BrewManNH Posted March 23, 2019 Posted March 23, 2019 1 hour ago, jchd said: AutoIt uses a variant of duck typing. I like to think of it as fuzzy logic with sprinkles. If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.Give a programmer the correct code and he can do his work for a day. Teach a programmer to debug and he can do his work for a lifetime - by Chirag GudeHow to ask questions the smart way! I hereby grant any person the right to use any code I post, that I am the original author of, on the forums, unless I've specifically stated otherwise in the code or the thread post. If you do use my code all I ask, as a courtesy, is to make note of where you got it from. Back up and restore Windows user files _Array.au3 - Modified array functions that include support for 2D arrays. - ColorChooser - An add-on for SciTE that pops up a color dialog so you can select and paste a color code into a script. - Customizable Splashscreen GUI w/Progress Bar - Create a custom "splash screen" GUI with a progress bar and custom label. - _FileGetProperty - Retrieve the properties of a file - SciTE Toolbar - A toolbar demo for use with the SciTE editor - GUIRegisterMsg demo - Demo script to show how to use the Windows messages to interact with controls and your GUI. - Latin Square password generator
ghost911 Posted March 26, 2019 Author Posted March 26, 2019 (edited) Updating the code thank ! Edited March 26, 2019 by ghost911
AZJIO Posted March 26, 2019 Posted March 26, 2019 (edited) Procedure.s GetIpToHostname(hostname.s) Define result.s = "", netid.i, ip.l ; Wrong, see below. Procedure.s GetIpToHostname(hostname.s) Protected result.s = "", netid.i, ip.l Procedure.s FileGetTime (NomFichier.s,flag,DateFormat.s="%mm/%dd/%yyyy %hh:%ii:%ss") Protected Directory$, FileName$, Time Procedure.s Ping (hostname.s) Protected Ping, cont, work, risposta.s, time.s Procedure.s FileGetSize(NomFichier.s) ; Update Function Protected Directory$, FileName$, Size$ FileName$ = NomFichier ; ???? Procedure.s FileGetSize(NomFichier.s) Procedure.s FileGetSize(FileName$) ; Directly variable Macro FileGetSize(FileName) FileSize(FileName) EndMacro Debug FileGetSize ( "C:\Windows\explorer.exe" ) expandcollapse popupMacro ScriptDir () GetPathPart(ProgramFilename()) EndMacro Macro ScriptName () GetFilePart(ProgramFilename()) EndMacro Macro ScriptFullPath () ProgramFilename() EndMacro Macro DesktopCommonDir () GetUserDirectory(#PB_Directory_Desktop) EndMacro Macro MyDocumentsDir () GetUserDirectory(#PB_Directory_Documents) EndMacro Macro ProgramFilesDir () GetUserDirectory(#PB_Directory_Programs) EndMacro Macro TempDir () GetTemporaryDirectory() EndMacro Macro Hours () FormatDate("%hh", Date()) EndMacro Macro Sec () FormatDate("%ss", Date()) EndMacro Macro Min () FormatDate("%ii", Date()) EndMacro Macro MDAY () FormatDate("%dd", Date()) EndMacro Macro MON () FormatDate("%mm", Date()) EndMacro Macro Years () FormatDate("%yyyy", Date()) EndMacro Macro CRLF () #CRLF$ EndMacro Macro CR () #CR$ EndMacro Macro LF () #LF$ EndMacro Macro MsgBox (flag,Title,Text) MessageRequester(Title, Text, flag) EndMacro Macro StringLen (String) Len(String) EndMacro Macro StringLenS (String) Str (Len(String)) EndMacro Macro ClipPut (String) SetClipboardText(String) EndMacro Macro ClipGet () GetClipboardText() EndMacro Macro Sleep (Time) Delay (Time) EndMacro ; !i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i Macro Randoms (Minimum,Maximum) Str (Random(Maximum,Minimum)) EndMacro Macro DirCopy (Source,Dest) CopyDirectory(Source,Dest,"", #PB_FileSystem_Recursive) EndMacro Macro DirCreate (Source) CreateDirectory(Source) EndMacro Macro DirRemove (Source) DeleteDirectory(Source,"",#PB_FileSystem_Recursive) EndMacro Macro StringReplace (String,SearchString,Replace,Occurrence=0,Casesense=0) ReplaceString(String,SearchString,Replace,Casesense,Occurrence) EndMacro Macro StringRight (String,Count) Right (String,Count) EndMacro Macro StringLeft (String,Count) Left (String,Count) EndMacro Macro FileCopy (Source,Dest) CopyFile(Source,Dest) EndMacro Macro FileExists (Source) Bool(FileSize(Source) <> -1) EndMacro Macro StringUpper (String) UCase (String) EndMacro Macro StringLower (String) LCase (String) EndMacro Macro StringTrimLeft (String,n) Mid(String, n+1) EndMacro Macro StringTrimRight(String, n) Left(String, Len(String) - n) EndMacro Macro StringReverse(String) ReverseString(String) EndMacro Macro String(String) Str(String) EndMacro Macro TimerInit() Str (ElapsedMilliseconds()) EndMacro Macro TimerDiff(StartTime) Str ((ElapsedMilliseconds() - Val(StartTime))) EndMacro Macro IsAdmin () IsUserAnAdmin_() EndMacro ; !i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i MsgBox (#MB_ICONQUESTION, "Hello", ";)") Debug ScriptDir () Debug ScriptName () Debug ScriptFullPath () Debug DesktopCommonDir () Debug MyDocumentsDir () Debug ProgramFilesDir () Debug TempDir () Debug Hours () Debug Sec () Debug Min () Debug MDAY () Debug MON () Debug Years () Debug CRLF () Debug CR () Debug LF () Debug StringLen ("Hello") Debug StringLenS ("Hello") ClipPut ("Hello") Debug ClipGet () Sleep (100) ; !i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i Debug Randoms (5,10) Debug DirCopy ("Z:\19283746", "U:\56473829") Debug DirCreate ("Z:\19283746") Debug DirRemove ("Z:\19283746") Debug StringReplace ("Hello","el","--") Debug StringRight ("Hello",3) Debug StringLeft ("Hello",3) Debug FileCopy ("Z:\19283746", "U:\56473829") Debug FileExists ("Z:\19283746") Debug StringUpper ("Hello") Debug StringLower ("Hello") Debug StringTrimLeft ("Hello", 2) Debug StringTrimRight("Hello", 2) Debug StringReverse("Hello") Debug String($FF) st$ = TimerInit() Debug st$ Sleep (987) Debug TimerDiff(st$) Debug IsAdmin () Use "Protected". You must declare variables as local. Use "Macro" if the function fits on one line. An additional function will not be called, and instead of a function call, the contents are inserted. Can do so Macro aScriptDir GetPathPart(ProgramFilename()) EndMacro Debug aScriptDir At the end there is no slash. One character must be trimmed. Macro aScriptDir StringTrimRight(GetPathPart(ProgramFilename()), 1) EndMacro Debug aScriptDir Edited March 27, 2019 by AZJIO My other projects or all
ghost911 Posted March 27, 2019 Author Posted March 27, 2019 (edited) @AZJIO thank you for your help I do not think it's a good idea to put everything in macro because with the functions there's a better management of the data it's my opinion I think I'm going to turn some into macros and not others i will copy some part thank you the problem after procedures it does not duplicate I have to find a balance Edited March 27, 2019 by ghost911
AZJIO Posted March 27, 2019 Posted March 27, 2019 Macro StringLen (String) Len(String) EndMacro Debug StringLen ("Hello") In this example, when you compile you get the following line Debug Len ("Hello") Debug, of course, does not compile, but I hope the meaning is clear. If you use the function, the string is copied and it requires memory. If you have a complex macro, has several variables and functions, then you can do it as a procedure My other projects or all
ghost911 Posted March 27, 2019 Author Posted March 27, 2019 (edited) @AZJIO how to return a string or a number in a macro (a macro can not have a return type) Macro StringLen (String,Flag=0) ; not working If flag Len(String) ElseIf = 1 Str(Len(String)) EndIf EndMacro not Edited March 27, 2019 by ghost911
AZJIO Posted March 28, 2019 Posted March 28, 2019 (edited) To understand what is happening, insert the contents of the macro at the point from where it is called. It will be a real representation of what is happening. If you use it: Macro StringLen (String,Flag=0) ; not working If flag Len(String) ElseIf = 1 ; Seriously? Str(Len(String)) EndIf EndMacro String$ = StringLen("Hello") Debug String$ You will have the following: String$ = If flag Len(String) ElseIf = 1 ; Seriously? Str(Len(String)) EndIf Debug String$ I hope it is clear that such code will not work Can do so: Define String$, String Macro StringLen (String1,Flag=0) If flag String = Len(String1) Else String$ = Str(Len(String1)) EndIf EndMacro StringLen("Hello") Debug String$ StringLen("Hello", 1) Debug Str(String) But it is not universal. I said earlier that you need to use macros on one line. Edited March 28, 2019 by AZJIO My other projects or all
