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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, Earthshine said:

get the two required udfs and you should be able to do the entire install

Hi again,

I'm gonna have a lot of dummy questions... I hope it won't bother you too much :)

I'm trying to understand what I need to do.

1) I have added the Setup.exe at the top of your script. Is it the way I should do ?

#AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w 7
#EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****

Run ("Setup.exe","C:\Tools\SpeechMagic6\WsSetup\French")


2) On this window (the first one that opens when I launch setup.exe) :


What would be the $text I'm looking for ?

I've tried Avertissement or OK but it doesn't change anything. Is it "Il n'y a aucun.." ?

Const $text = "Put your official text you are looking for here...."


Here's the log :

8\06\2019 07:57:24 | MININT-M8KE3UD | Info | Begin Install()
08\06\2019 07:57:24 | MININT-M8KE3UD | Info | _checkClickCtrl():Begin
08\06\2019 07:57:24 | MININT-M8KE3UD | Info | Searching for Formclass: [Class:#32770]
08\06\2019 07:57:24 | MININT-M8KE3UD | Info | Searching for Text: OK
08\06\2019 07:57:24 | MININT-M8KE3UD | Info | Searching for Control: [CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:1]
08\06\2019 07:57:24 | MININT-M8KE3UD | Info | Searching for Ctrl Txt: OK
08\06\2019 07:57:24 | MININT-M8KE3UD | Info | Timeout: 0
08\06\2019 07:57:24 | MININT-M8KE3UD | Info | Time Delay (after click): 0
08\06\2019 08:06:48 | MININT-M8KE3UD | Info | Begin Install()
08\06\2019 08:06:48 | MININT-M8KE3UD | Info | _checkClickCtrl():Begin
08\06\2019 08:06:48 | MININT-M8KE3UD | Info | Searching for Formclass: [Class:#32770]
08\06\2019 08:06:48 | MININT-M8KE3UD | Info | Searching for Text: OK
08\06\2019 08:06:48 | MININT-M8KE3UD | Info | Searching for Control: [CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:1]
08\06\2019 08:06:48 | MININT-M8KE3UD | Info | Searching for Ctrl Txt: OK
08\06\2019 08:06:48 | MININT-M8KE3UD | Info | Timeout: 0
08\06\2019 08:06:48 | MININT-M8KE3UD | Info | Time Delay (after click): 0

Edited by Tof006
Posted (edited)

use the Avertissment for the text, the OK is the button, which is defined.

what is the AutoIt Info tool say about that button, please.

Edited by Earthshine

My resources are limited. You must ask the right questions


Posted (edited)


Here's what I've been able to do so far :

#AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w 7
#EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****


#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include 'log4a.au3'
#include 'WaitForControls.au3'

Const $TD_BTN_NEXT = '&Suivant >'
Const $TD_BTN_INSTALL = '&Install'
Const $TD_BTN_INSTALL2 = 'Install'
Const $TD_BTN_FINISH = '&Finish'
Const $TD_BTN_CANCEL = 'Cancel'
Const $TD_BTN_SELECTALL = 'Sélectionner &tout'
Const $TD_BTN_SPEECHMIKE = 'Speech&Mike Pro ou SpeechMike'
Const $TD_BTN_IAGREE = "I &accept the terms in the license agreement"
Const $TD_BTN_ALTFINISH = '&Finish'
Const $TD_BTN_ALLOW_ACCESS = '&Allow access'
Const $TD_BTN_REMOVE = '&Remove'
Const $TD_BTN_YES = '&Yes'
Const $TD_BTN_OK = 'OK'
Const $TD_BTN_TYPICAL = '&Typical'
Const $TD_EDIT_DATA = '99999'
Const $TD_TREE_NAME = 'Tree1'

Const $textWarning = "Avertissement"
Const $textInstallShield = "InstallShield Wizard"
Const $stdClass = '[Class:#32770]'
Const $button1 = "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:1]"
Const $button2 = "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:2]"
Const $button3 = "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:3]"
Const $button4 = "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:4]"
Const $button5 = "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:5]"
Const $button6 = "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:6]"
Const $Edit1 = "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]"

#Region ;**** Logging  This sections sets up logging. If you compile it, it creates a nice text log file with the script name and a .log at the end. ****
; Enable logging and don't write to stderr
; Write to stderr, set min level to warn, customize message format
; If @compiled Then _log4a_SetMinLevel($LOG4A_LEVEL_WARN) ; Change the min level if the script is compiled
_log4a_SetFormat("${date} | ${host} | ${level} | ${message}")
#EndRegion ;**** Logging ****

