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New to AutoIt - (Moved)

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Hello everyone,


I have a program that is a pain to keep updated because it is updated by the company so often and it can only stay one version behind before it breaks. I just came across AutoIt and looks like a powerful tool and wanted to see if I can use it in my case as well as other ways.

We don't have our users as admins to their computers, so they cannot update the software. When they open the software it comes up with a "there is an update, would you like to update" screen. Would it be possible if the user clicks yes it runs the update as an admin or just create a clickable link on the desktop where it goes out and installs the newest version from a UNC path on the network as an admin.

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My first impression would be to create a script that checks for update (instead of having the software doing it).  If update is available, then the script could proceed with the install using admin credentials.  After install is completed, then it could start the software.  I think superseding the software with a script after the user clicking  yes would be quite complex.

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