weaponx Posted July 3, 2006 Posted July 3, 2006 Ok i'm stuck again. I'm not familiar with XPATH and I followed the link in one of your posts and made a few attempts at creating child nodes. I'm keeping this as simple as possible so here is my code: #include <_XMLModified.au3> #include <Array.au3> _XMLCreateFile(@ScriptDir & "\test.xml", "menu", 1) _XMLFileOpen (@ScriptDir & "\test.xml") $ATTRIBS = _ArrayCreate ("name","oscode") $CHILDATTRIBS = _ArrayCreate ("name","target","oscode") $VALUES = _ArrayCreate ("Antivirus","255") _XMLCreateRootNodeWAttr("folder", $ATTRIBS, $VALUES) $CHILDVALUES = _ArrayCreate ("Norton Antivirus 2006 Trial","WINFILES\Antivirus\Norton2006\NAV061220.exe","112") _XMLCreateChildNodeWAttr("//menu/folder[0]", "item", $CHILDATTRIBS, $CHILDVALUES) $VALUES = _ArrayCreate ("Spyware","255") _XMLCreateRootNodeWAttr("folder", $ATTRIBS, $VALUES) $VALUES = _ArrayCreate ("Windows Updates","255") _XMLCreateRootNodeWAttr("folder", $ATTRIBS, $VALUES) $VALUES = _ArrayCreate ("Internet","255") _XMLCreateRootNodeWAttr("folder", $ATTRIBS, $VALUES) $VALUES = _ArrayCreate ("System Info","255") _XMLCreateRootNodeWAttr("folder", $ATTRIBS, $VALUES) It simply does not write a child object under Root Child "Antivirus" no errors are produced, nothing. But the file outputs like this: <?xml version="1.0"?> <menu> <folder name="Antivirus" oscode="255"/> <folder name="Spyware" oscode="255"/> <folder name="Windows Updates" oscode="255"/> <folder name="Internet" oscode="255"/> <folder name="System Info" oscode="255"/> </menu>
sean1976 Posted July 3, 2006 Posted July 3, 2006 (edited) Sorry for all the questions/problems, I really appreciate the help. Here is the code I copied from your post and put into scite to try. It keeps giving me a can't open file error. expandcollapse popup; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AutoIt Version: ; Author: Stephen Podhajecki eltorro <gehossafats@netmdc.com> ; Version: 0.1 ; ; Script Function: ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Include <_XMLDomWrapper.au3>; change this to your needs #Include <Array.au3> ;_SetDebug(True) opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) ;=============================================================================== Global $xmlFile Global $count = 0 Global $sNxPath, $fHwnd ;=============================================================================== $xmlFile = FileOpenDialog("Open XML", @ScriptDir, "XML (*.XML)", 1) If @error Then MsgBox(4096, "File Open", "No file chosen , Exiting") Exit EndIf Main() Exit ;=============================================================================== ;Funcs ;=============================================================================== Func Main() Local $szXPath, $aNodeName, $find, $ns, $oXSD,$iNodeCount,$aAttrName[1],$aAttrVal[1],$ret_val ;Local $xmlFile = "C:\cookbook" & ".xml" $ns = "" $oXSD = _XMLFileOpen ($xmlFile, $ns) If @error Or $oXSD < 1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "There was an error opening the file " & $xmlFile) $oXSD = 0 Exit EndIf $szXPath = "//DATAPACKET/ROWDATA" $iNodeCount = _XMLGetNodeCount($szXPath & "/*") MsgBox(0,"Node Count",$iNodeCount) $aNodeName = _XMLGetChildNodes ($szXPath); get a list of node names under this path If $aNodeName <> - 1 Then For $find = 1 To $aNodeName[0] ConsoleWrite($aNodeName[$find]& '[' & $find & ']'&@LF) ;It's better to use node index instead of node name as all node here have same name. _XMLGetAllAttrib($szXPath & "/*" & '[' & $find & ']',$aAttrName,$aAttrVal) _ArrayDisplay($aAttrName,$szXPath & "/*" & '[' & $find & ']') _ArrayDisplay($aAttrVal,$szXPath & "/*" & '[' & $find & ']') Next MsgBox(266288,"_XMLWrapper","Done") Else MsgBox(0, "Error:", "No nodes found for " & $szXPath) EndIf $oXSD = 0 EndFunc;==>Main oÝ÷ Øw«z+-ë^²×(uâ0jˬx-¢ËZ®×âêâ¢ë[yú+{*.§^Ê«¢¸ v¥êeÊÚ&ÊènW¦"Ûzk-¢^Ø^Æi_wºÚîȧ¶©®åzl"¶azzyÊ.Ò,µªíyÛh¶¼×âÆ+n²)àwè®fß®ç(u쨺,µç[ºØÈ"¾)දj¸nW¢²z-jzç-zºè«¢+Øì´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´(ì(ìQÍÐMÉ¥ÁÐ(ì(ì´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´(¥¹±Õ±ÐíU% ½¹ÍѹÑ̹ÔÌÐì(¥¹±Õ±Ðí}a51½µ]ÉÁÁȹÔÌÐì(¥¹±Õ±ÐíÉÉä¹ÔÌÐì()±½°ÀÌØíÉаÀÌØíÑÍÑÙÈÄ)1½°ÀÌØíÍ¥±ôÅÕ½ÐíèÀäÈí½½½½¬ÅÕ½ÐìµÀìÅÕ½Ðì¹áµ°ÅÕ½Ðì)1½°ÀÌØí¹ÌôÅÕ½ÐìÅÕ½Ðì)%¥±á¥ÍÑÌ ÀÌØíÍ¥±¤Q¡¸($%]¡¥±ÉɽÈôÀ($$$ÀÌØíÉÐô}a51¥±=Á¸ ÀÌØíÍ¥±°ÀÌØí¹Ì¤($$%¥ÀÌØíÉÐôÀÑ¡¸á¥Ð($$%5Í ½à ÐÀäØ°ÅÕ½Ðí¥±½Õ¹ÅÕ½Ðì°ÅÕ½Ðí¥±½Õ¹ÅÕ½Ðì¤($$$ÀÌØíÑÍÑÙÈÄô}a51Ñ9½ ½Õ¹Ð ÅÕ½Ðì¼½QA -P½I=]QÅÕ½ÐìµÀìÅÕ½Ð켨ÅÕ½Ðì¤($$$5Í ½à ÐÀäØ°ÅÕ½Ðí¹½½Õ¹ÐÅÕ½Ðì°ÀÌØíÑÍÑÙÈĤ($$%IÑÕɸ($%]¹($%5Í ½à ÐÀäØ°ÅÕ½ÐíÉɽÈÅÕ½Ðì°}a51ÉÉ½È ¤¤(%¹% As you can see I am using a copy of that xml stored at C:\ to do my testing. I'll also include a copy of the file versions on the off chance it makes a difference. Once again I am very greatful for the help and hope it didn't sound like I was questioning your code or testing of it. I just asked because I was worried there might be a system or setup factor causing the problem since I was assuming you had run it but it didn't run on mine. Oh and I know about needing to pull out the return in the test script but forgot to before posting.eltoro.au3xmltestfile.au3 Edited July 3, 2006 by sean1976
weaponx Posted July 3, 2006 Posted July 3, 2006 sean1976, I downloaded your cookbook.xml and the script example you last provided (Not the Test Script) and I was able to convert your XML into an array just fine which you could then work with in AutoIT. One problem I encountered is that your XML has a dangling tag called <PARAMS/> below the </FIELDS> tag which could cause a parse error. I'll throw something together for you which will display all of this data nicely in a table. It'll have to wait till morning because my girlfriend is nagging me. Women...
sean1976 Posted July 3, 2006 Posted July 3, 2006 lmao, but would you really wanna do without them? Thanks for the help I'll look forward to any suggestions or code.
