result = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", $SB_SETICON, "int", $i_part, "hwnd", DllStructGetData($hIcon, 1)) EndIf DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "DestroyIcon", "hwnd", DllStructGetPtr($hIcon)) $hIcon = 0 Return $result[0] EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetMinHeight ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - Handle to statusbar ; $i_MinHeight - Minimum height, in pixels, of the window ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): None ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetMinHeight($h_StatusBar, $i_MinHeight) Sets the minimum height of a status window's drawing area. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): gafrost (Gary Frost ( ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetMinHeight($h_StatusBar, $i_MinHeight) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", $SB_SETMINHEIGHT, "int", $i_MinHeight, "int", 0) _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize($h_StatusBar) EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetMinHeight ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetParts ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; $i_Panels - Nubmer of panesl to create ; $i_PanelWidth - width of panel(s) (Default: 100) ; ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): 1 if successfull, otherwise zero ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetParts ($h_StatusBar, $i_Panels[, $i_PanelWidth = 100]). (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): tonedef, gafrost (Gary Frost (, Steve Podhajecki <> ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetParts($h_StatusBar, $i_Panels, $a_PanelWidth = 100) Local $sta, $emsg[6], $dll_ret If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) ;=== Set each panel to be same size and assign the last one the remainder If Not IsArray($a_PanelWidth) Then Dim $a_PanelWidth[$i_Panels], $panel, $size, $strPanel, $struct_Panel $size = WinGetClientSize("") For $panel = 0 To $i_Panels - 1 $a_PanelWidth[$panel] = Int(($size[0] / $i_Panels) * $panel + 1) Next $a_PanelWidth[$i_Panels - 1] = -1 EndIf ;== end set sizing $sta = _CreateStuctFromArray($a_PanelWidth, "int") If @error Then Return 0 $emsg[0] = "No error." $emsg[1] = "Unable to use the DLL file." $emsg[2] = ' unknown "return type".' $dll_ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", $SB_SETPARTS, _ "int", $i_Panels, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($sta)) If @error Then If $debug Then ConsoleWrite("DllCall Error:>" & $emsg[@error] & @CRLF) SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf ;== Sometimes this needs to be called in order to update the status bar. _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize($h_StatusBar) $sta = "" Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetParts ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetSimple ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - Handle to statusbar ; $b_Simple - Display type flag. ; If this parameter is TRUE, the window displays simple text. (Default) ; If it is FALSE, it displays multiple parts ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): None ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetSimple($h_StatusBar[, $b_Simple = True]) Specifies whether a status window displays simple text or displays all window parts. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): gafrost (Gary Frost ( ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetSimple($h_StatusBar, $b_Simple = True) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", $SB_SIMPLE, "int", $b_Simple, "int", 0) EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetSimple ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; $s_Data - The text to display in the panel ; $i_Panel - The panel to hold the text (Default: 0) ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE otherwise. ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText($h_StatusBar[, $s_Data = ""[, $i_Panel = 0]]) Set Statusbar Text. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): rysiora, JdeB, tonedef, ; gafrost (Gary Frost ( ; Note(s): Set $i_Panel to 255 for simple statusbar ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText($h_StatusBar, $s_Data = "", $i_Panel = 0) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) Local $ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", $SB_SETTEXT, "int", $i_Panel, "str", $s_Data) If IsArray($ret) Then Return $ret[0] Else Return False EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetUnicode ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - Handle to statusbar ; $b_Unicode - Determines the character set that is used by the control. ; If this value is TRUE, the control will use Unicode characters. (Default) ; If this value is FALSE, the control will use ANSI characters. ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Returns the previous Unicode format flag for the control ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetUnicode($h_StatusBar[, $b_Unicode = True[) Sets the Unicode character format flag for the control. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): gafrost (Gary Frost ( ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetUnicode($h_StatusBar, $b_Unicode = True) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) Local $a_ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", $SB_SETUNICODEFORMAT, "int", $b_Unicode, "int", 0) If IsArray($a_ret) Then Return $a_ret[0] Else Return False EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetUnicode ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - Handle to statusbar ; $i_part - Zero-based index of the part that will receive the ToolTip text ; $s_ToolTip - new ToolTip text ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): None ; User CallTip: _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip($h_StatusBar, $i_part, $s_ToolTip) Sets the ToolTip text for a part in a status bar. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): gafrost (Gary Frost ( ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip($h_StatusBar, $i_part, $s_ToolTip) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) Local $struct = DllStructCreate("char[" & StringLen($s_ToolTip) + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($struct, 1, $s_ToolTip) If @error Then SetError(-1) Return EndIf DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", $SB_SETTIPTEXT, "int", $i_part, "int", DllStructGetPtr($struct)) $struct = 0 EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip ;=============================================================================== ; Helper functions ;=============================================================================== ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: CreateStructFromArray ; Parameter(s): $a_Variable array to create struct with ; $structType, the SINGLE type of struct to create. ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): ; User CallTip: _CreateStructFromArray ; Author(s): Steve Podhajecki <> ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _CreateStuctFromArray($a_Variable, $structType) If Not IsArray($a_Variable) Then SetError(1) Return EndIf Local $a_ctr, $strVar, $struct, $emsg[6] For $a_ctr = 0 To UBound($a_Variable) - 1 $strVar &= $structType & ";" Next $strVar = StringTrimRight($strVar, 1) $emsg[0] = "No Error." $emsg[1] = "Variable passed to DllStructCreate was not a string." $emsg[2] = "There is an unknown Data Type in the string passed. " $emsg[3] = "Failed to allocate the memory needed for the struct, or Pointer = 0." $emsg[4] = "Error allocating memory for the passed string." $emsg[5] = "" $struct = DllStructCreate($strVar) If @error Then If $debug Then MsgBox(0, "Error:", "Error:>" & $emsg[@error] & @CRLF) SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf $emsg[0] = 'No Error. ' $emsg[1] = 'Struct not a correct struct returned by DllStructCreate.' $emsg[2] = 'Element value out of range. ' $emsg[3] = 'index would be outside of the struct.' $emsg[4] = 'Element data type is unknown' $emsg[5] = 'index < 0.' For $a_ctr = 0 To UBound($a_Variable) - 1 DllStructSetData($struct, ($a_ctr) + 1, $a_Variable[$a_ctr]) If @error Then If $debug Then ConsoleWrite("Set>" & $a_ctr & @CRLF & "Error:>" & $emsg[@error] & @CRLF) SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf Next Return $struct EndFunc ;==>_CreateStuctFromArray Edited January 18, 2006 by gafrost SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eltorro Posted January 17, 2006 Share Posted January 17, 2006 Progress bar in Statusbar: expandcollapse popupopt("MustDeclareVars", 1) opt("GUICoordMode", 2) #include-once #include <GUIConstants.au3> #Include <GuiStatusBar.au3> Local $gui, $StatusBar1, $Progress1, $msg, $asize[1],$iProgress Local $a[3] = [100,350,-1] Local $s[3] = ["New Text","More Text","Even More Text"] ; Statusbar with progress bar $gui = GUICreate("StatusBar GUI", 500, -1, -1, -1, $WS_SIZEBOX) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) Dim $s[3] = ["Ready. ","","Even More Text"],$a_box $StatusBar1 = _GuiCtrlStatusBarCreate($gui, $a, $s) ;=== add progress to statusbar ;Get panel size and shink a little for progressbar size. $a_box = _SizePanel($StatusBar1,1) ;Create the progress bar with the proper size. $Progress1 = GUICtrlCreateProgress($a_box[0],$a_box[1],$a_box[2],$a_box[3]) GUICtrlSetResizing($Progress1,802) ;change progressbars parent to statusbar _SetParent($Progress1,$StatusBar1) ; move progressbar to statusbar. _CtrlMove($Progress1,$a_box) ; and ta da working GUISetState() While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_RESIZED ;_ResizeHandler();needed to handle child???? _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ($StatusBar1) Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else if $iProgress < 100 Then $iProgress = $iProgress +1 GUICtrlSetData($Progress1,$iProgress) Else $iProgress = 0 EndIf sleep(100) ;;;;; EndSelect WEnd Exit ;=============================================================================== ;Resize things here not handled by GuiCtrlSetResize ;=============================================================================== Func _ResizeHandler() _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ($StatusBar1) ; _CtrlMove($Progress1,_SizePanel($StatusBar1,1)) EndFunc ;==>_ResizeHandler ;=============================================================================== ;GetPanel size and shrink them for progress size. ;=============================================================================== Func _SizePanel($id_control,$i_panel,$i_pad =2) Local $a_box = _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetRect($id_control,$i_panel) ;shrink the rect a little to fit inside panel $a_box[2] = $a_box[2]- $a_box[0]-$i_pad $a_box[3] = $a_box[3]- $a_box[1]-$i_pad $a_box[0] = $a_box[0] +$i_pad $a_box[1] = $a_box[1] +$i_pad Return $a_box EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ;Wrap SetParent Msg ;=============================================================================== Func _SetParent($id_child, $h_parent) ; Local $h_parent,$h_child If Not IsHWnd($h_parent) Then $h_parent = HWnd($h_parent) If Not IsHWnd($id_child) Then $id_child = GUICtrlGetHandle($id_child) If DllCall("user32.dll", "hwnd", "SetParent", "hwnd", $id_child, "hwnd", $h_parent) <> 0 Then Return Else seterror(1) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_SetParent ;=============================================================================== ;Wrap MoveWindow Msg ;=============================================================================== Func _CtrlMove($id_control,$a_metric,$b_repaint =True) Local $h_control If Not IsHWnd($id_control) Then $h_control = GUICtrlGetHandle($id_control) if IsArray($a_metric) Then if DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "MoveWindow", "hwnd", $h_control, _ "int", $a_metric[0], "int", $a_metric[1], _ "int", $a_metric[2], "int", $a_metric[3], "int",$b_repaint) <> 0 Then Return Else seterror(1) Return 0 EndIf Else seterror(1) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc Hope this is useful, Steve. Regards, [indent]ElTorro[/indent][font="Book"] Decide, Commit, Achieve[/font]_ConfigIO.au3Language Translation --uses Google(tm) MsgBox Move XML wrapper UDF XML2TreeView Zip functionality Split your GUI Save Print ScreenZipPluginEdit In Place listviewSome of my scripts on Google code Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LondonNDIB Posted January 17, 2006 Share Posted January 17, 2006 Hmm... I hate that idea! Why? Because it makes me want to re-code my gui because it'll looks a lot cleaner than my progress indicator! Nice Job! LD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GaryFrost Posted January 18, 2006 Share Posted January 18, 2006 updated _GuiCtrlStatusBarCreate so that styles can be set ( see my previous post) expandcollapse popupopt("MustDeclareVars", 1) #include-once #include <GUIConstants.au3> #Include <GuiStatusBar.au3> Local $gui, $StatusBar1, $ret0, $ret1, $msg, $ret2, $retl1, $retcode, $asize[1] Local $a[3] = [100, 350, -1] Local $s[3] = ["New Text", "How about music", "Even More Text"] $gui = GUICreate("StatusBar GUI", 500, -1, -1, -1, $WS_SIZEBOX) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) $StatusBar1 = _GuiCtrlStatusBarCreate ($gui, $a, "", BitOR($CCS_TOP,$SBT_TOOLTIPS)) ;~ $StatusBar1 = _GuiCtrlStatusBarCreate ($gui, $a, $s) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($StatusBar1, 1, "shell32.dll", 168) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($StatusBar1, 0, "shell32.dll", 21) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($StatusBar1, 2, "shell32.dll", 24) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetBKColor($StatusBar1,0xffff00) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip($StatusBar1, 0, "Part 1") _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip($StatusBar1, 1, "Part 2") _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip($StatusBar1, 2, "Part 3") _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetMinHeight($StatusBar1, 50) Local $a_rect = _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetRect($StatusBar1, 0) If IsArray($a_rect) Then _ MsgBox(0, "Rect", "Left: " & $a_rect[0] & @LF & _ "Top: " & $a_rect[1] & @LF & _ "Right: " & $a_rect[2] & @LF & _ "Bottom: " & $a_rect[3]) Local $a_borders = _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetBorders($StatusBar1) If IsArray($a_borders) Then _ MsgBox(0, "Borders", "width of the horizontal border: " & $a_rect[0] & @LF & _ "width of the vertical border: " & $a_rect[1] & @LF & _ "width of the border between rectangles: " & $a_rect[2]) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetUnicode($StatusBar1, False) If _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetUnicode($StatusBar1) Then _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText ($StatusBar1, "using Unicode characters", 1) Else _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText ($StatusBar1, "NOT using Unicode characters", 1) EndIf _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetSimple($StatusBar1) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText ($StatusBar1, "simple mode", 255) _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ($StatusBar1) Sleep(3000) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetSimple($StatusBar1, False) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_RESIZED _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ($StatusBar1) Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;;;; EndSelect WEnd SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GaryFrost Posted January 18, 2006 Share Posted January 18, 2006 (edited) Examples, I'll add them as I get them created, please check them for anything needing to be changed opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) #include <GUIConstants.au3> #Include <GuiStatusBar.au3> Local $gui, $StatusBar1, $msg Local $a_PartsRightEdge[3] = [100, 350, -1] Local $a_PartsText[3] = ["New Text", "More Text", "Even More Text"] $gui = GUICreate("Status Bar Create", 500, -1, -1, -1, $WS_SIZEBOX) $StatusBar1 = _GuiCtrlStatusBarCreate ($gui, $a_PartsRightEdge, $a_PartsText) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_RESIZED _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ($StatusBar1) Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;;;; EndSelect WEnd opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) #include <GUIConstants.au3> #Include <GuiStatusBar.au3> Local $gui, $StatusBar1, $msg Local $a_PartsRightEdge[3] = [150, 300, -1] Local $a_PartsText[3] = ["New Text", "More Text", "Even More Text"] $gui = GUICreate("Status Bar Get Border Widths", 500, -1, -1, -1, $WS_SIZEBOX) $StatusBar1 = _GuiCtrlStatusBarCreate ($gui, $a_PartsRightEdge, $a_PartsText) Local $a_borders = _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetBorders($StatusBar1) If IsArray($a_borders) Then _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText($StatusBar1, "horizontal border: " & $a_borders[0], 0) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText($StatusBar1, "vertical border: " & $a_borders[1], 1) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText($StatusBar1, "between rectangles: " & $a_borders[2], 2) EndIf GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_RESIZED _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ($StatusBar1) Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;;;; EndSelect WEnd opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) #include <GUIConstants.au3> #Include <GuiStatusBar.au3> Local $gui, $StatusBar1, $msg Local $a_PartsRightEdge[3] = [100, 350, -1] Local $a_PartsText[3] = ["New Text", "More Text", "Even More Text"] $gui = GUICreate("Status Bar Get Icon", 500, -1, -1, -1, $WS_SIZEBOX) $StatusBar1 = _GuiCtrlStatusBarCreate ($gui, $a_PartsRightEdge, $a_PartsText) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($StatusBar1, 1, "shell32.dll", 168) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($StatusBar1, 0, "shell32.dll", 21) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($StatusBar1, 2, "shell32.dll", 24) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText($StatusBar1, _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetIcon($StatusBar1, 