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Posted (edited)


Isn't that one of the main reasons for using CDATA so that you don't need to escape everything (since the CDATA is not parsed)?

Can you comment on the trouble using _XMLCreateCDATA? I reproduced the same outcome that Gary got trying to use it.



Here's a fix for the write part:

; Function Name:    _XMLCreateCDATA
; Description:      Create a CDATA SECTION node directly under root.
; Parameters:       $node name of node to create
;                   $data CDATA value
; Syntax:           _XMLCreateCDATA($node,$data)
; Author(s):        Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com>
; Returns:          on error set error to 1 and returns -1
; fixme, won't append to exisiting node. must create new node.
Func _XMLCreateCDATA($strNode, $strCDATA,$strNameSpc="")
    Local $objChild, $objNode
    While @error = 0
        $objNode = $objDoc.createNode (1, $strNode, $strNameSpc)
        $objChild = $objDoc.createCDATASection ($strCDATA)
        $objDoc.documentElement.appendChild ($objNode)
        $objDoc.Save ($strFile)
        $objChild = ""
   ;    _XMLError( "Failed to create CDATA Section: " & $strNode & @CRLF & $oMyError.windescription)
    _XMLError( "Failed to create CDATA Section: " & $strNode & @CRLF)
    Return -1
EndFunc  ;==>_XMLCreateCDATA

Here's the xml as loaded in SciTe

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Snippet><hCode><![CDATA[; Include Version:1.52 (8 February 2006)

; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; AutoIt Version: 3.0
; Language:    English
; Description:  Functions that assist with color management.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

; Description:    Get the red component of a given color.
; Syntax:         ]]></hCode></Snippet>

I'm still working on the read. I think that the CDATASection is considered a child of the the node and may have to be referenced by it's index.


Edit: updated code.

Edited by eltorro

Here is the read part:

; Function Name:    _XMLGetValue
; Description:      Get XML Fieldbased on XPath input from root node.
; Parameters:       $path   xml tree path from root node (root/child/child..)
; Syntax:           _XMLGetValue($path)
; Author(s):        Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com>
; Returns:          array of fields text values -1 on failure
Func _XMLGetValue($strXPath)
    Local $objNodeList, $arrResponse[1], $i
    While @error = 0
    $objNodeList = $objDoc.selectNodes($strXPath)
;   $objNodeList = $objDoc.selectNodes ($strXPath)
        If $objNodeList.length > 0 Then
            _DebugWrite("GetValue list length:" & $objNodeList.length)
            For $objNode In $objNodeList
            if $objNode.hasChildNodes() = False Then
                _ArrayAdd($arrResponse, $objNode.Text)
                $objNodeChild = $objNode.childNodes(0)
                if $objNodeChild.nodeType = $NODE_CDATA_SECTION Then
                    _ArrayAdd($arrResponse, $objNodeChild.data)
                    _ArrayAdd($arrResponse, $objNode.Text)
            _DebugWrite("GetValue:" & $objNode.nodeValue)
        Return $arrResponse
;           Return $objNode.nodeValue
           ;            Return $arrResponse
            $xmlerr = @CRLF & "No matching node(s)found!"
            Return -1
   ;    _XMLError( "Error Retrieving: " & $strXPath & @CRLF & $oMyError.windescription)
    _XMLError( "Error Retrieving: " & $strXPath & $xmlerr)
   ;            _XMLError( "No matching node(s)found for: " & $strXPath & @CRLF & $oMyError.windescription)
    Return -1
EndFunc  ;==>_XMLGetValue

The script for testing:

#Include <_XMLDomWrapper.au3>
#Include <String.au3>
;init some vars
global $snips_dir=@ScriptDir
$sXMLRoot = "Snippet"
$s_TName ="test.test"

;open and read 512 bytes from color.au3
$s_TSource = FileOpen("C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\include\Color.au3",0)
$s_TCode =FileRead($s_TSource,512)

;get down to business.
SaveSnippet($s_TName,$s_Tcode); save code snippet as cdata in xml

