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Posted (edited)


I needed a hit test for treeview items and came up with this, included some examples/ideas on use. I am still playing with it so yell if any problems or other ideas on use. Oh also is my first DllStructCreate routine.

Included examples:

right mouse button (secondary) selection of Treeview item

drag and drop child items between parents

drag file onto treeview and if a hit add to treeview

context menu cut, copy, paste, and delete a treeview item

Oh a note on the context menus, I found an example in help file using dummy control and then calling API TrackPopupMenuEx ! Really nice, your able to control context menus on the fly!



Edit..u need beta 1.99 and if you use SciTE you will get an error on @GUI_DRAGFILE just continue with run, I added the key macro to SciTE's api file manually.



Edited by wiredbits
Posted (edited)


it's a great example. Also if it works only partly it shows fine what can be done, with some background knowledge and time for it.

If you go on with this, it would be fine if you continue to publish.

Many thanks, Reinhard

Edited by ReFran


it's a great example. Also if it works only partly it shows fine what can be done, with some background knowledge and time for it.

If you go on with this, it would be fine if you continue to publish.

Many thanks, Reinhard


I tried to keep examples as general as possible, I assumed most users would modify code to suit their needs. It was a lot of fun just playing around with the code, I could have made it more friendly for OnEvent mode....might go back and change a few things.





Revised code, went back to hiding control during scroll while draging child treeview item.

Did an array example which is more OnEvent friendly, added auto expand/collaspe parents in this example. Might add save/read Ini to array example.




Revised code, went back to hiding control during scroll while draging child treeview item.

Did an array example which is more OnEvent friendly, added auto expand/collaspe parents in this example. Might add save/read Ini to array example.


I'm looking for a way to search a dynamicaly created treeview (without having to click on an item or write the treeview to a file)

since you wrote this UDF, i was wondering if you would have any insight on if it's possible to do what i need?



I'm looking for a way to search a dynamicaly created treeview (without having to click on an item or write the treeview to a file)

since you wrote this UDF, i was wondering if you would have any insight on if it's possible to do what i need?



Take a look at he array example, thats is one way to track treeviews. Once Treeview and treeview array has been created you can just loop through array and search.

Was this what meant?


  • 2 months later...


Take a look at he array example, thats is one way to track treeviews. Once Treeview and treeview array has been created you can just loop through array and search.

Was this what meant?


Looks you are good with Treeviews (nice example) then i would ask: do you know a way to capture a DoubleClick on an item ? :think:

  • 11 months later...
Posted (edited)


I think that this is the nicest solution that I have found. I hope that I will be able to use it for my needs.

My needs are

1) Add items parent or chiled manually.

2) Rename parent or child objects.

3) Adding for each level a different icons.

4) What about mouse click command?

Any help to make this UDF better ???

Thanks for posting this

Edited by lsakizada

Be Green Now or Never (BGNN)!



I think that this is the nicest solution that I have found. I hope that I will be able to use it for my needs.

My needs are

1) Add items parent or chiled manually.

2) Rename parent or child objects.

3) Adding for each level a different icons.

4) What about mouse click command?

Any help to make this UDF better ???

Thanks for posting this

Might want to take a look at the TreeView module in Auto3Lib. It does all the things that you listed (and quite a bit more) :whistle:
Auto3Lib: A library of over 1200 functions for AutoIt
Posted (edited)

Might want to take a look at the TreeView module in Auto3Lib. It does all the things that you listed (and quite a bit more) :P

Thanks PaulIA , This library looks impressive!!!

Look like I will have to spend some time to learn it.


Edited by lsakizada

Be Green Now or Never (BGNN)!


Thanks PaulIA , This library looks impressive!!!

Look like I will have to spend some time to learn it.


Start with the TreeView demos and the work up from there. If you get stuck, feel free to drop me a line in the Auto3Lib thread in the Examples forum.
Auto3Lib: A library of over 1200 functions for AutoIt
  • 11 months later...

This code doesn't seem to work with the latest build. Any updates to this? I'm not smart enough to figure out what's wrong other than it looks like most of the constants have been put into their own au3 file by now.

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