Func Install()
    _log4a_Info('Begin Install()')
    _checkClickCtrl($stdClass, $textWarning, $button1, $TD_BTN_OK, 0)
    _checkClickCtrl($stdClass, $textInstallShield, $button1, $TD_BTN_NEXT, 0)
    _checkClickCtrl($stdClass, $textInstallShield, $button1, $TD_BTN_NEXT, 0)
    _checkClickCtrl($stdClass, $textInstallShield, $button2, $TD_BTN_NEXT, 0)
    _checkClickCtrl($stdClass, $textInstallShield, $button2, $TD_BTN_NEXT, 0)
    _checkClickCtrl($stdClass, $textInstallShield, $button1, $TD_BTN_SELECTALL, 0)
    _log4a_Info('End Install()')

EndFunc   ;==>Install


I'm stuck here :


Here's the sequence :





Here, it looks for Sélectionner &tout but this button is on the next screen... 

It doesn't seem to accept step 4

I can add 2 or 3  

  _checkClickCtrl($stdClass, $textInstallShield, $button2, $TD_BTN_NEXT, 0)

it will be stuck on this window.

Question : what does the 0 stand for at the end this command ?

Edited by Tof006

More over, when I compile this small script and run the exe in a SYSTEM command prompt... it doesn't click on anything :'(

My first problem is then still here..

Posted (edited)

at least you solved it. i am still wondering why it doesn't find that 4th Next button.

Edited by Earthshine

My resources are limited. You must ask the right questions


Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, Earthshine said:

at least you solved it. i am still wondering why it doesn't find that 4th Next button.

But as I told you, this command line has been able to find the 4th button :) ... and the Sélectionnez &tout button



EDIT : I don't understand how this works but ... if I stop the installation and start it again : it doesn't work anymore :


Edited by Tof006

OK, I'm gonna take all buttons and try to create a full script then I'll try it on a brand new VM

I have one question but I cannot post any screenshot anymore because I don't have anymore space available... :(

Can I PM it ?

Posted (edited)

That would be unfortunate... I'll probably do it once it's over and do a recap for others who would be interested in what I've been learning with you :) 

EDIT : even in PM I cannot post.

I'm gonna delete some of them


Edited by Tof006
Posted (edited)

OK back on track :)

Here's my question : how do I fill this box ?


I assume the STD_EDIT_DATA is the one I should use but I don't know what command to pass here....

Edited by Tof006
Posted (edited)

Sorry but it's a bit lite for my level of knowledge...

Can you provide me with an example please ?

Edited by Tof006
Just now, Tof006 said:

Sorry but it's a bit lite for my level of knowledge...

Can you provide me with an example please ?

just look it up in the Help file, from the AutoIt editor, Scite, just hit F1 and search for ControlSetText

example from the help file

#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>


Func Example()
    ; Run Notepad

    ; Wait 10 seconds for the Notepad window to appear.
    Local $hWnd = WinWait("[CLASS:Notepad]", "", 10)

    ; Set the edit control in Notepad with some text. The handle returned by WinWait is used for the "title" parameter of ControlSetText.
    ControlSetText($hWnd, "", "Edit1", "This is some text")

    ; Retrieve the text of the edit control in Notepad. The handle returned by WinWait is used for the "title" parameter of ControlGetText.
    Local $sText = ControlGetText($hWnd, "", "Edit1")

    ; Display the text of the edit control.
    MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "The text in Edit1 is: " & $sText)

    ; Close the Notepad window using the handle returned by WinWait.
EndFunc   ;==>Example


My resources are limited. You must ask the right questions


Posted (edited)

Sorry, I must be a bit too dum to use this here..