eltorro Posted July 3, 2006 Author Posted July 3, 2006 Ok i'm stuck again. I'm not familiar with XPATH and I followed the link in one of your posts and made a few attempts at creating child nodes. _XMLCreateChildNodeWAttr() should have been removed. I will remove it in the next release. use _XMLCreateChildWAttr() instead. I showed 3 ways you can add the node to your file. #include <_XMLModified.au3> ;#include <_XMLDomWrapper.au3> #include <Array.au3> _XMLCreateFile(@ScriptDir & "\test.xml", "menu", 1) _XMLFileOpen (@ScriptDir & "\test.xml") $ATTRIBS = _ArrayCreate ("name","oscode") $CHILDATTRIBS = _ArrayCreate ("name","target","oscode") $VALUES = _ArrayCreate ("Antivirus","255") $ret = _XMLCreateRootNodeWAttr("folder", $ATTRIBS, $VALUES) $CHILDVALUES = _ArrayCreate ("Norton Antivirus 2006 Trial","WINFILES\Antivirus\Norton2006\NAV061220.exe","112") ;three ways to get a node _XMLCreateChildWAttr("//menu/folder[1]", "item", $CHILDATTRIBS, $CHILDVALUES) ;by node index ;_XMLCreateChildWAttr("//menu/*[position()=1]", "item", $CHILDATTRIBS, $CHILDVALUES) ;by xpath position() func ;_XMLCreateChildWAttr("//menu/folder[@name='Antivirus']", "item", $CHILDATTRIBS, $CHILDVALUES); by attribute name $VALUES = _ArrayCreate ("Spyware","255") _XMLCreateRootNodeWAttr("folder", $ATTRIBS, $VALUES) $VALUES = _ArrayCreate ("Windows Updates","255") _XMLCreateRootNodeWAttr("folder", $ATTRIBS, $VALUES) $VALUES = _ArrayCreate ("Internet","255") _XMLCreateRootNodeWAttr("folder", $ATTRIBS, $VALUES) $VALUES = _ArrayCreate ("System Info","255") _XMLCreateRootNodeWAttr("folder", $ATTRIBS, $VALUES) Hope that helps. Regards, [indent]ElTorro[/indent][font="Book"] Decide, Commit, Achieve[/font]_ConfigIO.au3Language Translation --uses Google(tm) MsgBox Move XML wrapper UDF XML2TreeView Zip functionality Split your GUI Save Print ScreenZipPluginEdit In Place listviewSome of my scripts on Google code
weaponx Posted July 3, 2006 Posted July 3, 2006 sean1976, sorry I took so long to respond, it's a bit after noon. I threw some letters and numbers into a text file and this is what came out.expandcollapse popup; AutoIt Version: ; Author: Stephen Podhajecki eltorro <gehossafats@netmdc.com> ; Modified by: WeaponX <ghostofagoodthing@gmail.com> ; Version: 0.5 ; ; Script Function: Populate Array from cookbook.xml, display in listview ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Include <_XMLDomWrapper.au3>; change this to your needs #Include <Array.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> ;_SetDebug(True) opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) ;=============================================================================== Global $xmlFile Global $count = 0 Global $sNxPath, $fHwnd Global $ARRAY[1][1] Global $ARRAYX Global $ARRAYY ;=============================================================================== ;Manual XML path for testing, comment out ;$xmlFile = "D:\Design\Archrival Assembler\Old Versions\cookbook.xml" If $xmlFile = "" Then $xmlFile = FileOpenDialog("Open XML", @ScriptDir, "XML (*.XML)", 1) If @error Then MsgBox(4096, "File Open", "No file chosen , Exiting") Exit EndIf EndIf Main() Gui() Exit Func Main() Local $szXPath1,$szXPath2, $aNodeName1,$aNodeName2, $find, $oXSD,$iNodeCount,$aAttrName1[1],$aAttrVal1[1],$aAttrName2[1],$aAttrVal2[1],$ret_val,$X $oXSD = _XMLFileOpen ($xmlFile, "") If @error Or $oXSD < 1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "There was an error opening the file " & $xmlFile) $oXSD = 0 Exit EndIf $szXPath1 = "//DATAPACKET/METADATA/FIELDS" $szXPath2 = "//DATAPACKET/ROWDATA" $ARRAYX = _XMLGetNodeCount($szXPath1 & "/*") $ARRAYY = _XMLGetNodeCount($szXPath2 & "/*") ReDim $ARRAY[$ARRAYX][$ARRAYY+1] $aNodeName1 = _XMLGetChildNodes ($szXPath1) $aNodeName2 = _XMLGetChildNodes ($szXPath2) If $aNodeName1 <> -1 Then ;LOOP THROUGH //DATAPACKET/METADATA/FIELDS For $find = 1 To $aNodeName1[0] _XMLGetAllAttrib($szXPath1 & "/*" & '[' & $find & ']',$aAttrName1,$aAttrVal1) ;ADD TO ARRAY $ARRAY[$find-1][0] = $aAttrVal1[0] ;LOOP THROUGH //DATAPACKET/ROWDATA For $X=1 To $aNodeName2[0] _XMLGetAllAttrib($szXPath2 & "/*" & '[' & $X & ']',$aAttrName2,$aAttrVal2) ;ONLY APPEND IF CURRENT FIELD NIMBER IS LESS THAN NUMBER OF