$retVal = LoadSnippet($s_TName); read it back
    if IsArray($retVal) Then


Func SaveSnippet($s_Name, $code)
    Local $sFile = $snips_dir & '\' & $s_Name & '.xml'
    While @error = 0
        _XMLCreateFile ($sFile, $sXMLRoot, True)
        _XMLFileOpen ($sFile)
;      _XMLCreateRootChild ("hCode")
        _XMLCreateCDATA("hCode",$code); cdata needs new node ???
    MsgBox(4096, "Error", _XMLError ())

Func LoadSnippet($s_Name)
    Local $sFile = $snips_dir & '\' & $s_Name & '.xml', $ret, $s_code
    ConsoleWrite($sFile & @LF)
    If FileExists($sFile) Then
        While @error = 0
            $ret = _XMLFileOpen ($sFile)
            $s_code = _XMLGetValue ("//hCode")
             Return $s_code
        MsgBox(4096, "Error", _XMLError ())
Posted (edited)

Forgot, had to clean up the include file i always use Opt('MustDeclareVars',1)

and remove variables not being used

Here's the cleaned up one, with the update functions also


Edit: Removed attachment

Edited by gafrost

SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs


Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.



Thanks for the help, I now have a new version of CSnippet out, saves the snippets to XML files



Great! :geek:

Forgot, had to clean up the include file i always use Opt('MustDeclareVars',1)

and remove variables not being used

Here's the cleaned up one, with the update functions also


Thanks, ;)


Udpated download in first post.

Posted (edited)


You can start with this code:

;Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com>
 #Include <_XMLDomWrapper.au3>
 Local $sXmlFile, $oOXml, $my_ns
 opt("MustDeclareVars", 1)
 ;_SetDebug (True);show debug messages via console write
 $sXmlFile = "C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\scripts\allocation.xml";******* put your path here.
 If @error Then
     MsgBox(4096, "File Open", "No file chosen")
     $oOXml = ""
     $my_ns = ""
     $oOXml = _XMLFileOpen ($sXmlFile, $my_ns)
 Dim $sallocation[200][4], $x
 Func GetNode()
     Local $x, $y, $ret, $iNodeCt, $msg
     $iNodeCt = _XMLGetNodeCount ("//allocation/state", "", $NODE_ELEMENT)
    ;    MsgBox(0, "Allocation", $iNodeCt)
     For $x = 1 To $iNodeCt - 1
         $ret = GetAlloc($x)
         If IsArray($ret) Then
             $msg = ""
             For $y = 1 To UBound($ret) - 1
                 $msg = $msg & "State = " & $ret[$y][4] & " ID = " & $ret[$y][0] & _
                         " Comm = " & $ret[$y][1] & " Alloc = " & $ret[$y][2] & @LF
             ConsoleWrite("The Return Values:" & @LF & $msg)
            ;MsgBox(0, "Allocations", $msg)
 EndFunc  ;==>GetNode
 Func GetAlloc($iIndex)
     Local $iChildct, $iNodeCt, $sState, $sallocation[1][5], $aAttrN[1], $aAttrV[1], $ret
     Local $x, $y, $z
     $iIndex = "[" & $iIndex & "]"
     $sState = _XMLGetAttrib ("//allocation/state" & $iIndex, "id")
     $iChildct = _XMLGetNodeCount ("//allocation/state" & $iIndex & "/servicer", "", $NODE_ELEMENT)
     _DebugWrite ("State>" & $sState & " Servicer ct>" & $iChildct & @LF)
     If $iChildct > 0 Then ReDim $sallocation[$iChildct + 1][5]
     For $y = 1 To $iChildct
         If $y = 0 Then
             $ret = _XMLGetAllAttrib ("//allocation/state" & $iIndex & "/servicer", $aAttrN, $aAttrV)
             $ret = _XMLGetAllAttrib ("//allocation/state" & $iIndex & "/servicer", $aAttrN, $aAttrV, "[" & $y & "]")
         If @error = 0 Then
             $sallocation[$y][0] = $aAttrV[0]
             $sallocation[$y][4] = $sState
             For $z = 1 To UBound($aAttrV) - 1
                 $sallocation[$y][$z] = $aAttrV[$z]
     Return $sallocation
 EndFunc  ;==>GetAlloc

Hope this is what you are looking for.


