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Brpwser login using different accounts from an file

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Hey, I'm fairly new to AutoIT, i've tried my luck with python but didn't really like it.

So what I want to do is to setup differenct email accounts in a file (something like excel or whatever fits autoit) and then log in one after the other systemetically.

How do I set up AutoIT to read such a file?

Also quick question on the side, can I still use Firefox, as I heard that mozrepl doesnt get updated anymroe.

yours Henning

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Hi @SerHenning, and welcome to the AutoIt forums :welcome:

2 hours ago, SerHenning said:

something like excel

Take a look at Excel UDF in the Help file.

2 hours ago, SerHenning said:

How do I set up AutoIT to read such a file?

File* and oor _File* functions.

2 hours ago, SerHenning said:

can I still use Firefox

Take a look at FireFox UDF on the Forum :)

Edited by FrancescoDiMuro

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1 hour ago, FrancescoDiMuro said:
3 hours ago, SerHenning said:

can I still use Firefox

Take a look at FireFox UDF on the Forum :)

Actually, that UDF is the one that uses the now defunct MozRepl. He's better off using either WebDriver UDF or IUIAutomation.

3 hours ago, SerHenning said:

So what I want to do is to setup differenct email accounts in a file (something like excel or whatever fits autoit) and then log in one after the other systemetically.

Will the be done in a single tab or multiple tabs? What will you do once you login to an email account?

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4 hours ago, SerHenning said:

So what I want to do is to setup differenct email accounts in a file (something like excel or whatever fits autoit) and then log in one after the other systemetically.

Could you please explain the purpose of all of this?


PS; everybody else stay out please until it's clear.

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First, thanks @FrancescoDiMuro and @Danp2

@Jos the purpose of all that will be, to be able to launch all my junkmail addresses I used to register on different webistes quickly and at the same time (I got more than 10 by now xd) and then quickly go through the tabs to find certain emails (keeping track of subscirptions, cancelations and so on). It actually won't do more than just login, Ill go through them manually, because I don't think im capable of doing any kind of AI haha . I'm trying to get into autoit, so ) I try to start with something (I hope) simple, that I can kind of use.

I'll use the Multi-Account Container plugin for firefox.

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My suggestion would be to use iuiautomation see link below 

  1. Within UIA.CFG you can make a section with emails like


  2. With simplespy you build your first script to understand the concept read some examples
  3. Example 32 will give you details on how to recognize firefox definitions
  4. Your email addresses defined you can reuse like below
    _UIA_action("browser1.emailaddress","setvalue",  _UIA_getvar("emails.address1"))


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