ATTRIBS FOUND IN EACH ROW If $find <= Ubound($aAttrName2) Then $ARRAY[$find-1][$X] = $aAttrVal2[$find-1] EndIf Next Next Else MsgBox(0, "Error:", "No nodes found for " & $szXPath1) EndIf $oXSD = 0 EndFunc;==>Main Func GUI() Local $msg Local $listview Local $X = 0 Local $Y = 1 Local $HEADER Local $COL Local $ROW GUICreate("Cookbook",600,300) ; will create a dialog box that when displayed is centered GUISetState (@SW_SHOW) ; will display an empty dialog box ;CREATE HEADER FOR LISTVIEW While $X < Ubound($ARRAY) $HEADER = $HEADER & $ARRAY[$X][0] & "|" $X=$X+1 WEnd $listview = GUICtrlCreateListView ($HEADER ,5,5,590,290);,$LVS_SORTDESCENDING) ;Loop through $ARRAY (from "//DATAPACKET/ROWDATA") $Y = 1 While $Y < Ubound($ARRAY,2) ;Loop through $ARRAY (from "//DATAPACKET/METADATA/FIELDS") $X=0 $ROW = "" While $X < Ubound($ARRAY) $ROW = $ROW & $ARRAY[$X][$Y] & "|" $X=$X+1 WEnd GUICtrlCreateListViewItem ($ROW,$listview) $Y=$Y+1 WEnd While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop Wend EndFuncThis will gather the data from your file, populate an array, and to show that it works dispaly a listview. Let me know if you have any questions. I used beta to test.COOKBOOKVIEWER.au3cookbook.xml
sean1976 Posted July 3, 2006 Posted July 3, 2006 ok now I'm really puzzled. At first after reading weaponx's post I thought it the problem may have been a version issue since I realized I was using beta instead of 128. But after I updated to .128 I am still getting the "there was an error opening the file ########" whenever I try to open using the code you two posted for me but the testscript still does not return an error. Any ideas of what might be causing this issue with the open command?
eltorro Posted July 3, 2006 Author Posted July 3, 2006 ok now I'm really puzzled. At first after reading weaponx's post I thought it the problem may have been a version issue since I realized I was using beta instead of 128. But after I updated to .128 I am still getting the "there was an error opening the file ########" whenever I try to open using the code you two posted for me but the testscript still does not return an error. Any ideas of what might be causing this issue with the open command?You might have a look at this post. If that is not you problem then post back. And we'll see if we can figure out what is happening. Regards, [indent]ElTorro[/indent][font="Book"] Decide, Commit, Achieve[/font]_ConfigIO.au3Language Translation --uses Google(tm) MsgBox Move XML wrapper UDF XML2TreeView Zip functionality Split your GUI Save Print ScreenZipPluginEdit In Place listviewSome of my scripts on Google code
weaponx Posted July 3, 2006 Posted July 3, 2006 (edited) The only difference that I can think of is that I have the _XMLDomWrapper.au3 file in the same folder as my script. Or maybe are you trying to open the file from a UNC path or network share? Also I am running XP Pro SP2 maybe windows is missing something. Make sure you have all windows updates installed. I'm not sure where MSXML gets updated. Edited July 3, 2006 by weaponx
sean1976 Posted July 3, 2006 Posted July 3, 2006 (edited) ok, I tried all the different msxml version setting's in the _XMLDomWrapper file without any luck. Still getting the file open error and the variable not an object error with the testfile I made. I am using the scripts with the _XMLDomWrapper file in the same folder as the script and with a copy of the xml in the same folder. Gonna check to make sure I have everything updated, currently using windows XP Home SP2. Yay, found the problem. It was the msxml installation. I downloaded the files for the current MSXML 4.0 SP2 and tried the code you guys gave me and it worked great. Thank you both so much for your help with this. Hopefully I'll be proficient enough in the future to help others similarly. Once again thank you both for the help. I finished the basic functioning of what I was working on and am now going to work on some improvements but your help allowed me to get the basic program working properly Edited July 5, 2006 by sean1976
Swimming_Bird Posted July 13, 2006 Posted July 13, 2006 I'm not exactly sure atm what the difference between _XMLGetAllAttribIndex and _XMLGetAllAttrib is?