Edit: autoit code tags

Edited by eltorro

dear autoit-cracks

i have read all post about xml and played around with it... but i can't figure out how i must implement what i'm looking for. hopefully some could help me :o

i have the following xml file (could be found here)

 <name>Wojjie's Buddy List</name>
        <longname>BattleField 2</longname>
        <name>24/7 Wake - Krackhouse</name>
        <map>Wake Island 2007</map>
    <ping>20 ms</ping>
        <longname>BattleField 2</longname>


and i would like bring the information "Buddy Name", "Server Fullip", "Players" and the "Status" (changes the icon) in a gui, that it looks like this

Posted Image

it would be nice if someone could help my out! :geek:

Posted (edited)

dear autoit-cracks

i have read all post about xml and played around with it... but i can't figure out how i must implement what i'm looking for. hopefully some could help me :o

Posted Image

it would be nice if someone could help my out! :geek:

#include <GUIConstants.au3>
 #Include <_XMLDomWrapper.au3>
 ;Buddy list example  by <Stephen Podhajecki gehossafats@netmdc.com>
 Global $ledRed = "C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Scripts\ledred.ico";change this to the script dir
 Global $ledGrn = "C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Scripts\ledgrn.ico";change this to the script dir
 $Form1 = GUICreate("Buddy List", 315, 333, 192, 125)
 $msg = ""
 opt("MustDeclareVars", 1)
 Local $buddysheet = @ScriptDir & "\buddylist.xml"
 Local $oBs = _XMLFileOpen ($buddysheet)
 If @error Then
     MsgBox(0, "Error", "There was an error opening the file.")
 While 1
     $msg = GUIGetMsg()
         Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
         Case Else
 Func _RetFirst($aArray); return first item in an array
     If IsArray($aArray) Then
         Return $aArray[1]
 EndFunc ;==>_RetFirst
 Func _StringPad($sText, $sChar, $iLen, $iFlag = 0); add text to string
     While StringLen($sText) < $iLen
         If $iFlag < 1 Then
             $sText = $sText & $sChar
             $sText = $sChar & $sText
     Return $sText
 EndFunc ;==>_StringPad
 Func _ResizeGui($iht); resize gui to fit all buds.
     Local $a = WinGetPos("")
     WinMove("", "", $a[0], $a[1], $a[2], $iht + 40)
 EndFunc ;==>_ResizeGui
 Func FillGui(); fill the gui with the list.
     Local $i_Budds = _XMLGetNodeCount ("//buddyList/*")
     If $i_Budds > 0 Then
         Local $x, $y[4], $z, $sRet = _XMLSelectNodes ("//buddyList/*")
         If IsArray($sRet) Then
           ;_ArrayDisplay($sRet,"Node Names")
             _ResizeGui(20 * $sRet[0])
             For $x = 1 To $sRet[0]
                 If $sRet[$x] = "buddy" Then
                     $y[0] = _RetFirst(_XMLGetField ("buddyList/*[" & $x & "]/status"))
                     $y[1] = _StringPad(_RetFirst(_XMLGetField ("buddyList/*[" & $x & "]/name")), " ", 18)
                     $y[2] = _StringPad(_RetFirst(_XMLGetField ("buddyList/*[" & $x & "]/server/fullip")), " ", 21)
                     $y[3] = _StringPad(_RetFirst(_XMLGetField ("buddyList/*[" & $x & "]/server/players")), " ", 10)
                     $z = 20* ($x - 1)
                     GUICtrlCreateLabel($y[2], 166, $z, 125, -1)
                     GUICtrlCreateLabel($y[3], 275, $z, 85, -1)
                     GUICtrlCreateLabel("         " & $y[1], 16, $z, 150, -1)
                     If StringUpper($y[0]) = "ONLINE" Then
                         GUICtrlCreateIcon($ledGrn, -1, 16, $z, 16, 16)
                         GUICtrlSetStyle(-1, BitOR($SS_ICON, $SS_NOTIFY))
                         GUICtrlCreateIcon($ledRed, -1, 16, $z, 16, 16)
                         GUICtrlSetStyle(-1, BitOR($SS_ICON, $SS_NOTIFY))
 EndFunc ;==>FillGui

contains script and icons.



Edit: changed to AutoIt code tags

Edited by eltorro
Posted (edited)


I just added another version of the wrapper. This one allows for working with multiple documents by supplying an index number to the object. The index is passed as the last optional parameter of every function so as to not interfere with previous operation.