That code doesn't do anything :


Const $TD_BTN_NEXT = '&Suivant >'
;Const $TD_BTN_INSTALL = '&Install'
;Const $TD_BTN_INSTALL2 = 'Install'
Const $TD_BTN_FINISH = '&Finish'
Const $TD_BTN_CANCEL = 'Annuler'
Const $TD_BTN_SELECTALL = 'Sélectionner &tout'
Const $TD_BTN_SPEECHMIKE = 'Speech&Mike Pro ou SpeechMike'
Const $TD_BTN_IAGREE = "I &accept the terms in the license agreement"
Const $TD_BTN_ALTFINISH = '&Finish'
Const $TD_BTN_ALLOW_ACCESS = '&Allow access'
Const $TD_BTN_REMOVE = '&Remove'
Const $TD_BTN_YES = '&Yes'
Const $TD_BTN_OK = 'OK'
Const $TD_BTN_TYPICAL = '&Typical'
Const $TD_EDIT_DATA = '99999'
Const $TD_TREE_NAME = 'Tree1'

Const $textWarning = "Avertissement"
Const $textInstallShield = "InstallShield Wizard"
Const $stdClass = '[Class:#32770]'
Const $button1 = "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:1]"
Const $button2 = "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:2]"
Const $button3 = "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:3]"
Const $button4 = "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:4]"
Const $button5 = "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:5]"
Const $button6 = "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:6]"
Const $Edit1 = "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]"
Const $Edit2 = "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:2]"
Const $Edit3 = "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:3]"
Const $User = "xxx\xxxx"
Const $Pass = "xxxx"

#Region ;**** Logging  This sections sets up logging. If you compile it, it creates a nice text log file with the script name and a .log at the end. ****
; Enable logging and don't write to stderr
; Write to stderr, set min level to warn, customize message format
; If @compiled Then _log4a_SetMinLevel($LOG4A_LEVEL_WARN) ; Change the min level if the script is compiled
_log4a_SetFormat("${date} | ${host} | ${level} | ${message}")
#EndRegion ;**** Logging ****

Func Install()
    _log4a_Info('Begin Install()')
    _checkClickCtrl($stdClass, $textWarning, $button1, $TD_BTN_OK, 0)
    _checkClickCtrl($stdClass, $textInstallShield, $button1, $TD_BTN_NEXT, 0)
    _checkClickCtrl($stdClass, $textInstallShield, $button1, $TD_BTN_NEXT, 0)
    _checkClickCtrl($stdClass, $textInstallShield, $button2, $TD_BTN_NEXT, 0)
    _checkClickCtrl($stdClass, $textInstallShield, $button2, $TD_BTN_NEXT, 0)
    _checkClickCtrl($stdClass, $textInstallShield, $button2, $TD_BTN_NEXT, 0)
    _checkClickCtrl($stdClass, $textInstallShield, $button1, $TD_BTN_SELECTALL, 0)
    _checkClickCtrl($stdClass, $textInstallShield, $button4, $TD_BTN_NEXT, 0)
    _checkClickCtrl($stdClass, $textInstallShield, $button1, $TD_BTN_SELECTALL, 0)
    _checkClickCtrl($stdClass, $textInstallShield, $button4, $TD_BTN_NEXT, 0)
    _checkClickCtrl($stdClass, $textInstallShield, $button1, $TD_BTN_SPEECHMIKE, 0)
    _checkClickCtrl($stdClass, $textInstallShield, $button6, $TD_BTN_NEXT, 0)
    _checkClickCtrl($stdClass, $textInstallShield, $button3, $TD_BTN_NEXT, 0)
    _checkClickCtrl($stdClass, $textInstallShield, $button2, $TD_BTN_NEXT, 0)
    ControlSetText($Edit1, "", "", $User)
    ControlSetText($Edit2, "", "", $Pass)
    ControlSetText($Edit3, "", "", $Pass)
    _checkClickCtrl($stdClass, $textInstallShield, $button2, $TD_BTN_NEXT, 0)
    _log4a_Info('End Install()')

EndFunc   ;==>Instal

ControlSetText ( "title", "text", controlID, "new text" [, flag = 0] )


title The title/hWnd/class of the window to access. See Title special definition.
text The text of the window to access. See Text special definition.
controlID The control to interact with. See Controls.
new text The new text to be set into the control.
flag [optional] when different from 0 (default) will force the target window to be redrawn.

To my understanding, I just need :

title = "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]" =$Edit1

- text = no text in my case

- ControlID = .... would be again the $Edit1 to my understanding

- new text = $User

I've tried with ControlID = "" or $Edit1 but it doesn't change anything.

Thanks for your help

Edited by Tof006

This doesn't work.

I'm gonna give up but I really want to thank you for your help and advises.

I'll stay in my ignorance and I hate that but I have lost of other things to do and cannot waste 2 more days to understand why this doesn't work.

I already have wasted enough time on this crappy software.

Maybe later this month I'll try again.

See you and thanks again

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