eltorro Posted July 13, 2006 Author Posted July 13, 2006 I'm not exactly sure atm what the difference between _XMLGetAllAttribIndex and _XMLGetAllAttrib is? ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _XMLGetAllAttribIndex ; Description: Get all XML Field(s) attributes based on Xpath and specific index. oÝ÷ Øò¢èZ½éèuë(~Ø^±©µ¨'jgéò¢èZ½ëhçÞéÜzØ^¼¢×±NßÛ-êkzh¬jëh×6;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _XMLGetAllAttrib ; Description: Get all XML Field(s) attributes based on XPath input from root node. Regards, [indent]ElTorro[/indent][font="Book"] Decide, Commit, Achieve[/font]_ConfigIO.au3Language Translation --uses Google(tm) MsgBox Move XML wrapper UDF XML2TreeView Zip functionality Split your GUI Save Print ScreenZipPluginEdit In Place listviewSome of my scripts on Google code
eltorro Posted July 14, 2006 Author Posted July 14, 2006 (edited) I have an XML file... <?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration> <appSettings> <add key="a" value="Goober"/> <add key="b" value="Goober"/> <add key="c" value="Goober"/> </appSettings> </configuration> How do I change the "value" of key="b" so like my result is.... <?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration> <appSettings> <add key="a" value="Goober"/> <add key="b" value="Holy Moly Batman"/> <add key="c" value="Goober"/> </appSettings> </configuration> ;Change an attribute value #include <_XMLDomWrapper.au3> $oXML = _XMLFileOpen (@ScriptDir&"\abc.xml", "") If @error Or $oXML < 1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "There was an error opening the file " & @ScriptDir&"\abc.xml") $oXML = 0 Exit EndIf Local $before , $after ;show what it is now $before = _XMLGetAttrib("configuration/appSettings/add[@key='b']","value") MsgBox(0,"Before",$before) ;change it _XMLSetAttrib ("configuration/appSettings/add[@key='b']", "value", "Holy Moly Batman") ;show that it is changed $after = _XMLGetAttrib("configuration/appSettings/add[@key='b']","value") MsgBox(0,"After",$after) ;delete reference $oXML= 0 Exit There is also an updated wrapper which fixes a bug. Please update. Edit: Changed to code box as autoit code box is not working. Edited July 14, 2006 by eltorro Regards, [indent]ElTorro[/indent][font="Book"] Decide, Commit, Achieve[/font]_ConfigIO.au3Language Translation --uses Google(tm) MsgBox Move XML wrapper UDF XML2TreeView Zip functionality Split your GUI Save Print ScreenZipPluginEdit In Place listviewSome of my scripts on Google code
user52 Posted August 6, 2006 Posted August 6, 2006 <?xml version="1.0"? standalone="yes" ?> <Data> <Group> <GroupNumber>1</GroupNumber> <Person1>Jacob</Person1> <Person2>Emily</Person2> <Person3>Michael</Person3> </Group> <Group> <GroupNumber>2</GroupNumber> <Person1>Matthew</Person1> <Person2>Abigail</Person2> <Person3>Olivia</Person3> </Group> </Data> quick and easy question... how do you make sub xml groups as shown above? this is probably something really easy, but i've just started with this and this is all i've been able to get: <?xml version="1.0"?> <Group> <GroupNumber>1</GroupNumber> <Person1>Jacob</Person1> <Person2>Emily</Person2> <Person3>Michael</Person3> </Group> thanks for the help