Currently the file index is set for 5 files max[0-4]. Unless you have gobs of memory, I think that this is a resonable max as all docs are loaded into memory by M$'s dll. The global const $MAXFILES can be changed to meet your requirements.

This is basically a workaround and is considered an experimental version for testing.

Another option is to re-code the functions requiring that the doc object be pass in for every function.

At present, I don't have time to re-code.

Basically it works as follows for multi files:

Dim $myFiles[$MAXFILES]
        $myFiles[0]= _XMLFileOpen("MyFile.xml","",0)  
        $myFiles[1] = _XMLFileOpen("Myfile1.xml","",1)

Please see the first post for download link.


Edited by eltorro
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I had someone ask me for a script to get the required items from an XSD and print them to a csv file.

Below is a basic script to do that. Please keep in mind that there may be bugs and it might not work on all xsd files.

;AutoitXSDtool.au3, find required items in the XSD
 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ; AutoIt Version:
 ; Author:         Stephen Podhajecki eltorro
 ; Version: 0.1
 ; Script Function: find "required" items in the XSD, export data to csv
 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 #Include "C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\include\_XMLDomMdi.au3"
 #Include <Array.au3>
 opt("MustDeclareVars", 1)
 Global $xsdFile
 Global $count = 0
 Global $sNxPath, $fHwnd
 Global $sOutFile = @ScriptDir & "\" & @ScriptName & ".csv"
 ;$xsdFile=@ScriptDir & "\Base_v2.xsd"
 $xsdFile = FileOpenDialog("Open XSD", @ScriptDir, "XSD (*.XSD)|XML (*.XML)", 1)
 If @error Then
     MsgBox(4096, "File Open", "No file chosen , Exiting")
 Func Main()
     Local $sPath, $aNodeName, $find, $ns, $oXSD
     $ns = GetNameSpace()
     $oXSD = _XMLFileOpen ($xsdFile, $ns)
     If @error Or $oXSD < 1 Then
         MsgBox(0, "Error", "There was an error opening the file " & $xsdFile)
         $oXSD =0
     $sPath = '.'
     $aNodeName = _XMLGetChildNodes ($sPath)
     If $aNodeName[0] > 0 Then
         For $find = 1 To $aNodeName[0]
             DrillDown($sPath & "/*" & '[' & $find & ']')
         If MsgBox(1, "Results", "There were " & $count & " required items." & @LF & _
                 "Output is in " & $sOutFile & @LF & @LF & _
                 "Click Ok to copy path to clipboard.") = 1 Then ClipPut($sOutFile)
         MsgBox(0, "Error:", "No nodes found for " & $sPath)
     $oXSD =0
 EndFunc  ;==>Main
 Func DrillDown($path)
     If $sNxPath = "" Then $sNxPath = $path
     Local $aNames[1], $aValues[1], $line = "", $retval, $sNodeName, $sData, $values, $sFndPath, $nc
     $retval = String(_XMLGetAttrib ($path, "use"))
     If $retval = "required" Then
         $count = $count + 1
         $sData = '"' & $path & '",'
         $values = _XMLGetAllAttrib ($path, $aNames, $aValues)
         For $y = 1 To UBound($aNames)
             $sData = $sData & '"' & $aValues[$y - 1] & '",'
         $sData = StringTrimRight($sData, 1)
     $nc = _XMLGetNodeCount ($path & "/*")
     $sNodeName = _XMLSelectNodes ($path & "/*")
     If $nc > 0 Then
         For $iNxNode = 1 To $sNodeName[0]
             $sNxPath = $sNxPath & '/' & $sNodeName[$iNxNode] & '[' & $iNxNode & ']'
             $sFndPath = $path & '/*[' & $iNxNode & ']'
         $sNxPath = ""
 EndFunc  ;==>DrillDown
 Func CSVOut($sData)
     If FileExists($sOutFile) Then
         If $fHwnd = 0 Then
             $fHwnd = FileOpen($sOutFile, 9)
         $fHwnd = FileOpen($sOutFile, 9)
     If $fHwnd > 0 Then
         FileWriteLine($fHwnd, $sData)
 EndFunc  ;==>CSVOut
 Func GetNameSpace()
     Local $ns, $aAT[1], $aVl[1], $x, $ret,$oXSD
     $oXSD= _XMLFileOpen ($xsdFile)
     $ns = _XMLGetAllAttrib ("./*", $aAT, $aVl)
     If $ns <> 0 Then
         For $x = 0 To UBound($aAT) - 1
             If StringLeft($aAT[$x], 5) = "xmlns" Then $ret = $aAT[$x] & "='" & $aVl[$x] & "'"
     $oXSD =0 
     Return $ret
 EndFunc  ;==>GetNameSpace