0), 0) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText($StatusBar1, _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetIcon($StatusBar1, 1), 1) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText($StatusBar1, _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetIcon($StatusBar1, 2), 2) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_RESIZED _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ($StatusBar1) Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;;;; EndSelect WEnd opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) #include <GUIConstants.au3> #Include <GuiStatusBar.au3> Local $gui, $StatusBar1, $msg Local $a_PartsRightEdge[3] = [100, 350, -1] Local $a_PartsText[3] = ["New Text", "More Text", "Even More Text"] $gui = GUICreate("Status Bar Set Icon", 500, -1, -1, -1, $WS_SIZEBOX) $StatusBar1 = _GuiCtrlStatusBarCreate ($gui, $a_PartsRightEdge, $a_PartsText) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($StatusBar1, 1, "shell32.dll", 168) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($StatusBar1, 0, "shell32.dll", 21) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($StatusBar1, 2, "shell32.dll", 24) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_RESIZED _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ($StatusBar1) Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;;;; EndSelect WEnd opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) #include <GUIConstants.au3> #Include <GuiStatusBar.au3> Local $gui, $StatusBar1, $msg, $lbl_Parts Local $a_PartsRightEdge[3] = [100, 350, -1] Local $a_PartsText[3] = ["New Text", "More Text", "Even More Text"] $gui = GUICreate("Status Bar Get Parts", 500, -1, -1, -1, $WS_SIZEBOX) $StatusBar1 = _GuiCtrlStatusBarCreate ($gui, $a_PartsRightEdge, $a_PartsText) $lbl_Parts = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Number of Parts: " & _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetParts($StatusBar1),10,10,100,25,$SS_SUNKEN ) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_RESIZED _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ($StatusBar1) Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;;;; EndSelect WEnd opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) #include <GUIConstants.au3> #Include <GuiStatusBar.au3> Local $gui, $StatusBar1, $msg Local $a_PartsRightEdge[4] = [100, 200, 350, -1] Local $a_PartsText[4] = ["New Text", "More Text", "Even More Text", "Hey some more"] $gui = GUICreate("Status Bar Get Rect", 500, -1, -1, -1, $WS_SIZEBOX) $StatusBar1 = _GuiCtrlStatusBarCreate ($gui, $a_PartsRightEdge, $a_PartsText) Local $a_rect = _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetRect ($StatusBar1, 1) If IsArray($a_rect) Then _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText ($StatusBar1, "Left: " & $a_rect[0], 0) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText ($StatusBar1, "Top: " & $a_rect[1], 1) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText ($StatusBar1, "Right: " & $a_rect[2], 2) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText ($StatusBar1, "Bottom: " & $a_rect[3], 3) EndIf GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_RESIZED _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ($StatusBar1) Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;;;; EndSelect WEnd opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) #include <GUIConstants.au3> #Include <GuiStatusBar.au3> Local $gui, $StatusBar1, $msg, $lbl_Info Local $a_PartsRightEdge[3] = [100, 350, -1] Local $a_PartsText[3] = ["New Text", "More Text", "Even More Text"] $gui = GUICreate("Status Bar Get Text", 500, -1, -1, -1, $WS_SIZEBOX) $lbl_Info = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 10, 10, 150, 50, $SS_SUNKEN) $StatusBar1 = _GuiCtrlStatusBarCreate ($gui, $a_PartsRightEdge, $a_PartsText) GUICtrlSetData($lbl_Info, "1st Part: " & _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetText ($StatusBar1, 0) & @LF & _ "2nd Part: " & _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetText ($StatusBar1, 1) & @LF & _ "3rd Part: " & _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetText ($StatusBar1, 2)) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_RESIZED _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ($StatusBar1) Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;;;; EndSelect WEnd opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) #include <GUIConstants.au3> #Include <GuiStatusBar.au3> Local $gui, $StatusBar1, $msg, $lbl_Info Local $a_PartsRightEdge[3] = [100, 350, -1] Local $a_PartsText[3] = ["New Text", "More Text", "Even More Text"] $gui = GUICreate("Status Bar Get Text Length", 500, -1, -1, -1, $WS_SIZEBOX) $StatusBar1 = _GuiCtrlStatusBarCreate ($gui, $a_PartsRightEdge, $a_PartsText) $lbl_Info = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Text Length of 3rd Part: " & _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetTextLength ($StatusBar1, 2), 10, 10, 150, 20) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_RESIZED _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ($StatusBar1) Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;;;; EndSelect WEnd expandcollapse popupopt("MustDeclareVars", 1) #include <GUIConstants.au3> #Include <GuiStatusBar.au3> Local $gui, $StatusBar1, $msg, $lbl_Info Local $a_PartsRightEdge[3] = [100, 350, -1] Local $a_PartsText[3] = ["New Text", "More Text", "Even More Text"] $gui = GUICreate("Status Bar Get Tip Text", 500, -1, -1, -1, $WS_SIZEBOX) $StatusBar1 = _GuiCtrlStatusBarCreate ($gui, $a_PartsRightEdge, "", $SBT_TOOLTIPS) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon ($StatusBar1, 1, "shell32.dll", 168) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon ($StatusBar1, 0, "shell32.dll", 21) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon ($StatusBar1, 2, "shell32.dll", 24) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip ($StatusBar1, 0, "Part 1") _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip ($StatusBar1, 1, "This is a Tip for the status bar") _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip ($StatusBar1, 2, "Part 3") $lbl_Info = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Tip Text of 2nd Part: " & _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetTipText ($StatusBar1, 1), 10, 10, 250, 20) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_RESIZED _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ($StatusBar1) Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;;;; EndSelect WEnd opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) #include <GUIConstants.au3> #Include <GuiStatusBar.au3> Local $gui, $StatusBar1, $msg Local $a_PartsRightEdge[3] = [100, 350, -1] Local $a_PartsText[3] = ["New Text", "More Text", "Even More Text"] $gui = GUICreate("Status Bar Get Unicode", 500, -1, -1, -1, $WS_SIZEBOX) $StatusBar1 = _GuiCtrlStatusBarCreate ($gui, $a_PartsRightEdge, $a_PartsText) If _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetUnicode ($StatusBar1) Then _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText ($StatusBar1, "Using Unicode characters", 1) Else _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText ($StatusBar1, "NOT using Unicode characters", 1) EndIf GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_RESIZED _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ($StatusBar1) Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;;;; EndSelect WEnd opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) #include <GUIConstants.au3> #Include <GuiStatusBar.au3> Local $gui, $StatusBar1, $msg Local $a_PartsRightEdge[3] = [100, 350, -1] Local $a_PartsText[3] = ["New Text", "More Text", "Even More Text"] $gui = GUICreate("Status Bar Resize", 500, -1, -1, -1, $WS_SIZEBOX) $StatusBar1 = _GuiCtrlStatusBarCreate ($gui, $a_PartsRightEdge, $a_PartsText) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_RESIZED _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ($StatusBar1) Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;;;; EndSelect WEnd opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) #include <GUIConstants.au3> #Include <GuiStatusBar.au3> Local $gui, $StatusBar1, $msg Local $a_PartsRightEdge[3] = [100, 350, -1] Local $a_PartsText[3] = ["New Text", "More Text", "Even More Text"] Local Const $Yellow = 0xffff00 $gui = GUICreate("Status Bar Set Back Color", 500, -1, -1, -1, $WS_SIZEBOX) $StatusBar1 = _GuiCtrlStatusBarCreate ($gui, $a_PartsRightEdge, $a_PartsText) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetBKColor ($StatusBar1, $Yellow) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_RESIZED _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ($StatusBar1) Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;;;; EndSelect WEnd opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) #include <GUIConstants.au3> #Include <GuiStatusBar.au3> Local $gui, $StatusBar1, $msg Local $a_PartsRightEdge[3] = [100, 350, -1] Local $a_PartsText[3] = ["New Text", "More Text", "Even More Text"] $gui = GUICreate("Status Bar Set Min Height", 500, -1, -1, -1, $WS_SIZEBOX) $StatusBar1 = _GuiCtrlStatusBarCreate ($gui, $a_PartsRightEdge, $a_PartsText) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetMinHeight($StatusBar1, 30) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_RESIZED _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ($StatusBar1) Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;;;; EndSelect WEnd opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) #include <GUIConstants.au3> #Include <GuiStatusBar.au3> Local $gui, $StatusBar1, $msg Local $a_PartsRightEdge[3] = [100, 350, -1] Local $a_PartsText[3] = ["New Text", "More Text", "Even More Text"] $gui = GUICreate("Status Bar Set Simple", 500, -1, -1, -1, $WS_SIZEBOX) $StatusBar1 = _GuiCtrlStatusBarCreate ($gui, $a_PartsRightEdge, $a_PartsText) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) Sleep(3000) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetSimple($StatusBar1) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText ($StatusBar1, "simple mode", 255) _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ($StatusBar1) Sleep(3000) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetSimple($StatusBar1, False) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_RESIZED _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ($StatusBar1) Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;;;; EndSelect WEnd opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) #include <GUIConstants.au3> #Include <GuiStatusBar.au3> Local $gui, $StatusBar1, $msg Local $a_PartsRightEdge[3] = [100, 350, -1] Local $a_PartsText[3] = ["New Text", "More Text", "Even More Text"] $gui = GUICreate("Status Bar Set Text", 500, -1, -1, -1, $WS_SIZEBOX) $StatusBar1 = _GuiCtrlStatusBarCreate ($gui, $a_PartsRightEdge, $a_PartsText) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText ($StatusBar1, "Text has been set", 1) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_RESIZED _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ($StatusBar1) Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;;;; EndSelect WEnd opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) #include <GUIConstants.au3> #Include <GuiStatusBar.au3> Local $gui, $StatusBar1, $msg Local $a_PartsRightEdge[3] = [100, 350, -1] Local $a_PartsText[3] = ["New Text", "More Text", "Even More Text"] $gui = GUICreate("Status Bar Set Unicode", 500, -1, -1, -1, $WS_SIZEBOX) $StatusBar1 = _GuiCtrlStatusBarCreate ($gui, $a_PartsRightEdge, $a_PartsText) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetUnicode($StatusBar1, False) If _GuiCtrlStatusBarGetUnicode($StatusBar1) Then _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText ($StatusBar1, "using Unicode characters", 1) Else _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetText ($StatusBar1, "NOT using Unicode characters", 1) EndIf GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_RESIZED _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ($StatusBar1) Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;;;; EndSelect WEnd opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) #include <GUIConstants.au3> #Include <GuiStatusBar.au3> Local $gui, $StatusBar1, $msg Local $a_PartsRightEdge[3] = [100, 200, -1] Local $a_PartsText[3] = ["", "Force tip to be shown when text is more than fits in the box", "Even More Text"] $gui = GUICreate("Status Bar Set Tip", 500, -1, -1, -1, $WS_SIZEBOX) $StatusBar1 = _GuiCtrlStatusBarCreate ($gui, $a_PartsRightEdge, $a_PartsText, $SBT_TOOLTIPS) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon($StatusBar1, 0, "shell32.dll", 21) _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip($StatusBar1, 0, "Tip works when only icon in part or text exceeds part") _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip($StatusBar1, 1, "Force tip to be shown when text is more than fits in the box") _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetTip($StatusBar1, 2, "Part 3") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_RESIZED _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize ($StatusBar1) Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;;;;; EndSelect WEnd Edited January 18, 2006 by gafrost SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference. 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GaryFrost Posted January 18, 2006 Share Posted January 18, 2006 Examples are done, unless someone has some changes, if no changes then I'll start on the templates for the help file tonight or tomorrow. Gary SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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