eltorro Posted August 6, 2006 Author Posted August 6, 2006 This should do what you want: ;Stephen Podhajecki [eltorro] ; $Debug = True #Include <_XMLDomWrapper.au3> $path = @ScriptDir&"\groups.xml" $root = "Data" _XMLCreateFile ($path, $root, True); create file with root data $hXml= _XMLFileOpen($path) For $x = 1 to 10 _XMLCreateRootChild("Group", "" , "") _XMLCreateChildNode($root&"/Group["&$x&"]","GroupNumber",$x,"") ; create children by index Next Local $aNames[3]=["Jacob","Emily","Michael"] For $x = 1 to 3 _XMLCreateChildNode($root&"/Group[1]","Person"&$x,$aNames[$x-1],"") ;add people to groups Next Local $aNames[3]=["Matthew","Abigail","Olivia"] For $x = 1 to 3 _XMLCreateChildNode($root&"/Group[2]","Person"&$x,$aNames[$x-1],"") Next $hXml=0 Exit expandcollapse popup<?xml version="1.0"?> <Data> <Group> <GroupNumber>1</GroupNumber> <Person1>Jacob</Person1> <Person2>Emily</Person2> <Person3>Michael</Person3> </Group> <Group> <GroupNumber>2</GroupNumber> <Person1>Matthew</Person1> <Person2>Abigail</Person2> <Person3>Olivia</Person3> </Group> <Group> <GroupNumber>3</GroupNumber> </Group> <Group> <GroupNumber>4</GroupNumber> </Group> <Group> <GroupNumber>5</GroupNumber> </Group> <Group> <GroupNumber>6</GroupNumber> </Group> <Group> <GroupNumber>7</GroupNumber> </Group> <Group> <GroupNumber>8</GroupNumber> </Group> <Group> <GroupNumber>9</GroupNumber> </Group> <Group> <GroupNumber>10</GroupNumber> </Group> </Data> I hope this helps. eltorro Regards, [indent]ElTorro[/indent][font="Book"] Decide, Commit, Achieve[/font]_ConfigIO.au3Language Translation --uses Google(tm) MsgBox Move XML wrapper UDF XML2TreeView Zip functionality Split your GUI Save Print ScreenZipPluginEdit In Place listviewSome of my scripts on Google code
capricorn33 Posted August 13, 2006 Posted August 13, 2006 (edited) Thanks for the XMLDOMwrapper, I have had lots of use for it! I thought I'd contribute with a little helper function that I wrote to make use of the 'DocumentFragment' function in XMLDOM. Good to have if you want to move bigger chunks of the nodetree at once. Sorry if the code is a little rough or maybe even fawlty... I'm no programmer, just a newbie on a steep learning curve... You are most welcome to refine it, if you wish to. cheers capricorn33 ;this code should be inserted inside the _XMLDOMwrapper Func _XMLGetFragment($strXPath) local $names[1], $objNodelist, $objN ;create DocumentFragmentobject $objFragment = $objDoc.createNode(11, "fragm", "") $objN = $objDoc.selectSingleNode ($strXPath) While @error = 0 If Not IsObj($objN) Then $xmlerr = @CRLF & "No Matching Nodes found" $objFragment = $objN return $objFragment wend EndFunc Func _XMLNodeDragAndDrop($dragXPath, $dropXPath) $fragNode = _XMLGetFragment($dragXPath);documentFragment fed with the node to be moved $objDrop = $objDoc.selectSingleNode ($dropXPath) _XMLDeleteNode($dragXPath) ;delete old node $parentN = $objDrop.parentNode $parentN.insertBefore($fragNode, $objDrop);insert DocFrag before $dropXPath ;test msgbox(0,"show xml",$parentN.xml) $objDoc.save($strFile) return EndFunc Edited August 13, 2006 by capricorn33