I hope that someone will find it useful. :)


Edited by eltorro
  • Moderators
Posted (edited)

Wow, this XML stuff is giving me a headache.

First off here is the xml file I'm working with:

I want to turn it into something like this:

Basicly I want it to pull these values from //MACHINE/APPLICABLE

But if /MACHINE/APPLICABLE/EXPIRED == "True" then drop those.






I'm currently working on something, but if anyone could help out I'd be very greatful.

Okay, this is what I have so far:

#include <_XMLDomWrapper.au3>

$sXmlFile = "MAIND53B.xml"
$oOXml = _XMLFileOpen ($sXmlFile)
$cnt = _XMLGetNodeCount ('//MACHINE/APPLICABLE/*', "")

Dim $aAttrName[1], $aAttrValue[1]

For $i = 0 To $cnt - 1
    $ret = _XMLGetAllAttribIndex ("//MACHINE/APPLICABLE/*", $aAttrName, $aAttrValue, "", $i)
    If IsArray($aAttrName) Then
        _ArrayDisplay($aAttrName, "Attrib Names")
        _ArrayDisplay($aAttrValue, "Attrib Values")
        MsgBox(0, "Error", "No items found.")
Edited by big_daddy
Posted (edited)

Here you go:

;MAIN53B.au3, find un-expired updates
 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ; AutoIt Version:
 ; Author:         Stephen Podhajecki eltorro
 ; Version: 0.1
 ; Script Function: find un-expired updates, export data to csv
 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 #Include "C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\include\_XMLDomMdi.au3"
 #Include <Array.au3>
 opt("MustDeclareVars", 1)
 Global $xmlFile
 Global $count = 0
 Global $sNxPath, $fHwnd
 Global $sOutFile = @ScriptDir & "\" & @ScriptName & ".csv";Change this to suit your needs
 ;$xsdFile=@ScriptDir & "\Base_v2.xsd"
 $xmlFile = FileOpenDialog("Open XML", @ScriptDir, "XML (*.XML)", 1)
 If @error Then
     MsgBox(4096, "File Open", "No file chosen , Exiting")
 Func Main()
     Local $szXPath, $aNodeName, $find, $ns, $oXSD
     $ns = GetNameSpace()
     $oXSD = _XMLFileOpen ($xmlFile, $ns)
     If @error Or $oXSD < 1 Then
         MsgBox(0, "Error", "There was an error opening the file " & $xmlFile)
         $oXSD = 0
     $szXPath = "//INVENTORY/*"
     $aNodeName = _XMLGetChildNodes ($szXPath)
     If $aNodeName <> - 1 Then
         For $find = 0 To $aNodeName[0]
             DrillDown($szXPath & "/*" & '[' & $find & ']')
         If MsgBox(1, "Results", "There were " & $count & " items found." & @LF & _
                 "Output is in " & $sOutFile & @LF & @LF & _
                 "Click Ok to copy path to clipboard.") = 1 Then ClipPut($sOutFile)
         MsgBox(0, "Error:", "No nodes found for " & $szXPath)
     $oXSD = 0
 Func GetNameSpace()
     Local $ns, $aAT[1], $aVl[1], $x, $ret, $oXSD
     $oXSD = _XMLFileOpen ($xmlFile)
     $ns = _XMLGetAllAttrib ("./*", $aAT, $aVl)
     If $ns <> 0 Then
         For $x = 0 To UBound($aAT) - 1
             If StringLeft($aAT[$x], 5) = "xmlns" Then $ret = $aAT[$x] & "='" & $aVl[$x] & "'"
     $oXSD = 0
     Return $ret
 Func CSVCreate($szFileName, $sHeader)
     If FileExists($szFileName) Then
         If $fHwnd = 0 Then; if we don't have a handle then old file.
             $fHwnd = FileOpen($sOutFile, 9)
         $fHwnd = FileOpen($sOutFile, 9)
     If $fHwnd Then CSVOut($sHeader)
     Return $fHwnd
 Func CSVOut($sData)
     If $fHwnd > 0 Then
         FileWriteLine($fHwnd, $sData)
 Func DrillDown($path)
     If $sNxPath = "" Then $sNxPath = $path
     Local $aNames[1], $aValues[1], $line = "", $retval, $sNodeName, $sData, $values, $sFndPath, $nc
     Local $y, $x, $sRet, $aSearch = _ArrayCreate ("NAME", "KB_NUMBER", "TYPE", "SEVERITY", "URL")
     $retval = String(_XMLGetAttrib ($path, "EXPIRED"))
     If $retval = "False" Then
         If Not $fHwnd Then CSVCreate($sOutFile, "Update Name,KB Number,Type,Severity,URL")
         $count = $count + 1
         $sData = ""
         $values = _XMLGetAllAttrib ($path, $aNames, $aValues)
     ;make csv for Update Name,KB Number,Type,Severity,URL
     ;if not @error then     _ArrayDisplay($aValues,"")
         For $x = 0 To 4
             $sRet = ""
         ;find attribute names we want and get the corresponding values
             For $y = 0 To UBound($aNames) - 1
                 If $aNames[$y] = $aSearch[$x] Then
                     $sRet = $aValues[$y]
             $sData = $sData & $sRet & ','
         $sData = StringTrimRight($sData, 1)
     $nc = _XMLGetNodeCount ($path & "/*")
     $sNodeName = _XMLSelectNodes ($path & "/*")
     If $nc > 0 Then
         For $iNxNode = 1 To $sNodeName[0]
             $sNxPath = $sNxPath & '/' & $sNodeName[$iNxNode] & '[' & $iNxNode & ']'
             $sFndPath = $path & '/*[' & $iNxNode & ']'
         $sNxPath = ""

