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Hello all,


I have a windows app I would like to automate some of, and it involves some stuff that refuses show up in the autoinfo screen. provided is the autoinfo summary. Basically autoinfo is seeing it as one single entity rather than a bunch of small ones that are clickable inside the box. If i move around my cursor inside the control box all that changes is the corrdinates for it. Is there a stratergy to clicking these? I was able to click them using coordinates but that wont work in actually automating them. Any help would be appreciated.

>>>> Window <<<<
Title:    Changed
Class:    WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.1a0e24_r9_ad1
Position:    833, 0
Size:    854, 1027
Style:    0x16CF0000
ExStyle:    0x00050100
Handle:    0x00140326

>>>> Control <<<<
Class:    WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.1a0e24_r9_ad1
Instance:    42
ClassnameNN:    WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.1a0e24_r9_ad142
Name:    bf1ef02d-028e-4dcc-88c6-9ab60375824e
Advanced (Class):    [NAME:bf1ef02d-028e-4dcc-88c6-9ab60375824e]
ID:    1114272
Position:    0, 81
Size:    346, 405
ControlClick Coords:    160, 333
Style:    0x56010000
ExStyle:    0x00010000
Handle:    0x001100A0

>>>> Mouse <<<<
Position:    1001, 445
Cursor ID:    0
Color:    0xFFFFFF

>>>> StatusBar <<<<

>>>> ToolsBar <<<<

>>>> Visible Text <<<<
$DiscreteDevice (Read Only)

>>>> Hidden Text <<<<
Historize command
Force storage period:
Historize PV
Force storage period:
Generate event upon PV change
Enable statistics
Enable outputs
Enable inputs



Hi @derlin, and welcome to the AutoIt forums :welcome:

The control you are trying to automate is a TreeView control, so, you should be able to interact with it with _GUICtrlTreeView_* functions.

Get the handle of the control using one of the information provided by the AutoItWinowInfo Tool (Name, ClassnameNN), and then use that handle with one of the _GUICtrlTreeView_* functions, which could easily bring a feedback about the interaction with the control (click the second element of the control, get the count, and so on).

From there, if those functions helps you out, then just use them to do "whatever" you want.

P.S.: always post your script so we can help you further :)

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