hermherm Posted September 12, 2006 Posted September 12, 2006 (edited) wow first of all great thing with the xml code but I got problems... and I can't solve them Heres my auto it code...What I wanted to do... I wanted simply to read the values out of the .xml and store them in variables...if I use XMLGetValue in my "test" message box ´there is no value displayed.. so I think I get a null valueLocal $sFile = "books.xml" If FileExists($sFile) Then While @error = 0 $ret = _XMLFileOpen ($sFile) if $ret =0 then Exit $Bobber = _XMLGetValue ("Settings/Bobber") $Variance = _XMLGetValue ("Settings/Variance") $search = _XMLGetValue ("Settings/Search") MsgBox(4096, "test", $search) Return WEnd MsgBox(4096, "Error", _XMLError ()) EndIfand here is my books.xml<?xml version="1.0"?> <Settings> <Search>4</Search> <Bobber>1</Bobber> <Variance>80</Variance> </Settings>Would be very nice if someone could help me out Edited September 12, 2006 by hermherm
eltorro Posted September 12, 2006 Author Posted September 12, 2006 Try using MsgBox(4096, "test", $search[1]) oÝ÷ Ú)ìµæ¡ö®¶s`¤×6t&÷CbÂgV÷C·FW7BgV÷C²Âb33c·6V&6oÝ÷ Ù«¢+Ø(ìôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôô(ìչѥ½¸9µè}a51ÑY±Õ(ìÍÉ¥ÁÑ¥½¸èÐa50¥±Í½¸aAÑ ¥¹ÁÕÐɽ´É½½Ð¹½¸(ìAɵÑÉÌèÀÌØíÁÑ áµ°ÑÉÁÑ É½´É½½Ð¹½¡É½½Ð½¡¥±½¡¥±¸¸¤(ìMå¹Ñàè}a51ÑY±Õ ÀÌØíÁÑ ¤(ìÕÑ¡½È¡Ì¤èMÑÁ¡¸A½¡©¤±Ðí¡½ÍÍÑ͹ѵ¹½´Ðì(ìIÑÕɹÌèÉÉä½¥±ÌÑáÐÙ±Õ̴Ľ¸¥±ÕÉ(ìôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôô(oÝ÷ Øw«zØ^r^"ëu«¢+Ø)1½°ÀÌØíÍ¥±ôÅÕ½Ðí½½Ì¹áµ°ÅÕ½Ðì(%¥±á¥ÍÑÌ ÀÌØíÍ¥±¤Q¡¸(ÀÌØíÉÐô}a51¥±=Á¸ ÀÌØíÍ¥±¤(¥ÀÌØíÉÐôÀÑ¡¸á¥Ð((ÀÌØí ½Èô}a51ÑY±Õ ÅÕ½ÐíMÑÑ¥¹Ì½ ½ÈÅÕ½Ðì¤(ÀÌØíYÉ¥¹ô}a51ÑY±Õ ÅÕ½ÐíMÑÑ¥¹Ì½YÉ¥¹ÅÕ½Ðì¤(ÀÌØíÍÉ ô}a51ÑY±Õ ÅÕ½ÐíMÑÑ¥¹Ì½MÉ ÅÕ½Ðì¤((5Í ½à ÐÀäØ°ÅÕ½ÐíÑÍÐÅÕ½Ðì°ÀÌØíÍÉ¡lÅt¤(5Í ½à ÐÀäØ°ÅÕ½ÐíÉɽÈÅÕ½Ðì°}a51ÉÉ½È ¤¤(¹%( eltorro cyberbit 1 Regards, [indent]ElTorro[/indent][font="Book"] Decide, Commit, Achieve[/font]_ConfigIO.au3Language Translation --uses Google(tm) MsgBox Move XML wrapper UDF XML2TreeView Zip functionality Split your GUI Save Print ScreenZipPluginEdit In Place listviewSome of my scripts on Google code
Rraney Posted October 13, 2006 Posted October 13, 2006 I have an xml file and I need to pull the outcall and incalls to arrays, I'm lost.. Any help would be great XML File <?xml version="1.0"?> <phone> <hourstart>10</hourstart> <hourstop>1</hourstop> <id>1510 10 3</id> <light>no</light> <call>Line_1_459.55 Line_1_2655.06</call> <call>Line_1_464.85 Line_1_2667.57</call> <call>Line_1_470.11 Line_1_2680.01</call> <call>Line_1_475.57 Line_1_2692.9</call> <call>Line_1_480.9 Line_1_2705.49</call> <call>Line_1_486.2 Line_1_2718.01</call <outcall>Line_1_604.13 Line_1_2523.96</outcall> <outcall>Line_1_617.85 Line_1_2522.98</outcall> <outcall>Line_1_620.82 Line_1_2538.1</outcall> <outcall>Line_1_616.26 Line_1_2550.58</outcall> <outcall>Line_1_609.74 Line_1_2562.6</outcall> </phone>
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