Change the $sOutFile to suit your needs


The script runs the whole xml file.

to run applicable use


Edit: Added Autoit code tags


Edited by eltorro

It worked perfectly! Thank you for the help.

Not a problem. Glad I could help. :)

Posted (edited)

Really confused: Where is the download?



EDIT: forget it, i figured it's _XMLMdiDOM.au3

Nice work! this goes into my "autoit scripts and scraps" folder!

Edited by nfwu
  • 3 weeks later...

I'd like to try my hand at making an rss reader (as a noob), but I'm unable to walk the xml tree in a rdf file, using the examples shown here already. So, after two days of trying, I'd figured I'd ask. Below I have a sample rss feed, that I like to parse into a two pane window (feed leafs on left with headlines, and article on right).

Here's a sample feed.

Thanks in Advance


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<rss version="2.0">




<description>mysite.com delivers up-to-the-minute news and information on the latest top stories, weather, entertainment, politics and more.</description>


<copyright>© 2006 musite.com.</copyright>

<pubDate>Mon, 03 Apr 2006 19:54:53 EDT</pubDate>








<description>mysite.com delivers up-to-the-minute news and information on the latest top stories, weather, entertainment, politics and more.</description>



<title>Moussaoui: God curse you all</title>


<description>Al Qaeda conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui is eligible for the death penalty, a federal jury decided Monday in the first U.S. trial about the September 11, 2001, attacks. Jurors agreed with prosecutors that his lies to FBI agents resulted in 9/11 deaths. After jurors left the courtroom, Moussaoui shouted, "You'll never get my blood. God curse you all."</description>

<pubDate>Mon, 03 Apr 2006 18:40:38 EDT</pubDate>



<title>Replacement organs grown from patients' own cells</title>


<description>Kaitlyne McNamara no longer worries about feeling different at school.</description>

<pubDate>Mon, 03 Apr 2006 18:32:04 EDT</pubDate>





  • Moderators

Answered your question here... in the future, if you've tried something... post what you've tried, otherwise all you say you've done is just "words" :). http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.ph...ndpost&p=168994

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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