ghost911 Posted March 28, 2019 Author Posted March 28, 2019 @AZJIO yes I understood correctly I thought there was no return type
ghost911 Posted March 28, 2019 Author Posted March 28, 2019 (edited) I now want to create a function to read a file (binary or not) and store it in the buffer and it comes out in hexadecimal mode Local $hFileOpen = FileOpen("test RealCompilation.exe",16) If $hFileOpen = -1 Then MsgBox(0,"", "Error") EndIf Local $sFileRead = FileRead($hFileOpen) FileClose($hFileOpen) MsgBox(0,"", "Contenu du fichier:" & @CRLF & $sFileRead) Edited March 28, 2019 by ghost911
AZJIO Posted March 28, 2019 Posted March 28, 2019 PureBasic creates a null-terminated string or a pointer to the memory area. AutoIt3 creates a variable that can contain a null (Pascal type string, pointer and length). AutoIt3 can find Chr (0) in the string, but PureBasic cannot. My other projects or all
ghost911 Posted March 30, 2019 Author Posted March 30, 2019 @AZJIO Hello I am not a great expert in purebasic so I have a question in purebasic strings are limited to a maximum size of 64K,how to get around this limit and find an exact address in memory to find the beginning of a string I imagine divide it into several pieces the idea is to store the file in hexadecimal form in memory I do not know if it is possible or if there are other solutions to imitate the function autoit read.pb reads himself If ReadFile(0,"read.pb") Taille = FileSize("read.pb") MemoireID = AllocateMemory(Taille) Debug Taille While Eof(0) = 0 String.s=Hex(ReadByte(0),#PB_Byte) CopyMemoryString(String,@MemoireID) Wend CloseFile(0) Byte=MemoryStringLength(MemoireID-Taille*2) Debug Byte Debug PeekS (MemoireID-Byte) Else MessageRequester("Info","Not open") EndIf
AZJIO Posted March 30, 2019 Posted March 30, 2019 I do not know about the length limit of the string. If you read a string into memory, and then retrieve it with PeekS, then if the string is Null, it does not help, the string will still be trimmed. To read the file moving into memory, use ReadData. Data may contain #null. When retrieving data into a string variable, the end is #null. You cannot make string functions work with #null. I haven’t studied PureBasic well enough, so contact the official forum for more accurate information. At least I would try replacing #null with the next character, checking that it was not there before, and then return it back. But how to replace if string functions do not work with it. My other projects or all
ghost911 Posted March 30, 2019 Author Posted March 30, 2019 I find the solution to my problem I miss more than pointing to the right place in memory
AZJIO Posted March 30, 2019 Posted March 30, 2019 (edited) There should not be 64kb restrictions. The limit is the amount of memory allocated to 1 process. 2 GB for x32 Edited March 30, 2019 by AZJIO My other projects or all
ghost911 Posted March 31, 2019 Author Posted March 31, 2019 @AZJIO Hello I just programmed a code to work around the problem and to read a file more quickly it read 33 byte at the same time for a faster reading it transforms any file in hexadecimal to then program the function ReadFile with the flag 16 missing code optimization or new ideas TempsDepart.q = ElapsedMilliseconds() If ReadFile(0,"test RealCompilation.exe") length = Lof(0) *MemoryID = AllocateMemory(length) If *MemoryID bytes = ReadData(0, *MemoryID, length) EndIf CloseFile(0) StringBytes$="" For I=0 To length -1 Esult = MemorySize(*MemoryID)-I If Esult => 33 