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im trying to create a little tool that reorders the desctop icons.

it should activate order icons on raster

and activate order automatically.


I cant find any infos about that on goog.le


someone in here maybe can please help me with that?



Considering i dont  know what the utility made by our forum members do exactly

Please try and tell  What order where you thinking of, Is it for aligning icons to grid or what ?




The late @Jscript made a script that played with the icons and then back to the places of origin, maybe you can adapt to your needs:  https://mega.nz/#!RIdyUaKT!w1RF3yVnpM27fLM3a1v3hilVQlP2frEPXpwDv_sacNs


The desktop is nothing but a listview displaying icons (check it with AutoIt info tool) , so you can easy use the dedicated funcs
This works nice for me (w7 x64)

#include <GuiListView.au3>

$h = ControlGetHandle("Program Manager", "", "[CLASS:SysListView32;INSTANCE:1]")
_GUICtrlListView_Arrange($h, 3)  ; param 3 = snap to grid



Well, my falut i didnt enter the right settings in autoit XD


so thats the sollution, thanks all for your help : )


heres the sollution

RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\1\Desktop", "1075839525", "REG_DWORD")


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