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I send a string Sun is shining, the weather is sweet to my Powershell script for converting text to JSON request and then to speech.

This snippet works as intended:

$CMD = "powershell " & $powershellScript & " -Text '" & $sText & "' -Path " & $outputFile[1] & ".wav"
$execCommand = Run($CMD, '' , @SW_HIDE, 0x2)

This one differs only by single quotes:

$CMD = 'powershell ' & $powershellScript & ' -Text "' & $sText & '" -Path ' & $outputFile[1] & '.wav'
$execCommand = Run($CMD, '' , @SW_HIDE, 0x2)

And only the first word Sun is voiced for some reason.

I wonder why is it so and is it on Autoit side or PS/JSON?

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