StringBytes.s=StringBytes+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I),#PB_Byte)+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I+1),#PB_Byte)+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+2),#PB_Byte)+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I+3),#PB_Byte)+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I+4),#PB_Byte)+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I+5),#PB_Byte)+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I+6),#PB_Byte)+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I+7),#PB_Byte)+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I+8),#PB_Byte)+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I+9),#PB_Byte)+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I+10),#PB_Byte)+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I+11),#PB_Byte)+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I+12),#PB_Byte)+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I+13),#PB_Byte)+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I+14),#PB_Byte)+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I+15),#PB_Byte)+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I+16),#PB_Byte)+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I+17),#PB_Byte)+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+18),#PB_Byte)+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I+19),#PB_Byte)+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I+20),#PB_Byte)+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I+21),#PB_Byte)+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I+22),#PB_Byte)+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I+23),#PB_Byte)+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I+24),#PB_Byte)+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I+25),#PB_Byte)+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I+26),#PB_Byte)+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I+27),#PB_Byte)+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I+28),#PB_Byte)+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I+29),#PB_Byte)+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I+30),#PB_Byte)+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I+31),#PB_Byte)+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I+32),#PB_Byte) I=I+32 Else StringBytes.s=StringBytes+Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I),#PB_Byte) EndIf Next Debug StringBytes EndIf TempsEcoule.q = ElapsedMilliseconds()-TempsDepart ; La valeur 'TempsEcoule' devrait être d'environ 1000 millisecondes Debug "Temps écoulé : "+Str(TempsEcoule)+" millisecondes"
ghost911 Posted March 31, 2019 Author Posted March 31, 2019 the code is still slow for large file is missing the solution I thought increased the number of byte read but I do not know the limit yet
AZJIO Posted March 31, 2019 Posted March 31, 2019 Can't you write a long string as a loop? Define StringBytes.s For j=0 To 32 StringBytes + Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I+j),#PB_Byte) Next ; Equally I=I+32 I+32 I think we need a "Step" here. For I=0 To length -1 Step 32 Quote the code is still slow If you copy into a variable each time, then memory is allocated each time, so slowly. Allocate memory 2 times more and copy new data there, and then read a line from the memory entirely. Use the following method: Len=0 ForEach Files() Len + Len(Files())+2 Next *Result\s = Space(Len) *Point = @*Result\s ForEach Files() CopyMemoryString(Files()+#CRLF$, @*Point) Next Instead of "Len" use your string size. My other projects or all
ghost911 Posted March 31, 2019 Author Posted March 31, 2019 (edited) no because with "for" it does not work it's reading byte after byte if the file is big it will take a long time to read it made a comparison of the time with your method and mine to read an executable file with my methode : 32 milliseconds with your method 865 milliseconds For j=0 To 32 StringBytes + Hex(PeekB (*MemoryID+I+j),#PB_Byte) Next Edited March 31, 2019 by ghost911
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